Given A Home
Psalm 68:6 (Amp) - God places the solitary in families and
gives the desolate a home in which to dwell; He leads the prisoners out to prosperity; but the rebellious dwell in a parched
This last week here, I have had the opportunity to watch
a lot of people reacting to opportunities to help others. There was a great outpouring of compassion and help to people
who lost their homes during the tornadoes the week before. That didn't surprise me though as I know the community we
live in and how people reach out with very generous hearts and helping hands.
This week though we had some dear friends not only loose
their job in one day... but within 2 hrs of moving into a new place --- their home burned down. They lost nearly all
their belongings but the hardest part was hearing the screams of their pets and being unable to rescue them.
In talking with them later, they acknowledged that if this
had all occurred a year ago they would have been so discouraged that they would have returned to the drugs and alcohol scene.
But now they are standing strong, more determined than ever to follow the Lord and give Him Glory. They also have expressed
over and over their gratitude to God for getting them through this hard time... and their gratitude for their church family
and the kind people in the community.
Because the couple didn't have a phone, and because of my
job at our church, I was blessed to be the go-between for those who wished to help out and this couple who received the help.
It's a blast watching people give help...and watching the recipients realize they aren't alone and people really care about
I wasn't at all surprised to have the couple break down in
tears and give me big hugs when I got to tell them that a couple from our church was offering to let them live in a house
they had recently bought. The place needs some fixing up but the owners and our church family will help get it
all ready to be a precious home for the couple. What left me in awe (and with a great joy) was the reaction of the home
owner when I told her their offer had been very happily received. The owner broke down in tears of great gratitude
and awe of how God was letting her help this homeless couple as she also wrapped me in a big hug. I think I got a glimpse
of God.
God doesn't want the desolate homeless. God doesn't
want the solitary to feel alone. God doesn't want the prisoners to stay shackled up with nothing to their name.
God calls us to be a genuine "family". He calls us to freedom. He calls us to provision. He calls
us to compassion. He calls us to His acceptance. He calls us to have enough to help others. He calls us
to be a part of HIM. It gives Him great Joy and Pleasure to give to grateful people. It gives Him Pleasure to
provide for those who Trust and look to Him. The rebellious will dwell in a parched land... not because God wants to
punish them......but because they have turned away from all that God is offering. In His Love is a home, provision,
Life. Cause all heaven to dance and rejoice --- run into the Love of God. He's got good plans for
you.... even in the hard times.
Lord, thank You for loving us and giving us Hope and Victory
in even the hard times. Thank You for the means to help others. May You be Glorified Lord!
A Subtle Theif
Matthew 5:27,28
(Amp) - You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit
adultery. But I say to you that everyone who so much as looks at a woman with evil desire for her has already committed
adultery with her in his heart.
(TMB) - You know the next commandment pretty well, too: 'Don't
go to bed with another's spouse.' But don't think you've preserved your virtue simply by staying out of bed. Your heart
can be corrupted by lust even quicker than your body. Those leering looks you think nobody notices -- they
also corrupt.
You may be cringing now, thinking I'm going to talk about
the evils of porn............. nope. If you don't already know that porn is evil, you have a serious problem.
If you know, but are hooked by it's lure...then get help....confess it.. make yourself accountable to someone (a Pastor, Counselor
or strong friend) who will help keep you accountable, pray with you and help you get free. That's as far as I'm going
with that message.
For the last several months the Lord has quickened me to
pray for different situations to which He's brought my attention. It's a subtle form of adultery that few people would
even, perhaps agree is a problem. Adultery is taking something (in the literal sense, your body and the sexual act)
that belongs to your husband or wife and giving it to someone else. God put us together as marital partners though ....
and that is "Pard" in the true cowboy sense. It's a Covenant relationship where we each share what we have with the
other and we stand together so that weak areas are strengthened. We are to be a real "team" .... invincible in Christ
and solid in Him.
But there is an "enticing spirit" out there that is always
trying to put a wedge between husbands and wives. If he can't do it blatantly by getting you to lust after another person,
he'll do it deceptively by getting you to take what is rightfully your husband's or your wife's and give it to someone or
something else. I'm not talking about sex here... I'm talking about things such as your time; your kindness; your encouragement;
your compassion; and even your friendship.
The husband stays too busy with work (because he's trying
to show love by taking care of his family) so the wife turns to friends for friendship. Pretty soon the "friend" gets
more of the time than the husband does. Of course the husband has already given his work more time than he's given his
Someone becomes gloriously "Saved" and committed to Christ
and just wants to serve any way they can. They are going to every Christian meeting they can; they are ministering
in compassion and friendship to their brother's or sister's in the Lord; they're helping at the book table at conventions
...... they just want to be engrossed in the church and in the Lord. Meanwhile their spouse (saved or unsaved) wants
to talk to them but they can't because they are on the phone counseling some troubled soul. The spouse wants to go for
a walk with them but they can't because they have some other commitment (that is usually a real good cause). The spouse
wants to feel like they are important in their mates life, but the mate tells everyone in their church the struggles they
are going through .... but never turns to their own spouse for comfort.
I think you get the idea. There is a "place" that our
spouse has in our lives that isn't to belong to anybody else. Now that doesn't mean that you can't turn to your Pastor,
Counselor, friend or whomever for prayer or encouragement or guidance ..............but it does mean DON'T LEAVE YOUR SPOUSE
OUT. God is so kind, He gives us wake-up calls --- not to beat us over the head, but so we can avoid traps ...or get
out of them if we've already fallen into them. It's just always good to do that heart check once in awhile and ask "Am
I stealing from my spouse?"
Maybe your mate isn't Born-again and maybe in the past they
have failed you miserably. Ask God to show you some place in your relationship where you can give your spouse back something
you've neglected --- maybe it's having a cup of coffee together... or asking them about some problem. Maybe it's getting
a baby-sitter and going to a movie together. God's a pretty Creative God (in case you haven't noticed..ha) .... He'll
give you some ideas. You used to think that guy or gal was worth marrying ---- let God make that strong in your heart
Lord, reveal to me any areas where I've been committing "adultery"
and show me how to correct the situation. And for anyone reading this who has been wounded because their spouse has
neglected some area in their relationship... Lord heal those wounds, fill the empty places and convict and convince their
spouse to turn to a better way. Give every person reading this assurance that You are the Answer in the middle of any
problem and/or relationship. For those who have a strong marriage and things are going well... Lord, keep that marriage
strong and keep building it in You. For Your Glory.. Amen.
It's a Process
I Peter 2:2:
(Amplified Bible) - Like newborn babies, you should crave
(thirst for, earnestly desire) the pure (unadulterated) spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto [completed]
(The Message Bible vs. 1 & 2 ) - So clean house!
Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. You've had a taste of God. Now, like infants
at the breast, drink deep of God's pure kindness. Then you'll grow up mature and whole in God.
Casey is our half Beagle, quarter Border Collie, Quarter
Lab puppy. She was also the runt of the litter and barely bigger than my hand when we first brought her home.
Copper is our year old yellow tabby cat that the Miller Police Dept. was glad we adopted because she was so cute and friendly
as a kitten that they just hated to have to put her to "sleep" ---- hence the name "COP-per.
When we first brought Casey home, she was only 6 weeks old
and let's just say she wasn't the picture of gracefulness. Copper took great delight in making a high speed attack and
literally bowling the poor puppy over. Copper also delighted in leaping upon the little pup and with claws retracted,
just mauling her. Often in these hit and run attacks, the puppy was left looking dazed like "Did you get the license
of that truck?!" One day when Copper had Casey wrapped up and pretty immobile despite the pups best attempt, I
looked at the cat and said "You know Copper, Casey will get bigger ----- and she's prob'ly going to remember this."
Well, now at over 4 months of age, Casey is almost 3 times
the size of the cat. They are still great friends but the cat can no longer get the best of the growing puppy and is
finding it harder and harder to make her escape routes (witnessed by the pup pulling her off the window sill). One of
their favorite games is tag and if you're not careful, you may get run over by both of them. The pup ALLOWS the cat
to chase her, but if the cat gets too rowdy, the pup always wins and occasionally we have to step in to rescue the cat.
Romans 3:22 tells us that if we believe (having trust and
confident reliance upon Jesus the Messiah), then we have His Righteousness. In other words, the instant we declare Jesus
as our Lord and Savior and ask Him to forgive us, we partake of the Cleansing and Restorative Power of His Blood Sacrifice.
Our spirits are made instantly pure and we are restored to fellowship with God ... we can boldly enter the Throne Room !
Now our souls (our thoughts and emotions) and our bodies
are an on-going process. Many scriptures tell us to grow in the Lord and in the knowledge of Him .......... to let the
Holy Spirit grow His fruits (love, joy , peace, patience, kindness, meekness, faith, self-control etc.) in us. Some
days we, like 6 week old Casey ..... feel absolutely helpless against what life throws at us. Don't be discouraged though
or buy the lie the enemy will try to tell you.. that you're a failure. Just keep seeking the Lord, letting Him reveal
Himself to you and in you and through you. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and then keep being filled daily with Him
and all He has for you. You might feel like you're getting bowled over now... but as you grow in Him .........pretty
soon "that cat won't be able to handle you." God in all His Power and Authority is there with you now and He'll
be right there with you every step of the way if you'll let Him. He's got good plans for you ... plans to prosper you
and not to harm you --- plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11).
Lord, I want to know You more each day and I trust You when
you say you began a good work in may and you will keep developing that in me (Philippians 1:6). Lord help me to grow
not in my strength, but in Yours. Help me to trust You in every situation I face. Help me to allow You to change
me and lead me and to keep me and to reveal Yourself in and through me. For Your Glory. Amen.
Don't Let The Weed's Take Over
II Timothy 1:14
(Amp) Guard and keep [with the greatest care] the precious
and excellently adapted {Truth} which has been entrusted [to you], by the [help of the ] Holy Spirit Who makes His home in
(Message Bible) So keep at your work, this faith and love
rooted in Christ, exactly as I set it out for you. It's as sound as the day you first heard it form me. Guard
this precious thing placed in your custody by the Holy Spirit Who works in us.
We finally got our lawn-mower fixed after it broke down about
a month ago, so I've been catching up with my yard work and that of 3 other lawns I'd been mowing this summer. Two of
the yards had been mowed recently by someone else, but the other two had gotten some fairly high weeds. People are busy
and it's been fairly dry lately so you tend not to get in a hurry to get the yards mowed because you know things aren't growing
as fast as they had been earlier in the summer. When I had driven by the church yard earlier in the week though, an
alarm had went off in my spirit as I saw the Chokeweed (aka Bindweed or Creeping Jenny) and Spider Vein Weed (I
haven't a clue what it's real name is) and even Canadian Thistle taking over some of the decorative rock area around
the sidewalk and front of the church. The Holy Spirit said "Don't let the weeds take over". I recognized a call
to Intercede against something that was trying to get into our church (and I believe the Body of Christ in general).
I haven't a clue what it is and the Holy Spirit apparently didn't seem to think it was important that He give me the specifics.
I just knew that I was to pray in the Spirit (yes, tongues) as He knows all the details and He knows all the answers.
I also felt I was to encourage others to "watch out for weeds" so that is what I'm doing now.
You see Chokeweed in the grass, climbing up other plants
and even veining up trees. From what I understand it seldom kills other plants directly, but it does use up precious
water resources needed by desirable plants. When it's growing in your lawn or garden, you don't always even notice it
right away and it's surprising how fast it can spread and take over an acreage. There are certain spiritual and flesh
"weeds" that can do that too. They are different for each person and each church, but they are those little things that
tend to creep in and you don't even notice until suddenly it's robbed a body (people, communities or congregations) of the
access the Spiritual Water we need to stay strong and healthy. I think spiritual Chokeweeds are prob'ly things like:
complacency, busyness, self centeredness (not even necessarily selfish ... just self focused), lack of encouragement, acceptance
of worldly things (check what TV programs we watch now that we wouldn't have 20 years ago) and lack of fellowship with each
other. We can even find that we've let doubts, discouragement, frustration, depression and other draining
emotions sneak in and not even be able to pinpoint when those emotions edged out Joy, Vision and Confidence.
This church sets along a main highway and even though there
is a big barrel there for garbage on the other side of the road, a lot of trash conveniently gets just tossed in
the grass. As I was picking up bear cans, cigarette packages, candy wrappers and such, The Holy Spirit
said "When weeds are left to grow, they catch even more obvious junk". If we allow things to creep into our lives
that shouldn't be there, the enemy of our soul we be encouraged to throw even more garbage at us in the hopes that we will
"catch" it. I couldn't really mow the lawn though until I picked the big stuff out (cans and bottles, that kind of thing),
but I also found that the weeds hid some of those things from my sight. I wondered to myself, how much garbage is there
in me that I don't see because it's covered up by surface "weeds"?
As "yuk" as that all sounds though, I saw something else
in those two yards. As I mowed the tall weeds, underneath was still grass growing ! The yard may have looked "weedy"
but there was a lot of good stuff there too ! In the one yard as I mowed over a thick bunch of weeds, suddenly dollar
bills started spewing out (weeds can cover up Blessings & good things that are there so we don't even see them).
Unfortunately they were shredded --- but I gathered them up and Rem took them to the bank where he and the tellers had a good
laugh while they "puzzled" the pieces together and determined there was four $1 bills. They took the shredded pieces
and gave Rem 4 nice crisp, untorn bills which we gave to the owner of the property. To me that was God showing us not
to give up on ourselves or each other. Ya, sometimes we can look pretty "weedy" but Jesus is still there and ready to
help us "pull weeds" and restore things!
So, what are we to do? Well, for one thing, just take
a good honest look at ourselves and see if there are any "weeds" starting to grow. If you find some, ask Jesus to forgive
you, cleanse you and make you healthy in spirit, soul and body and to help you make any necessary changes in your lifestyle
or thought process. If you notice "weeds" in someone else --- then pray for them, lovingly confront them as the Holy
Spirit leads you and looks for the good things God has put in them. Sometimes it's easy for us to see "weeds" in others
and not notice the vines that overtaking our own lives ........ we don't want to get into that ditch. But the other
ditch is to notice weeds and not want to interfere so we just let them grow. If you do have to confront them though,
for heaven's sake, let them know when you see the lush grass growing too. :) One thing I've found is that if I encourage
the grass to grow in our yard ----- it overcomes the weeds. So if you look at yourself and see some weeds....
just pull them, Jesus will give you a Hand ..... and enjoy the beautiful grass that He's planted in your life!
Lord, help me to be alert to notice any weeds trying to grow
in my life and to pull them quickly. Lord thank You for making a way that I can do that. If I see weeds in someone
else's life, Lord show me how to help them be free and to feel loved while they are getting there. For Your Glory Lord!
Three in Unity
Revelations 12:11 (Amp) - And they (Believers) have overcome
(conquered) him (the accuser - Satan) by means of the Blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony, for they
did not love and cling to life even when faced with death [holding their lives cheap till they had to die for their witnessing].
John 14:13 (Amp) - And I will do [I Myself will grant] whatever
you ask in My Name [as presenting all that I AM], so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in {through} the Son.
The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit --- the Holy
Three in One --- The Holy Trinity; all three in unity and full agreement. What an awesome thing to ponder and meditate
upon. Sort of sends those good chills up your arms doesn't it .... to think this is Who our God is? What a threesome!
The spirit, the soul and the body ----- us. We are
a spirit, we have a soul (thoughts, emotions) and we live in a body. Interesting.... we also are
"three in one". When we are "saved" (accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior; ask forgiveness and repent), our spirit
is instantly made Righteous and therefore becomes in full agreement with God. Our soul and our body though...
now those are an on-going process (we will be in a training until our last breath)................... and then
they will be in full agreement with our Creator (something I personally am looking greatly forward to).
So how do we get our soul and body to cooperate with our
spirit and God? We all have different personalities --- different body chemistries --- different up-bringings
--- different experiences and sometimes it just seems like the deck is stacked against us.
There is another "trinity" though that is an arsenal
for us to use ---- and NO weapon can disarm it, or defend against it. It's a trinity that is in full agreement
with each other and will help our spirit, our soul and our body come into full agreement with God. It's a trinity that
we need so desperately in these times and in the times to come. It's a trinity that will never, never, never
let us down. It's the Blood of the Lamb (Jesus),
the Name of Jesus, and the Word of God.
When we "plead the Blood" --- we have to remember the right
definition of "plead". It's not that we're begging --- because God gives us the Power willingly through our Salvation.
"Plead" is a legal term and means to argue a case or cause in a court of law. The Blood cleanses us, heals us and declares
us "NOT GUILTY"! The Name of Jesus is also like a legal paper declaring Who owns us and Who has authority over us............and
"IT'S NOT SATAN" or ANY of his bunch! The Word of God is ultimate fact --- no countering it --- no weakening it ---
no stopping it.
When we declare that Jesus is our Lord and Savior,
He gives us the RIGHT, through Him, to the benefits that the Father has given Him. We can answer every attack
--- every situation we face with the Freedom and Restoration and the Power of The Blood, The Name
and The Word! We declare what the Blood has done for us --- we
declare the Authority Jesus has given us --- and we take every thought captive and see Truth come into every situation because
of the Word of God. We refuse all lies that bombard our minds (our thought process) and we allow the Anointing of the
Blood, the Name and the Word to lift our burdens, destroy every unholy yoke (grind it into dust so it can't be put back
on us) and to set us free in every area of our lives. So........... the "Trinity" of God --- the "trinity" that
is us --- the "Trinity" that is our weapon ----------------------Yahu!!! God is ABLE and He causes us to triumph through
Lord, Anoint us to let his become a part of us ..............
so much so that it is the natural thing for us to think, speak and do. Help us to grasp with all understanding what
we have -- how to use THE BLOOD, THE NAME AND THE WORD! For Your
Glory Lord! Amen.
Recognize What God Wants
Romans 12:1,2
(New Living Translation) - And so dear brothers and sisters,
I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice -- the kind He will accept.
When you think of what He has done for you, is this too much to ask? Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world,
but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to
do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is.
(The Message Bible) So here's what I want you to do, God
helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life -- your sleeping , eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life --
and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him.
Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention
on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to
it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you,
develops well-formed maturity in you.
I love to preach, there's just something about seeing someone
come into a service carrying a burden and seeing them leave with a little lighter step.
I love to lead Praise and Worship, to see people forget their
surroundings as they just love their Lord and Savior. I love hearing the voices blend together and then pick individual
ones out and then hearing that voice add something to all the others.
I love to pray, knowing God has put the prayer in my heart
and so I can have confidence that He is answering that prayer.
I love to enjoy my family and home .... teasing my husband,
laughing with our son and grandchildren, playing with the puppy and cat (or avoiding being run over by them as they play with
each other).
I love visiting with friends, either in person or via the
Some days I get to do all of that.............but most of
the time I may be doing good to get to do 2 or 3 of those things. But as long as I'm focused on God and what He's doing
with me --- then whatever I'm doing can be pretty cool.
I don't get to preach much...........but I can always encourage
I don't get to lead Praise and Worship much.... but I can
Praise and Worship while I'm doing household chores (it really makes washing dishes more enjoyable..ha) or just setting
with Him.
I tend to pray a good part of the day... while on the computer
answering an email, or on the phone with someone with a need, or just going about everyday events.
I don't get to spend a lot of time with my family due to
their work schedules and locations ...... but I can appreciate having a cell phone to call them and let them know I'm thinking
of them.
I do get to play with the goofy pup and cat quite a bit ---
which reminds me to pray for those who are lonely and don't even have a pet.
I can't always go out for coffee with friends... but I can
listen to the Holy Spirit and send them a note of encouragement.
The thing is... sometimes life is and exciting "event"...
but most of the times we're just going about our everyday lives. But even in the everyday, ordinary times, we can listen
to an everyday, extraordinary, awesome God who will Anoint the everyday, ordinary times and we or someone else just might
see a bit of heaven because of it. You're never alone, you're never forgotten, and you're never without a purpose.
Seek God and enjoy His Presence and the Path He has for you each day.
Lord, Bless, encourage and Anoint each person reading this
... to hear you a little more clearly, to sense You're Presence as they walk through their day .... and to see You in extraordinary
and ordinary times!
Confident Trust
Isaiah 30:15
(NLT) - The Sovereign LORD,
the Holy One of Israel, says "Only in returning to Me and waiting for Me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence
is your strength. But you would have none of it."
(Amplified) - For thus
said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] you shall be saved; in quietness and in
[trusting] confidence shall be your strength. But you would not.
(Message) - God, the Master,
The Holy of Israel, has this solemn counsel: "Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts
to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on Me -- the very thing you've
been unwilling to do."
How often have you heard
someone say (or said yourself) to their children "Learn from my mistakes"? It seems to me that a lot of the Old Testament
is declaring that to us. We can read a lot of the scriptures like the one above and especially if we've been living
with a spirit of rejection or insecurity, all we "hear" is the admonishment that we didn't live up to God's expectations.
That doesn't line up with God's character though. The whole Bible declares His good intentions toward us and His desire
that we dwell in all the Promises He has for us.
So if in these scriptures
God isn't just blowing His stack (listen, we'd all be crispy critters if that was the case), then what are we to get
out of it? It's ok to let the scriptures convict us as long as we go from conviction to repentance (change our attitude
and get our act together) rather than go from conviction to condemnation and just give up. It's great to read that scripture
and say "On my --- that's me! I haven't been quiet and trusting, I've been worrying and making myself and others miserable."
Don't stop there though, go ahead and say "Lord, I'm sorry, forgive me.... renew a right spirit within me. Lord, I choose
to trust You in this situation and enjoy a quiet confidence. Thank You Lord."
You may say, "Ya, but it's
not that easy, I keep getting attacked by worry .... it's just not like I can shut these emotions down." You know, some
people are just Blessed to actually be able to do that .... Praise the Lord and Bless them. But if you're not one of
them, don't give up. 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to take every thought captive into the obedience of Christ. Think
of your thoughts as a herd of cattle ---- and one of those cows is sick and going to spread disease to the other cattle if
it isn't gotten out of the herd. So you saddle up your best cutting horse (in this case representing the Holy Spirit
and the Word of God) and get that cow out of the herd. She'll try to get back in (thoughts of worry or frustration or
whatever will come at you again), but you just let that good cutting horse do it's job. That cow will jump sideways
and try to get around you ---- but it will come face to face with that horse every time --- and eventually give up and go
where you chase it....... "captive into the obedience of Christ".
Some cows (thoughts) give
up easily, others persist quite awhile and put up a good fight. Don't be afraid to pull out the bullwhip (proclaiming
what the Blood of Jesus has done for you) and do a real attitude adjustment on that thought. As cattlemen, we try to
be as easy on the stock as we can ---- but in this case, feel free to punish and slaughter that thought ---- don't let it
infect your mind, body or spirit.
Just like learning to ride
a great cutting horse takes time but becomes an awesome and enjoyable experience, "taking every thought captive" is a lot
like that. The more you practice it, the easier it becomes --- until it can get pretty fun. And say, isn't it
worth the effort? After all, which would you rather do: 1) be worried, frustrated and feel like you're living in defeat
or 2) experience quietness and confidence and feel strong? Well saddle up!
Lord, forgive me for areas
in my life where I have not been trusting You. Holy Spirit help me to live in quietness and trusting confidence and
experience the Strength You offer. Holy Spirit quicken me to recognize and take every thought captive, help me to be
aware of my thought process and to change it to match Your Truth.
Confident Boldness
Hebrews 4:16
(NLT) So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious
God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it.
(Amp) Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw
near to the throne of grace (the throne of God's favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find
grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].
(Message) So let's walk right up to Him and get what
He is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.
You may have heard the teaching (I have to admit that I've
even taught it that way) that the priests would have to wear bells on the bottom of their robes and a rope or cord around
their ankle when they went into the Holy of Holies so that in case the they didn't do things just right and died because of
it... someone could tell (no bells jingling) and could pull them out. No where in the Bible (or any other Jewish teachings
such as the Dead Sea Scrolls) does it teach that though and it is apparently a legend that came about long after the temple
was destroyed. In Exodus 28:31,35 it does tell about Aaron being instructed to wear a blue ephod with bells on the hem
when he entered the Holy Place in the temple (not the Holy of Holies). When he entered the Holy of Holies he was to
wear a special linen garment, not the blue ephod .. and hence no bells to jingle and listen for.
It makes for a great story though and prob'ly came from people
setting around wondering what happened if a priest did die in there. Unfortunately somewhere along the line it got started
being taught as historical fact. It's just one of those things that show you should always check out all teaching with
the actual Word of God. Don't get me wrong.. I'm not saying you should be suspicious of all teachings... but if we check
those teachings out in the Bible ... we are less likely to be led astray (either intentionally or unintentionally).
I was thinking about this "rope on the ankle" story this
afternoon and I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart and say "My people still come to me too often with a rope tied
to their ankle you know." Just Him saying that about broke my heart --- especially when I know I must come
to Him way too often like that myself. God absolutely ripped that curtain (Matthew 27:51) right in two from the top
to the bottom when Jesus was on the cross. It wasn't a gentle wearing away of the material --- it was God saying "NO
MORE!!! NO MORE will there be anything separating you from Me! Come to Me!!! I've made a way!"
He tells us to come boldly in --- not tentatively, not sneaking, not fearful, not hesitant ---- BOLDLY, with CONFIDENCE !
Yet too many times we come in like we have someone standing on the outside ready to pull our dead body out, "just in case
this doesn't work".
I believe with all my heart that God is wanting His people
to get a grasp of the Love He has for us and the freedom He's given us. He wants to understand that we really do have
all the rights that were given to Jesus... because Jesus gave them to us (read John ch. 17)! He wants us once and for
all times to have it pressed into our hearts ... becoming a part of us ... that His plans for us are for good (Jeremiah
29:11). When we mess up, He isn't going to kill us or even slap us. He's going to pick us up and show us how to
get it right. It's not US ... it's HIM! It's His Righteousness that is now a part of us if we love Him.
So right now... take the rope off your ankle and run on in to Him ---- throw your arms around Him --- tell Him you love Him
--- and receive His Love and acceptance of you. It's ok --- HE never wanted you to be separated in the first place and
He's never changed His mind about that.
Lord, help me to untie this knot of the rope that I have
tied to myself..... this rope of doubt ... this rope of insecurity ... this rope of "what if it isn't for me". Jesus
earned this right and privilege for me ... Lord help me to make it such a part of me that to think otherwise seems foreign
to my thoughts. Forgive me for holding back in any way --- Lord I run to You with Joy and gladness --- knowing that
Your arms are open to receive me and there is an awesome Joy on your face as You behold me. I shake off, by the Blood
of Jesus and the Word of the Lamb, all that isn't true. Lord, thank You for Your Love, Your Direction and Your Provision!
Yahu! You who made me is able to keep me!