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Comforted and Comforting
2 Corinthians 1:3,4 (NLT)
All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God Who comforts us. He comforts us in all our troubles so that
we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.
Have any of you noticed that we aren't exactly living
in the Garden of Eden? Oh you have huh? You've experienced trouble in your life? (did I just hear someone way
"Well, duh Marla!"?) One things for sure, and I really hope you have got this one secured in your heart .... God didn't
do bad things to you so that you could grow and help others. He's not evil, vindictive and nasty; those adjectives
belong to the devil and his bunch. Trouble happens .... we live in a world the Lord never meant for us to dwell in;
a place not perfect. GOD DOES NOT DO BAD THINGS TO YOU!!! But when trouble comes, He is there to comfort and help.
Sometimes He will absolutely deliver you .... and other times He'll just absolutely help you get through it.
Because of Him we can come through trials stronger and more compassionate and with a sense of victory. Then God will
twist ol' slewfoots tail a bit more ..... and bring someone across your path that is facing the same trial you went through!
He'll provide opportunity for you to put your arm around someone's life and help them to either stay on their feet ... or
get back on their feet. One of the great things I love about watching rodeo and being around the riders, is listening to them
when their competitor is getting ready to ride. They are right in there giving tips on how that horse or bull bucked
for them and giving their opponent and "edge" to win. When we help someone else "make a great ride" ..... we all win
.............and the devil loses.
Lord, help us to receive Your Comfort and to comfort
and encourage others. You are God no matter what is happening in our lives and nothing can change that. So help
us to look expectantly to You in every situation; knowing we will see Your goodness in this land of the living. Thank
You Lord for "divine appointments" with others who need to hear of Your delivering and saving Power and Mercy in the situations
we have faced. May You receive Glory and may they be drawn closer to You! Amen.
Watch Your Step
Proverbs 4:26 (Amp)
Consider well the path of your feet, and let all your
ways be established and ordered aright.
Crossing the Little Missouri River on the 101 Ranch
where we worked in North Dakota, was always interesting. Being a "scenic river", there were no bridges so you just drove
across .... when the river would let you, of course. In the winter time you drove across on ice, but when that first
crack started in the spring, you'd better be off it. Then in the summer it got pretty shallow and was crossable again.
Even then you needed to be careful. One thing I was taught growing up, was that you crossed rivers and creeks only where you saw tracks of animals crossing it and if a horse didn't want to cross at a certain
place.... you took it's wise counsel and found another place to try to cross. The shallow crossing on the Little Mo
was always changing as rocks and dirt shifted. The place you crossed yesterday might be the place you get stuck in today.
From the ranch house you could watch as people drove down to the river but you couldn't actually see as they crossed .....
you just watched to see if they came up the hill on the other side. There was one guy who crossed it a couple times
a week with his little stationwagon .... and he always tried crossing in the exact same spot.... in the exact same
way .... each time. It was tempting to leave him stuck there sometimes, but "The Cowboy Way" always demanded that we
get the tractor and go pull him out of his predicament. The Bible talks a lot about being led by the Holy Spirit and
following the path the Lord sets before us. This Christian "Walk", though, is a lot like that river; if we insist on
going our own way (or doing things the "way we've always done it!"), we're prob'ly going to get stuck and in danger of "drowning".
We've all ignored that "still small voice" of the Holy Spirit guiding us at some time or another ... and recognized later
that we sure made it hard on ourselves. When we cry out to the Lord though, he always "brings the tractor and chains."
He pulls us out .... but He keeps saying "Listen to my counsel; let me lead you." His desire is for us to
have "a safe crossing" and able to complete our mission. He's not trying to delay us .... he's trying to keep us on
solid ground.
Lord, help us to develop hearing ears and hearts that
are looking for your signs and guidance. Help us to not overlook or ignore your warnings. Help us to always seek
Your Good Path and Your Timing. You are Lord of The River and You are Lord of The Path ..... thank You Lord for Your
Guidance and putting our feet on the solid ground of "listening and obeying". For Your glory Lord.. Amen!
Don't Get Hamstrung
Romans 16:17 (NLT)
And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and
sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people's faith by teaching things that are contrary to what
you have been taught. Stay away from them.
Back in days before cars and tanks and airplanes,
the horse was a powerful force in a war. They not only provided transportation and a means of delivering everything
from messages to food, but the horse itself was often a weapon. Often, as the conquering forces came through, they would "hamstring"
the war horses (especially the chariot horses) of their enemies. This entailed slashing the tendons on the horses legs.
If the horse survived, it might be used for some light work or light riding, but could never again be used to swiftly pull
the chariots or to run an enemy down. It's gait and endurance was altered from it's original ability. God gives
each of tremendous gifts and abilities and His Own Power to walk through this life and to affect others. Some of you
have heard God call you to do specific things for His Kingdom. But then people (some well intended and some not) come
across your path and start "upsetting your faith". They may tell you that you are getting "carried away" or that you
didn't go to the right kind of seminary, or that "it isn't your place". You'll hear all kinds of things presented to
you in a fashion solely designed to "change your gait". Now, don't get me wrong.... I'm not saying you shouldn't take
counsel from your Pastor or others in the Body of Christ. We're not talking about being rebellious here. What
I'm saying though, is that: If you have heard His Voice in that deep place within you (if you have heard a special promise
or instruction to you, and it doesn't go against the Word of God) ..... then don't let it be stolen from you. Don't
let the enemy come in (even in the form of a beloved family member or saint in the Lord) and "hamstring" you! Don't
rush in ahead of God (trying to make something happen in your own strength and timing), but don't keep pulling back either.
Let Him set the pace and the stride and the destination ..... and keep going.
Lord help us to recognize any rebellious areas in
our lives where we are not heeding wise counsel, but Lord also help us to recognize when the enemy is trying to dissuade and
side-track us. Help us each to hear You clearly and have confidence in Your ability to Appoint and Anoint us .... and
send us. Help us to walk through each day .... on the path You have set before us in the Peace of knowing You can handle
every step we take. Thank You Lord for leading and equipping. Thank You for opening doors and shutting doors.
Thank You Lord for preparing the way and going before us! For Your Glory Lord, Amen!
Listen Thoughtfully
Proverbs 19:27 (NLT)
If you stop listening to instruction, my child, you
have turned your back on knowledge.
One of the definitions of "listen" is: to give
thoughtful attention to what you hear. Ever find yourself talking to someone and offering some advice about a situation
they are facing (especially one that you've went through yourself and learned a valuable lesson from) and you know
they have already "tuned you out" and aren't about to receive what you are offering? Ever responded that way yourself;
and later wished you had paid more attention? Ok...so maybe you haven't (ya right); but I sure have. I'm trying
to get myself to cooperate with God more and really "listen" (give thoughtful attention) to that voice of the Holy Spirit
in me. You know...that little voice, that when you're starting to have vain (worthless, foolish, silly) imaginations
about some situation, it says "You know that isn't right!" That voice that you shove down because you want
something your way .... and quit listening? Ya... that voice...ha! I'm sure you've all heard of the "Tree
of Knowledge". I was thinking about how appropriate a tree symbolizes knowledge. The trunk is the "obvious" thing
we see or hear. Sometimes we "listen" a little more thoughtfully though and start seeing the bigger branches.
That is a dangerous place ... because then we sometimes start thinking we are really wise ..... and we quit listening
there. But when we get submitted and " be still" before the Lord, He starts revealing the smaller branches .... and
the smaller twigs.....and the leaves...... and the veins in the leaves...... and a grand intricacy begins to be revealed.
Then we suddenly become wise because we begin to realize how very, very much ..... we don't know. Do you want prestige,
power and honor? Start "listening" when the Holy Spirit says "Be humble; be a servant." Want prosperity?
Start "listening" when the Holy Spirit says "Give out of what you have now." Want love and commitment? Start "listening"
when the Holy Spirit says "Give love and depend only on Me." Want to be a Pastor, teacher, prophet, evangelist?
Start "Listening" to the Holy Spirit when He brings someone to instruct you ..... especially if it's someone YOU don't
think is as smart or as Anointed as you think you are *smile*. Never take the chance of turning your back
on knowledge.
Lord, help us to really "listen" ... to give that
Godly, thoughtful attention to Your Holy Spirit and to those You have put in our lives to give us instruction. Lord,
help us to see more than the tree trunk, and to listen long enough to see the intricacies of what You would
have us know. Deliver us from pride and wounds and anything else that would keep us from being open to hear Your instruction.
Help us to have the Wisdom to know .... that we know so little. Lord, it's comforting knowing that You know everything
.... and You will lead us as we allow. Lord, give us "listening ears" and "hearing hearts" .... and lead on!
Dwelling in The City
Psalm 107:6,7 (NLT)
"LORD, help!" they cried in their trouble, and He
rescued them from their distress. He led them straight to safety, to a city where they could live.
An awesome, powerful prayer ............ two words;
"LORD help!" Not hours of "knee time"; not repetitive petitions; not elegant phrases ... just a heartfelt cry to the
One Who could do something about the situation. And look what God did with that prayer! Isn't God just cool????!!!!
Note too, that God didn't lead in a meandering line or in a circle ..... He led "straight" to safety. One of the definitions
for "city" is: "An inhabited place of greater size, population or importance than a town or village. That is where God
leads us ..... to a bigger place! Yahu! We're in depression and He says "Come to Joy!". We're in anxiety
and He says "Come dwell in Peace". We're in financial difficulty and He says "Come, tithe and give offerings and dwell
in prosperity." We're in anger and bitterness or jealousy and God says "Come... follow my straight line to Love and
soundness of mind." God always offers "better" place for us to dwell. Sometimes though, we first have to realize
we're "in trouble" and cry out for His help. Never be afraid to do that ..... He's never going to reject you for "being
in trouble". He's just going to lead you (as you will allow) in a straight line .... to dwell in a bigger, better place
that is fortified and defensible against the enemy.
Lord, help us to recognize area's in our lives where
we are in trouble and haven't cried out to You. Lord, thank You for leading us to places of safety and security in You.
Lord, help us trade these small, cramped places we have been dwelling in.... for the larger, more secure place You offer.
Thank You Lord for Your Love!
A Different Kind of Judgement
1 Corinthians 11:31,32 (NLT)
But if we examine ourselves, we will not be examined
by God and judged in this way. But when we are judged and disciplined by the Lord, we will not be condemned with the
Guess first we have to look at what "in this way"
refers to. The previous scriptures talked about people getting together (maybe not in a formal church...but with the
appearance of fellowshipping) and totally dishonoring the concept of the "Lord's Supper" (in this day and time = Communion).
They were being gluttons, greedy, inconsiderate, cliquish and in general not honoring the Body of Christ. So Paul was
taking 'em to the woodshed. I don't think he was just doing this because it torked him off to see or hear of
them being so disrespectful .... but he also saw what their attitudes and actions were costing them. Verse 30 says "That
is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died." When we are doing "Holy Functions" in unholy ways; when
we are ignoring the needs of others (and focusing on ourselves); when we form Cliques (especially within the body of Christ)
..... we really do pay a price. But ... GOOD NEWS!!! When we start looking honestly at ourselves ... our motives,
attitudes and actions ... then we close a lot of doors to the enemy. When God corrects His people though (takes us to
the woodshed); it's for a far different purpose than what will happen when unbelievers face Him on that "Great Day
of Judgment". I don't think God likes to "take us to the woodshed" any more than a good parent likes to withhold Blessings
("No TV for you until you get those grades up!). But God sees beyond "this moment" .... "this pleasure"
.... "this event". He has a great future planned for us .... here on earth, not just after we get to heaven;
and He knows the "People of His Character" that we need to be to obtain that future! So ............... cooperate people
.... ha! Give yourself a good look and get your act together ............. we're going on the Road!!
Lord, thank You for helping me to gain greater things
in my life than what I am and what I do now. Lord, thank You for helping me to examine myself and "clean corners".
Lord, help me to shut doors to the enemy ... and always be open to You!
2 Samuel 11:11 (NLT)
"If the Arameans are too strong for me, then come
over and help me," Joab told his brother. "And if the Ammonites are too strong for you I will come and help you."
We all have different enemies; Joab had the Arameans
and his brother Abishai had the Ammonites. Our enemies can be sickness and disease that attacks our bodies...or it can
be hurtful words or vain imaginations that attack our emotions. There's all kinds of "enemies" out there to be dealt
with: cancer, HIV, flu, divorce, addiction, laziness, poverty, betrayal, loneliness, discouragement .... the list goes on
and on. But the thing is ... WE need to deal with it. We may need to curl up on "Dad's" lap for awhile and get
strengthened.... but then we need to allow Him to help us down and go on the attack. Two things: 1) we need to "cover
each others backs". God put His Body together to be a unit. There's times we need to fight through something on
our own .... and there's times we need to call on one another for help. We're always to uphold each other in prayer
for sure. & 2) "Attacking" doesn't mean ranting and raving at the devil (unless the Holy Spirit tells you to do that...then
go for it.) Do you know that a great "weapon" is just going about and "doing what is right"? Another way to "attack"
is to sing praises and to speak to yourself about how good God is and the good plans He has for you. It's refusing to
meditate on the problem and choosing to take control of your thoughts and direct them toward Godly Truths. "Pleading
the Blood of Jesus" isn't necessarily saying "I plead the Blood of Jesus!" .... it's proclaiming what His Blood has bought
you ... what He's done for you! So............ don't set there trembling about what the enemy might do to you!
Go after him ..... praise, proclaim God's goodness ... snuggle into God! And if you see a brother or sister being attacked......
watch his/her back. Don't aid the attacker for heaven's sake! Encourage, exhort .... ask the Holy Spirit how to
help ... and pray for sure!
Lord, thank You that You give us all the tools and
weapons we need to put our enemies on the run. Thank You Lord for giving us brothers and sisters in the Lord to stand
with us. Thank You Lord for going out before us and preparing the enemy for defeat! No enemy is greater than You
.... no enemy is smarter than You!!! You are our victory! Thank You Lord!!! Amen!
Visions May Tarry
Habakkuk 2:3 (Amp)
For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it
hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because
it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on it's appointed day.
Ok... they got me. They got me good too!
Oct. 30th was my 50th birthday and although in the past I've resisted big productions, this year I really wanted to celebrate.
I think turning 50 is pretty cool .. especially since due to childhood health problems I wasn't expected to live to see my
6th birthday. Then there's all the changes the Lord has brought about in my life ... lot's to celebrate. But Wednesday
the 30th was just a miserable day for me. Rem was on the road and not able to make it home that night; my son forgot
to wish me happy birthday (he really had thought he'd done it early in the morning) until about 10:30 that night .... after
my daughter-in-law said she didn't want me to feel they'd forgotten ... "...even though we lost your birthday card."
And on top of it all I had the flu all day and even missed church that night. Not the birthday I'd envisioned for sure.
But I, of course took it like a Godly, Loving, Mature Christian ............ NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, maybe I didn't
rant and rave ... but I made sure my family, my Pastor and my close friends all knew how I'd been cheated! And they
really did show appropriate sympathy (the charlatans!). There was a little light in the tunnel though when a couple
good friends from Miller invited us over to their place Saturday evening for supper: "Since we haven't gotten together in
ages!" I was really looking forward to it and reminded Rem several times to make sure to tell his dispatcher he (Rem)
had to be home by 5pm on Sat.! As I was leaving work, I called home and my daughter-in-law answered the phone.
She said Rem was home and getting ready so I told her to tell him I was on way home and "It's been a horrendous day here ...
I'm ready to party!" She later said she was SURE then that I knew their plans for the evening! As
we were leaving the house I asked Joy when Justin would get home from work...she indicated about 6pm. Told her good
... she wouldn't be alone for the evening (boy that was an understatement!). Got to our friends home and visited for
awhile and our hostess said it had been such a busy day that she hadn't even made supper....they were taking us out for dinner.
Now I MUST have been tired..... can't believe I wasn't even ONE BIT suspicious .... or (and I'm suspicious this was the case),
God was in cahoots with them all. As we were leaving the house, I started in ..... this would make up for the horrible
day I'd had on my birthday. Rem looked appropriately "sheep faced" and my friends looks appropriately sympathetic and
on my side as I went on and on about how Rem hadn't planned anything special....the kids hadn't even given me a card ................and
"They didn't even get me a cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Did any of them try to stop me? No. Did the
Holy Spirit try to stop me? Of course. Anytime I had complained in the last 3 days ...there was that little
bitty small voice deep within saying gently saying "This isn't the way to act." But did I listen????? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
We got to the cafe and I sat in our usual booth, but the owner (she SEEMS so sweet and precious....but BOY is she devious!!!)
came and said the back room was open and would be warmer and provide more room if we wanted to go back there. So
"back there" we went ............. right into Marla's 50th Birthday Surprise Party! There was Justin and Joy, a couple
more close friends ... all waiting with the appropriate gag gifts, wonderful gifts ...............and and awesome cake (Which
had the picture on it that is sent with this as an attachment). And GLOAT !!!! They were ALL SO GRACIOUS!!!
ha It was hilarious though .... and a grand evening.
Two things really kept coming to my heart though after
this. One was that this was the way we often treat God's promises. He says to hope in Him .. to trust Him; but
when things don't come about the way we think they should or as soon as we think they should, we begin to be discouraged and
maybe even grumble. The second thing was something I brought up to Rem. I recognized how hard it must have been
for him (not at all in a gleeful, gloating way) to have kept quiet about all these wonderful plans (they had been
in collusion on this for over a month) when he knew how bad I felt (physical and otherwise) on my actual birthday.
He's not a man with a hard heart .... but he forced himself not to reveal the secret because he knew how much greater my joy
would be in a few days. God has a perfect time for everything He does in our lives .... for us and through us.
If things seem delayed ... there's a reason. Don't loose hope .... don't loose your confidence in HIs Love for you.
Just know... the "party" is coming!
Lord, I lift up all those who have seen their
visions and dreams "tarry". Bring to their hearts and minds reassurance that Your plans for them are still for good
and not for evil and that Your Word never fails. Lord, renew our hope and confidence. May Peace fill our lives
as we wait "expectantly" to see the fulfillment of all the promises You have spoken in your Word ... and all the
promises You have spoken in secret to our hearts. For Your Glory Lord ... Amen!
Psalm 73:28 (NLT)
But as for me, how good it is to be near God!
I have made the Sovereign LORD my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things You do.
When I read this scripture, the words "I have made"
seemed to stand out to me. Then I felt led to look up the word "made" in the Webster's Dictionary. Did you know
that one of the definitions for made is "assured of success"? Our son was playing with his 10 month old daughter this
evening and they were having a grand time. Baby Rose was crawling on the floor and dad was crawling also and "chasing"
her. Rose squealed as she headed for safety (in this case...mom) and as dad rounded the corner after her, he was met
by Rose's "protector"..... our dog, Jessi. Rose made a grand escape while Jessi playfully (but insistently) mauled
dad. Rose was "assured of success" ... ha. Just some thoughts on shelters: 1) The shelter doesn't follow you ....
you go to the shelter. Can't you just see someone out in a hail storm, yelling at their house "Get over here!!!!
I need your protection!!!!" It just ain't gonna happen pilgrim! 2) You need to choose your shelter wisely.
If someone is shooting at you... hiding behind last weeks newspaper, just isn't going keep the blood inside
your body! 3) The shelter needs to have a way to get inside it. A 5-foot thick concrete wall building is a great
shelter.........if it's got a door .... and one that you can open! Really now.. think about it; what shelter is there
that is more secure and safe than God Himself? But YOU have to go to Him; you can't be running away from Him and then
complain because He let bad things happen in your life. And You need the "Key". Jesus is the "door" (John 10:7) and
He's not there blocking the way .... He's there making a way! And like the scripture says, it's so good being near God;
just sooooooooooo good!
Lord, help us to recognize when we aren't fully in
Your sheltering Presence. Help us to stay close to You and enjoy being near You. Lord, open the Eyes of Our Understanding
that we see clearly any "beautiful deception" that invites us into a frail and unsafe "shelter". Lord, we want You ...
and only You .... because it really is so very good being near You! Thank You Lord for Your Shelter!
Fine Tuned
Proverbs 12;1 (NLT)
To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to
hate correction.
The piano tuner was here today. This last summer
I was Blessed to have a prayer answered and got a great deal on a used console piano. I play mostly "by ear" and knew
it needed tuning, although it wasn't terribly bad (some even said they couldn't tell that it was off-key). As
I listened though, while the expert started checking each key and adjusting as he felt needed ..... something became very
obvious. As each key came into proper pitch, the other keys started sounding very obviously "off key". Pretty
soon it came to the point when he'd get one key "just right" and move to the next, the un-tuned key would grate on my ears
and I could hardly wait for him to get things fine tuned and all in harmony! Don't we get like that though? We
go about our daily walk with the Lord and if we aren't frequently doing "heart checks" and listening to (and obeying) the
Holy Spirit's guiding and corrections..... don't we get to the point where we don't really pay attention to the fact that
something in our life is a "little bit off"? Or maybe even when we recognize something in our lives that the Lord is
working on .... we make excuses and say "Well, it's not really that bad". It's pretty sobering then when one
day the Holy Spirit gets our attention and we really take an honest look at ourselves ... and go "Yuk .... how'd I get that
far off-key?" We've got a choice then ...we can look at someone else who acts worse than we do and say "Oh... I'm ok
yet" or we can get mad and self-pitying and say "I'm never going to be perfect ... Lord, You're asking too much of me!" or
"I might as well give up... what's the use"! Or ... we can say "Lord, I'm sooooooo sorry I let myself get this far off
course... help me Lord to get back on track and stay there!" Now, if you were trying to correct your kids so they would
be successful and not have to go through a lot of garbage....WHICH attitude would you like THEM to take? You wouldn't
be trying to hurt them or belittle them .... you'd be trying to genuinely help them. So ........... don't be afraid
of God's correction. He's just fine-tuning us for great things! He knows what He has put in you ... and He
knows your potential. Work with Him people! Work with Him!
Lord, help me to trust You so much that I'm not threatened
or resistant to Your correction and fine-tuning. Open the eyes of my heart Lord so I see areas where I'm not exactly
"on pitch" and help me to submit to the adjustments You desire to make in my life. Lord, I don't want to be deceived
(and especially not to deceive myself) and miss what You have in store for me. Lord, here I am ... help me to become
a beautiful "instrument" of praise for You! For Your glory Lord! Amen.
Jeremiah 33:1-3 (NLT)
While Jeremiah was still confined in the courtyard
of the guard, the LORD gave him this second message: "The LORD, the Maker of the heavens and earth -- the LORD is His name
-- says this: Ask me and I will tell you some remarkable secrets about what is going to happen here."
Can you relate to Jeremiah? He'd been a close
friend of the king (Josiah) to the point of not only being an advisor and confidant, but a friend also. Now here he
was entering a period of imprisonment and persecution..... a "wilderness period" for sure. Talk about an opportunity
to withdraw into a corner and suck your thumb!!! But it was while "he was confined", that the Lord gave
him insight and instruction. I believe there was one "key" though ..... he never forgot who he was, and when the Lord
said "ask"..... he asked. He wasn't a "man in prison".... he wasn't a "man in exile"... he wasn't a "man who'd lost
his powerful friend"; he was what he had always been from the time God had called and appointed him. He was a prophet
of the Most High God and a priest of the Most High God. Imprisonment didn't change that. Death of his friend the
king didn't change that. Nobody else's view of him changed the fact of who he was in God. No circumstance changed
the fact of who he was in God. If you love the LORD, nothing will stop the LORD from speaking to you and guiding you
and showing you favor. Your circumstances are only temporary ..... the wilderness will have it's limits; but while you
are in Christ.... none of that changes WHO you are and what you are called to do. So just keep on! Keep on loving
the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Keep on loving the brethren. Keep on fellowshipping. Keep on asking.
Keep on seeking. And if you're feeling "confined" ..... don't be discouraged; God isn't confined!!! Yahu!!!!!!!!!!!
Lord, help us to have peace in whatever situation
we are in; whether it's a "grand, powerful" time or a "time of confinement". You are the same and nothing is going to
stop You! You are here with us now and You will not be torn from us! Lord, You say to "Ask.", so we are asking.
Show us what You want us to know. We praise You that You are here in every situation we are in and You aren't shaken.
Thank You Lord that Your plans for us are for good! For Your Glory! Amen.
Run For You
2 Kings 9:1-3 (NLT)
Meanwhile, Elisha the prophet had summoned a member
of the group of prophets. "Get ready to go to Ramothgilead," he told him, "Take this vial of olive oil with you, and find
Jehu son of Jehoshaphat and grandson of Nimshi. Call him into a back room away from his friends, and pour the oil over
his head. Say to him, 'This is what the LORD says; I anoint you to be the king over Israel.' Then open the door and
run for your life!"
Every time I read that... I don't know whether to
laugh ... or just shake my head; so I usually do both..ha. How'd you like your boss to say "Take this good news down
to Bob; give it to him....then run!!!!!!" Wouldn't you wonder "Now, is it that this isn't really good news?
Or is it that someone else is going to get jealous of Bob's good news and take it out on me? Or is it that Bob isn't
going to be wise with this good news and do something stupid and get me in trouble????" Hey, let's face it ... delivering
good news is dangerous to the enemy of our soul, so who do you think he's going to try to take it out on? hummmmmmmmmm???
God has got some powerful, awesome "Good News" that He is having His people deliver to others. It's news that says "Hey,
you don't have to keep going the destructive way you're headed!". It's news that says "You can be healed (delivered,
prosper, strengthened, joyful, peaceful, accepted)". It's news that says "There is a way out of this mess you're in!"
When that news is given out though, a lot of things start happening; faith builds, lives are changed and people walk into
their Anointings and Callings. Unfortunately, jealously and strife can arise; people may try to make something happen
on their own; the enemy tries to take revenge and stop a good thing...and sure tries to stop you from delivering any more
good news! So what's a Child of God suppose to do? You Listen .... You Obey ... and You run for you life!
You run right back into the Arms of the One Who sent you in the first place! You do what the Lord tells you to do ...
and you stay in His Word; you stay in fellowship with other believers; you stay in His Presence ......... and you get ready
to "hit and run" again. When you see God moving mightily in someone else's life (or your church); don't get envious......get
to praying! Cover Your brothers and sisters in the Lord with prayer. Cover your Pastor and his family in prayer.
Cover those in authority with prayer. Their success benefits the Body of Christ.... it benefits you!
Lord, help each one reading this be a Holy Ghost Runner!
Open our ears to hear Your instructions. Open our mouths to give Your message. Prepare the minds and hearts of
others to receive that message and may we always keep "running for our lives" to You! Lord, thank You that You are doing
a good thing throughout the land and using us to deliver Your message. Help us to be wise and stay very, very close
to You! May You be glorified! Amen!
Parched and Weary
Psalm 63:1 (NLT) O God, You are my God; I earnestly
search for You. My soul thirsts for You; my whole body longs for You in this parched and weary land where there is no
Unsettled; restless; frustrated; bored; uneasy; feeling
alone even in a crowd. Maybe a different job would help ... or a wilder party .... or a different lover ... or a better
drug. There is a world out there trying to quench a God Thirst from empty wells. They look for that "high"; they
seek acceptance; they want to feel "something" .... they want to feel alive. The demons that hate them come and whisper
"I'll help .... try this." and they offer a sweet tasting drink from a poisonous well. The "hangover" the next day is
horrendous .... because it leaves the seeker feeling .... empty ... and dead. Too often, even in our churches
the "wells" are dry and dusty. But the LORD is doing a good thing and He's stirring His people to drink deeply from
His Sweet, Living Water ..... and make them Wells of Refreshing! He's saying "Come! I am the One Who can fill
those empty places in Your life. Come! I am the One Who wants to make you feel alive and whole and accepted!
Don't look for My Refreshing from others.... you must come to Me! All else will leave you parched and empty. Come!
Drink what I offer .... don't settle for anything less." Our spirits cry out "O God, You are my God!" our hearts
cry our "Oh God, You are my God!" ..... and we are held in His Presence ... and drink deeply .... and are satisfied.
All else is an empty well ...... but in His Presence is what we long for. In His Presence is the thrill we seek; the
acceptance we need so very badly. No hangovers, no let-down, no rejection ...... just HIM ! Completeness.
Lord, we want Your Presence .... we are thirsty Lord;
come fill us! Lord, open the eyes of our understanding so we recognize Who and what we are thirsting for. Lord,
You have sent a call throughout the world "Come!" ..... help us to hear it clearly and smell the sweet water being offered!
Help us not to turn aside toward an alkali bog when Your Glorious River is so near! Open our eyes to what we are drinking....and
if it is anything other than from You.... help us to spit it out! Oh God, You are my God; with all that I am, I thirst
for You!
The Real Thing
1 John 4:1 (Amp)
Beloved, do not put faith in every spirit, but prove
(test) the spirits to discover whether they proceed from God; for many false prophets have gone forth into the world.
Several years ago, here in our local church, they
had it decorated with some real and some artificial plants and trees. Some of the ladies in the church have a real gift
for decorating so always had things looking nice. One time during the service though, the Pastor was pretty animated
(we prefer to call it "on fire") during his message, and as a result an artificial plant got knocked over. It didn't
phase the Pastor and most of the family of believers there just laughed a bit .... but one lady looked shocked and must have
let out a gasp. The Pastor assured her, and all, that it was ok..it was just an artificial plant. That's when
the startled lady laughed and said "Oh no!!! I've been watering that plant every week!" I hadn't thought about
that in years, but it came to mind when I read this scripture today. We really do need to be careful in our spiritual
walk that we don't end up "watering" some artificial "plants". Satan and his bunch really don't care too much if you
know a lot of Truth .... as long as they can sidetrack you from the One Who gives that Truth (note.. all capital letters designate
the Holy, True Living God). That is one reason that years ago I got so deep into the new age movement... I saw a lot
of Truth there that wasn't being taught in the church. But there was always a bit of a "twist" .... subtlety's that
drew a person away from believing that Jesus was the only way .... or even the way. So how do you tell
the fake? Get to know the real thing ... read His Holy Word ... ask the Holy Spirit to fill you (for pete's sake don't
"channel" some demon) and ask yourself "Who does this teaching (person, angel) point to?" Are you being drawn more and
more in love with Christ? Are you pointed to Him for your power and joy? Are you being led to exalt Him (Jesus,
rather than yourself or some angel or person)? Don't be fooled by some artificial belief .... and miss Freedom,
and full and glorious Life with the One Who created you!
Lord, only You are the True, Living God! We
ask for the Holy gift of Discernment so that we aren't deceived by "beautiful imitations". Lord, help us to come to
know You so much that we recognize counterfeits right away. Lord, fill us with Your Holy Spirit and Power and help us
to honor You and stay in the Truth. Your Word says You are able to keep us Lord...and that's what we want. Lord,
speak to our hearts, open the eyes of our understanding, and may we hear and recognize Your Voice always! For Your glory
Shaken But Not Destroyed
Hebrews 12:28 (NLT)
Since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be destroyed,
let us be thankful and please God by worshiping Him with holy fear and awe.
The Amplified Bible calls it a Kingdom "that is firm
and stable and cannot be shaken". You know, God gets in our lives and He can (and usually does) shake things up.
But it's a good kind of shaking ... even if at the time it may not feel like it. It's sorta like going out and shaking
a rug .... dust flies everywhere! You didn't want that dust and gravel or whatever to stay in the rug anyway though,
otherwise it would keep wearing at the material and ruin it. God's kind of shaking is a whole lot different from the
devil's though. The devil tries shaking things up to rob you and destroy you. But God has this wonderful way of
waiting until just the right time ... when He knows you are ready (even though YOU may not feel ready) and He'll start helping
us get rid of the things in us that hold us back, torment us or just plain smell bad. It can feel pretty disconcerting
and uncomfortable ... but the less we fight it... the easier it will go. And after all .... don't we really want
to be rid of that junk anyway? So be comforted in the "shaking" ..... what's left will be "Kingdom Stuff"; you're not
being shaken apart .... you're becoming what God knows you really are. He put wonderful "stuff" in you .... and that
will last!
Lord, help us to recognize when You are trying to
help us and to set us even more free. Help us to snuggle in to You and let You do a good work in our hearts and minds
and bodies. Thank You Lord that You have never given up on us ... Thank You for Your Loving "shake". Lord
help me when I see someone else being "shaken" that I don't look at the "dust"....but I see the beautiful "rug" You have made!
Still Singing
Psalm 103:5 (Amp)
Who satisfies your mouth [your necessity and desire
at your personal age and situation] with good so that your youth, renewed, is like the eagle's [strong, overcoming, soaring]!
This is "my" scripture. A couple years ago someone
laid hands on me and prophesied this scripture over me and I heard a resounding "Yes!" in my inner most parts .... my spirit
agreeing with it. So now when my knees or back hurt... I quote that scripture to my affliction ... and I look forward
to the total manifestation of renewal in this life. I was reminded of this tonight at the nursing home Bible
Study. I was singing an old song, "Who Is On The Lord's Side", which reminds me of His healing power every time I sing
it. Several years ago at Thanksgiving time, I came down with a cold and bronchitis. I was sick for a long time
with it and by Christmas time I had developed a lung abscess and my vocal chords had become paralyzed so the best I could
talk was a painful sounding rasp. Singing was out of the question for sure and I remember the enemy of my soul coming
and gloating "You'll never be able to sing again." Fear tried to rise up, but God's Peace was more powerful and in my
heart I responded "Even if I can't sing any longer .... it won't stop me from Praising and Loving my Lord." In January,
I came across this song "Who Is On The Lord's Side" and I so very much wanted to sing it in church. So every once in
awhile I'd try to sing it...... with very poor results. A couple months later, I was setting, "praying" at the piano
before church services..... only the Pastor and a couple ladies from the church were there with me. I was playing that
song and the Pastor said "Sing it." I explained that my voice still wouldn't allow me to hit the higher notes (even
the lower ones were still raspy) but he encouraged me to try. It was one of those "God moments". I
hit the first chord; opened my mouth .... and I sang. God had restored my song. As soon as the song was done though,
my voice went back to the raspy whisper .... only God could have made me able to sing that song. My voice came back
fully by June .... but I knew that day, months earlier ... that my voice was going to be restored. From that moment
on...what had been a "choice" to believe ... became just very "matter of fact" in my heart and overcoming doubt was no problem
at all. So I encourage you tonight..... His Restoration is very real and His promises never fail. If you've been
believing for something You heard Him speak in your spirit a long time ago....and you haven't seen it fulfilled yet ...................keep
believing. God hasn't forgotten you .. and He didn't take back His Promise to you. While you wait .......
wait praising! His plans for you are STILL for good!
Lord, You've said it .... we receive it.
Help each one reading this to hang on tighter than ever to You and to see Your goodness in this land of the living!
Holy Surgery
Hebrews 4:12
(NLT) For the Word of God is full of living power.
It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what
we really are.
(Amp) For the Word that
God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged
sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of
the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.
Usually when we hear people talking about
The Sword of The Lord, it's related to spiritual warfare. We think of it as a weapon to cut evil powers to pieces and
win great victories for Christ in our lives. Hey, it does!!! But look at this scripture again and see where
it does it. In some far off heaven or battle ground? Well, I think things are happening there too....but THIS
Sword is doing battle in our "thoughts and desires". Do you know how to defeat evil powers and principalities over regions?
Starve them. If we let God's Word do a good job of "Holy Surgery" in our thought life ... then there is nothing there
for demons to "feed" on. I believe the "first" edge of His Sword is the one that for many is the hardest and most emotionally
painful to have cut into us. It's not always comfortable taking a good, honest look at ourselves and our motives.
Hey, we like excuses...ha! We have a lot of "reasons" for the way we think, feel and react ... but we
really don't have an "excuse" to stay in the stinky ol' pig wallow when God is reaching a Rescuing and Redemptive Hand to
us. Nobody really likes to look at themselves and say *with a big gulp* "You know what? I really am lazy........
(or selfish, thoughtless, jealous, inconsiderate, controlling, manipulative, lustful, showing favoritism, gluttonous, threatened
by other's success, stubborn ..... ok...ok... I'll quit...but you get the picture). THAT edge of the Sword isn't
doing this to punish us though ... it's wanting to cut something out of us that was never meant to be there in the first place.
That's where the "second" edge comes it. If we'll allow, it will take that destructive, evil "tumor" and excise that
"thing" right out of there in a way that won't leave any infection or scar. God WANTS to "expose us for what we really
are"! That isn't a worldly exposure.... showing everyone that we are really filthy thinking creatures; this is a Holy
Spirit exposure, revealing God's original plan for us. This is God helping us to be free in our thoughts
and emotions just like our spirit has been set free when we received the Salvation Jesus offered us. Evil thoughts (anything
that doesn't line up with God's Word) will come to our minds and emotions. If it is something in us, then let the scripture
God gave us for that thought....that situation.... do a good work and cut it out of us so it's no longer a part of us.
If it's coming from the outside.....let that scripture knock it right back where it came from so it can't become a part of
us! Let the Holy Spirit do His perfect work in us so we are exposed for being who we really are ... the Children of
Lord! Help me to let You do "Holy Surgery" on
me! Show me what I need to let go of...what I need to renounce. Lord, thank You for Your Freedom! Thank
You for delivering and healing me in spirit, soul (emotions and thoughts) and body! For Your Glory Lord!
It's Here!
Mark 9:1 (NLT)
Jesus went on to say, "I assure you that some of you
standing here right now will not die before you see the Kingdom of God arrive in great power!"
A lot of times when we think of the Kingdom of God
arriving, we think of the time to come when Jesus returns, clothed in Glory and begins the reign of 1000 years. But
in this scripture, since He used the words "standing here right now" .... He obviously wasn't referring to that time.
So what did He mean? Did He lie to them? No; some of them did see the Kingdom of
God arrive ... and I wonder how many of them recognized it as that and realized the "shift" that took place? Mankind
was lost ... they'd lost their "position" in the Kingdom ... and death had come upon them. God took on the form of man
though, and did what we couldn't do because of the sin nature in us. God, as man ... walked a sinless journey to the
cross and became the "pure" sacrifice that bought us back. When did the Kingdom of God arrive? Was it with that
last breath as Jesus said "receive my spirit"? Was it with the first breath again in the tomb? Was it when He
stood at the Great Altar and poured His Blood on the Atonement Seat? It wasn't before the cross occurred, because Jesus
didn't say "you have seen". But there were those that heard Him say to them "you will not die before you see..", that watched
Him on the cross .... who saw the empty tomb .... who later saw him ascend into the sky. I won't argue about when the
"exact" moment was that the Kingdom of God "arrived" ..... but somewhere in that time frame.... it did! And to
this day the enemy of our soul fights with all that he is, to hide that revelation from our hearts and minds. He knows
when we get a hold of this Truth ..... and start walking like we believe it .... he doesn't stand a chance! When we
realize that we are already in the Kingdom (now I'm not talking about heaven here) then, when the enemy whispers "you
can't" ... we'll answer "Through Christ I can do all things!"(Phil 4:13). When he sneers "You're weak and pitiful.",
we'll answer "The Lord is the strength of my life!" (Ps 27:1). When he says "You are stupid!", we'll answer "God gives
me Wisdom because I ask Him for it!" (James 1:5) When he snarls "You've failed!", we'll answer "There is no condemnation for
me because I am in Christ!" (Rom 8:1). Starting to get the idea? The Kingdom is here .... and while we wait for
that time when evil will no longer exist, we can start operating in Kingdom Power NOW!" A baby in a home doesn't know
how to walk at first....but it's still in that home. It dwells in that home and grows and gets confidence and pretty
soon is running all over the place! We're in the Kingdom ... we've been redeemed ... we've been given Power through
Christ. Now it's time to start believing it ... and learning to "run all over the place"!
Lord, give us this Revelation! Help us to understand
that we aren't waiting for some grand time in the future! While we are looking for Your return, help us to walk in what
You have already provided for us. Help us to "grasp" our Freedom in You ... and not believe the lies of the enemy.
Our Strength is in You Lord; our Hope is in You; our Freedom is in You! Help us to learn to listen and obey and
receive the Revelation of Kingdom living NOW!
Always Was
Colossians 1:15 (NLT)
Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.
He existed before God made anything at all and is supreme over all creation.
Jesus wasn't a man whom God made; He was God Who came
in a form we could relate to. He didn't come into that form because He couldn't understand how we felt and wanted to
learn how to relate to us ..... He came in the form of a man .... so we could relate to Him. He came to offer
us a way of Reclamation! He wanted to give us a glimpse of His Compassion; His Faithfulness; His Power ..... but it
was only a glimpse. There is so much more to Him than we can comprehend, but that doesn't bother Him. He's not
asking that we understand every detail. All He's asking is that we believe He is Who He said He is. When we receive
Him as Savior, we have all of eternity to get to "really" know Him. This isn't us becoming god .... this is us
becoming what we were originally designed to be!!! This is a journey... this is a process ... this is an adventure ...
this is a relationship! A relationship with the One Who now calls us "friend". A relationship with the One Who
"always was"! A relationship with the One Who loves us more than any person ever has. A relationship with the
One Who refused to let us go gently into destruction. A relationship with the Lover of our soul. A relationship
with our Healer ... our Deliverer ... our Hope ... our Strength .. our Counselor ... our Provider. A relationship with
the One Who Created us .... and desires to walk with US!!!
Lord, give us each an ever growing awareness of Your
Awesomeness and how great a privilege we are being offered. Help us to come into that close relationship with You
that You desire! Help us to lay aside doubt and pride and insecurity....everything that would hinder our walk with You
in any way! Lord ... help us to daily come to know You more and more and more and more! The more we come to know
You LORD, the more Excitement; the more Life; the more Power we will walk in. For Your glory Lord! Amen.
So Ready
Psalm 86:5 (NLT)
O Lord, You are so good, so ready to forgive, so full
of unfailing love for all who ask your aid.
I read this and was both encouraged ... and challenged.
I was encouraged because quite frankly, don't we need to know (and I really mean KNOW) that God is so ready to forgive
& His love is unfailing???? On a human level, forgiveness comes in some strange packages sometimes doesn't it?
Ever fail since you've been a Christian and had your brothers and sisters in the Lord, "forgive" you? Pretty often,
the relationship never quite gets back to it's original trust and acceptance. Yet in the "worldly" realm, someone molests
and tortures little kids or some other heinous deed and not only are we to forget about punishing them.... we are to put them
in positions where they'll have free access to their victim again! We're a strange bunch. Aren't we glad God isn't
like us? We ask forgiveness ... He gives it. He not only restores us but He helps us to get free from whatever
drove us to need forgiveness! Yahu! That's where the challenge comes in. I want to be "ready to forgive";
I want to be full of "unfailing love"! The only way I can do it though is to keep being filled with Him ... to keep
letting the Holy Spirit ripen His Holy Fruit (Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Meekness, Mildness, Faithfulness, Self-control)
in me. It's the only way broken relationships can be fully restored!
Lord, do this good work in me. Help me to let
go of even the slightest residue of offense. Help me to be someone who restores others through You. Lord, help
me to be patient with those who haven't "totally" forgiven me. It's Your acceptance I need .... and it's Your acceptance
I have through Christ! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Now Lord .... help me to "walk" in that acceptance .....
and offer it to others.
Traveling The Road
Proverbs 20:24 (NLT)
How can we understand the road we travel? It
is the LORD who directs our steps.
I drive 50 miles, one way, to work. I enjoy
driving. It's a great time for prayer and in fact the car in some ways is my prayer closet. I have mementos hung
or pinned to the visor and all over the place. I have a flag button that reminds me to pray for our President and leaders,
I have a Shamrock that reminds me to pray for Ireland (I still say when those "warriors" decide who their "real" enemy is...the
devil is "going down"!), a key ring with a little ceramic "wooden" shoe hangs from the mirror to remind me to pray for
Amsterdam....well, you get the picture. When I leave home at 6:20am, a good part of the year it's still dark yet.
The other morning I left early because of reports of fog .... and for once the weather man was right! It
was thick fog the whole 50 miles! I kept a very close eye on two things... 1) the yellow line to my left & 2) the
white line to my right. Occasionally one or both would disappear for short periods as I passed turn-off's. Every
time that happened...there was a moment ... a split second of pure panic. Where's the road???!!!!!!! I'd hit the
brake (hoping nobody was behind me) and creep along until I could see at least one of those lines again. Now I
thought to myself "Why don't I look for the Lord's guidance that diligently and that desperately? I keep a watch for
those lines when I'm driving on nice sunny days .... I make sure I'm not trying to pass when there's a double yellow line;
when I go to turn I look for the turning lane. If I'm driving someplace I've never been before... I REALLY watch
the lines and the road signs!!! Someone who knows the way, painted those lines and made those signs for
my guidance ... so I could get safely where I wanted to go. There is absolutely only ONE ... Who knows the road I'm
traveling on through this life. That's why God gave us the Holy Spirit .... our Counselor ... our Guide.
God isn't trying to make the road hard to follow!! He wants to make it very plain, the direction and
speed we should go! He wants us to get to this wonderful destination!
LORD HELP!!! Help us to have eyes that see the
road signs...eyes that see the lines of direction. Help us to be desperate in good times...on even "clear days"...to
look for the parameters and directions. Help us realize that Your guidance isn't there to "limit" us....but to take
us further than we've ever been before! Hallelujah!
Prove It God's Way
John 7:2-4 (NLT)
But soon it was time for the Festival of Shelters,
and Jesus' brothers urged him to go to Judea for the celebration. "Go where your followers can see your miracles!" they scoffed.
"You can't become a public figure if you hide like this! If you can do such wonderful things, prove it to the world!"
For even his brothers didn't believe in him.
Having trouble ministering to your family or having
your home church believe that you really have a "Call" from the Lord? You're in good company .. ha. Here was God
living in this home with brothers who prob'ly resented him...... or at least rolled their eyes at him. Who knows, maybe
mom and dad had mentioned their conversations with God about him; maybe he'd matter of factly mentioned what God was going
to be calling him to do. Who knows .... but for jealously or whatever reason, Jesus' own brothers weren't impressed.
You know what, it wasn't a real problem to Jesus. Jesus was in human form and had all the feelings and temptations we
do. I don't think it's sacrilege to suggest that Jesus would have liked to have had the support of those he loved.
But it didn't stop him. He didn't let them goad him into doing something that wasn't in His Father's plan or in the
wrong timing. He didn't deny that he was going to have a great ministry either ... he just told them it
wasn't the time yet. He never sought public acclaim (he later got it when the time was right). He didn't
go out and try to "prove" something. He didn't let their lack of support stop Him either. He just continued on
... doing what He heard The Father tell Him to do.
Lord, help us each to have the spiritual maturity
to just listen to You and not be pushed or hindered by those who are important to us. Help us to lay down pride and
insecurity and just continue doing what we hear from You. Lord, forgive those who don't support us and who discourage
us ... they don't understand. Help us to recognize when You are offering us good council through others....and when
to just be kind but ignore discouragement. Lord, help us to be people who recognize You working in others lives ...
and not be a hindrance to them. May You be glorified in all we do ... and in the way we do it. Amen.
Get Everyone Across
Joshua 3:17(NLT)
Meanwhile, the priests who were carrying the Ark of
the LORD's covenant stood on dry ground in the middle of the riverbed as the people passed by them. They waited there
until everyone had crossed the Jordan on dry ground.
Joshua had a lot of people that he was instructed
to take across the Jordan river ... a river that was overflowing at it's banks. But like everything God tells us to
do, He made a way for it to be done. The priests with the Ark stepped into the water ... the water was held back and
all crossed on dry ground. The thing that struck my heart though when I read this verse, was that the priests
with the Ark, stayed put until everyone was across on dry ground. They didn't just let the leaders across
and then the others had to make a run for it before the river folded in on itself again. They didn't wait until just the healthy
(physically and emotionally) got across. They didn't wait until just the well-to-do got across. They didn't wait
until just those with great gifts and callings got across. They didn't wait until just their favorites got across.
They waited until everyone got across. I wonder ... how often are we willing to be that faithful? That
compassionate? That obedient? Are we willing to look after those who are struggling a bit? Are we willing
to look for those who are getting discouraged and say "Keep going!!!! I'll help!" ? Are we willing to go
that extra little bit (whether physically or in prayer or a phone call) for those who seem to be lagging behind? A Great Pyrenees sheepdog
will lay with an injured or sick sheep until the sheep recovers or dies. If he didn't, the wolves would get that sheep
for sure. But God gave it a protector.
Lord, I ask in the Name of Jesus that You give the
Body of Christ a "Great Pyrenees" Anointing! Help us to "hold the Ark" until all have crossed safely. Help us
not to leave the wounded, the weak, the vulnerable in positions where they will be destroyed by the enemy. Give us the
prayers and the actions to help them across .... and come across safely ourselves. For Your Glory Lord! Amen
Changing Lives Everywhere
Colossians 1:6 (NLT)
This same Good News that came to you is going out
all over the world. It is changing lives everywhere, just as it changed yours that very first day you heard and understood
the truth about God's great kindness to sinners.
Hear and Understand. Do you remember those "lightbulb"
moments when you heard a scripture or a sermon or a word of encouragement and suddenly something was made clear to
you? It may have been a scripture that you had heard many, many times ... but here it was speaking to your heart like
it was some great wonder medicine just discovered. What I've "loved" *rolling eyes* was when I would get some great
revelation (for me) and try to share it .... and it went over like a cement balloon; then a couple months later that same
person would be preaching the revelation I'd tried to share. Or someone comes to share "this wonderful new revelation"
God gave them .... and it was the same one I'd tried to share with them earlier. Ever had a new song that just
went to the core of your spirit and you shared it at a Bible Study or church and it was received luke-warm; then a few months
later someone else sang that same song and suddenly it was "the" song? Now come on...admit it, it's pretty tempting
to get your nose outta joint .... but don't! It's seldom anything personal, it's just that each of us have a time...
a season ... for "hearing and understanding". It doesn't necessarily mean you got out ahead of the Holy Spirit's timing
by trying to share something either. God can plant seeds anyway and anywhere He wants. If we could see how many
times someone tried to share a Truth with us and we just weren't ready (or willing sometimes) to receive it ..... we'd be
a little more patient with others. God is doing something wonderful all over the world though, and people
are "Hearing and Understanding" and it's changing lives!!!! We're doing it at different rates; in different ways and
under different Anointing .... but we're doing it! And you watch!!!! It's going to be "coming together" more and
more and more and speeded up and lives changed DRASTICALLY ! People are going to "Hear and Understand" that GOD is the
One Who is Kind! GOD is the One Who redeems us because He's put value in us! God is the One Who gives us Acceptance
and Reassurance and Dreams and Visions and Hope and Joy and Peace ..... and follows it all with Signs and Wonders! It's
happening ... it's happening ... it's happening!!!! Rejoice!!!
Lord, thank You for helping us to "Hear and Understand"
... increase that Anointing even more in us Lord. Father, You are kind to sinners ... and You continue to be kind to
those You have redeemed. Lord, manifest in our souls (our thoughts and emotions) and in our bodies, what has already
occurred in our spirits. Help us to continually be changed in You ... into Your image ... for Your glory! Amen!
Prepared To Minister
Luke 1:80 (NLT)
John grew up and became strong in spirit. Then
he lived out in the wilderness until he began his public ministry to Israel.
Some of you will read this, nod your head knowingly
and think "Yep, been there; done that." Others will read this, raise your eyebrow a bit and think "Hummmm maybe that's
what's going on with me now!" And some of you will read this and a few days; few weeks or a few months from now will
go "OH!!! So that's what she was talking about." This "pattern of John" (as I like to refer to it) is a
pretty common thing amongst God's children. Unfortunately after growing up and becoming strong in the Lord, it's fairly
common to see Christians become discouraged and quit. They've been operating in signs and wonders; seeing prayers answered
in awesome ways; being encouraged to use their gifts and callings everywhere they turn; and having a close relationship with
their fellow believers. Then comes the wilderness ................ and you find yourself saying "What in the world happened
here???". You feel like you went from being one of the favorites in church to having leprosy; the skies "seem like
brass"; you not only don't see "signs and wonders" following you .... you are just left wondering. Wondering if
you've failed God; wondering if you've sinned; wondering if you had become to self-important; wondering if anyone cares ....
wondering if all those prophecies spoken over you are now "null and void". It's always good to do a heart check to see
if your attitudes and agenda's have been God's ... or just yours; but take heart, you're prob'ly just going through the "John
pattern". When we first come to Christ, we're in the "cute baby" period .... and God gives us lot's of encouragement
and patience ... things just seem easy. But if you are called to enter the Battle .... then you have to "grow up" and
become that Holy Warrior. Hi ho - Hi ho .... it's off to the wilderness you go! To some of you, it will seem like
you've barely been there; others will be there only a short time .... and others of you will start to feel like you will never
get out of that place. Don't get discouraged. Don't give up. Let the Lord do a good work of preparation
in you ... and keep growing strong. He has good plans for you .... but you need to be that "seasoned" warrior....prepared
to operated in Peace and Power and fully led by God ... giving Him full credit and glory. Don't give up ..... wait ....
wait for your marching orders. Wait in Peace and Expectancy for the time when the wilderness will bloom for you in Christ.
Lord, I lift all those reading this up to You.
Lord, for those who are growing and being strengthened, thank You for Your care of them. For those in the wilderness,
Lord help them to remain strong and faithful. For those who have their marching orders...Lord Anoint them and protect
them and Bless them! Keep us all on track Lord ... may we run into Your Arms and hear You say "Well done, faithful servant."
More Than Just Us
Philippians 2:3,4 (NLT)
Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression
on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but
be interested in others, too, and what they are doing.
Let me encourage you with some things this
scripture does not mean. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't care what kind of example your life shows
others. It doesn't mean that everyone else is better than you, that you are of low value. It doesn't
mean that you should be a "busy body" in everyone else's affairs. But it does mean that we should quit being
so self-focused and only concerned about how things affect us. If you've received Jesus as your Savior, you are
a child of God ... and God is going to take care of you. When a need arises, just start thanking God for the answer
and don't take on a burden HE is offering to carry for you. That will free up time to look around at all the other people
God has put in your life. Who needs encouragement? Who needs some rest? Who needs a break? Who needs
a friend ..... a brother or sister in Christ? Want to see God come in and do something grand in your life? Give
Him praise and thanks .... and ask Him how you can help someone else.
Lord, forgive us for those times and areas in our
lives where we are so focused on "us" that we not only hang on to emotions that aren't of You....but we fail to see someone
else needing our assistance or encouragement. Lord, draw our eyes away from "me" and to "we". Lord, You have
put us all together for a reason; help us to not miss this grand interaction and the result of reaching out to others through
You! Thank You Lord... You are awesome!
I Don't Want You To Die
Ezekiel 18:31,32 (NLT)
Put all your rebellion behind you, and get for yourselves
a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die, O people of Israel? I don't want you to die, says the Sovereign
LORD. Turn back and live!
Our tall, cream colored Quarter Horse (actually 3/4th Thoroughbred)
gelding, Relic, was sometimes too "smart" for his own good. He went through a phase where he decided he didn't want
to be caught; so even in a narrow alley way of the cattle pens, you absolutely couldn't catch him without roping him.
If you did get him cornered, he'd turn his rump to you and threaten to kick. Now we'd dealt with that kind of attitude
in horses before and usually patience would win out and they'd finally give in. Relic was more determined though.
We tried every trick we could think of to get him to cooperate ... but for 3 days in that corral....we couldn't catch him.
Finally it came down to the fact that if we couldn't change this attitude of his....he was headed to the kill plant.
To give him one last chance though I came to the corral the 3rd day with two things; a bucket of oats ..... and a black-snake
whip. When he'd turn his rump to me, he'd get the whip laid to it. When he turned to face me ... he was offered
oats. Like I said, Relic was a smart horse; I didn't have to use the whip much before he said "ok...this didn't work...
I might as well cooperate and get my ears scratched and be fed some oats". He never again was hard to catch. The
thing was though, all I ever wanted to do was to treat him well. It didn't give me a bit of pleasure to have
to use the whip on him; but I knew if we couldn't change his attitude....he was absolutely worthless to anyone. Isn't
that what our rebellious attitudes do to us? Make us worthless to ourselves and others? Why head toward "the kill
plant" when all God wants is to love us, treat us well and give our lives purpose?
Lord, show us areas in our lives where we are demanding our
own way of death rather than Your way of Life. Give us insight into areas where we need to repent; areas where we need
confidence; areas where we need to just trust and areas where we need knowledge. Lord, You will never make us choose
the right thing...the right path; but You continually draw our attention that way. Help us to be truly wise .... and
choose Life!
How To Torque Someone Off
Acts 7:54-56 (NLT)
But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed steadily upward
into heaven and saw the glory of God, and he saw Jesus standing in the place of honor at God's right hand. And he told
them, "Look, I see the heavens open and the Son of Man standing in the place of honor at God's right hand!"
Most of the time I've heard this scripture preached that
while the Jewish leaders were stoning Stephan, he looked up and saw Jesus in heaven. I never have an urge to
jump up and correct the speaker because although that's not the way it happened, what they preach lines up with other scripture
... that during our trials, if we look, we will see God's glory. But, just for the record, that's not the way it happened.
Stephan was a man of good character and wisdom (Acts 6:3) and he just went about in The power of God's grace doing "the stuff"
- signs and wonders (Acts 6:8). That landed him in front of the Sanhedrin council .... because he insisted on giving
all the credit to Jesus. So here he stands in front of the "jury" and he has the audacity to have "the appearance of
an angel" on his face (Acts 6:15). The high priest reads the charges against him and makes the mistake of asking Stephan
"Are these charges true?" (Acts 7:1) Now, I don't know how long of a time it took....but Stephan started back at Abraham
and went through the whole Jewish story and toward the end, he's reading the charges against the council! He
calls them stubborn and stiff-necked and persecutors of the prophets and accused them of not following the law! Talk
about torqued; verse 54 said they were grinding their teeth!!! But at this point they had not laid a finger on him.
It was right here though that he pushed them over the edge ... it was right here that full and controlled by the Holy Spirit
.... Stephan looked up and saw Jesus not only in the throne room....but in the most honored place ... at the Right Hand of
God. Who knows what would have happened then....but Stephan had to open his mouth and TELL them what he saw!! (like
who could have resisted even if they'd wanted to???) Here this "servant" was .... telling them that this man they HATED
.... was being honored!!!!!! THAT'S when they lost it.........that's when they laid hands on him...drug him out of town
and stoned him. I believe we are in a time when the Holy Spirit is Anointing God's people to do great things .... signs
and wonders; and it will all point to Jesus. Don't be surprised when the "religious" folks and others who are convicted
in their hearts, start trying to cause you trouble; especially if someone thinks you aren't a person of "standing" or "position".
You just keep "doing the stuff"; giving God the glory and being full and fully led by the Holy Spirit. You just might
be drawn to "look up" and find yourself looking into the Eyes of The Savior ... and you will care less about what people are
saying or thinking about you. Your whole being will be so filled with Love that like Stephan .... you won't hold a thing
against them (Acts 7:59) and you won't want God to either!
Lord, Amen ... make it so!
Light Exposed
Luke 8:17 (NLT)
For there is nothing hidden that shall not be disclosed,
nor anything secret that shall not be known and come out into the open.
Let me tell you a story that illustrates how most people
see this particular scripture. At work yesterday (remember me...the hospital switchboard operator?), 5 teen girls came
in to visit a friend who was visiting a friend. They came back from the patient rooms shortly and were "waiting" out
in the entry way. I use the word "waiting" loosely, because as with a lot of kids this age and energy, it
wasn't long before they were playing with the automatic doors and any free moving signs and what not that was in the entry.
When they would see someone come through the lobby and give them "the eye", they'd stop their shenanigan's for a bit, but
it wasn't long before they were getting on the rowdy side again. They couldn't see me around the corner at
the desk, but I, my boss and co-workers could see them on the security monitor. Finally when it looked like they
may be there awhile and it was looking like the revolving door was in danger of getting something seriously stuck in it ....
I reached for the intercom phone .... pushed the "entryway" button ..... and said "You do know you are on camera don't
you?" Five girls literally ran for the bench, sat down, folded their hands and sat quietly for the next 15 minutes
until their ride came. I was glad the phone didn't ring for a couple of minutes....it's really hard sounding professional
when you are nearly choking with laughter. That's a bit how most people see that scripture...like it's a threat that
everything we do is being watched by God .... and "someday He's gonna getcha!" Yes, God knows everything we do
and it's good to be aware of that .... but remember, His plans for you are for good and not for evil. For this scripture
though, you need to back up to verse 16 which talks about how when a lamp is lit.... it's put on a lampstand ... not hidden
under a basket or whatever. If you don't love the Lord and call Him Savior...YES, you DO need to shudder at verse 17!
But if you love the Lord, He has put a Light in you that He wants to be seen !!! His desire is to put you on a lampstand
and verse 18 says He will INCREASE the spiritual knowledge you have ... as long as you be careful how you listen to Him.
He didn't put His Light in you to hide....He put it in you to SHINE !
Lord, help us to have confidence in Your Love for us.
Lord, we know any Wisdom, Knowledge, Love, Glory, Songs, Prayers, Poems, Kindness, Good desires ... that we have
in us is actually from You. Lord, give us discernment and a listening heart and an understanding mind so we are guided
fully by You. Help us to never try to cover anyone else's "light" and help us to not hold back from letting You shine
wherever You want! For Your Glory Lord!
Not As The World Sees
2 Corinthians 5:16 (NLT)
So we have stopped evaluating others by what the world thinks
about them. Once I mistakenly thought of Christ that way, as though He were merely a human being. How differently
I think about Him now!
He was skinny, smelled of B.O. and cigarettes. His
beard was scraggly, his hair unkempt and his mouth full of broken teeth. His eyes had a bit of an empty look and when
he talked it was difficult to understand him because of the rambling way of talking and and his strange accent (whether regional
or from broken teeth, I'm not sure). He finally got it through to me that he was at the hospital to see a certain Dr.
who said to meet him there. While we waited for the Dr. to respond to the page, I heard about how when this man was
young, he'd played football and now in middle age he was "paying the price" in aches and pains due to old injuries.
Also heard a lot of Viet Nam stories .... many conflicting so it was difficult to determine if he had really been in
Nam or just had friends who had. His language was sprinkled with some words I'd just soon not have heard, but he was
polite and seemed to appreciate the captive audience. Part of me was answering the non-stop phone at the switchboard
.... and part of me was watching the reactions of all the people who walked by. A small minority looked disgusted and
took a little wider path around the area; most had a look of pity and tried to avoid eye contact. Others didn't notice
the man at all; they were intent on whatever they were facing in their own lives. Part of me wanted to shut off the
phone and visit with the man ... part of me wanted him to go set down so those coming in weren't uncomfortable ... but mostly
I answered the phone, smiled as he chatted (even while I was answering the phone) and I watched. I watched as a co-worker
acknowledged that he had waited quite awhile for the Dr. and Social Services to come assist them (it was a horrendous morning
for both the Dr. and SS....it sure wasn't their intent to make him wait), and she went and got him a cup of coffee.
I watched as the busy surgeon came down to talk to him; stood close, looked into his eyes and treated him as if he was a man
of great importance. I watched as the Social Services person helped make arrangements to get him the expensive heart
medicine he needed ... at no cost. The "world" looked and asked "Why does this man even bother to exist?"; God looked
and said "This is my child .... and I want him to know me; I love him so much!" It's strange how you can have tears
of awe almost overwhelm you ... but on the outside looked collected and continue answering the phone without a waver in your
Lord, help us each to have an awareness that we and others
were never just created to "exist". Help us to remember that each of us was created to walk this wonderful adventure
with our LORD. Help us to see beyond the physical ... beyond the mental .... and see the spirit You breathed into each
of us. And Lord, help us to treat others like they are as important to us as they are to You. In the Name of Jesus,
Some More Than Others
James 2:1 (NLT)
My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim that
you have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people more than others?
Ever been in a job where some people seemed to get by with
anything (coming in late, leaving early, sloughing work off onto others...etc, etc, etc) and others just couldn't make the
boss happy even by dying? Ever been in a church where some were encouraged in their gifts and callings and others were
ignored or made light of? Ever been in a place of business and had the clerk walk right by you to offer help to someone
who looked more prosperous than you? Ok, ok... you're getting my drift here, right? I'll tell you what .... it's
far better to be on the receiving end of that attitude than it is on the giving end of that one. God will take care
of us if we're maligned (or whatever word goes with "being dumped on") ..... but we don't want to have to have Him "deal"
with us because we aren't counting someone He made, as precious...especially our brothers and sisters
in the Lord. Unity in our job ... our church family ... our home; comes when we honor what God honors. The greatest
honor He has ever given us .... was to go through what He did on the cross .... for each of us. We all have different
strengths and weaknesses .... may we look past the surface things in each others lives, and see what God sees ..... His much
beloved children!
Lord, show me areas in my life where I have favored some
more than others. Open my eyes so I can see with the heart of love. Lord, help us each to challenge each other
with love when correction is needed ..... and only by Your guidance; but help us to always recognize that You have placed,
in each of our "family", gifts & callings & talents that are vital for the Body of Christ. Lord, help
me to never miss something precious that You have placed in my life .... because I look at another person as the "world" would
see them. May You be glorified!