Who Are We Harnessing Ourselves TO?
Matthew 11:28-30 NLT says Jesus said "Come to
me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because
I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light"
My father-in-law was a cowboy, bronc rider and ranch-hand; he grew up with horses and even after tractors and pickups
did the main part of the "pulling" on the ranch, Johnny usually kept a team of horses "just in case".
One of those
"just in case" winters, brought snow deep enough that it was determined the best way to haul hay out to the cattle was to
use a team and wagon so Pete and Jerry were harnessed together and put back into the work force.
Now Jerry was smaller
than Pete, but Jerry was all heart and never had to be encouraged much to pull. Pete on the other hand, although considerably
bigger, tended to think it was just fine to let Jerry do most of the pulling although he was wise enough to at least lean
into the harness enough to not look like a total slackard.
Although this was a bit irritating to Johnny, it wasn't
too big of a factor as long as the hay got out to the cattle and the team wasn't having to strain too hard. The day came though
that brought a snowbank deep enough that the wagon got stuck and even with Jerry's willingness and heart, he couldn't get
the wagon to pull through it.
As Johnny urged the team to pull it was becoming more obvious that Pete was not cooperating
even the least in pulling his share. Finally with the need to get the hay to the cattle, and his temper tested beyond a point
that boded well for Pete, Johnny got off the wagon, walked to the shed and came back with a length of chain in his hand.
back upon the hay wagon, Johnny flopped the reins and yelled "Pull!" Jerry lunged into the harness, willing as always. But
this time that heavy chain came down across Pete's ample rump and Pete also lunged into the harness. Pete being so much stronger
and bigger than Jerry, not only pulled the wagon out of the snowbank, but almost drug little Jerry. The cattle got fed.
the Lord has been bringing that story to my mind a lot lately. I've always understood the implications that "who" we are yoked
to - harnessed to - makes a big difference. Satan's motives are to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus has come to bring us
Life. (John 10:10)
I don't know about you, but there have been times in my life when even as a believer and a precious
child of God, I've looked around to discover that my "harness" has got unhooked from Jesus and has gotten hooked up to another
harness that is pulling me back or pulling me the wrong way or just plain isn't comfortable... and I find myself in shock
asking "How in the world did this happen?"
While contemplating this, the Holy Spirit brought me to Colossians 3:17
"And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through Him to God
the Father."
I asked God "What does this have to do with Who I am harnessed to? I know there is something more here
You're trying to show me."
Suddenly the picture of the "harness" flashed into my mind and the Lord said "Your words
are the harness; what comes out of your mouth determines who you harness yourself to."
Man, time for some speech therapy!
Am I saying God's Truth? Am I speaking His promises over me? Am I declaring His will in my life no matter what circumstances
look like? Or have I been repeating the curses (either intentional or unintentional) that others have spoken over me in my
As I thought about these things, the Lord said "Take all those words that you have spoken (or had others speak
over you) that don't line up with my Word.... and take them to the Cross. Put them under My Blood. Bring the words that you
have spoken over others... those words that don't represent Me... and put them under My Blood. Don't speak words any more
that harness yourself to the "persecutor of your soul", but say those things that represent Me! Say those things that will
bring you (and others) Life!"
Do you need some re-harnessing in your life? Here's my prayer for you.
I lift all of those who are reading this up to You. Lord for those who have had words of pain and belittlement spoken over
their lives either from parents, spouses, bosses, friends, or anyone in authority over them .... we take those words to Your
Cross and leave them there under Your Blood. Lord for those who have said hurtful words to their children, friends, co-workers,
parents or anyone under their authority... we take those words to Your Cross and leave them under Your Blood. Lord, we take
the words we've spoken against ourselves... words of doubt, cursing words of deprecation or failure.... anything we've declared
over our lives that doesn't line up with what You intend for us (and Your intent for us is for good and not for evil - Jeremiah
29:11) we take them to Your Cross and leave them under Your Blood. Holy Spirit help us to stay harnessed to our Lord and Savior....
may the Words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to You Lord! (Ps 19:14) God Bless you
Marla nowalive@hotmail.com