Open Invitation
Exodus 25:1,2 (NLT)
The LORD said to Moses, "Tell the people of Israel
that everyone who wants to may bring Me an offering."
Dandelions, sticky kisses, unrecognizable lumps of
baked clay that is suppose to be a jewelry box, snails, lost kittens, colorful squiggles on paper, strange shaped valentine
hearts and an offer to lick their already sticky sucker; these are some of the sacrifices little children bring to their parents.
Maybe you even remember bringing a few of those to your own folks....if you do, you also remember why you brought them.
Because you wanted to show them love and you brought them something you thought was really, really cool and special.
And unless you had some badly dysfunctional parents.... they received it in the same way. They ooooooed and awwwwwed
over them and gave you a hug and just beamed as they told you how wonderful it was (well...if it was the stray kitten they
may not have beamed quite so big...but they still tried to not hurt your feelings..ha). God gave Moses a specific list
of things the Israelites could offer, but in the New Testament He talks about "obedience is better than sacrifice" and "giving
the sacrifice of praise". God doesn't need "things"..... but He does want "heart offerings". Something wonderful
happens when you just feel your heart swell with love for your Creator and you want to give Him something that is special
to you. When you get in that attitude of "it's just You and me Lord" and you start telling Him how precious and awesome
He is to you .... what a love letter!!! When you give him the tithe off the money He provides for you.... He takes it
and uses it for His Kingdom and He rejoices because you honor Him. Now if you were one of those kids who was caught
tormenting the family dog (or the neighbor's kid) and then tried to bribe your way out of a spanking by offering dandelions
and a hug (when you had no intention of changing your behavior) ..... you will prob'ly remember .... it didn't work.
It won't with God either. But the offerings we bring the Savior out of the love in our hearts ..... are never refused.
So go ahead .... bring the LORD some "dandelions" and He LOVE'S "lost kittens". Need a hug today? Run to the LORD
with your arms open .... HE LOVE'S IT!
Lord, for those who don't think they have anything
worthy to offer, help them to see how precious they are to You. May they see that it isn't the offering....it's the
love and intent behind it. Lord, take what man see's as the lowly and inadequate and touch them with Your Glory.
Give us understanding that the most glorious offering is filth if presented for impure reasons, but the simplest "I love You
Lord!" radiates throughout the universe if it's said with a sincere heart. Lord, You are so worthy of all praise and
all honor ...... help us to give offerings with an awesome awareness of Who we are giving to .... and may You be glorified!
Forgiveness and Accountability
Proverbs 6:30,31 (NLT)
Excuses might be found for a thief who steals because
he is starving. But if he is caught , he will be fined seven times as much as he stole, even if it means selling everything
in his house to pay it back.
Do you know the words "if he is caught"
are a lot different from "if he repents"? Sometimes we Christians get funny idea's about forgiveness and accountability.
Repentance (Webster's Dictionary) means: 1) to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment
of one's life 2) to feel regret or contrition 3) to be sorry 4) creeping prostrate. The above scripture does NOT say
"if he turns himself in" it says "if he is caught". I don't know about you, but God let me off the hook for a
lot of sins............and a lot of them nobody but me and Him knows about. I am so thankful and very, very relieved.
The key though was that I really was sorry I'd done that stuff .... and I really plan to never fall into that behavior again.
Now on the other hand ..... if I'm reaching for that 2nd (or 3rd) piece of cake after stuffing myself with a full meal ...
and I say "God forgive me" and stuff my face with it anyway. I'm going to pay. Prob'ly not with spiritual death
(after all..there is something in me that really does hate what I am doing) ... but I will pay. My body will pay, my
self-respect will pay and maybe my witness to others will pay. You might say "But Marla, that's just some food ... you're
not really hurting anyone." Well, yes, I am. I am hurting others because I may not have the energy or well being
to do what the Lord has called me to do for others. But ok, what about other things? What if we cheat others or
use others? Which action do you think will get forgiveness? If we take responsibility for our actions and before
anyone finds out about them we try to make it right and apologize and ask forgiveness....... or if we make excuses for our
actions...rationalize them and only apologize when we're caught or standing in the courtroom? Sometimes even taking
responsibility for our actions and asking forgiveness will end with us still having to make restitution and receiving some
kind of punishment. In that case, which attitude do you think is more honorable before God? Admitting you deserve
it and trusting that God will help you get through this "time of payment"? Or whining and blaming others for not letting
you totally off the hook? The other side of the coin too is: God judges our souls, so I'm not the judge of whether
someone is going to heaven or hell ..... but we really don't do people a favor (in this life) by letting them totally
off the hook (and unaccountable) when they aren't really repentant at all. We only aid them in continuing down a destructive
road. I believe we are to act as Jesus would ..... we offer restoration after repentance (read the definition of "repentance"
again) and in the case of no repentance .... we pray and offer the Touch of The Savior on their way to, and after the crash.
We have a lot of reasons for sinning......but we have no excuses. God can do wonderful things in our lives though when
we repent ..... and He'll keep working on us to repent until that last breath. Don't let people off the hook when
it will only help them go deeper into destruction .... but always...always ... be ready to reach out with the Savior's Hand
for the way out of destruction.
Lord, help me to not make excuses for my sins.
Lord, I know You are doing a good work in me and in each of us and You will help us to quit being bogged down in the pig sty
when we were meant to fly like eagles. Help us to have the insight and courage to take responsibility for our actions
and to turn them over to You. You are our Salvation, our Hope and our Restoration. Help us to not judge others
but also to have discernment and guidance from You to help others turn away from death and receive restoration. Lord,
just help us to do what is right .... and may we grow more in love with You every day and have the commitment and strength
to not dishonor Your Name. Help us to continue growing in You ..... letting go of things that were never meant
to be in our lives .... and grabbing on to all that You have meant for us. Thank You Lord!
Watching For Direction
Psalm 25:15 (NLT)
My eyes are always looking to the LORD for help, for
He alone can rescue me from the traps of my enemies.
Riding Relic, my cream colored palomino was always
an adventure. He was intelligent, athletic and easily bored. On his worst days you knew he was going to buck sometime
.... you just didn't know when. But on his best days (usually when you were doing new and challenging things) he was
a thrill to ride and observe. Never once was a cow known to ever get away from him and he had this great ability to
watch the whole herd and zero in on any cow even thinking about making a break for it. When bringing a cow in from the
pasture, I always had to smile just watching Relic's ears. One ear would be cocked toward the cow; intent on her every
move and attitude. The other ear though would constantly be in motion; flipping forward or a bit to the side to watch
the cow, terrain or other riders and then flipping back to check the will of his rider. The slightest move on my part,
shifting in the saddle, lifting my hand the slightest.... brought that ear to full attention on me. Relic was ready
to move any direction I wanted and to do it quickly. That's how I want to be with my LORD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
.... focused on whatever He has instructed me to do, but always aware and open to His on-going instructions. I want
that "Relic" anointing for being able to carry out whatever the Lord has instructed and yet absolutely aware of God's Presence
during the journey. As far as my enemies go, two things: 1) my enemies aren't the people working against me....
my enemies are the spirits sent from the "enemy of my soul" (Satan) that are working through them to work against me.
and 2) Who can handle my enemies better? Me or God? Well duh! God knows every thing about
every situation we are facing and about every attack that is coming against us. God knows when there is something
in our lives that needs to change so that doors are closed to the attack. God knows everything the enemy is planning
and every deception and how it is being used. Our job is to love God and go about doing good. If we are looking
for His guidance, we'll see it, we'll hear it, and we'll feel it. We just need to be willing to follow it...... no matter
what it is, for His plans for us are for good and not for evil (Jer. 29:11) If He says we need to repent (change and
not sin again), then repent. If He says "Have Peace, I'm handling this."...then be at Peace and don't worry. If
He tells you to handle some situation, have quiet confidence that He'll give you the words and every thing you need to handle
it. He won't fail you.
Lord, help me to be like Relic and keep a healthy
focus on the jobs You have called me to do, but to always, always, always be looking and listening for Your guidance.
Teach me to be "fine tuned" to Your voice in my heart and help me to enjoy this wonderful journey with You. For Your
glory Lord, amen!
Paths of Honor
Psalm 23:3 (NLT)
He renews my strength. He guides me along right
paths, bringing honor to His Name.
There are times in our lives when we really
need our strength renewed. It might be times after illness, some physically demanding work, a death in the family, layoff
at work, the breakup of a close relationship or maybe just a time after we have really blown it and are feeling defeated and
embarrassed. Those are times I believe when God offers to especially show Himself as The Great Shepherd. A shepherd
brings a stressed sheep to a safe, nourishing place of safety. He'll cleanse open wounds, give refreshing water and
healing medicine, stay close so the sheep don't panic and if the stress is caused by parasites.......he'll de-worm it.
We all go through those phases; times of needing refreshing and rest, times of needing wounds healed and let's face it ....
times where we need "de-wormed". Just as the shepherds goal is to bring the flock back home as mature, healthy sheep,
God's goal is pretty much the same. Having had the pleasure *rolling eyes* of raising sheep one summer, I can tell you
that sheep don't always cooperate with the shepherds good plans. We of course ..... cooperate fully and willingly and
joyfully with God's plans for us. Ya right!!! Somewhere along the line though, we hopefully get to a point where
we start realizing that the leading of the Holy Spirit (even though uncomfortable sometimes) really is the best path to follow.
No good shepherds intentionally leads his sheep to a place where he knows there is a pack of wolves waiting to devoir them.
No good shepherd leads his sheep into a cock-a-burr patch to eat. No good shepherd leads his sheep into a mud bog to
get their drinks. No good shepherd notes the signs of worms in a sheep and just ignores it. So, if you are in
need of strengthening, don't try to go a different direction when the LORD is prodding you to refreshing water or a better
feeding area. And if you start noting you have a few "worms"..... please, please let the Lord help you to get rid of
them. I've seen what happened to a sheep that had worms and wasn't treated..... believe me.....it wasn't a purdy sight.
God has good paths to lead you down and they are paths that will bring Him honor....because they will bring you into the Kingdom
in fine style!
Lord, help us to have faith, trust and discernment
to recognize that You and only You can lead us the best way through this journey. Help us to be sensitive to Your prodding,
knowing that it isn't meant to irritate or harm us...but is intended only to keep us on the Good Path. Help us to drink
of the waters You bring us to. Help us to always be aware of where You are so we stay in the safety and comfort of Your
Presence. Help us to "take our medicine" when needed so we stay worm free and healthy. Help us to walk those "paths
of honor" so we honor You. For Your glory Lord, amen.
Genuine Change
Matthew 18:6 (NLT)
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who
trusts in Me to lose faith, it would be better for that person to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around
their neck.
The disciples were gathered around and since
there were children close by, that means there were others around too. Maybe it was some of the disciples families...who
knows. They were intent on one question though "Which of us is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 18:1)?"
Here they were in the Presence of the One Who created the Universe (Col 1:16) and they were wondering which of them
was the "big shot". Jesus just called a small child to Him (vs 2,3) and sat the child on His lap and told
them that the "greatest in The Kingdom" would be as humble as that child .... that child that could have been easily overcome
by any grownup there; that child that was expected to obey every command of the adults; that child that willingly sat on the
Lap of God. Then God looked at His disciples and said (in cowboy interpretation here) "I'll whup and skin anyone who
causes someone like this to quit trusting me and not come to Me!" It's a sad truth that Christians are numbered amongst
the people who don't always treat their children well. We go from ditch to ditch..either over protecting them and letting
them "run the show", to expecting them to be the adults and/or our slaves. One ditch makes us look like whimps with
no power and allows the children to grow up thinking they are God, and the other ditch shows us to be cruel and selfish
masters and "If those are Christian....who wants Jesus???" If you're like me though, you've made some major mistakes
(either before you came to Christ ... or after) in raising your children and you wish with all you are, that you could
go back and do things differently. Reality = you can't. The Truth though = God can restore! I believe the
key though, is to genuinely change. We can't give lip service to repentance and change .... we actually have to change.
We turn away from the old habits and destructive ways...and we embrace the guidance of the Holy Spirit .... and actually start
becoming that person God set us free to become. We don't make excuses (remember, whatever happened to you in the past
.... may be a reason for your behaviors....but it is never an excuse); we don't just put a new coat of paint on rotten wood.
We admit our wrongs...we take responsibility for them, we don't go back to doing them again and we ask forgiveness ... not
only of God...but of those we have wounded. If for whatever reason we can't (they have already died or you have lost
track of them for example) then we ask God to hold them and heal them and restore them. God's heart always melts at
genuine, sincere regret for what we've done...... WHEN.... we are willing never to do it again. He'll help us pick up
the pieces and He'll start repair work. Many times I look in the mirror of my heart and say to myself "Marla .... change
and trust Him." He's never let me down yet.
Lord, help us to take an honest look at what our actions
and motives speak to others. Lord, You don't condemn us, but you do convict us when we need it. You do so because
You love us and have confidence that we can become what You destined us to be..... loving, humble, children of the Most High
God. Lord, show me where I need to change ... help me to change ... and help me to step onto the better path and continue
on with You! Thank You Lord, Amen.
Beautiful Bouquets
Psalm 141:2 (Amp)
Let my prayer be set forth as incense before You,
the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
After surgery ( two total knee replacements ),
I woke up with pain much worse than I had expected. Lack of communication either between the shifts or the nurses
and Doctor, caused a lack of good pain management plan. That, linked with understaffing and/or a high percentage
of poor employee's, left me with not the greatest of care for sure. My husband "saddled up" big time though and spent
sleepless hours massaging my feet, gently repositioning my legs, tracking down help, repositioning covers, giving sips of
water, and just holding my hand when no other efforts eased the pain. I was five hours from our home area, but that
didn't stop beautiful bouquet's of flowers from reaching my bedside shortly after coming out of Recovery. Each bouquet
brought comfort and assurance that people were out there praying for me and that God was not only "just" going to get me through
this .... but I'd be dancing on those knees before long. After commenting on one of the lovely arrangements later on
the phone to my husband after he'd had to go home, he apologetically said he was sorry that he hadn't been able to get me
any flowers because of the expenses of the trip. My love and pride in him almost burst my heart as I reminded him of
all the caring acts he's done for me while he was there and said; "Hon, don't you know that every time you did one of those
acts of kindness ..... you handed me the most beautiful long stemmed rose there ever was? By the end of one day, you
had given me the most beautiful bouquet anyone has ever gotten." Now I understand much more the scriptures that
talk about our praise and worship and love for God being "sweet incense" to Him. We can't physically produce that kind
of beauty and sweet smell that rises to God. But just our love for Him ... our wanting to spend time with Him .... our
desire to honor and obey Him; all of that is received by Almighty God ...... as the most beautiful bouquet that could ever
be given. That's how He sees our kind acts to each other too; so even if you reach out to someone and they don't seem
to appreciate it .... know that you have just handed God a lovely long-stemmed rose and His Heart hast just swelled with love
and pride for you.
Lord, help us each to reach out to others and to You
in loving kind acts. Bless those who do these kindnesses for us ... Bless them as we can't and only You can. Help
us to each realize that our offerings and prayers and praise aren't something that is done out of duty or ritual .... but
as heart offerings to the One we love ..... our precious, precious Savior and friend. Lord, show us ways to be kind
and to ease the pain of others and in doing so, may they see You reaching out to them through us. For Your glory Lord,
Wonderful Friendship
1 Corinthians 1:9 (NLT)
God will surely do this for you, for He always does
just what He says, and He is the One Who invited you into this wonderful friendship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
The previous verse talked about keeping us "strong
until the end" and keeping us "blameless". What really jumped out at me though was the statement that God invited us
into this wonderful friendship with Jesus. Need someone you can trust? His Name is Jesus. Need
someone you can tell anything to and they won't tell your secrets? His Name is Jesus. Need someone to just
hang out with and enjoy each others company? His Name is Jesus. Need someone that will do anything in their power
to help you out of a mess and get your life back on track? His Name is Jesus. Need someone in your life who can
see you at your very worst .... and still love you? His Name is Jesus. Need someone who will love you unconditionally....but
still encourage you to not act stupid? His Name is Jesus. Need someone who can touch your "wounds" ... and not
make them worse? Someone that can turn all the pain into victory and honor? His Name is Jesus. He is absolutely
the coolest friend! And His Dad invited you into this relationship. To me that means the Father desires you to
be close to Him and to His Son. Then the Son said He's done this so you can be back into fellowship with them all ....The
Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Not just as a mere acquaintance .... but as a wonderful friend.
Wow!! Think you're not worthy to have such a close relationship with Almighty God? You're prob'ly right *smile*.
But they have this strange idea that they created you and they know the original intent they had for you. They
also know they have clean "garments" for you to put on, and a new start for you. They know you might mess up, but they
won't. They've got it covered. So .... what does a "wonderful friendship" mean to you? God's offering that
to you daily. It'd be pretty stupid to refuse wouldn't it? *s*
Lord, thank You for what You are offering us.
Help us to accept the fact that You desire this kind of a relationship with us. Lord, as a friend, we can come confidently
to You for anything; to talk, to chase away loneliness and depression, to get provision, to feel loved and accepted, to cry
or to laugh, to feel secure, to get good counsel, to be strengthened and kept blameless and to absolutely just enjoy life.
Holy Spirit help us to be good friends; not only with God .... but to God. For Your Glory and our benefit Lord
... Amen!
Now You Will See!
Numbers 11:21-23 (NLT)
But Moses said, "There are 600,000 foot soldiers here
with me, and yet You promise them meat for a whole month! Even if we butchered all our flocks and herds, would that
satisfy them? Even if we caught all the fish in the sea, would that be enough?" Then the LORD said to Moses, "Is
there any limit to My power? Now you will see whether or not my Word comes true!"
More and more, when I hear the Promises of God and
look around and see what the situation looks like through my human eyes .... I feel an excitement start stirring in my spirit.
I hear the negative and often cynical comments from the general public, regarding just about any situation being discussed
..... and I feel an excitement stirring in my spirit. Where the world looks and sees frustration, fear, moral decay,
intimidation, rampant disease and feels a sense of helplessness ...... I'm starting to see something else. I "see" God's
people just being God's people wherever they are; whether it's cleaning toilets or in positions of authority and high regard.
I "see" God's people going about "doing good" and not only proclaiming God's love for people .... but allowing
that love to flow through them. I "see" God's people looking beyond the problems to the One Who brings them through.
I "see" God's people stepping out of old garments (of selfishness, laziness, negativity, strife, self glorification, self
loathing, fear of man, gluttony, addictions, bitterness, jealousy and doubt) and letting God dress them in righteousness and
holiness. I "see" God's people reaching out to others with tasty, sweet Galatians 5:22,23 fruit of Peace, Joy, Gentleness,
Meekness (Power under control), Self-Control, Faith, Love, Patience and Goodness. And when the weak and wounded
and those feeling trapped say "There's no hope", I "hear" God's people say with a quiet, yet excited assurance and with a
sparkle in their eye, "There is no limit to God's Power! NOW you will see His Word come True!"
Lord, help us to personally know You more, for in
doing so, all doubts seem silly and laughable. "Now" is always the time with You .... now is the time to love God and
go about doing good. Lord, Anoint Your people to serve the fruit You've been growing in them. Anoint the hearts
to receive what You are offering ... and may all see Your Goodness in this "land of the living". Thank You Lord!
Don't Give Up On Me!
Psalm 119:7,8 (NLT)
When I learn Your righteous laws, I will thank You
by living as I should! I will obey your principles, Please don't give up on me!
If we were cartoon characters, I think you'd see Christians
walking around with little lightbulbs lighting up above their heads frequently and their eyes popping open wide in amazement.
Do you know there is a difference between learning something and really LEARNING something? We can learn the ten commandments
until we can recite them backwards and in three languages .... and yet not really learn anything. Ok, I know you know what
I'm talking about, but just for the sake of the teaching, our brains learn .... get the "technical" understanding. Our
soul (that part of us that is thoughts and emotions) comes to grasp the true meaning (the lightbulb effect). We
can say we understand a teaching ... but then the Holy Spirit just Lights something up for us and suddenly ,
it becomes very clear to us and becomes a part of us. The word "righteous" means "in right standing" .... in this case;
"in right standing with God". So how would I define "righteous law"? To me it would be any law that treats God
and those He created, with the highest respect. It's one that isn't followed only because we have to, but because our
love for Him fills us so much that it would literally hurt to think of dishonoring Him by not following it. Thank God,
He doesn't give up on us!!! He keeps working in our lives to get us to understand that HIS laws aren't there to limit
us ... they are there to bring us into even more Life! So in the days to come, I challenge you to ask the Holy Spirit
to help put His righteous laws into your heart and to help you live as you should. He'll take care of the rest.
Lord, we are bombarded every day with many laws.
Your righteous laws though, have stood the test of time and will remain forever. Help us to "live as we should" and
put no other god before You and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Lord, put a "revelation knowledge" into our hearts
so that we do praise You and thank You because we have really learned Your righteous laws! Thank You Lord
for not giving up on us! Keep the "lightbulbs" turning on Lord! For Your glory! Amen.
Turning The Run Away
James 3:3 (AMP)
If we set bits in the horses' mouths to make them
obey us, we can turn their whole bodies about.
Someone at church this evening said that while they
want to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, sometimes they find themselves acting like some horse that takes the
bit in it's mouth and insists on "their own way". It got me to thinking about bits and some of the different ways horses
we've ridden responded to them. There are lots of different styles of bits and bit assemblies, ranging from a very simple
straight bar to some that are so "harsh" that if in the wrong hands .... a horses jaw could easily be broken. When we
fitted a horse with a bit, we never once wanted to have to use it to punish a horse and we sure didn't think "Hey ... I'd
really like to just abuse this animal." We just wanted a method of letting the horse know what we wanted of it and to
get the very best performance we could out of the horse....and be an enjoyable experience for both rider and horse.
We were always careful to make sure we had a proper fit and placement; we didn't want it too big, too small, too loose or
too tight. I've had a couple horses that we could ride with just halters, but we also have ridden some that took a very
"severe" bit and we wouldn't even let someone with a "rough hand" ride that horse. If we were running a horse
though and the horse "grabbed the bit", we usually handled it in one of 2 ways; depending on the horse, the situation, or
the terrain (and maybe how tired and grumpy we were at the time..ha). Usually we'd just pull on only one of the reins,
which would result in the horse starting to run in circles. After getting nowhere fast, usually the horse would start
slowing down and give in. I think God has to pull one "one rein" with us way too often sometimes. Does the phrase
"going around the mountain" ... sound familiar? ha We'll get bullheaded and insist on doing things our way...
and the Lord will gently start pulling on one rein and pretty soon .... here we are! Right back at the same point of
decision we'd faced before. We grab the bit and run hard ... and end up just going in spiritual "circles". Sometimes
though if a horse didn't seem to want to learn not to run away, we'd get more drastic. The minute the horse
"grabbed the bit" and took off, we'd pull hard on one rein, pulling the horses head around and up ..............and dump that
pony right on the ground (you'd better be pretty athletic to do that trick though *smile*). Do you know that horses
don't like hitting the ground hard any more than we do? (Duh, huh?) Did we enjoy having to get that drastic? Not at
all. And it sure wasn't our first choice of correction. A horse that would run away with you though was
dangerous not only to you, but also to itself. It had to obey and respond, otherwise, it wasn't worth keeping.
So the next time you feel God pulling on one of your reins ..... just know, He's not trying to abuse you or make your life
miserable. He just knows you are headed in a really bad direction ... and He's trying to get you to go a better way.
Lord, I want to be like my favorite horses to ride.
I want to be always tuned into You and looking for Your guidance and directing and to respond quickly and willingly to Your
cues. Lord, help me to change any thing in me that is resistant, stubborn or unresponsive to You. Lord, I don't
want to be someone who wastes my time and Your by running in circles .... help me to become someone who obeys ... and enjoys
the ride! Bless You Lord, Amen.
Don't Look For Loopholes
James 5:12 (NLT)
But most of all, dear brothers and sister, never take
an oath, by heaven or earth or anything else. Just say a simple yes or no, so that you will not sin and be condemned
by it.
It doesn't take much studying of the Pharisees to
discover they had a very strict observance of the rites and ceremonies of the law. The key word there is "strict".
They insisted on others following the law to the "t", but for themselves....they usually had loopholes. For example;
they knew that if they swore an oath "by God", they were required by law to carry that oath out ... or possibly face
death. Sooooooo .... when they wanted to cheat someone, they would just substitute the words "by God" with
some phrase like "by heaven" or "by earth" or some other impressive phrase. Voila! They were off the
hook; contract null and void! And God was SO proud of them *rolling eyes* .... "I don't think so Tim".
I could give several pages of examples of how we do that way too often in our walk with God (hey... mine alone could fill
a book!). The excuses we make! But hey, that's between you and the Holy Spirit .... and may the Greatest One win
*grin* ! What I want to think about though is: When I start looking for the loopholes .... what am I really looking
for? What am I missing at that point in my life? What empty place within me am I trying to fill? Am I feeling
lonely; unaccepted; unimportant; vulnerable; unappreciated; unloved? Why am I insisting I want things my way,
rather than the best way .. the way that Glorifies God? The owner of a farm my dad worked for had 3 horses out in the
pasture. One was a draft horse (big, not for riding); one was a very old, lame palomino and one was a young paint.
When I asked if I could ride the paint (I never owned a horse at that time), the owner said sure .... IF I could catch it.
Seems like that paint was a smart little thing and had learned how to evade all efforts of the owners family to catch him.
I took my rope and a bucket of ear corn and set out on foot with one goal in mind.... I was going to have a horse to ride!
The paint made it plain he wasn't about to let me walk up and put that rope on his neck, so I just stood still ..... and offered
him an ear of corn. He was intrigued and came close. To get the treat he wanted though ... he had to stick his
head through the loop in my rope. He reached through a couple of times and ducked out quickly ..... I never moved the
corn or the loop. Apparently he decided it was safe to get the ear of corn and he reached through and took it in his
mouth. With a quick tightening of the loop .... I had a good paint horse to ride. Moral of the story? You
can stick your head through loopholes a few times and maybe get by with it .... but you keep doing it ... and you WILL
get caught.
Lord, I ask in the Name of Jesus for discernment.
Help us each to recognize enticing traps and give us the Wisdom and spiritual strength to turn away from them. Lord,
show us areas in our life where we have an "emptiness" and show us how to fill those areas with benefits from You. Help
us to recognize that You and only You can fill those voids with things that will satisfy and endure. For Your Glory
Lord ..... "ain't gonna put my neck through a loophole!" Amen!
Colossians 1:9-14 (NLT)
So we have continued praying for you ever since we
first heard about you. We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what He wants to do in your lives, and we
ask Him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and you
will continually do good, kind things for others. All the while, you will learn to know God better and better.
We also pray that you will be strengthened with His glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you
need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father, Who has enabled you to share the inheritance that belongs
to God's holy people, who live in the light. For He has rescued us from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness,
and He has brought us into the Kingdom of His dear Son. God has purchased our freedom with His Blood and has forgiven
all our sins.
The year ends ---- you lived perfectly; every
day was joyful; you spoke only God's Word; you felt joyful, Blessed and victorious; and you didn't even have a bad hair day! The
year ends --- you look back with embarrassment about some of the ways you acted; people you loved, died; you didn't even
think to say God's Word, let alone speak in every situation; you felt depressed, forgotten and like a failure; and
you not only had a bunch of bad hair days..... you think it's starting to fall out! Whichever scenario fits you
better ( or if, like most of us, your life was a mix of a little of both), take heart! God is still God .... He's not
done with you yet ..... and He loves you so much that the forces of darkness tremble with rage and fear at the thought!
So ... take the victories and good times you've had this year and plan on more. Take the failures, difficult times and
wounds ... learn from them; change where needed; rejoice that God got you through them (you're alive aren't you?) and use
them as a springboard to grow, gain compassion, and become even more determined to get close and stay close to God (The Father,
Son and Holy Spirit) and enjoy the journey. May the Lord Who kept you and strengthened you throughout this last
year ..... also reveal His good plans for you in this coming year! He made a way .... TAKE it! Yahu!
Lord, Bless all who read this. Give
them each vision and an excitement in their spirit for what You are going to do in them ... and through them in this coming
year. Nobody ... nobody ... nobody ....... has changed the end of the book yet! Yahu!!! God wins!!!
Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! For the Almighty God; The Creator of the Universe; The King of kings; The Prince of
Peace ..... not only has time for you but He has good plans for you.... and calls you Saved, Delivered, Whole, Redeemed, Overcomer,
Strengthener of the brethren, Peacemaker, Healed, Victorious ..... and ...... friend.
Don't Get Knocked Off The Horse
Proverbs 29:18 (NLT)
When people do not accept divine guidance, they run
wild. But whoever obeys the law is happy.
One of the definitions of "wild" from the Webster's
Dictionary is: [deviating from the natural or expected course]. Do you know what a "natural course" is for a Christian?
It's listening to God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), obeying Him and loving Him and receiving from Him. Why do you think
we get so tense and ornery when we're not following God's laws? Because it isn't "natural" to His Spirit within us and
it's not "natural" according to what we were originally designed for .... fellowship with Him. But He's working with
us... He really is. He's forever putting up detour signs when we get determined to take the wrong path (in thought,
word or action) and He's offering guidance and ability and all that good stuff that we need to succeed. The "enemy
of our soul" ... that old devil and his bunch are also offering "guidance" , but believe me, their intent isn't
to see you cross the finish line! When I was a kid (yes, for you school teachers... I was a "goat" and not the sweet
little lamb I am now..ha), we had this wonderful tree grove just across the road from us. Down through the center of
that tree patch was a path that split off into three paths and was called "Suicide Run". One of our favorite tricks
was to get a visiting youth (whether we liked them or not) to have a horserace with us through that patch of trees.
We'd even be real "sports" and let them take what looked like the shortest route through the trees....the center path.
You couldn't see the finish line from the trails start because the path curved about midway through the trees. What
the newcomer didn't know (unless they walked the path first or asked someone wiser and more kindly than us) was that when
the path curved ..... there was also a low hanging limb. If you were going through there on a pony in a hard run and
didn't know to hang off the side at that point ...... well ..... it was "Adios pony!" and "Please let me be able to
breath again!" You know, looking back, it really was amazing nobody had broken ribs ... or heads. How many times
though in our walk through this life, have we ignored that "still, small voice" that tried to warn us about the path we were
taking and later found ourselves "knocked off our horse" because we didn't think we needed to listen to God's advice (or our
parents, teachers, Pastor, mature friends ... you name whomever God tried to use to warn you). We head for the finish
line and decide all paths are good and will get us there (how many times have you heard someone say "Well, Jesus isn't the
only way to get to heaven"?). But unless we put ourselves in God's Hands and seek His Guidance .... we're headed
for a low hangin' limb. God isn't the one who's played dirty tricks on you ......... He's the One Who wants to
see you cross the finish line in fine style and rejoicing!
Lord, help us all to have discernment, a listening
ear and willing hearts. There is nobody wiser than You, kinder than You or more trustworthy than You. Lord, You
have a good "path" for us in every situation we face; help us to not be lured down any other path. For those who feel
like they've already been hit with a low hanging limb, help them to "get back on the horse" and finish in fine style.
For Your Glory Lord, Amen!
No Record Found
Psalm 130:3,4 (NLT)
Lord, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord,
could ever survive? But You offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear You.
It's really tough living with someone or working with
someone who keeps reminding you of every little thing you've ever done wrong isn't it? If it's someone in authority
over you, or in partnership with you, it makes it all the worse. It's a pretty lethal way to end a marriage or
child/parent relationship that's for sure. A husband leaves the cap off the toothpaste and in a few minutes the wife
is throwing it up to him that he forgot their anniversary, her birthday and wanted to finish watching the football game before
taking her to the hospital to have their baby! You think your wife has a good memory though.... it's nothing
compared to God's... ha! Man, if God confronted you with every sin you've ever committed (in deed or thought) .... well
it wouldn't be pretty. God isn't like us though (and aren't we glad!), when we ask forgiveness, He wipes our slate-of-offenses
clean. The only time He may bring it up again is to remind us to comfort someone else who's going through something
similar. It sounds strange though to say He forgives us so we'll fear Him. There's two kinds of fear though; the
kind that a person who hates God or thinks nothing of Him should have ..... and the kind someone who loves Him has.
The first kind should be a stark terror. The other (for you who have given your hearts to Him) is an awesome respect
and awareness of Who He is. He has every right to beat you over the head with every thing you've ever done wrong; but
He has no desire to do that. His only desire is to see you set free and feeling loved and accepted, and in fellowship
with Him and each other. He doesn't care what you've done wrong...He's so much bigger than that. After all ....
it's not what you have done wrong .... it's what He's done right. It's more than just ok with Him if you feel forgiven
and absolutely free of your failures and sins ..... it's what He hung on the cross for. Give Him a gift
.... receive the forgiveness and renewal He offers you.
Lord, help us each to dance with You in Joy and gratitude
and celebration of the freedom You bought for us. Help us to be absolutely giddy because we've been forgiven and chains
have been cut off us. Lord, help each person reading this to not only have the assurance that You DO forgive
them completely when they ask...but may they have the discernment to recognize that when guilt comes up again.... it's NOT
from You! When the devil starts beating us over the head with our past faults and failures ... may we just be
sent into fits of rejoicing over what You have done for us! Free!!! Delivered!!! Restored!!! Yahu (God is
Able) !!!!
Don't Return To Herod
Luke 2:11,12
They entered the house where the child and his mother,
Mary, were, and they fell down before him and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts
of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But when it was time to leave, they went home another way, because God had warned
them in a dream not to return to Herod.
You've found Jesus; you've felt your heart swell with
worship and you've opened your heart to Him. Now what? One thing for sure .... you don't want to "go back
to Herod". Herod was a king who was threatened by the thought of this Jesus; this Great King. He figured
this Messiah would take away his power, his authority and his kingdom, and he was determined to use any devious way to stop
this from happening. He pretended to be excited about the news of the birth of Christ and said he only wanted to know
where he (Jesus) was so that he (Herod) could also give gifts. Ya right. His true plan was to kill this child
and destroy the hope and plans of all who had been looking forward to the coming of the Messiah. Sound familiar to John
10:10? We all have a lot of "Herod's" in our lives .... things that tell our flesh (our minds) one thing but in reality
are trying to keep us from our full potential in Christ. Loneliness and insecurity say "I'll hold you ... after
all....nobody else really cares for you.". Pride says "Stay with me, you don't have to listen to them;
after all, they don't know how you feel!" Controlling spirits say "You don't have to submit....who do they think they
are?" Old wounds say "Hang on to me: you have the right to feel the way you do ... after all... look what they've done
to you!" Self indulgence says "Go ahead .... it's not really hurting anyone." Doubt says "Now don't believe all
that stuff .... you're not really all that important to God." When you've given your life to Christ; when you've
made the declaration that Jesus is Your Lord ..... don't go back to the things that only want to steal "Life" from
you and to destroy you. When you find yourself headed back to doubt or insecurity or laziness or gluttony or bitterness
or self hatred (add whatever word is your personal "Herod" ); go another way. Literally say to yourself (out
loud if possible) "I am NOT going back to that! I choose to believe God!" Then start down the new road; a better
road (away from Herod and towards God) ... by saying God's Truth to yourself. If you can't remember any particular scripture
at the moment .... just say over and over and over until it's burned into your heart and mind "God loves me and He's got GOOD
plans for me!"
Lord, help me and each person reading this to declare
"I'm NOT going back to Herod!" Lord, help us each to take a better route ... the path YOU desire for us and the path
that leads us into the fullness of Your plan for our lives. Lord, we ask for the gift of discernment so that we not
only recognize "Herrod" is trying to steal from us ... but that we recognize Your leading and that we can make good choices.
Lord, it's Your power that saved us and it's Your power that will keep us. To You be all Glory and Honor and Praise!
Good News Of Great Joy
Luke 2:8-11 (NLT)
That night some shepherds were in the fields outside
the village, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of
the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terribly frightened, but the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he
said, "I bring you good news of great joy for everyone!"
Working at a hospital, I can tell you that Christmas
isn't a happy time for everyone. This time of year the E.R. often sees too many attempted (or worse..successful) suicides,
young and old who have tried unsuccessfully to find joy or some kind of anesthesia in a bottle of liquor, people with
unidentifiable ailments caused by just wanting some kind of attention, and of course the car accident victims after some party.
You look at the sadness on their faces, the emptiness in the eyes and it would be real tempting to ask "Lord, where is their
good news?" But God saw those broken hearts long before the earth was made .... and He sent their Hope. Even now
He's sending His Word to them and He's sending ministering spirits to them and He's sending you and me to them to reach
out with His Love. Some just need to hear; some need to lay down pride and immaturity; some need only to see an act
of love; some need to have their hearts pierced with the revelation of their spiritual condition; some need to hear that someone
cares for them and some need to start caring for someone besides themselves. Only the Holy Spirit can heal the heart
of someone burying their child, or facing a divorce, or feeling absolutely alone and unloved. But for any of you reading
this who feel that way yourselves ..... God absolutely desires to wrap you in His arms and rock you until the pain is foreign
to you and your mind is clear enough to see the good plans He has for you. He didn't come to that manger in Bethlehem
to make you feel guilty for grieving or failing ..... he came to give you another chance and to take all that pain and frustration
and to give you "good news of great joy" for YOUR life. If you need to set on His lap and be cuddled....do so!
If you need to dance and have a party.... He's the Creator of Joy and Dancing. If you need to know You're of value ....
just look into His Eyes and hear Him say "I made you... I love you... and I haven't once wanted to see you suffer; come to
Lord, for those who are suffering in any way, we ask
Your great comfort and healing and deliverance. May they see something birthed in their lives this Christmas .... something
that will give them new vision and Hope. For those who are rejoicing in what You have already done in their lives...Lord,
just keep increasing it and letting Your Light flow through them to draw others into this "Great Joy". May we all look
at the lights of Christmas and not see our loneliness and failures...but may we see the "colors" and fun that You desire to
decorate our lives with. May each one reading this, hear You say "I bring YOU good news and great Joy for YOU!"
Thank You Lord!
What A Father
Matthew 1:24,25
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the
Lord commanded. He brought Mary home to be his wife, but she remained a virgin until her son was born. And Joseph named
him Jesus.
Matthew 2:13 After the
wise men were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up and flee to Egypt with the child and his mother,"
the angel said. "Stay there until I tell you to return, because Herod is going to try to kill the child.
Matthew 3:19,20
When Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in
a dream to Joseph in Egypt and told him, "Get up and take the child and his mother back to the land of Israel, because those
who were trying to kill the child are dead." So Joseph returned immediately to Israel with Jesus and his mother.
Matthew 3:22
But when he learned that the new ruler was Herod's
son Archelaus, he was afraid. Then in another dream, he was warned to go to Galilee.
Has it ever occurred to you what a special man Joseph
was? Seems to me that God gave His Son a really precious "dad" to raise him up. The Bible doesn't talk a
lot about him, but the few verses where he's mentioned sure point him out as a good man. The things that stand out to
me is that Joseph was compassionate, tuned in and obedient to God, protective and accepting. When he found out his fiancée
was pregnant and he knew it wasn't his child, he was going to "quietly" get unengaged; he didn't want revenge or to humiliate
her. He was open enough to God though that he was able to hear from God (in this case in the form of a dream) and he
just did as the Lord instructed him. He did everything he knew how to keep this child safe .... even though there were
some serious inconveniences for him personally. The Bible says Jesus was referred to as "a son of a carpenter" and as
a carpenter himself. Stands to reason then that Joseph was the one who trained him. Looks to me like there
was a relationship there beyond Joseph just providing room and board. God gave Joseph a special mission in life ...
to bring this baby Jesus into manhood in an honorable way. No where in the Bible does it tell us to worship Mary
or Joseph .... but it would be good if we'd grab a lesson from them. Open, obedient, pliable and committed .... what
a great way to raise a kid!
Lord, help me to be that open and that willing and
that committed to seeing Your instruction through in my life. Help me to always see the bigger picture rather than the
inconveniences, embarrassments or trials that I may face. Lord, help me to be the kind of person whom You can trust
to "raise" someone else who is precious to You and to just love them. Thank You Lord for the people You have put in
my life who have helped me to grow close to You and walk with You. Bless them Lord and give them Joy. For Your
Glory Lord, Amen.
Cofort As Comforted
2 Corinthians 1:3,4 (NLT)
All praise to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God Who comforts us. He comforts us in all our troubles
so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God
has given us."
One definition of comfort is: "a state
or feeling of relief or encouragement". Then it goes on to say it's a condition of "imparting cheer, strength or encouragement
as well as lessening pain". Do you know what one of the coolest things about The Father, The Son and
The Holy Spirit is? They go beyond just letting us off the hook. This True Living God ... this Awesome Creator
of all the Universe ... this Power Beyond All Comprehension .... isn't satisfied to see us "just getting by", He wants us
restored! Restored to relationship with Him; restored to relationship with each other; restored to our place as custodians
over all He made for us. He's better than our "very bestest friend" who has put up with us through every stupid phase
we've ever gone through....and they still invite us out for coffee and share their life with us. We blow it and feel
ashamed, discouraged, guilty, mad at ourselves, anxious, and lower than a snails slime trail ..... and God reaches out His
hand to draw us close to Him rather than to shove us away. Don't you hate messing up and then having to prove yourself
again to your boss, your Pastor/congregation, your friends or your family? *sigh* We gotta give them a break though
... after all, they can't read our mind or our heart. But God, not only knows when we are sincere, He knows how to change
us, if we so desire. He'll draw us in to His Arms, comfort us, assure us ... then take us walking with Him and use us
to draw others in to be comforted, reassured and restored. You've heard of a "vicious circle"? Well God's
got a "victorious circle" ! So !!!! ..... got troubles? Let Him comfort you and make you a warm, cozy "blanky" for someone
else who needs a bit of comfort. Amen? Amen.
Lord, thank You so much for not destroying
us when we've messed up. I can't even begin to describe the relief I feel of knowing that I won't have to pay for my
sins. Lord, help me to always remember that when I am dealing with others. Help me to see others through
the remembrance of what You have done for me .... and help me to reach out with the victory and the mercy and the
compassion and the love that You have shown me. For Your glory Lord... Amen!
Psalm 108:5 (NLT)
Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens.
May Your glory shine over all the earth.
I wore a new blouse to church this morning.
It's black with glitter designs .... very sparkly. I like sparkles; that's one of the reasons Rem (lovingly) calls me
his "raccoon" .... because I love gadgets and shiny things *smile*. This was the first time I've worn this particular
blouse though and since it hadn't been washed yet, any loose glitter got on everyone I hugged (yes... I go to one of
"those" churches..ha) or even stood next to for any period of time. I like to think I added a little "sparkle" to everyone
in church today. There were a few things I noted throughout the day: 1) the more people I hugged, the more sparkles
got on me (not just on them). 2) those who got the closest to me and stayed the longest, got more sparkles on them
than did those I barely touched. Rem absolutely shined by this evening...ha. and 3) it was amazing how many people I
came into contact with throughout the day. In one day of wearing this blouse, there are sparkles in our home, our church
(prob'ly in the homes of those who took it home from our church), the restaurant in another town, the auditorium where we
attended a Christmas pageant, our car, our son's car, the nursing home where my mother lives .... and on our dog. Rem's
the one who pointed out to me that because of his relationship with me, he had the most sparkles on him and that is how we
are with God. We can't spend time around God without getting some of His "sparkle" ... His Light; all over us
and the closer we get to Him and the more time we spend with Him... the more of His Glory shines through us. I tell
you what... that's the way I want my life to be; just getting "God Sparkles" all over everyone I come into contact with.
Do I do it now? Maybe sometimes .... not always though and sure not perfectly yet. But by faith, I believe He's
getting me there. I think He's getting all of His people there. The key is to spend time with Him; thinking
on Him; imagining Him; listening for Him and letting Him change us ... letting Him do that good and complete work in us.
We don't wait to be perfect; we just go about listening and obeying Him and letting Him shine through each area where we have
submitted to Him. Then we keep submitting more and more and more .... and trading in the darkness for the Light (His
Sparkles). The more we listen and obey... the more we just get His "Sparkles" all over us .... and we just let Him shake
those Sparkles all over everyone we come into contact with! It's all for His glory .... but we'll be sparkling!
Lord, help us all to be just covered with Your "Sparkles".
Then Lord, loose those sparkles on everyone we come in contact with. Lord may Your beauty, Your Glory, shine through
our lives and push out everything that is not of You. Through You, may we add wonderful things to the lives of others
.... and may they see You shining through our actions. May people's eyes be captured by Your Sparkle in us ... and may
You be glorified!
His Choice Possession
James 1:18 (NLT)
In His goodness, He chose to make us His own children
by giving His true Word. And we, out of all creation, became His choice possession.
When I had just turned 4 years old, my dad went to
work for the J-Z ranch north of Holabird, SD. Looking back, I realize it must have been a hard Christmas to face for
my folks as my 15 yr. old brother had been killed in a car accident that summer. If they were sad though .... they never
let it affect my Christmas excitement. For me, it was a grand Christmas and I still have a picture of me wearing my
little dress, Lone Ranger six guns and new cowboy boots and standing beside what to me seemed like a huge tree (in fact it
wasn't a lot taller than me). In a way I had picked out my own presents as I remember going into the store in Pierre
and showing mom the boots and Lone Ranger holster that I "really" wanted !!! I also remember her trying to sneak the
two boxes into our old green Chevy ..... and me pretending not to see them. Those boots were my prize possession though
and I still wore them when I started first grade in Ree Heights. By then they were pretty worn and had holes in the
soles and way too tight .... and had been thrown away by mom several times. But each time, I'd retrieve them from the
garbage (I kept close tabs on those boots!) much to moms chagrin. There have been a lot of times in my walk with Christ
that I've felt like those old boots .... worn, ugly, not "fitting" and sure that others wanted to dump me. But I am
coming to know more and more ... that no matter how I see myself ... no matter how others see me..... I am Christ's
prize and chosen possession! And so are you .... and it's something He really wants you to come to believe and
dwell in. Now me and those boots eventually came to a parting of ways; but that isn't how it is with Jesus. You
see, those boots started out shiny and beautiful and became worn and useless. But we start out the way those boots ended
up (in the trash) and Jesus starts fixing us up and "oiling" us and repairing us ..... and we look like what we
are ... God's own child! Yahu!!! Isn't He awesome!!! Nothing .... nobody .... no situation ... will EVER
separate God's "choice possession" (you!) from Him. And loved ones... that is what you are ..... the choice possession
of the Most High God! AWESOME !!! Accepted, loved and growing in Him!
Thank You Lord for all You have done and all You offer
us! Help each of us to receive and walk in the fullness of Your desire for us. May each person reading this come
to experience the feeling of confidence and acceptance that You desire them to feel. May they come to know that they
know that they know .... that You have an intense love and desire for them ..... and that Your feelings for them
will NEVER change! Thank You Lord! Thank You Savior! Thank You .... Lover of our soul! To God be the
(187) Power Over Darkness
John 1:4,5 (NLT)
Life itself was in Him, and this Life gives
light to everyone. The light shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
Have you ever thought about how many different
lights we see in our lifetime? Different people can look at the same kind of light too and it will bring up different
emotions in them. Even the same person can look at something in different stages of their life and see different
things. Some will look at a sunrise and have a sense of new starts and new opportunities. Others will look at
it and feel overwhelmed by all they need to accomplish that day. Some will look at a sunset and have a feeling of accomplishment
and contentment and the next person may look at it and only see missed opportunities and a sense of failure from that day.
Some will see Christmas lights and feel excitement and an awe of the season and it's beauty. Others will feel anger,
sorrow or discouragement because of losses and lack. Some will look at the flicker of a candle and see it as romantic,
comforting or peaceful. Others will look at it and think "Boy, hope that thing doesn't catch something on fire."
In all those examples and more .... the light was the same for everyone looking at it ..... but how it was perceived depended
on what was going on in that persons "heart". While the Light of Christ is a lot like that too, there is one big difference.
His Light ...... changes people. Yep, there's some who are exposed to it ... and they get more angry, more resistant
and lash out .... but I have never seen one person who was around True Light ... and wasn't effected by it. Some have
tried as hard as they could to put the Light of Christ out .... and they have failed every time! And the darker things
seem ... the brighter even the smallest light appears! There are those though who see the least little flicker of light
in someone's life ... and they just know that God is doing a good work there ... and He will continue that good work.
When you're lost in the darkest cave and you see a tiny, tiny light ..... you don't look away and become discouraged by all
the darkness around. No! You focus on that light and feel excitement and a hope of escape! So in your own
life...and in the lives of others..... don't look at all the darkness; look at the Light of Christ being offered and kindled
.... and feel excitement ... and the Hope of more Light to come!
Lord, I praise You that darkness will never
have authority over the Light. Darkness has no place in those who love You and has no control over us. Lord, may
Your light continue to shine brightly through us ... ever increasing! Set captives in darkness free Lord, for the Glory
of Jesus!
Psalm 104:28 (NLT)
When You supply it, they gather it. You open
Your hand to feed them and they are satisfied.
Shorty was my tall, American Saddlebred gelding; if
I stood on my tip-toes, I could just look over his back. After I injured my knees when I was 18 yrs old, getting up
on Shorty was a bit of a challenge. We had a pretty good working arrangement though; I'd bring him a treat (cookie,
piece of candy, apple, oats or whatever) and he'd sidestep next to a fence or rock and stand still while I climbed aboard.
It wasn't anything I "trained" him to do... it was just something he did. One day though, I came out of the ranch
house and had a rare treat of an ice-cream cone. Shorty sidled up to the fence and looked expectantly at me for
his share. He realized after I was up on the fence that I wasn't about to provide him a portion ..... so with
one swipe of his head ..... he knocked me right off the fence. Now, I'm glad God doesn't hold His Hand out to us to
get us to cooperate. I also praise Him that -- I think He's got me to the point where I'm not going to try
to "knock Him off the fence" -- if He doesn't give me what I want. While I might have offered Shorty a piece of
red licorice stick just to see how funny he looked trying to "chew" it .... I never once let Shorty "talk" me into offering
him something that I thought wasn't okay for him to eat (i.e.: the jalapeno's that I like). God will supply
us with all we need (Phil 4:19) and He is good to us (Ps 145:9). We just need to learn (and the Holy Spirit sure will
help us here) to be satisfied with what God offers. Now, don't go into the other ditch here and start thinking that
we are to be in poverty and "just getting by" to honor Jesus. The scriptures are rich with all the wonderful things
God desires for us. We do need to be open though to God's perfect "supply" and His perfect timing. He's got a
reason for all things .... just be open to "gathering" what He supplies (Peace, Joy, self-control, healing, deliverance, growth,
faith, provision) and be satisfied in this journey with Him. Satisfied = happy, pleased, fully gratified; convinced,
with no more doubt. Yahu!!!!!!
Lord, in every need in my life, You offer the answer.
Holy Spirit help me to recognize God's Provision and to receive it.... walk in it ... and be satisfied. Lord, You feed my
body, my spirit, and my emotions. Help me to recognize that Your hand is never closed to me except to things that will
harm me or hinder me. Only You, and what comes from You, will satisfy me;help me to look no where else. Praise
Don't Be Intimidated
Philippians 1:28 (NLT)
Don't be intimidated by your enemies. This will
be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God Himself.
I wasn't too old (lower grade school) when I learned
how to use a powerful weapon at the beginning of a fight in the schoolyard. Ya, I know... you just can't believe someone
as sweet as me would ever have been in a fight *looking very angelic here*. Anyway..back to the "powerful weapon"
..... I'd look at whomever was trying to bully me (I swear ... I never started a fight!) and ..... I'd smile. Now this
wasn't a smile of "Hey, let's be friends."; this was a smile of "I am totally not afraid of you ... and you're about to get
creamed!" I discovered that when they were giving me their best threat...and the only result it produced from me was
a smile .... it really threw them off and usually they'd back off (all be it grumbling and threatening). The Bible talks
about different ways to handle our enemies. When it's people, God says to treat them like they'd least expect....be
kind to them (check out Romans 12:20) and attack them ONLY when GOD says to. When it's our own thoughts and emotions,
God says to "take them captive" and take control of them by speaking His Truth to ourselves (2 Corinthians 10:5). When
it refers to the devil and his bunch ... the Bible says to resist them and obey God (James 4:7). The thing is ... we
don't have to be intimidated or fearful; because GOD will deal with our enemies. If He tells us to fight them, then
they are already defeated. When it comes to people, God will give them every opportunity to repent (change their hearts
and the direction they are going), but if they won't ... then you will see awful things happen in their lives. When
it comes to those yapping "enemies of our soul" though .... God will not deal so kindly. The Blood of Christ has already
destroyed their ability to take power over God's people ..... and the Holy Spirit keeps encouraging us not to give any of
it back to them. Praise, Pray and Smile! God is on your side .. and He's got good plans! Yahu!
Lord, I will not be intimidated by rejection, depression,
fear, anger, poverty, jealousy, infirmity, loneliness, death or anything that is coming against me. I can say
that because You are my Hope, my Peace, my Joy, my Provision, my Comfort, my Protection. You are my Answer and Deliverance
in every situation! Praise You, Lord God!
Restoration & Success
Psalm 90:15-17 (NLT)
Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery!
Replace the evil years with good. Let us see Your miracles again, let our children see Your glory at work.
And may the Lord our God show us His approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!
One of the definitions of evil is: "Something
that brings sorrow, distress or calamity." (Webster's Dictionary) You know what? That is the one reason
I really love God... He isn't evil. Sound kinda silly to say that? Don't we treat Him like that sometimes though?
Like He's the one who dumped a load of "sorrow, distress or calamity" on us? Either that or we treat the devil like
he has so much power that God just couldn't overcome it! What can I say...ha....sometimes you just need to see it written
out to see how dumb it sounds. Man, God is sooooo good!! He's into restoration! He's not the one who wounded
us....but He'll take old wounds and use them to heal someone else. He didn't cause discouragement or pain....but he'll
take all that and help you use it to build someone else up. He didn't cause you to fail....but He'll take those failures
and give you compassion for others who are struggling. The more we get rid of the notion that He is evil (causes sorrow,
distress or calamity); the more open we are to seeing His Glory and miracles at work in us... through us ... and all around
us. The more we realize it's not our efforts.... it's His Anointing; the more we are in position to see
our efforts (directed by Him) succeed. We want to see that; we want our children to see that....and you know what?
God wants us to see it too. All together now ... "God is a good God...and His plans for me are for good and not for
Lord, may our ears and hearts be open to Your leading
so our efforts are Ordained and Blessed by You. You are our Restoration and our Success! May You be glorified!
Restored and Successful
Psalm 90:15-17 (NLT)
Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery!
Replace the evil years with good. Let us see Your miracles again, let our children see Your glory at work.
And may the Lord our God show us His approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!
One of the definitions of evil is: "Something
that brings sorrow, distress or calamity." (Webster's Dictionary) You know what? That is the one reason
I really love God... He isn't evil. Sound kinda silly to say that? Don't we treat Him like that sometimes though?
Like He's the one who dumped a load of "sorrow, distress or calamity" on us? Either that or we treat the devil like
he has so much power that God just couldn't overcome it! What can I say...ha....sometimes you just need to see it written
out to see how dumb it sounds. Man, God is sooooo good!! He's into restoration! He's not the one who wounded
us....but He'll take old wounds and use them to heal someone else. He didn't cause discouragement or pain....but he'll
take all that and help you use it to build someone else up. He didn't cause you to fail....but He'll take those failures
and give you compassion for others who are struggling. The more we get rid of the notion that He is evil (causes sorrow,
distress or calamity); the more open we are to seeing His Glory and miracles at work in us... through us ... and all around
us. The more we realize it's not our efforts.... it's His Anointing; the more we are in position to see
our efforts (directed by Him) succeed. We want to see that; we want our children to see that....and you know what?
God wants us to see it too. All together now ... "God is a good God...and His plans for me are for good and not for
Lord, may our ears and hearts be open to Your leading
so our efforts are Ordained and Blessed by You. You are our Restoration and our Success! May You be glorified!
What We Hope For
Hebrews 6:11 (NLT)
Our great desire is that you will keep right on loving
others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you hope for will come true.
As long as I can remember, I had a desire in
my heart to love people. I didn't do a very good job of it though. With a lot of anger and bitterness in my life,
it was simpler to strike back or walk away from relationships. But even during some of the hardest periods in my teens;
those times when my only desire was to have a horse ranch far from all humans ..... I wore a copper bracelet with the inscription
"Teach me to feel another's woe ... to hide the fault I see". I guess you could look at that and think "What
a hypocrite" ..... but I believe it was the Holy Spirit at work; planting a good seed that God wanted to grow.
It just had a loooooonnngggg germination life is all, *smile*. But these last several years I've begun to see a
great benefit of "hanging in there" with people. I've been pretty much like a stubborn colt getting broke to
lead; going along fine, but then having times of pulling back because something either real or imaginary spooked me.
But I've had some people in my life who have really hung in there with me through my "pull back" periods and because of that,
I've noticed I have more of a tendency now, to hang in there with others. Do I do it perfect? Ha! Don't
I wish!! But I am more consistent and patient .... and I'm seeing some amazing changes because of it.
Changes in me....and changes in them. When we get self-centered (self focused), we close a lot of doors. God has
wonderful plans and promises for us ... but when we get into strife, or back-biting, or gossiping, or pull away from others...
we tend to slam doors right in His face. When we were training horses, if a horse would spook at a big rock or old tree
stump ...... guess where we'd keep riding that horse? Yep...right by that same rock or stump. That horse
had to face that rock or stump every time ....until the horse quit throwing a fit. Sound familiar? Find
yourself going around the same mountain more than once? Have goals and dreams and visions you want fulfilled?
Don't be afraid to ask God if there is something you have been "spooking" at ..... and get real honest with yourself.
And as far as loving others, let me ask you. Is not loving them, worth loosing the promise God has given you?
Hey, not everyone is easy to love ..... but God will show you how He wants you to treat them .... and there is a great reward
for obedience!
Lord, help me to not shut doors on any of Your promises
by not loving others. Lord, You and You alone can put love in my heart for those who have misused me or don't appear
to deserve love. But Lord, You loved me when I didn't deserve it .... help me Lord to walk in Your love for others.
By Your Grace Lord..Amen.
Now Strong
Isaiah 26:1 (NLT)
In that day, everyone in the land of Judah will sing
this song: "Our city is now strong! We are surrounded by the walls of God's salvation."
The name "Judah" means 'Praise' (Genesis 29:35) and
a "city" refers to a place people dwell (well duh Marla). "In that day" refers to a time in the future ...... their
future. When I read this it really hit me that "Their future" has arrived! Because of Jesus, we have been provided
"God's salvation". All we have to do is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and all that He offers is freely given to us.
We can now be filled and led by the Great Counselor (The Holy Spirit) and no evil can destroy us or claim us! Some day,
when Jesus returns and after all evil is swept from this earth; some day when we get to heaven .... there won't be any more
attacks or insecurities or diseases or mental problems or fatigue or broken homes or anything that is bad.
What a glorious day that will be! Yahu! But in the mean time.... God hasn't left us "hanging". Because of
His Word and because of His Holy Spirit within us ... we have been given a place to dwell in the "here and now". We
will see awesome things happening... people raised from the dead, people instantly healed and set free; lives changed. I
believe that with all my heart. But for those times when we don't see any changes; for those times when we see
the Godly suffer and die; for those times when depression hits; for those times when life just seems rough .... there is still
a city being made strong! For those times .... I give you Isaiah 26:1 in the Marla paraphrase. "In this day ... I will
continue to praise, and the place I dwell (that place of praise and trusting that God has good plans for me) is made strong
because Jesus is my Savior and He has given me His Word and His Power!" Never, never, never stop praising .....
God's got you covered!
Lord, open the eyes of my understanding so I do see
(recognize and have wisdom) all that Your salvation has provided for me in this "city" ... this place where I dwell in You.
Lord, Your promises ... Your Word ... provides everything I need for every situation .. NOW... IN THIS LIFE ....IN THIS PLACE
... THIS SITUATION. May I speak Your Word and see the wall it raises around me. For Your Glory Lord, Amen!
Overflowing With Hope
Romans 15:13 (NLT) So I pray that God, Who gives
you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in Him. May you overflow with hope through the power
of the Holy Spirit.
[Webster's Dictionary: Hope = 1) Trust, Reliance 2)
to desire with expectation of fulfillment.] Let me paraphrase that scripture. "So I pray that God, Who gives you
Trust, Reliance and the fulfillment of expectations will keep you happy and full of peace as You keep focused on Him and His
ability and allow His Passion to fill you. May the Power of the Holy Spirit working in and through you cause you to
overflow with Trust and Reliance on HIS Ability and on HIS Goodness and on His Power and Provision."
or how bout this version? "So I pray that God, who isn't withholding any Trust or Reliance or fulfillment of expectations
from you, keep you happy and full of peace because you take what He freely offers. May you actually overflow with hope
... empowered to do so by the Holy Spirit!" Ok... one more: "I pray that God causes you to overflow with Trust, Reliance
on Him and that you allow happiness and peace to overflow in you because you believe God is Who He says He is and that He
can and will do what He says He will; that you believe He has good plans for you and He will never leave you or forsake you!"
When we're going about our day, are we thinking about how someone is causing us problems or how overworked we are or how ignored
we are, or _______ (fill in the blank). OR ... are we "roping" those thoughts (the Bible calls it taking our thoughts
captive) and saying "I refuse to continue to think like this! God is taking care of this situation. God is taking
care of me. His plans for me are for good and not evil; He will guide me and cause me to triumph!" ???????????
After one hour of thinking the first way .... how exhausted and miserable do we feel? Now....after one hour of thinking
the second way (God's way)..... how do you feel? I am determined not to let my thoughts drag me around ..... I'm going
to be kept happy and full of peace because I believe in Him! Yahu! (God is Able!)
As we believe in You Lord and all you are and all
you have promised us; Lord, help us today in every situation to be happy and at peace. Help me to recognize Your
guiding; Your correction; Your deliverance; Your Provision; Your Passion and to overflow with hope and be a great testimony
of Your Grace and Power! Thank You Lord!
Sleeping With Dead Things
Ephesians 5:14 (AMP)
Therefore He says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from
the dead, and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light.
I really encourage you to study the scriptures before
and after this particular one. It talks about not having anything to do with sin ... to let The Light of God shine in
our lives to expose sin so we can get rid of it. The verses are not condemning though...because they emphasize
how much the Spirit of God ... The Light of God ... provides new life for us. We were never meant to "sleep with dead
things". A "dead thing" is anything that doesn't have the Life of Christ in it. It can be the blatant sins (that's
how we see them anyway) like murder, adultery, thievery, lying; or it can be more subtle things like stubbornness, envy
or disobedience to what You hear the Holy Spirit telling you to do. When you look back to your life BC (Before Christ)
and before you received the Holy Spirit .... doesn't it just seem like that was some kind of dream or story you heard told?
Like it wasn't really you? Coming out of that, is just like waking up from some deep sleep; a renewal and refreshing!
As we walk with Christ though and are led by The Spirit of God, we continue to have those times of "awakening". There
is just no description for those times .... the feeling of Freedom; the feeling of "being alive" again; the feeling of energy
and Hope! Everyday that we choose to let the Holy Spirit work in our lives .... we become more of what we were always
meant to be .... fully alive! So when you find God's Light shining on some dead places in your life ... don't
hide.....allow Him to do some "housecleaning" .... and restoring!
Lord, forgive me for "sleeping with dead things".
Help us Lord, not to dwell in the dead things of self pity, jealousy, envy, strife, doubt, fear, worry ... anything that is
not of Your Life. Lord, I choose to take Your Hand right now and rise up from this place I have been "sleeping" and
speak Your Words, Your Truth to myself and to my situation. Lord be glorified!
Don't Miss This Chance
Hebrews 4:7 (NLT)
So God set another time for entering His place of
rest, and that time is today. God announced this through David a long time later in the words already quoted: "Today
you must listen to His voice. Don't harden your hearts against Him."
Blaze was a big strawberry roan gelding that was amongst
the 15 head of horses owned by a neighbor who was renting our pasture when I was in highschool. He and his owner got
along pretty well but it was pretty obvious that Blaze didn't have a lot of "high regard" for other people. He was savvy
about not getting caught; just plain liked to keep his distance, and had a reputation of bucking off some pretty top riders.
While the other horses would come up to me to get their ears scratched and a handful of oats, Blaze nervously roamed the parameter
.... wanting the oats...but not wanting to be touched. I never pushed the situation, but was as persistent as only a
15 yr. old girl could be .... and every day I was there with the offer of a handful of oats and a kind touch. Before
the summer was over, Blaze not only wanted his ears scratched, but his belly and a particularly itchy spot on the top of his
broad rump. The thing is ... the rewards he was receiving by the end of summer....had been there from the first day
I walked into that pasture with my bucket of oats. There is so much the Lord wants us to "grow into" and walk in, and
it's been there all along. For whatever reason though (old wounds, lack of teaching or whatever), for some reason we
often don't just take what He offers right away. But it's still there .... HE never changed. Don't miss the opportunity
He offers each day ...... don't let the "enemy of your soul" steal what God has for you THIS day.
Lord, there are things in our lives that You are calling
us to change. Holy Spirit, help me to not harden my heart against Your Voice. Help me to trust You that anything
You ask me to change in my life will be for my good. I choose right now to say "Not my way Lord, but Yours." Anything
that I can give You Lord, will be exchanged for something so much more! Help each one of us to enter this "rest" ....
the result of hearing and obeying You. Thank You Lord!