Don't Let The Coyotes In
Song of Solomon 2:15 (NLT)
Young Women of Jerusalem: "Quick!
Catch all the little foxes before they ruin the vineyard of your love, for the grapevines are all in blossom."
I don't know much about foxes and grapes, but I do
know about coyotes and calving pens. When we worked on the 101 ranch in North Dakota on the edge of the Badlands, we
saw a lot of coyotes. During calving season, we'd bring the cows and heifers up close to the building site so we could get
them into the barn quickly if they needed help during the birthing process. We'd check the herd every 2 hours and it
wasn't uncommon to startle a couple of coyotes that were skulking about the area. If a cow is healthy, she is usually
able to keep a coyote at bay and other cattle will join in the stand against the intruder so usually new born calves are relatively
safe. The coyotes will still come into the pens though hoping to get off with some of the after-birth. While cleaning
up the newborn calf, the cow will usually eat the afterbirth herself. This gives her some extra nutrients plus doesn't
leave "bait" around to draw coyotes and wolves. You might think "Well if all the coyotes are doing is eating the after-birth,
why bother them? Can't you just let them be?". NO! A good cowboy will always make efforts to keep
the area free of coyotes (they don't carry rifle's in the back pickup window for nothing). He/she knows that if the
coyotes are left alone, they will get bolder and bolder and invite their relatives to come join in the feasts --- and soon
you have enough of a "pack hunt" that not only are the claves in danger -- but the birthing cow is too.
God is birthing things in each of us individually
and as a Body every day --- and the enemy of our soul is sending out coyotes to try to devour that new "baby". As we
stand healthy in Christ and the Holy Spirit and as we stand together, those "coyotes" don't have a chance. But we can't
become complacent and say "Yes, I know the enemy is out there but he's not really bothering much so I'm just going to leave
him alone and he'll leave me alone." Evil gets bolder and bolder as it's unopposed. Need a couple of examples
of how "coyotes" have infiltrated the birthing pens and been left alone? When TV was young, Desi and Lucy couldn't even
be seen in the same bed and you never heard foul language. Recently though the FCC said that it was ok to use the "F"
word as long as they weren't actually referring to the actual act .... oh give me a break!! Victoria's Secret style
show is one of the most advertised shows coming on CBS. Let's face it..... Victoria just doesn't HAVE any secret's anymore.
Our kindergarten kids are dressing like Brittany Spiers and the court is upholding highschool students using foul language
toward their teachers. It's in our society -- our churches -- our homes. The coyotes are in the birthing
We all have our own personal coyotes lurking about
--- trying to steal what God is birthing in and for us and through us. And God is well able to keep us and bring
us to the fullness of all He desires for our lives. He'll never overstep our will though --- but He's always speaking
to our hearts to alert us when we need to change or take a stand. Don't let the enemy beguile you into letting him hang
around ---- take that predator right out of the pen!
Lord, show me the area's in my life where I have let
the enemy hang around too close. Show me areas that are in danger and show me how to guard what You are doing in my
life. Lord, help me to stand with my brothers and sisters to fight off predator's that are trying to steal from them.
Bring us into balance Lord so we love ourselves and others and still deal with problems. May our lives and caring for
each other --- draw others into this safe place. For Your Glory Lord! Amen.
Sleepy Tom
Proverbs 20:24 (NLT)
How can we understand the road we travel? It
is the LORD Who directs our steps.
Sleepy Tom was a horse born June 22, 1868 out of good
Pacing Horse race stock. At age 3, he was sold for $50 and started training on a river bottom track "much to his injury"
according to reports. More than one account told of such treatment as, being run until he was "red hot" and lathered
and then driven into the cold river (believe me --- not a good thing). He never did run good times for that owner and
by age 7, the poor treatment had left the horse with an ailment that got him sold for $125 to a painter who liked to drink
and drive fast horses. Records show that on one occasion, this owner hooked Sleepy Tom to a sleigh and drove him 17
miles in 70 minutes. He would have ran him further than that but a cop stopped him for "speeding". After that
Sleepy Tom was traded for a 3yr old colt, a "shyster watch" and a quart of whiskey -- all amounting to about $30 in value.
By then he was considered old and due to his ailment wasn't considered for racing stock anymore.
Mr. Stephen C. Phillips though, had his eye on Sleepy
Tom and had been heard to declare that he would "possess that horse if it takes every cent I have". I couldn't find
a record of the amount Mr. Phillips paid for the horse, but he did get ownership. When asked what he was going to use
that old plug for, Mr. Phillips replied "I'm going to race him." Mr. Phillips mental capacities were immediately called
into question. Sleepy Tom's training in sulky racing, commenced though and day after day kids would come to the track
to watch the progress and listen to Mr. Phillips talk to Sleepy Tom. The horse's new owner always talked to him;
"Come on Tom. Over a bit Tom. Now Tom!! Go Tom!!". Under that gentle voice Tom started yielding like
he never had before. It wasn't long before a race date was set and it was against a well-known area champion of that
time. Actually a pretty good crowd showed up --- after all, they didn't want to miss this "circus". An old (nearly
10yrs old by that time...old for a race horse), ailing plug against the champion --- if there were any doubts about
Mr. Phillips lack of intelligence -- surely this was the clincher. Sleepy Tom "blew" the champion off the track though
and started a racing career that got him labeled "a pacing wonder". Then at age 11 yrs, Sleepy Tom set a world record
at Chicago.
Oh yes .... that "ailment"? Well, Sleepy Tom
was known by another name by many of his fans and the locals.......... "Blind Tom". You see, due to mistreatment, by
the age of 7 --- BEFORE his renowned racing career started .......... Sleepy Tom had went totally blind.
Now that you've taken some time to absorb that, let
me tell you about another redeemed Champion in the making.......you. You know, we came from "good stock"; Genesis 1:27
says "So God created people in His own image. God patterned them after Himself, male and female He created them."
You were designed in the image of God! So what happened huh? Ahhhh... you know the story; the serpent deceived female
Adam (FYI - she wasn't named "Eve" until after the sin occurred) and she got male Adam to join her in disobedience ....
and outta the garden they went. Like Sleepy Tom --- sold at a pretty cheap price. Then a new "master" ---
Satan and his bunch ---- talk about being mistreated!! But then One --- had His Eye on you and was willing to pay "every
cent he had" to buy you back. The cost Jesus paid for you was beyond understanding ..... and who would have wanted you?
You broken down, worthless ol' plug. If you're like me ---- you sure didn't look (spiritually) like "the image of God"
when you looked up from the wreck you were and said "Jesus, I need you as my Savior". But Jesus took His prize (you!!!)
and gave you the Holy Spirit who started talking to you; "Come on now. Let's go. Over this way a bit. Go
NOW! You're ok....keep going." and He's turning you into a "World Class Champion". He's not going to abuse you;
He's not going to run you to death; He's not going to sell you. He'll work with you to get you to Trust Him and even
though you feel absolutely "blind" about where you're going --- He'll help you to finish the race --- and finish it in grand
style. If you haven't already, ask Jesus into your heart and call Him "Savior, Master, Friend" --- and ask the
Holy Spirit to fill you daily! He'll give you everything you need to run this course set before you ---- just "give
to the rein" and listen to that Voice!
Lord, help us all to hear Your Voice and help us to
have yielded hearts to trust and rely on Your leading. Amen!
Limping Warrior
Ephesians 1:19 (AMP)
And [so that you can know and understand] what is
the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the workings
of His mighty strength.
I went over to the church today before noon just to
spend some time in prayer. Whether I was drawn there as God calling me to an act of obedience (a training session..ha)
or whether He wanted some special Anointing to be imparted in that physical place, I don't know. I leave His reasons
up to Him. I had some same day surgery 4 days ago though on my right foot so am wearing a protective bandage and "shoe"
until they can take out stitches and remove a wire (which hasn't allowed me to get FM OR cable!). I tell you this only
so you can get a mental picture of me walking into that church. Here's me, an overweight, middle-aged, limping woman
--- hobbling into the sanctuary to do battle. Not exactly the "picture" of a gladiator is it? ha While I was smiling
and shaking my head a bit at my own thoughts of this image, I felt the Holy Spirit gently speak to my heart --- "It's not
you who is doing battle, don't sweat it." I gave the Lord what I consider a "hug" and went off in a slow limp, circling
the sanctuary. I prayed for our church, I prayed for our Pastor and his family, I prayed for the town, for the school,
for all those participating either innocently or not so innocently in all the Halloween parties and rituals, I prayed for
our Nation, I prayed against deceptions and destruction coming into all these areas. I say "I prayed" but let me share
what was really happening ..... and what happens when YOU pray with a sincere desire for God's will to be done. In the
"natural" you might see and feel someone who is "less than adequate" praying. But in the spirit realm, they see Jesus
walking about and touching lives. The enemy sees Jesus holding and comforting the hurting and touching the mind that
is tormented. The demons see hosts of angels wrecking all their plans for destruction. In the spirit realm
they see the Blood of Jesus cleansing old wounds and washing away sin sicknesses. The demons of Halloween SEE Holy Angels
suddenly step between them and their "targets". I could go on and on and on, but I think you see the picture.
Please don't go by how you view yourself (or anyone else you see praying) .... go by how God views the Holy Spirit that is
praying through you. Never stop praying .. never, never, never --- and KNOW that God's power is at work on YOUR behave
and that of others. For you .... in you ... and through you .... may His Glory always shine!
Lord Bless this day and Bless the prayers of those
who put their hope and trust in You. Confound the plans of the enemy and bring forth Your Glory Lord! Amen!
Don't Be Mauled
2 Timothy 4:17,18 (Amp)
But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that
through me the [Gospel] message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was delivered out
of the jaws of the lion. [And indeed] the Lord will certainly deliver and draw me to Himself from every assault of evil.
He will preserve and bring me safe unto His heavenly Kingdom. To Him be the glory forever and ever, Amen (so be it).
I am not prone to have nightmares so when I had one
last week and it was in vivid color and I clearly remembered it after awakening --- I figured the Lord was trying to
show me something. I was right and it's been a topic of prayer for me ever since. I'm so glad God is good and
He gives us a "heads up";so we need not fear but can just press in closer to Him! I would normally warn you to skip
this if you are queasy about gore --- but I believe this is one we all need to take to heart and not ignore. The dream
started out with a scene of slaughter like I've never seen even in the movies. People were laying strewn around, some
with heads ripped off, and others with their whole sides missing or shredded. Blood was everywhere; and the few people
that were alive were in severe pain and begging for an end to their suffering. As I stood there in shock and feeling
helpless, the scene flashed back to the days leading up to this slaughter.
"Lions loosed!"
Whether the lions had escaped or had been turned loose
on purpose I never knew, but the radio's and TV's ran the news to "be on the alert". People ignored the warning.
Some just didn't pay attention as they went about their day ..... windows were left partly open and doors unlocked.
People in a coffee shop actually laughed about it all --- even as the front door was being pushed open. The proverbial
teen couple in Lover's Lane heard a strange noise -- but went back to their necking --- until the lion came through the
car window in a vicious attack.
Are we in the "end times"?
I don't know; only Father God knows that --- but I do believe we are in a time where God is doing a great thing and the enemy
is frantically trying to stop it. John 10:10 says the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy and that's exactly what
he is trying to do. 2 Timothy 3:1 (Amp) says: "But understand this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous
times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear]." I could prob'ly name several types of "attacks"
people have felt lately and many of you would say "Me too!! I've went through that!". But tonight I only want
to stress two things:
1) The enemy has loosed the lions or is about to.
Please, please don't ignore the Holy Spirit telling you to "close the windows" "close the doors" to them. Things
may come up in your life, but they aren't being revealed to condemn you. God needs "pure gold" --- the lost need
to see "pure gold" and the Holy Spirit will work lovingly to bring us into that state of being......... because He KNOWS the
Blood of the Lamb and the Word will have it's perfect work --- in those who will let it. The Lord KNOWS the things
in our lives that "leave the window or door cracked open" to the enemy; and He is sounding the alarm to keep us in safety.
LET Him do the work needed in you --- draw close to Him --- keep your eyes on Him --- don't close your ears to His warnings
and don't let your heart be hardened.
2) DON'T BE AFRAID!!! God is well
able to keep you. 2 Tim 4:17,18 says GOD WILL STAND BY YOU AND STRENGTHEN YOU!! It says GOD WILL PERSEVERE AND
BRING YOU SAFELY INTO HIS KINGDOM! Before you feel the "breath of the attacker" --- let God do His wonderful
work in you. Look at all His creation and enjoy His Glory and testimony --- laugh together -- encourage one another
-- pray for one another. When you see something in yourself that isn't God --- renounce it and let God work a change
in you. If the attack is already on --- don't look at the attacker! Turn your eyes QUICKLY to the One Who
Loves you --- He'll deal with the attacker. Praise --- rejoice --- speak God's promises over yourself, your family and
those He puts on your heart. Dance --- sing --- pray in tongues (a LOT) -- get rest -- eat right -- enjoy life.
Lord, have Your perfect way in us. Thank You
Lord for Your Love, Your protection and Your Joy and Provision. Lord, it feels sooooooooooooooo good to know that You
are greater than any enemy we face. You are an awesome and Holy God and we need not fear. Lord help each of us
to be hearing and submitted to Your leading --- and may You be glorified! Thank You Lord!
Last Hour Workers
Matthew 20:9,10 (NLT)
When those hired at five o'clock were paid, each received
a full day's wage. When those hired earlier came to get their pay, they assumed they would receive more. But they,
too, were paid a day's wage.
When I first heard the story of the "Day's Wage" when
I was a little kid in Sunday School, I don't think I got the point of the story. Actually, I'm suspicious that none
of our class did and maybe it had something to do with our teacher thinking that parable sounded as unfair as we did.
Or --- maybe we were just too noisy to listen and she finally gave up trying to explain it --- we tended to have that effect
on teachers. Later I came to understand that it meant that those who came to Christ as their Savior at the last hour
would still get as gloriously saved as those who served Him all their lives.
I still believe that, but recently I've been observing
some things that cause me to see that parable in another light. I've been listening to some "young" Christians share
Wisdom --- songs --- poems -- Insights -- Word's of Knowledge --- Word's of Prophecy and Words of Encouragement; and
have found my mouth open in awe and tears welling up in my eyes because of the beauty of the moment --- because of the Presence
of God upon them. Because they are just hungry for whatever God has for them and because they are humble and receiving
---- well --- there just are no words to really express it. My thoughts go from pure joy in what I am seeing/hearing
--- to pure shame, wondering if I am even a Christian in comparison.
I believe with all my heart though that I am observing
"last hour" workers. I think we are in a "time" when God is doing such a great thing that maybe -- maybe --- He is saying
"I don't have time to bring them along as slowly as I've worked with you. These ones need to be walking in the
fullness of their commission -- NOW."
I have two ways I am praying for this situation I
am seeing. I am praying for these "new" Christ centered believers that they will have the confidence and Peace and encouragement
they need to just "flow" as the Holy Spirit leads them. I am praying for those who have been "Believers" for many years
--- to receive what these "last hour" workers are bringing to the Body of Christ and to join them as co-laborers. No
jealousy; no resentment --- just a joy of what God is doing. The world needs the "seasoned" veteran --- the world needs
the "last hour" recruits. It's a great and awesome time we live in ----- because He is a great and awesome God!
Lord, help us each to just walk in the gifts and callings
You have placed in our lives. May You be glorified! Amen.
I Trust
Psalm 28:7 (NLT)
The LORD is my strength, my shield from every danger.
I trust in Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
What I am sharing tonight is a bit hard for me as
you'll prob'ly come to understand. But if I ever doubted that others fight the same battles I do, then the response
from the last one on "running" took all that doubt away. So may this one also give you some insight maybe into some
of your own battles --- or if nothing else -- give you something to pray about with compassion. I'd mentioned that I
had recently failed a trial -- test -- whatever you want to call it and have been doing some soul searching as to why I seem
to hang on to certain attitudes that I really don't like.
In the initial "recovery" after my failure, someone
more wise than I kindly (and I don't say that sarcastically) told me that I don't trust those who actually care about me --
I still keep walls up. They are right. It wasn't a new revelation to me either; it's something I've known for
years. Through the years the walls have been lowered -- or maybe gotten thinner -- but it's still been there.
I have known all along what put them there too --- but obviously haven't totally committed it to God. See, we can make
a lot of progress --- a LOT -- and still not completely walk in victory in some area. When I first started
attending a church where people greeted you with a hug --- I thought it was nice ---- as long as they didn't hug ME!
Just don't get toooooo close! Yet I could see their genuine love for each other and was touched by it. Now ---
I hug EVERYONE!! I'm a hugger -- and if you don't duck -- you might get a Holy kiss on the cheek (shades of aunt Bessie!!!).
There is a stronghold though that lingers with the
stench of a decaying carcass. The first time I was nearly raped, I was about 4th grade and attacked by a highschool
boy --- a neighbor who jumped out at me as I rode my bike home from the grocery store. Thankfully even then one of my
brothers had taught me pretty well how to get out of wrestling holds and I knew how to peddle my bike!!
The second attempt (again I was able to break loose) was
from a deacon in the church. I was a bit older then but still in gradeschool. I never told anyone other than some
other little friends. They confessed he'd touched them inappropriately too --- sometimes right in the middle of a church
service. Back then we never told an adult --- didn't figure they'd believe us -- we just watched out for each other.
We didn't know any better. He's dead now -- has been for years so there was no need to tell any longer.
The third was the boyfriend of a beloved aunt.
I was 13 and by then I was tougher than nails --- and the knife I pulled on him stopped all advances. The fourth time
was the boss of a friend and again it didn't get very far because I threatened to kill him and apparently the look in my eye
said I wasn't bluffing.
The key there though is that they were ALL people
who I SHOULD have been able to trust. A neighbor, a deacon, and older "grandpa" type and a stranger to me but someone
well respected in the community. It burned a deep rift in my soul (mind/emotions) that made a great ditch to use for
the base of a wall.
Like I said, I've made a lot of progress through the
years --- I now KNOW that when my husband says he'll never leave me --- he means it. I now love hugs and that feeling
of "connection". But apparently that wall was still buried there for me to trip on once in awhile. So now me and
God are digging it up together (He digs and I hang on to His robe and peek around at it) so it won't be a stumbling block
for me.
Got any walls? Maybe even know what built them?
Find that even more than protecting you --- they keep you prisoner? Let me ask you some of the questions I've asked
myself this week (and will again every time I face certain things). I'll even give you some of the answers! ha
1) Is God a liar? a] of course not; the Bible
says He CAN'T lie
2) Is there anyone or anything more powerful than
God? a] Nope - HE built the most powerful thing in the universe -- and it's NOTHING compared to His Might.
3) Can you trust God? a] yes --- over and over and
over the Bible says we can.
4) Can you trust people? a] no --- people will fail
us; even those who love us dearly.
5) So how can I trust at all? a] I can trust God to
handle everything -- to work all things out for my good because I love Him and am called according to His purpose. I
can trust God dwelling in those in my Christian family --- He in US is bigger than our weaknesses.
6) Can God get you through this and have you walk
in freedom of this stronghold? a] of course He can!
Lord, I pray for all those who have walls in their
lives and are prisoners behind them. Lord set the captives free! Give them Insight and Wisdom. May they
come to know more and more and more how GREAT and SECURE Your Love is for them! Help us each to let go of everything
that isn't from You -- and to give it TOTALLY to You! Show us how to put on that "Helmet of Salvation" that protects
our minds from vain imaginations. Give us each Holy Discernment to avoid traps the enemy sets for us. Help us
to let you do a complete healing and restoration in our spirits -- our souls (mind/emotions) and our bodies! For Your
Glory Lord!
Continue - Don't Run
Hebrews 10:36 (NLT)
Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that
He has promised.
I'm a runner. I'd like to say I was referring to the times I lettered in track when I was in highschool -- but
*sigh*, that's not what I mean. Things get tough and I am likely to say "Forget this! I'm outta here!".
I always figured it was a character flaw and I don't know how many times I've renounced it and think I get the victory over
it --- and then it raises it's ugly head again. I failed a "trial" recently that left me just "kicking" myself so I've
been doing a lot of seeking God about why I don't seem to just "shape up" in this area. He's been showing me some interesting
things. One of the things He's shown me is the very day I became a "runner". I was in lower gradeschool and although
I don't recall the specifics of the battle, there was a war of sorts going on between the city council and some of the townsmen
(the kind that only a small town can have..ha). I remember thinking (even as young as I was) that what the council was
trying to do was really unfair. My mom on the other hand was fighting mad and determined to have her say. We lived
in an 8-wide trailer house back then. Now the mobile homes today are luxurious and often put on foundations. But
back then --- we were called "trailer trash". It was a handle I really got sick of being called as you can imagine.
But in this case mom was using it as a club as she declared to the counsel that "If you want to treat people that way, it
won't bother me! My house has wheels on it --- I don't have to stay in this town!" Looking back I don't
think mom was serious, she was a pretty good bluffer. But whatever the case, things got worked out and the "trailer
trash" stayed parked. But it was with that threat -- that I took on an attitude or a familiar spirit -- whatever you
want to call it. From that moment on, my theme became --- "If you don't want me --- I'm outta here." I think somehow
with that revelation --- it no longer has a hold on me. I don't share this with you just to confess (although confession
is good for the soul), but I figure if I have things that bug me --- then others have similar struggles and maybe letting
you hear some of mine will help you. We all have "triggers" that just set us off! I'm learning to recognize those
times and try to step back and ask "Ok Marla -- what is REALLY the problem here?" I find it's not usually someone else
--- it's usually looking back at me in the mirror. But Praise God --- He allows us to see these things so we can ask
Him to help us in these areas and grow. In growing and maturing we Bless Him -- and WE get a victory! Don't be
afraid to look at your weaknesses --- God will help you exchange them for His Strength!
Lord, I pray for all those who are reading this and feel like they've failed others and themselves. First of
all Lord I ask that You wrap them in your loving arms and open their hearts to receiving the Love You offer them. Lord
as You hold them, may they realize how gentle You are as You allow them to see areas of defeat --- wrong attitudes --- old
wounds --- demonic strongholds. Never once do You reveal these things to us to berate us --- but only to help us to
be free of them. Free to become that person You created --- that victorious Child of the Most High God! Lord Bless
them; comfort them; set them free. I pray that for myself -- my brothers and sisters in Christ -- and for those Whom
You call Lord. For Your Glory! Amen.
A Thought For Your Life
Psalm 21:4 (Amp)
He asked life of
You, and You gave it to him -- long life forever and evermore.
Don't just ask God
for Salvation --- ask Him for Life! Salvation doesn't mean just "not going to hell"; it means God pouring Life into
every area. There's Life for your body --- Life for your marriage --- Life for your work -- Life for leisure times --
Life to be poured into others. Let Him show you HIS definition for "Life"!
Lord, we acknowledge
You as the True Living God and we ask that You forgive our sins --- cleanse us in spirit, mind and body. Lord pour Life
into these areas and give us new Vision, Energy, Health, Insight, Wisdom, Joy and ALL that Your Salvation means! May
we come to experience and walk in the fullness of Your Salvation more each day! For Your Glory Lord! Amen!
Not Watered Down
Luke 11:4
(NLT) And forgive us our sins just as we forgive those
who have sinned against us.
(Amp) And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also
forgive everyone who is indebted to us [who has offended us or done us wrong].
I went to a funeral last Saturday
of a long-time friend. She was a precious and very kind lady who loved the Lord, although she always had a
bit of a look about her of carrying a heavy burden. I kept getting a "picture" in my spirit though, of her taking the
hand of her Savior and looking into His Accepting Eyes ---- that look of "heaviness" was no longer on her. Focusing
on that picture helped me to ignore the prayers and message being preached of "helping her along" and "praying her in".
I had mixed feelings as people were invited to come forth and partake of Communion. I felt the usual deep sadness because
only people of "that" Denomination were invited forward, but in watching the people come back to their pews, I felt such
a love for them --- I knew I was feeling a bit of emotion from God. I knew most of the people and if I wanted (and I
don't) I could tell you a lot of their failures. But at that time, I was seeing them with the Heart of God. For
that moment -- for that period in time --- they were trying to honor Him in the best way they knew how. They had placed
their sins before Him --- and received His Acceptance. It was precious to the Lord and brought tears to my eyes.
A bit later in the
service I found myself in tears again --- only this time for a very different reason. We were singing "Amazing Grace"
and got to the part in the first verse "that saved a wretch like me" --- only they (Denominational headquarters?) had changed
the words. The words weren't bad --- but the intent was to soften the blow of being called a wretch. Since it's
appropriate to weep at a funeral -- I'm sure anyone noticing, just racked my sobbing up to losing a friend. Just at
the tears during Communion weren't "mine" --- neither were these tears mine --- although mine mingled with those of the Holy
I can remember very
clearly the day when I recognized that there were divisions in the church. I was four years old and we had just moved
to a different town and I was setting with my mother in "our" new church. They were closing with "The Lord's Prayer"
and we got to the part that said "And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." ---- only they used the word "trespass"
and "trespassers". It threw me into a total spin --- my four year old mind couldn't figure out why they wouldn't know
the right words to that prayer! Mom said I wouldn't even say the prayer with them for quit some time after that. Mom
took the time though to explain what it meant and that either way was ok --- and she told me that Jesus had forgiven us so
much and we weren't to withhold forgiveness from others who asked for it. My aunt though -- had a total different view
of it. She said that she always used the word "trespass" because if someone came on her property, it was easier
to forgive than if someone owed her money (debt). I was in first grade when she shared that great insight
with me --- and I must have been gaining wisdom in school, because I thought that was a pretty stupid idea that totally
missed the point. I wasn't able to convince her of that though.
I wish I could speak
and read and understand Greek and Hebrew and read God's Word in it's original form, but I can't. I do try to seek out
versions of the Bible though that translate from those original writings and I really appreciate the Amplified Bible and The
New Living Translation. You know what though? Neither one of those versions use the words "trespass" or "Debt"
in The Lord's Prayer...... they both use the word "sin". It's not watered down --- it's not softened to spare our fragile
egos --- it's not politically correct --- it leaves us with no excuses.
There is something
very awesome and wonderful that happens when we start recognizing and acknowledging that we were wretches and we need forgiveness
from sin. We start recognizing how absolutely great and wonderful God is! We start becoming aware of the
awesomeness of what Jesus did for us. When we look at some others, we may be able to compare ourselves to
others and think "we aren't so bad", and we can come up with all kinds of excuses for the way we feel and act ---
but when we do ---- we steal from ourselves. We steal opportunities to be free. We steal opportunities
to be totally dependant on the One Who Created Us and function in His strength instead of ours. We steal opportunities
to have compassion for others. We steal opportunities to feel how very, very precious we are to God when we turn
to Him with arms reaching out and say "Daddy! Help me!". Want to become strong and free? Let Jesus turn
"this wretch" into a "Righteous Child of The Most High God" and let Him take our "sin" and destroy it's hold
in every part of our lives.
Lord, help us to give You our pride,
self-righteousness and self-sufficiency. Open the Eyes of our Understanding so we recognize every area in our life which
has a need for You ---- which is every area in our lives. We declare right
now that we are no longer going to water-down our failures and sins ---- but we are going to celebrate what You are doing
in our lives. Thank You Lord for never giving up on us. Thank You Lord for the things You have done in our
lives. Thank You Lord for THIS time with You and thank You Lord for what You will do in us and through us in the
times to come. For Your glory Lord! Amen.
Even Bad Haircuts
Romans 8:28 (NLT)
And we know that God causes everything to work together
for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.
My son still swears he followed my directions exactly.
All I can say is that somewhere between my mouth and his ears is a translation perversion; and he has a total different concept
of certain words than I have. I needed the back of my hair trimmed "just a bit" so had Rem (who's been cutting my hair
and doing a fine job for a novice) set to the task. When he got done and I looked in the mirror, I determined it needed
a bit of evening out and a tapering, so he took another whack at it (yes, pun intended). His comment of "I just can't
seem to get this." led to my asking my son (who has said several times that he has cut his friends hair, and feels he does
a good job) to finish up. Rem's comments to him of "I think you're cutting that too short" and "I think you're going
too high there." should have had me put up the "STOP" signs but for some strange reason it didn't.
When my son indicated he was satisfied with the cut,
I thanked him and went to shower off all the little hairs that love to stick to your neck. Checking the mirror before
getting undressed ---- I about freaked!!! Not only was the back nearly shaved instead of tapered ... it was uneven on
both sides and had longer hair creating a V down the center! And for some strange reason, a notch out of it even higher
than the "taper" job. We won't dwell on the conversation that followed.
One of the ladies in our church is a fine hair dresser
and I figured if anyone could pull a hairstyle miracle out of her scissors, she could. But the call to her in the morning
revealed the bad news (for me) that she was going to be out of town all day --- although she said if she got back early enough
she'd give me a call and try to help (despite the swamped agenda she already had).
Not wanting to chance having to go to work the next
day with a haircut that would send my co-workers into gales of laughter and interfere with work, I informed my friend
Carolyn that she was "it" and my last hope. Now Carolyn isn't a hair stylist, but she's a good friend and very talented
lady and I knew she cut her husbands and own hair and they look pretty good. My only hesitation to ask her though had
been the fact that: we were on our way to her home anyway --- to take her much beloved 18 yr old cat to the vet to be "put
down". What a thing to ask someone going through this kind of grief, and besides I could hide the hairdo with
a scarf. But knowing Carolyn pretty well, I also knew that a distraction might just be in order for her.
So while Rem took the suffering, precious pet to the vet, Carolyn focused on making me look presentable to the public.
She did an amazing job! Shaving off part of
the lower hairline created the elusion of the rest not being cut so high and snipping tiny bits off at a time blended the
rest. The haircut now just looks like a "bad haircut" vs. the "atrocious haircut" it had started out with --- and as
I always say "It'll grow back".
But then God started revealing His work in
the whole thing. Carolyn said later that looking forward to the challenge of fixing my hairdo had kept her mind busy
all morning and gave her something to think about rather than what her precious little cat was going through. She said
working on the hair repair helped her get through that awful time of knowing what was happening at the vet's office at that
time. She recognized this was a "Devine intervention" --- and it had all served a purpose.
God didn't stop there though. The next day at
work (switchboard operator at the hospital), some friends came rushing in to the ER with their 8yr old boy who had just been
mauled by a dog. He was doing well except for a deep slash on his forehead which needed more than simple stitches.
After I got off work, I went up to the waiting room to keep them company while their little guy was in surgery. Their
surgeon was a Spirit-filled, Born Again man of faith with great surgical talent so I knew that God was already at work on
the boy physically.
It wasn't hard to keep my friends distracted
as they are horsemen; and when the likes of us get together, there's plenty of stories to swap. We passed the time doing
that .... while we waited. After nearly two hours though, as the tension was trying to creep in a bit, --- the husband
commented on my short haircut. I proceeded to tell him the story of "The Bad Haircut" and as I did, he started laughing
so hard he nearly fell off the plush chair! If anyone ever needed to laugh --- this young couple did. Right
after finishing the story, the surgeon came in with the good news that the boy was fine and the gash had sewed up very well
and as he got older there prob'ly wouldn't even be much of a scar.
So you can see what the enemy meant for embarrassment
and conflict --- God took it and eased stress on four other people........ and ............... the hair will grow back.
We all have things happen in our life that are far from perfect. Some of them are really just annoyances (like bad haircuts)
and some of them are terrible tragedies. God doesn't do those kind of things to us...... He doesn't create evil things
just to teach us a lesson or to "stretch us". Evil exists in the world --- sin has messed things up for all of us........BUT!!!!!!
God says if we will turn to Him at all times and trust Him in all things ... He'll work it all to our good. If we love
Him --- turn to Him. If we love Him --- speak to that thing and say "God will use even this!" If we love Him ---
say to your soul (emotions), "I don't know why this is happening --- but I know the One Who will get me through this and bring
me to a higher level!" If we love Him --- sing "No matter what I see; no matter what I hear; I will trust You Lord,
I will trust You!"
Lord, I lift up every person reading this who is struggling
with hard things or merely annoying things in their life. Lord send Your Grace into that situation --- Your unconditional
favor that brings Your Empowering Presence and all Your Resources to help them and to turn this situation around.
Help our hearts and thoughts and speech turn quickly to You and Your ability and Your willingness to help us. May You
be glorified Lord through every answer and our trust in You! Amen
Under The Blood
Romans 5:9 (NLT)
And since we have been made right in God's sight by
the Blood of Christ, He will certainly save us from God's judgment.
We took Communion in church last Sunday and as I drank
and ate of the Sacraments, I heard the Holy Spirit within me say "Under the Blood ---- not under the rug." That's
what the Blood of Jesus does folks; cleanses us in a way that not even the best housekeeper can do! When we come to
Christ, declare Him as our Lord and Savior, and ask for forgiveness --- that Blood He shed as a sacrifice on The Cross
does a perfect work. It takes our sin and totally wipes them out. The enemy of our soul, (Satan and all
his crew) will try and tell you that all that stuff in past --- all that sin --- is just swept under some big rug and is waiting
to be uncovered or spill out. That's a lie and don't you buy it ! God isn't holding what He's forgiven you of
over your head. He's not waiting for you to fail so He can bring out old accusations against you. If you listen
--- if you listen --- you will only hear the Holy Spirit say "Come on, we've got great plans for you!". So if
you've asked the LORD to forgive you and you still find yourself feeling guilty or doubtful, make a declaration today "My
sins, my failures -- are UNDER THE BLOOD, they're not under the rug!! I am made new in Christ and He's got good plans
for me!" Then listen --- obey --- and dance with the LORD!"
Lord, thank You for forgiving me and cleansing me
completely and thoroughly. Lord, I look forward to this walk with You and the things to come. Lord, I can't change
a thing about my past --- but You have changed my future! Thank You, thank You, thank You!!! In the cleansing
of my sins, You are glorified --- and in completing this good work You have begun in me --- You will be glorified. Thank
You Lord! Amen.
Ponder Amazing
Psalm 111:2 (NLT)
How amazing are the deeds of the LORD! All who
delight in Him should ponder them.
Most people offer sympathy or disbelief when they
find out I have to drive an hour to work. I feel a bit of sympathy for those who don't. Sure, it'd be nice
not to have to get up quite so early, but the rewards out weigh the sound of the alarm going off at 5am. You see, God
goes to great lengths to Bless me on that hours drive. He's put glorious colors in the clouds, causes eagles sore
across the road so close I can see the details of their feathering, had fox pups play along side the road until I got there
to see them, laid morning fog on the sloughs and painted the hills with colors that never end. I turned into the
roadside park one morning to drop some garbage in the can, and stopped for a minute to watch two very cute cottontail bunnies
munch breakfast. I've seen peacocks fan their plumage that put the fanciest dresses to shame. I've had to slow
down for a bunch of wild turkeys that didn't care at all that a road had crossed their trail. I get to visit with the
nicest young gal at the truck stop when I pull in to grab an ice tea to take to work. I don't know her name yet, but
I pray for her husband who is stationed in Iraq --- the pin that she wears with his picture reminds me to do that. I
watch God keep whitetail deer from jumping out in front of me (talk about miracles!!!) and I feel a surge of excitement and
joy as I see horses take off bucking just to enjoy the fact that they can. A lot of the things I see, I know God has
put them there for a lot of drivers to enjoy. Whether they do or not --- whether they really look and see or not ---
isn't up to me; that's up to them and Him. But there are just too many times when I see something and I know that I
know that I know -- that God put it there just for me, and my eyes tear up and my heart about bursts with a sense of
His love for me and an awareness of how Awesome He is! On days that I'm really aware of those things --- it's amazing
how well work goes. I have more patience and find it pretty easy to say "God works all things for my good" when conflicts
come up. On days I make that drive and my focus is on "me" ---- well --- I don't have near as much fun that day..ha.
I'm glad I can say I'm having more and more days of "pondering His Awesome deeds" ---- and I plan to cultivate that in my
Lord, help us to ponder on Your deeds and Your Love
and the Awesome things You do around us and in us more often. Holy Spirit, teach us true Praise and Worship so our focus
is drawn to The Throne Room rather than limited to our problems. May we become more and more and more aware of all the
things You are doing around us --- in us --- and through us. Help us to look with greater vision rather than the limits
of "self". In looking for You --- we see You all around. In seeing You all around -- we see Your Awesomeness.
In seeing Your Awesomeness --- we come to know and trust and proclaim that You are God and there is nothing You can't do!
In coming to really "know" that --- we refuse all burdens and our soul (mind) and heart turns with Joy to the One Who has
the Answers and is already at work for our behalf. To You be all Glory --- to You be all Honor -- to You be all Praise!
Destruction or Victory
Roman's 6:15 (NLT)
So since God's Grace has set us free from the law,
does this mean we can go on sinning? Of course not! Don't you realize that whatever you choose to obey becomes
your master?
From the Ten Commandments that Moses brought down
from that mountain, the Jewish law-givers ended up analyzing and sub-dividing those laws and also the sub-divided
laws. Instead of the laws coming down off that mountain --- the laws became a mountain. At least the people got
to the point that they recognized they couldn't walk in purity and righteousness on their own --- they needed help.
So Jesus came and became the perfect sacrifice, one time and for all people who would receive Him as Lord. Yahu!!!
So the people rejoiced and enjoyed having the mountain lifted off their back and just went about doing good and loving the
LORD. Was that a gust of wind I just felt from all those eyebrows being raised? *smile* Ok, ok -- so that's not
quite how things went. The sad part is --- it could have went that way. So why didn't it? I'm not
talking about those who have never heard of Jesus; I'm talking about all of us who set in church, profess our faith and
put the "I love Jesus" bumper stickers on our cars and the "Jesus First" pins on our coats or hats. All I know is ----
I've seen time and time again in these last few years (and it seems to be increasing), the Holy Spirit calling God's people
to be delivered of all kinds of attitudes and behaviors. Instead of saying "Yuk!!! ---- Lord, thank You for showing me
this about myself! Lord, cleanse me of this!! Change me and help me to make choices for You from now on!"
---- I see too many hanging on to "old masters". Now don't be discouraged or condemned here if you've found yourself
fighting some of the same old battles. The fact that you're fighting them is a good sign ---- the danger
comes when God allows those things to rise up in us, and we not only don't try fighting them; we refuse to even acknowledge
them. I know I've had a few things hit my "trigger" recently and sure had mixed emotions about it. On one side
I was disgusted with myself because I thought I had won those battles before and was free of certain reactions to them.
On the other hand I thanked God that my reactions weren't near as devastating at they would have been at one time...... I
can see where I've grown a lot. So I take a more firm stance (at least I didn't have to pick myself up out of the dirt
this time), shake it off and say "Lord, show me how to handle this" --- and maybe next time I won't even have to shake it
off because it won't be able to even catch a short ride on me. This walk with the LORD is a process and it's
a free choice. The Bride of Christ (that's us Church!!!) will be presented spotless! Things seem to
be speeding up, and the Holy Spirit is bringing up even the small things in our lives where we are serving the wrong
master. He's not doing it to put us down -- He's not doing it to make us feel like failures --- He's not doing it to
discourage us. He's doing it so we become ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! Still find yourself fighting some of the same old
battles? Keep fighting! Use the Word God has given you --- and proclaim what the Blood of the Lamb has done
for you. Because of Him, you are absolutely perfect --- and the Holy Spirit is just helping you to shed everything that
isn't. Whatever you do, don't let those things that come to the surface set there and become a hardened crust --- a
crust that will keep you from receiving and flowing in all the Lord has for you.
Lord, we present ourselves before You. Continue
to show us areas in our lives where we need to change and be set free. Give us the strength to resist the lure of old
unrighteous masters -- and to choose obedience which gives us Victory! Lord, help us to have compassion on others
whose sins and weaknesses have risen to the surface. Help us to realize You only allowed those things to rise to
the top so they can be skimmed off and the beautiful Gold revealed. Help us to take action when needed and to be still
when needed. You are the One Who changes us --- and You are the One Who changes others; Lord, help us not to interfere.
For Your Glory Lord! Amen!
Not Bothered or Afraid
Ezekiel 38:25,26 (NLT)
So now the Sovereign LORD says; I will end the captivity
of My people; I will have mercy on Israel, for I am jealous for my holy reputation! They will accept responsibility
for their past shame and treachery against Me after they come home to live in peace and safety in their own land. And
then no one will bother them or make them afraid.
Whenever the Bible talks about "Israel", it refers
to the literal Israel and also to the spiritual Israel which is anyone who comes to Christ. Everyone is held captive
by something --- yes, I said "everyone", but Jesus ended the ability of the enemy to keep us captive! Yahu!!! Whether
it's something that is obviously bondage like drugs, pornography, gluttony; or if it's the more subtle chains of mean-spiritedness,
manipulation, gossip, snobbery, or lack of compassion --- Jesus broke the chains. We have to step out of them though.
Why in the world would we want to "get Saved" -- and then walk through this life with chains hanging on us yet? One
of the first ways to step out of chains is to take ownership of our sin (I'm not going to call it by a kinder, gentler
name like "our weakness" or "our character defect" --- it's sin). Until we recognize that there are things in our lives
that need to change and take responsibility for our attitudes and actions; --- it's pretty hard to recognize there are chains
hanging all over us. The same enemy though, who is sure enough willing to help us make excuses for ourselves or
help us stay in denial, ---- will work overtime to make sure our faults aren't hidden from others. Sooooooooooooooo
---- hey, let's just admit our sins; step out of the chains --- and get on with shining God's Light in this world. The
thing is, when the Holy Spirit is "dealing" with us in any area --- we aren't going to live in Peace anyway until we let Him
do the good work in us that is needed. By not obeying, we also jeopardize our safety --- we'll always
be vulnerable to the enemies attacks on our soul (mind, emotions) and in danger of hardening our hearts and going deeper and
deeper into the enemy's trap. Christ's Blood broke every chain for those who will accept Him as Lord, admit their
sins, and turn away from those sins..... we can now "come home to live in Peace and Safety". He offers to help
us to step out of those tangled old links!!!! The Holy Spirit says "Let Me show you in Gentleness and Love, the
things that are holding you in bondage ---- and let Me give you the tools (Fruits of the Spirit) to remove every one
of them!" Just remember, it's an on-going process --- so don't be discouraged if you aren't "there" yet. Like
the most precious diamond, God keeps polishing and cutting facets until we reflect His Light in the most brilliant
way! So whether you're still in the "coal" stage or whether you're in the final stages --- you are a brilliant
diamond and the "Master Gem Cutter" is just cutting away everything that won't reflect His Glory!
Lord, take away our fear that would hinder us from
being honest with ourselves and admitting sinful areas in our lives. Help us to take Your hand in assurance that Your
intent for us is for good and not for destruction. Lord, show us how to accept the Tools You have given us to get rid
of anything in our sprits --- our hearts --- our minds, that is hiding the beautiful diamond You created. Lord, thank
You for Loving us -- thank You for keeping us -- and thank You for perfecting us. For Your Glory Lord, Amen!
friends and Friends
Proverbs 17:17 (NLT)
A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to
help in the time of need.
I have one friend who I would get together with for
coffee regularly. I felt comfortable sharing problems and victories with her and knew most of her "secrets". But
then a couple of years ago another friend came into her life and we seldom visit now, let alone get together. But
God is always there for you and no matter how many people He adds to His Kingdom, He always has abundant time for each of
us. With Him, adding friends never means not having time for someone else....... His friendship means "The more the
merrier!" God can have billions of "very bestest friends"!
We have other friends who years ago told us we were
"really family" and in fact included us in many family occasions. But then for reasons I've never totally understood
(maybe I let them down), we were downgraded a bit and haven't even been invited over to their home for an evening together
in nearly 4 years. When God invites you into His family though ... it's for eternity and you are now "Blood relatives".
You're always expected at the Banquet table and He loves being called "Daddy" (that really is what Abba Father means).
I have another friend who used to call me even during
the middle of the night when she was having problems. She told me often how much she appreciated having a friend like
me. Now though, she is more likely to tell people that I really should have been asked to leave the church. Yet
there is another who is a close friend now, whom I never would have chosen as a friend when we first knew each other
because our personalities and philosophies are so different. God though, wanted fellowship with me even before I was
a very nice person. He didn't look at my failures and see me as "personality challenged" --- He saw what I am destined
to become; and He just keeps working with me to gain that end.
We have other friends whom we love dearly and we used
to get together often; but now because of distance and job changes for us all, we seldom get together. God availability
isn't affected by distance or time. He says "I'll walk with you where ever you are; and I'll talk with you whenever
you allow." We never have to fear that moving or job responsibilities will have to cut into our time with Him.
You see by these few examples , there are friends
and then there are Friends. The first may let you down or change their opinion about you --- be patient with them.
I don't think people ever intentionally set out to hurt you or abandon you. Hang in there and don't be hasty to count
these friends out; but be comforted that the Friendship of God only grows better! It's not that He starts thinking more
of you or wanting to spend more time with you ..... it's just that you start to realize exactly how much time He does
want to spend with you and how great and steadfast His love for you is.
As for that part of the Proverb that says a brother
was born to help in a time of need ---- Jesus sure fulfilled THAT proclamation! What a Family!!!! And we're invited
to be a full-fledged part of it! Yahu!!
Lord, I lift up relationships to You. Father
thank You for growing us and thank You for the friends You've put in our lives along the way. Lord help us to be that
"loyal friend" and "helping brother". Help us to always be aware though, that no matter what relationship flourishes
or fails ..... we have a Holy Bond with You that brings Friendship, Family ties and steadfastness to our lives. Help
us to always look to You first for friendship and fulfillment .... and all the rest will fall into place. For Your glory
Lord, Amen!
Ready to Help
2 Corinthians 6:1,2 (NLT)
As God's partners, we beg you not to reject this marvelous
message of God's great kindness. For God says, "At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation,
I helped you." Indeed, God is ready to help you right now. Today is the day of salvation.
Salvation --- what a wonderful word! I don't
think many people (including myself) have a full grasp of all that word means. We tend to limit it to meaning that
if we believe Jesus, confess our sin and call Him Lord --- we won't go to hell when we die. That's part of it for sure,
but there's more, so much more!!! That feller Webster sure knew a lot about words! That's why I like his dictionary
so much..ha. Among other things, he says the word "salvation" means: 1) the saving of man from the power and effects
of sin 2) a preservation from destruction or failure 3) deliverance from danger or difficulty 4) the source, cause or means
of preservation. So what's going on in your life? Do you need preservation and deliverance from difficult situations
or failures? Do you need deliverance from the effects of sin in your life? Is your body, mind or spirit in trouble
because of drugs, alcohol, gluttony, lying, bitterness, old wounds, self-deception, laziness, needing to always be in control,
sickness, trying to carry too many burdens, pride, selfishness, feelings of inadequacy, lack of compassion, fatigue, feelings
of foreboding, feelings of being unloved --- or (fill in the blank)? Good news!!!! TODAY is the day of salvation!!
The day of deliverance, the day of preservation!!! Things that seem so overwhelming and hopeless to us --- just aren't
a problem to God! Let me repeat what the Apostle said; "Indeed, God is ready to help you right now. Today
is the day of Salvation."
Lord, help us each to come to fully understand what
Your Salvation means to us in THIS world. Lord, save us from the power and effects of sin in our lives. Preserve
us from destruction and failure; deliver us from danger and difficulty. Lord, where destruction is overtaking us because
of the choices we've made --- lift us to a better path --- a righteous path. For those attacks that come through outside
sources -- draw our eyes and hearts to keep focused on You and Your ability to deliver us and turn all things to our good
and Your glory. Lord, You are wonderful and so kind!!! Help us each to come to a great assurance that You are
very, very ready to help us right now in everything we face! Help us to become more aware that You aren't there only
for the troubled times --- but You are here offering us Joy, Friendship and Fellowship with You and with others. You
are an Awesome, Awesome God ---- help us to walk in the fullness of Your Salvation!
Politically Correct or Powerful
Galatians 1:5 (NLT)
Obviously, I'm not trying to be a people pleaser! No, I am trying to please God. If I were
still trying to please people, I would not be Christ's servant.
The chaplain got the call to come to the emergency room one Saturday late afternoon; " ...
motorcycle accident; internal injuries and the surgical team 's been called out." Stepping into the trauma room was a bit
unnerving -- mentally making a note to stay calm and look reassuring while making an assessment of the situation and the people
gathered there.
The patient, a young man who prob'ly normally looked strong and a bit on the tough side --
now showed the stress of pain, fear and the strained concentration of someone trying not to lose consciousness. A young nurse
stood at his right hand side, looking serious and frequently checking the display on the monitor he was hooked to. An upper
middle-aged man stood at his left side; tall, with the lines of a man who hadn't had a pampered life. The older man looked
like he felt out of place and uncomfortable with the roll he had to play right now -- like an actor who had walked on stage
and forgotten his lines.
After introductions, the chaplain asked if there was anyone they would like called. No ----
no pastor and the rest of the family was in the waiting room. The chaplain asked if they would mind prayer before going up
for surgery; the patient and the older man who turned out to be the father --- both indicated prayer would be ok.
Neither the patient, nor the father, nor the nurse knew the battle that went on in the chaplains
mind. So many rules to follow to keep within the state and federal regulations --- so many questions flowing through in that
fleeting moment. Pray as a Christian or pray a "politically correct" generic prayer? Don't forget the warning of the more
seasoned chaplain during orientation "Don't use the word 'Father' --- don't use the Name Jesus --- you don't know what religion
they are and they don't need a sermon now."
Before the hands made contact though, the decision was made; fired or not, this family needed
Jesus to walk into that room. Four heads bowed and in the Name of the Savior --- in the Name of Jesus, healing and restoration
was called into this situation, destruction was rebuked and God's Presence asked to come into this room and hold this family
and guide the staff and surgeon. In Peace, the chaplain's head raised --- wondering what reaction would be seen on the faces
in the room. Anger; puzzlement; embarrassment? A moment of awe at God's love ---- beholding the tears that streamed down the
face of the patient ---- the father --- and the nurse. Then the beehive of activity as the patient lost his battle with consciousness.
Lord, help us to always put more faith in You than fear in what others may think. Lord, You
have put Gifts, Anointing and Heart Desires in each of us. Help us be true to what You have called us to do. Lord may we each
just allow You to flow through us any way You want --- at any time You want. Help us to not focus on our weaknesses and inabilities
--- but rather on Your Power and Ability dwelling in us and flowing through us! For Your Glory Lord! Amen!
ps - Two days later, the young man walked out of the Intensive Care Unit -- and a family member
stopped at the switchboard to ask me to thank the chaplain who had prayed with him the night of the accident.
Open Up
Psalm 24:7,8
Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors,
and let the King of glory enter. Who is the King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, invincible in
Occasionally a gate or door is used strictly
for decoration, but that's not the norm. They are usually put there to keep something in --- or keep them out.
A lot of us have went through life with some pretty heavy duty walls up and the Lord is saying "It's time to open the gate
and let Me in to every area of your life." Some of the "doors" we have shut to protect old hurts are pretty ancient
(old) and the hinges are thick with rust. Other doors are shut because they harbor generational curses and strongholds
-- and the enemy of our soul guards them. The thing is, as long as that door stays closed, we are missing out on some
victory....... a victory that the LORD very much wants us to have. Two other things were brought to my notice when I
read that scripture. One was the capitalization of every letter in the word LORD. This means it was taken from
the Greek/Hebrew word that referred to the Creator and means God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. That
tells me it's really important that we let all three "enter". The other thing was that this same scripture was repeated
in verses 9 and 10. Any time you see something repeated like that in scripture, it means it's something to be taken
very seriously ..... it's something the LORD really, really wants you to "get". So I encourage you to take a step of
faith and trust and ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas in your life where "doors are shut" ..... and ask Him to help you
open those areas. Do you know what will happen when the LORD Who is strong; the LORD Who is mighty; the LORD Who is
invincible --- comes walking into that area of pain or pride or control or lack? FREEDOM!! VICTORY!!! JOY!!! PEACE!!!
HEALING!!! RESTORATION!!! Open that ancient door and absolutely nothing will be taken away from you accept those things
that the evil one wants to use to keep you in pain and defeat. This is God Who loves you --- standing before this
ancient gate and saying "Open up so I can do a wonderful thing in and through you!"
Lord, help us all to recognize those areas in our
lives where we have closed some door and not fully let You enter and take control. Help us to also recognize how in
not doing so, it has kept us from our full potential and stolen from us. Lord, may each one reading this feel Your Love
surrounding them in a such a way that all fear and reluctance is washed away. May they know that they aren't condemned
for having closed doors --- but that now is the time to let You open them. Lord send Your Anointing to open these ancient
gates and lift burdens, destroy unholy yokes and set every area of our life free. For Your glory Lord ... Amen!
Left and Camped
Numbers 33:1-56
This is a wonderful chapter! At first it may
just look like a travel record with names of places that are hard to pronounce. But if you have the opportunity and
want a great study sometime, just do a search of the meanings of the names of each place. Not only does it tell a story
of the Israelites, but it tells of our own journeys as well. Just for example; the journey started our at Rameses in
Egypt. They left there and camped at Succoth; left there and camped at Etham; left there and camped at Megdol; left
there and camped at Marah. Here is what some of those places mean to me when I think of them:
Rameses (Egypt) is the place of captivity and bondage.
Succoth is the name for the Jewish Harvest festival.
Etham means fortress
Megdol is the temple of Ramese III and is a strong,
fortified tower.
Marah means bitterness; it's the place where they
needed water so desperately but the water in the natural was so bitter (it's also where we get names such as Mary and Mariah).
The record Moses kept of this journey is a reminder
even today of how God affected many lives and the whole world in fact. Each name brought stories of what God showed
His people in each place they camped at. Each name is a story of growth and maturing in the Spirit. The one constant
theme throughout this chapter is they left one place and camped in another. That's our spiritual journey too.
We all start out in Rameses (Egypt), held captive by sin. But once we've received Jesus as our personal Savior we start
a journey that may include every town mentioned in Numbers 33. We'll have places where we camp that are times of great
harvest (feeding on the Word and seeing our lives affect others in positive ways. We'll have places where we run into
fortresses. Some of those fortresses will be of God, where we run to Him and nothing can harm us! Some of those
fortresses will be of the enemy of our soul .... strongholds that he's set up in our lives. We'll camp in places where
there is temples to other gods (gluttony, envy, bitterness, lust, lying, laziness, etc, etc); all those places that we "bow"
to and shouldn't. There will be places where we really need refreshing, but at first it may seem like God brings us
to the waters of Marah and there is only bitterness. Some of these places we will camp in because the Lord has brought
us there. Some of the places we will camp in because our own disobedience has brought us there. God's got it covered
though! Even at Marah, Moses touched the branch to the water and it was made sweet to drink! The branch was a
symbol of the cross and all Jesus did for us there ..... and in each place they had opportunity to "grow" and trust God and
draw close to Him. God will have us leave places and camp in others .... and in each place, we will have opportunities
to grow and trust God and draw close to Him. If we find we keep going back to the same "camp", then maybe we need to
ask God to show us what we are suppose to gain there. In some of the camps, God told His people to destroy everything
in that camp. There are some camps we find ourselves in ... where we need to destroy everything in that camp.
We need to destroy doubt, fear, insecurity, unfaithfulness and anything else that will hinder our journey and come back to
"capture" us. So whatever "camp" you are in right now; whether its a camp of rest or a camp of being restored and healed;
or a camp of overcoming or a camp of correction. Be prepared --- for a time will come when the Lord says "It's time
to leave and go to another camp". Don't worry though.... because He's going with you! Enjoy the journey!
Lord, lead us in the paths that are best for us.
Lead us in the paths that bring us ever closer to You!
Genesis 1:2
(NLT) - The earth
was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface.
(Amp) - The earth
was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was moving
(hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters.
Brooding hens are
strange creatures. A "normal" hen sets on her nest about an hour a day; just long enough to lay her eggs. But
when a hen decides to "get broody", she stays on the nest 'round the clock (accept for short breaks) for 21 days. Her
one purpose and goal is to incubate those eggs and get some chicks hatched. When the Spirit of God hovered over the surface
of the earth, He had one purpose in mind .... to bring forth Life. Two things: 1) The Hebrew word used for "Spirit
of God" in this particular scripture was "Elohim". It is the word that has the character of plurality in one entity,
and gives us the concept of the Trinity; three, yet one. This was God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit
bringing forth all that was to be created. 2) The words "brooding" and "incubation" indicate a process: a growth and
development period, a preparation and maturation period. Lately when I'm praying, I find myself asking God to hover
(brood) over an area, town, home, or group. I really believe I am just setting my prayers in agreement with His Heart
to bring forth life, restoration, maturity in spirit (thoughts and emotions) in peoples lives. There is something too
about the idea of God "brooding" over areas. Brooding hens are fierce protectors of their nests. We had Bantam
(Banty) hens and although they are little things .... they are fierce warriors when it comes to hiding their nests and
fighting off predators. More than one person, dog or fox has been turned back by a little bitty Banty hen flying at
their face. Now if that is what a little hen can do to protect the life it's bringing forth .... just think what God
can and will do! Can you imagine the terror and frustration of the demons when they see God "brooding" over an area?
God is doing something wonderful ! I believe we will see whole families, whole communities, whole countries "birthed"
into The Kingdom if we just ask God to do what He already wants to do!
Lord, we do ---
we ask You to brood over the lives and areas that You put on our hearts. Lord, create environments that will be just
right for incubating lives! Protect these areas from predators. Mature the seeds and embryo's that You have already
planted. Grow them --- develop them --- birth them --- and mature them. Lord, speak to our hearts and guide our
prayers and actions. Help us to look at people and places that are "void" --- and see You bring them to Life!
For Your glory Lord, Amen!
Free and Equipped
Colossians 1:12,13 (NLT)
May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father,
Who has enabled you to share the inheritance that belongs to God's holy people, who live in the Light. For He has rescued
us from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness and he has brought us into the Kingdom of His dear Son.
We saw the people of Iraq filled with joy; hugging
and kissing our soldiers as they opened gates of prisons and as they helped drag down the statue of Saddam Hussein in the
city of Baghdad. These people had just been rescued from a tyrant who enslaved them in a kingdom of darkness.
While we rejoiced with them and shouted ourselves and danced with them .... now we continue to pray. We pray that all
the areas of darkness are revealed and defeated in their country and in their lives. We pray that these people (some
who have never known anything but the heavy yoke of a maniac) will rebuild a country of true freedom. The USA and Britain
have rescued them .... now, will they walk and dwell in the freedom given them? In Iraq there will be a season of teaching,
correction in some cases, protection in others. If we rescued them and then just left them totally on their own in this
period of time .... chaos would be great. So God has done with each of us. He's rescued us from the dark kingdom
that was our master and enabled us to walk and dwell in the Kingdom of Jesus ..... the Kingdom we were always created for.
He's offered His people the guidance of the Holy Spirit and all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. He says to us "Let Me
help you rebuild your life! Let Me show you how to dwell in Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Meekness (power under control),
Faith, Self-control. Let Me wrap you in My Love so you never feel abandoned or alone or defeated. Sing songs of
praises and see the enemy constantly defeated! Rejoice in what You've seen Me do in your life and allow Me to show you
MORE! Receive My love and receive healing in your spirit, body and soul (mind, emotions). I've equipped you ----
now let Me show you how to use it all."
Lord may Your Joy rise up in each of us for what You
have done and the things You offer us. May we always be thankful and give thanks that we aren't bound by darkness anymore.
Help us to walk and dwell in Your Light and all that is provided through You for us. May Your Kingdom come and may Your
will be done --- forever and ever and ever! Amen!
Who Ya Gonna Believe?
1 Timothy 6:12 (NLT)
Fight the good fight for what we believe. Hold
tightly to the eternal life that God has given you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses.
I had one of those "Ah ha!" moments the other night
that was comforting because it said to me "Hey! You've made some progress!" ha It also reinforced my awareness
that we do need to keep "fighting the good fight" and not just give up. As church services got done the other night,
I found myself suddenly feeling very alone and out of place. The message had been great and the Holy Spirit's presence
was obvious, so I knew that wasn't the problem. I've walked this battle ground before though and recognized right away
that what I was feeling wasn't real. As people sorted off into their groups of friends and visited with each other,
I found myself setting alone and the sense of feeling very isolated increased. I'm glad to say, my reaction to this
was very different than it would have been in the past. This time I determined I wasn't going to give into this "thing",
so I made some attempts to join in the conversations of a couple of the groups. It didn't work. I made a conscious
decision though to believe the truth rather than what I felt. I KNEW these people cared about me; I've seen proof of
that many times throughout my years in this church. I KNEW it wasn't a case of not being welcome into each group.
I finally gave up though and decided to go on home and just curl up on God's lap for awhile. As I was going out the
door, a couple ladies standing there attempted to engage me in conversation. That is just what I had been looking for
right? Right ..........so.... why wasn't I able to join in? It seemed like suddenly my mind was floating around in a
bowl of pea soup and I was so tired I could barely focus. They seemed to chalk it up to fatigue, so weren't offended;
but I knew something else was going on. While tears of frustration and loneliness welled up as I walked to the car (flesh
reaction); I also started to sense that I was being guided out of the church by the Holy Spirit. I also knew from experience
that these "feelings" weren't from the Holy Spirit (you think YOU"RE confused reading this? You should have tried it
from my side! ha). All I knew for sure was that "something" was happening ---- God was leading one direction
and the enemy was trying to get me to go curl up in a corner instead. I decided to follow the urge to go get the newspaper
at our local convenience store. When I got there, it was just me and the clerk there; a precious older lady who I always
enjoyed visiting with. Without hardly saying "Hi", she started sharing about recently being diagnosed with a painful,
debilitating arthritic type condition and her fear was obvious. Just as suddenly as the feeling of loneliness and isolation
had come upon me ............... it was lifted totally and replaced by an Anointing to minister to this friend. We had
a great time and I know God is going to restore her. The reason I share this story is because I think this is something
many Christians go through. Hey, even Elijah had a 'season' of feelings of despair right after a great time of ministering
in power. There are two times when the enemy of our soul attacks: 1) right after a great victory ................
and 2) just before a great victory. The Holy Spirit though says "Fight the good fight .... press through"!
The Bible talks about taking our thoughts captive. When these feelings of anxiety, fear, frustration, loneliness, rejection,
inadequacy, failure, false guilt or anything else that feels oppressive comes upon you ..... don't give in to them.
Stop and ask yourself, "Is this true?", "Is God telling me this junk?". Refuse the lies (if need be ... say out
loud "I refuse this!!!") and get still before the Lord and listen for His guidance. Remember, GOD isn't hammering you
or wanting you to feel lousy ..... that's the devil doing that. Sometimes when God is doing a great thing in our
spirit, the enemy is attacking and our flesh responds. So the big question then is "Who am I going to believe?"
Want victory? Believe God.
Better Off
Ecclesiastes 8:9-12 (NLT)
I have thought deeply about all that goes on here
in the world, where people have the power to hurt each other. I have seen wicked people buried with honor. How
strange that they were the very ones who frequented the Temple and are praised in the very city where they committed their
crimes! When a crime is not punished, people feel it is safe to do wrong. But even through a person sins a hundred
times and still lives a long time, I know that those who fear God will be better off.
It would be real easy to get discouraged and let a
spirit of self-pity in if we look around and dwell on what appears to be the unfairness of life. I'm not even going
to give any examples; there's prob'ly something or someone who comes to mind. All I want to do is encourage
you tonight, to trust God that He's got it all under control. He knows the hidden bad things about people and He knows
the hidden good things about them. He also knows something that you don't know about every situation. He
also knows everything in our hearts. If we're always looking at others, and envying them, you can about bet God
will put all kinds of people around you to envy. Frustrated, because others get acclaim and you don't even get a "Thank
you."? You'll find yourself surrounded by people getting awards and acknowledgments. Working your tail off and
have little to show for it, while others seem to get a free ride? You guessed it ... God will surround you with lazy
people! ha It's not that He's sadistic; He just knows there are attitudes that need to be changed in each of
us. He knows we are better than we sometimes act and are destined for greater things than we do. All the time
He is saying "Don't worry about them .... I'm here. Keep your eyes and heart on Me." Want REAL success
in life? Trust God, love others, and go about doing good. He's got rewards in this life and in the next.
Lord help us to not miss out on any of them.
Lord, help me to focus on You and to trust that everything
is going to turn out grand. Lord, give me a heart that takes a stand against evil but doesn't get discouraged when it
appears evil wins. Help me to remember that You are the final wall that evil runs into. Lord, help me to do
right and live honorably no matter what others do. May I always be aware of the bigger plan .... and the Maker of that
plan. For Your glory Lord, Amen.
Alert & Thankful
Colossians 4:2 (NLT)
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and
a thankful heart.
Chug was a tall Appaloosa gelding and one of the sweetest
horses I've ever seen. He wasn't ours, but we used him on the ranch quite a bit. We dubbed him "Chug" because
when he was just walking along, he'd appear half asleep and would make a "chugging" noise with each step. You had to
wear spurs when riding him so you could wake him up. You didn't have to be mean about it, but he had to know you were
serious. After he was 'woke up', he had a lot of speed and good cow sense and you could do just about anything on him.
Despite his long legs though, if you didn't nudge him with the spurs, his gait would get slower and slower and slower until
he was in a dead stop, head dropped and asleep. I often kidded Rem that I was pretty sure Chug was a sleep walker.
To prove my point, I reached out, grabbed the headstall and led him from my horse for a while. It wasn't long and Chug
had his head resting on my leg and his eyes closed even though he was still walking. Sometimes I think we pray like
that. We're praying; saying the words, but no real awareness. Now don't get condemned by that, just be aware that
God is reminding us to devote -- dedicate, set apart - some prayer time. There are times when God may have you
using the gift of tongues to pray while you work, drive or at other times when you need to be focusing on the project
at hand. Those times are wonderful; and the Spirit is praying for all kinds of situations and building you up. There
are other times though when we pray, that I think it's important to ask God to help keep us alert and sensitive to the
promptings of the Holy Spirit. Plus .... it's just plain polite, ha! Ever had someone talking to you and you knew
they weren't really focused on the conversation? Maybe they were watching some other group or you got the feeling they
really wanted to be somewhere else? I doubt that you want the Holy Spirit to feel like He's unimportant to you.
So sometimes we just have to shake ourselves and say "Hey!! Pay attention!" *s* After all ... when we pray, who
do we want to have smile? God .... or the devil?
Lord, help us to be alert to Your guidance during
prayer. Put a thankfulness in our hearts that first of all You do speak to us and call us to pray and then thankfulness
that You already plan to answer those prayers. Help us to be aware of Your Greatness and the honor we have to speak
directly to You. Help us to be aware that others are depending on our being alert to Your prompting to pray. Thank
You Lord for making us a part of what You are doing in this world, and help us to always be "alert and thankful". Amen!
2 Corinthians 3:5 (NLT)
It is not that we think we can do anything of lasting
value by ourselves. Our only power and success come from God.
Rem's Leopard Appaloosa mare, Apple, had a fast turn
on her under regular conditions; put her on a cow and she could make a top hand grab the horn. During the summer,
when we were bringing cattle into the corrals regularly, we always put special prairie shoes on the horses back feet.
Apple LOVED those prairie shoes!!! Regular horseshoes are flat but prairie shoes have extra cleats on the back and a
sharp bar across the front. They are designed to give the horses traction when they are running and turning on the slick
prairie grasses. The thrill of riding Apple after she got her new prairie shoes on is hard to describe, but we have
witnesses that will tell you that when she'd turn, she'd lay over so far that Rem could touch the ground with his foot ....
and she never fell with us. It was an exciting ride! God has given us all gifts and callings upon our lives;
there's special talents He's put in each of us. But then something amazing happens when He Anoints those gifts and talents
or special callings. It's like going from that regular flat horseshoe to that prairie shoe. Talents are enhanced
and we become "more than we are"! His Anointing; reveals His Power at work in us and through us to draw others to Him
... and lives are changed; ours and others. God didn't put us in this world to "just get by". For every situation
we face ... for every job He calls us to; He offers His Wisdom, Power, Anointing and Guidance. Don't be afraid to ask
for His Anointing in your home, your work place, your church, your community. If He's called you to preach, thank Him
for the Anointing to do so. If He's called you to sing, thank Him for the Anointing to touch hearts. If He's asked
you to raise children, thank Him for the Anointing to raise them in a way that will affect their lives for good. If
you find yourself in what others consider a menial job, thank Him for the Anointing to do it in a great way. Just like
those prairie shoes made Apple stand out and accomplish what we asked; in an even greater way, God's Anointing on our lives
will accomplish what He calls us to do. Enjoy the ride!!!
Lord, thank You for Anointing on what You have called
us each to do. Lord, help us to have discernment to recognize when we are trying to accomplish something in our own
strength or in our own will. Lord, fill us daily with Your Holy Spirit; cultivate and grow the Fruits of Your Spirit
within us .... and Anoint our efforts for You. For Your Glory Lord, Amen!
They Were Both Eagles
Ezekiel 17:5-8 (NLT)
Then he (the Eagle) planted one of its (Cedar tree)
seedlings in fertile ground beside a broad river, where it would grow as quickly as a willow tree. It took root
there and grew into a low spreading vine. It's branches turned up toward the eagle, and its roots grew down beneath
it. It soon produced strong branches and luxuriant leaves. But then another great eagle with broad wings and full
plumage came along. So the vine sent its roots and branches out toward him for water. The vine did this even though
it was already planted in good soil and had plenty of water so it could grow into a splendid vine and produce rich leaves
and luscious fruit.
Throughout the Bible, the Lord gave dreams, parables,
words of knowledge, prophecies; all designed to speak to people in a way that would touch their hearts and change lives.
It's been on my heart a lot lately to pray for people that they aren't deceived by "beautiful lies". Years ago I had
turned to New Age religion because I saw some truth in it and I wasn't seeing any power in the mainline churches I had been
raised in and was attending after marriage. I fell into the lie that since some of their teachings seemed to line up
with what the Bible taught .... then it must all be true. As I got deeper and deeper into the deception though, the
teachings started pulling away from the Bible and more toward the idea that we were god. That was when the first
"red flags" started going up... when we were to chant "I am god". Then came the day when I had to accept or reject the
idea that Jesus wasn't really deity ... wasn't really God with a capital "G", but was merely a "good man and teacher".
Praise God I had enough Sunday School lessons in me and had been "sealed" by the Holy Spirit when I was 13 yrs old ... that
I just couldn't accept that. That day was the start of my return to Christ and to the church and to Life. The
"enemy of our soul" (Satan and his bunch) doesn't care how much Truth we get.... as long as he can keep us from acknowledging
that Jesus alone is our Lord and Savior and HE IS GOD. Satan will masquerade as an "angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14);
he'll promise you power and glory and build up your self-esteem and ego. He'll offer you control and make you feel special.
If you stay put in The Word of The True Living God though, you will be nourished and grow strong. But if you start looking
at the "second eagle" and thinking "maybe he's offering me good things too" ..... then in the end the enemy will reveal that
he's been laughing at you and hating you all along ... and you will be plucked up from the True source ... and left withering
in a desert.
Lord, give us Wisdom and Discernment so we aren't
deceived by lying spirits. Help us to trust that all we need is being supplied by You and You're not going to let us
down or withhold what we need the very most.... You're Love and Friendship. Holy Spirit fill us daily and "fine tune"
us for Victory! Amen.
Fix The Leaks
Ecclesiastes 10:18 (NLT)
Laziness lets the roof leak, and soon the rafters
begin to rot.
Let's face it, we all have those moments of saying
"You know, I really should fix that one of these days." It may be something in our home, at work or in our character
..... but at the time you just know it's going to be a hassle and we somehow think (even if we don't admit it out loud)
that if we ignore it, it'll go away..... or work out ... or at least not get worse. It usually doesn't *smile*.
Then sometimes we think it's something we can live with....and it prob'ly won't affect others. Awhile back, my son was
straightening some things up around the house and doing dishes and a few other chores and I have to admit the thought that
went through my head was "What has he done that he's trying to get on my good side here?" (ya...like you've never had
those thoughts..ha). He said though that he'd been examining his actions and had decided that when he noticed something
needed to be done.... he was just going to do it right away. He said he'd noticed things before and had really meant
to do something about it....but then would set down to watch tv for a bit or take a nap, and would end up getting side tracked.
Then when he'd remember, it was too late to do without disturbing the household. He said it made him look lazy and he
didn't like that. I like this "new guy" in our home...and his attitude is also a good challenge to me to take care of
things right away. When I read that scripture I was also reminded of a time when I was in highschool and living on the
farm south of Ree Heights, SD. I had one pony that I loved to ride and many kids had learned to ride on her.
She'd gotten into a bad habit of kicking at you though when you were getting ready to mount up. Now I was 15 yrs old,
agile and athletic so I'd just avoid her kick as I swung up on her back. Mom kept warning me that I'd better break her
of this bad habit ... but did I listen? Nooooooooooooooooo !! Then one day my little niece and nephews were visiting
and as usual wanted Aunt Marla to take them horseback riding. I had the pony tied up and went to get a brush and some
oats for her when my 4 yr old niece walked up beside the pony. The pony, knowing we were getting ready to ride her,
did her new stunt of kicking .... and just missed my nieces head by a very small margin. I grabbed two things ... 1),
my niece and sat her on the gate where she'd be safe ... and 2) the blacksnake whip. The pony got a quick education
.... and never again kicked. The thing is ... I was more guilty than that pony and I was really the one who should have
gotten the whooping. I saw a problem that could only deteriorate ... and I ignored it. Thankfully nobody got hurt
and the pony corrected her behavior and we had many of happy rides (yes, I still spoiled her...but never in something that
could be destructive). So ... if you're in a position of leadership in your home.... or in your church .... or at your
workplace ..... or just over your own life; what leaks need fixed? God will show you what to ignore and what to repair
(change) ... and He'll show you how to do it in a manner that isn't destructive or half done. Don't be afraid to ask....
it beats having the roof fall in on you *g*.
Lord, give us Wisdom and Discernment in seeing "leaks"
and show us how to repair them. Lord, help us to realize that not dealing with these things only causes deterioration....
but also help us to follow Your timing and Your repair Manuel (God's Word and Holy Spirit). Help us to recognize "excuses"
and laziness .... so we don't have to try to rebuild the whole barn because we ignored a little leak. We need Your Guidance
and Your Compassion Lord ... and we thank You for it!
Loyal and Kind
Proverbs 3:3,4 (NLT)
Never let loyalty and kindness get away from you!
Wear them like a necklace; write them deep within your heart. Then you will find favor with both God and people, and
you will gain a good reputation.
Webster's Dictionary says that when you
are loyal, you are 'faithful to a government, person or cause which you think is worthy'. In this case, faithful means
'steadfast in affection or allegiance'. Does that mean you have to be blind to faults in our country, friends or loved
ones? No, not at all. But it does mean we stand with them in working toward making things better and when they
fail, we offer a hand up and have confidence in God that He hasn't given up on them or the situation. I don't believe
though that we can be loyal or kind without God's Anointing. The good news is ... if He is calling
us to be loyal and kind .... then He'll equip us to be that. Loyalty says that when co-workers are running
down the employer.... you don't. In fact it's more than just NOT talking badly about them.... YOU speak
up on their behalf and work toward making the situation better. Loyalty says that when your
friends are running down their husbands/wives (even jokingly) ... you say good things about yours. Loyalty
says when a friend blows it, you don't drop them like a hot potato. Loyalty says "I'm here and here is where I'll remain."
Loyal to God, family, church and country .... what a wonderful title to have! Loyalty and kindness .... great things
to cultivate.
Lord, there are so many times when I have been neither
loyal nor kind. Forgive me for those times Lord and restore these qualities in my character. Holy Spirit I know
if I seek Your gifts of Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Meekness (Power under control), faithfulness and self control .....
then those Fruits of the Spirit in me will cause me to be loyal and kind. Holy Spirit, fill me daily and develop these
good things in me. For Your Glory Lord, Amen!
Trusting What He Can Do
Jude 24 (NLT)
And now, all glory to God, Who is able to keep you
from stumbling, and Who will bring you into His glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy.
Having confidence in someone takes some trust and
getting to know them pretty well. After working with Rem on different ranches for several years, we were really a team.
When working cattle I never worried if Rem was going to be covering the gate or able to help me get a rank cow in.
I knew him well enough to know that he'd be in the right place at the right time. It made the work go smooth with
less stress on the animals without wasted effort. We enjoyed how we could work together .... it was just fun *smile*.
On the other hand, I had two incidents happen recently with a couple people who I thought considered me a friend. I'd
called a place of business, looking for the owner and one of the employee's answered. The owner wasn't there so I said
I'd call her at home. The employee almost worried herself sick because she thought maybe I was calling with some bad
news about another mutual friend ..... but she was afraid to ask me because she didn't think she knew me well enough.
The second incidence was another "friend" who wanted to ask me for some help but was afraid to because she didn't think she
knew me well enough. In that incident, I sent word to her that she was an idiot *smile*. That part was an inside
joke that she would understand because at one time she had called me an idiot for not asking for a favor...ha. In the
first case, I had the answer of assurance for the employee and would haven't been offended at all if she had only asked.
In the second case, my friend had at one time expected me to know her thoughts well enough to know what she was thinking.....but
she didn't know ME well enough to know what I would agree to. How many times do we treat God like that? Either
we don't know Him well enough to know how very, very much He loves us ... so we're afraid to even run to Him for help; or
.. we expect Him to know what we need and provide it, but we've never ASKED Him to help. And we've prob'ly never asked
Him because we have some distorted view about how busy He is or that He isn't interested in our "little" problems. Or
maybe we've messed up and are afraid He's going to be mad at us. Over and over, the Bible encourages us to "draw
near" to God ... to get to know Him. He really is wonderful! Spend time with Him...just you and Him ... and you'll
come to know that you know that you know ... that He's got every situation covered and He's "watching your back".
Lord, help me to know You more as my Savior, as my
Lord, as my King, as my Comfort, as my Healer, as my Deliverer, as my Hope, as my Counselor, as my Daddy, as my Peace, as
my Joy, as my friend. Help me to become so acquainted with You through Your Word and Your Spirit that I know that You
will bring me through every situation I face in Victory and closer to You. Thank You Lord for being my friend .... Lord,
as with our earthly friends, I want to spend time with You. For those who are reading this, Lord I ask that You remove
every wall and every hindrance that may hold them back in even the smallest way of trusting that You want them to know
You and that You have good plans for them. In Your care Lord, Amen.
Take Heart
Psalm 11:3,4 (NLT)
The foundations of law and order have collapsed.
What can the righteous do? But the LORD is in His Holy Temple; the LORD still rules from heaven. He watches everything
closely, examining everyone on earth.
That scripture, written in the time of David seems
like it came right out of the cry of people's hearts today doesn't it? God's Word is timeless though and should give
us encouragement on a couple of levels. One; it is timeless, which means for every situation we're facing ...
there is direction and hope for us in the Bible. Two; nothing is happening today that God hasn't already seen and dealt
with in the past .... believe me....He's up to the task now too. My grandpa had a big work mule that just didn't like
staying in the pasture. He'd wait until everyone was out of sight and over the fence he'd come and get into the oats
bin or some other place that was never meant for him to invade. Grandpa loved animals and was usually pretty patient
with them and in fact had nursed many a horse and mule back to health when others had given up on them. He tried every
trick he could to get that mule to cooperate though and was not only running out of ideas ... but his Irish temper had about
had enough. So one day he made his way out of the pen as usual, but doubled back and crouched down where the mule could
neither see, hear or smell him. It wasn't long until the mule came over the fence .... and was met with a two by
four between his eyes. The sound of the flat piece of wood on the mules skull sounded like a rifle shot and as the mule
staggered to his knees (prob'ly seeing stars), grandpa was gone before the mule ever saw him. Don't worry, the mule
recovered fine and lived to be a good old age ..... but he never again jumped that fence. Now don't get me wrong ...
I'm NOT saying here that God is like grandpa and hiding in wait to smash someone. What I am saying is that just like
that mule that thought he wasn't being observed ..... those who mock God aren't getting by with anything. There are
some evil people in the world and they are doing some really evil things .... but take heart! God is STILL on the throne
and He's STILL taking care of His people. He's also giving many, many people mercy and a chance to still turn from their
dark ways and receive true Life. God knows something about all the things going on in the world now that we don't know.
He's guiding people to deal with hard things and He's still calling people to do their number one job .... loving, obeying
Him and going about doing good. Trust Him ... He sees everything and He's got a plan. If you're one who needs
to get some things right with Him... NOW is a good time to do it. If you're one who is being misused .... He will vindicate
you. Trust Him; trust Him; trust Him; trust Him!!
Lord, we're so glad that nothing is happening in our
lives or this world that You aren't aware of. Lord, we're also really glad that the things in our lives that
need changing aren't keeping You from loving us. Lord, continue to reveal areas we need to change and have made right.
Thank You for the comfort too as we look at all the evil things going on in the world and can know that nothing is slipping
by You or too difficult for You to handle. You are Good and True, and You are God forever and Your Righteousness will
prevail. We leave it in Your Hands Lord and thank You that You are caring for us. Praise You Lord!
Don't Go By How It Looks
Roman's 8:28 (NLT)
And we know that God causes everything to work together for
the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.
(warning = if even the word "blood" makes you light headed
... skip this next part and just meditate on the scripture and the prayer at the end..ha)
I get to donate blood in a month or so. Now don't
get me wrong, I don't particularly like big needles and the process of giving, but I do count it a privilege and a
Blessing that this is a simple way I can help a lot of people. My blood type is O negative, which makes me a "universal
donor" (I can give blood to anyone, although can only receive blood from another O neg) which puts an extra little note of
joy in the Lab tech's voice when I call in to make an appointment to donate. What is so unique about being able to give
this time is that it wouldn't have been possible accept for an oversight at the hospital when I recently had surgery for knee
replacements. For "some reason", after surgery, the nurses didn't report to my Dr. that my hemoglobin had dropped to
7.7 (pretty low). This fact went unnoticed until the evening before I was due to be released. There was a
minor debate whether I would have to stay an extra day to receive blood, but since I was resistant to the idea of spending
another day and because the tests the morning of release showed the hemoglobin hadn't dropped any lower .... they let me off
the hook. Ya, I looked pale and tired easily .... but later tests show that things are getting back to "normal" and
although it may have slowed me down for awhile...no harm was done. Although I was a bit disgusted with the hospital
staff's oversight, it did occur to me that maybe the Lord was protecting me from getting tainted blood....that was cool.
When I called the Blood Donor lab though to find out how long I'd have to wait before I could donate again, I saw an even
bigger "Plan". Because I had not received blood at the hospital, I can donate as soon as my hemoglobin is back up to
normal. If I had received blood .... I would have had to wait a year before I could donate again. In that
years times I would have had to wait, I can now donate 6 units of blood. That's a lot of people that can be helped!
God didn't cause my Hg to be low, but He protected me despite it ..... and He used their oversight to end up Blessing me.
He'll do that in everything in our lives ..... IF ..... we love Him. He's got a purpose for each of us and it
WILL be fulfilled IF we love Him .... and cooperate (ya...another word is "obey"). Things seem to be going wrong?
Things "piling up"? Don't loose heart or be discouraged (Galatians 6:9; Hebrew's 12:3; Deuteronomy 1:21; John 14:1;
Romans 8:35) .... God has good plans for you and He loves you and He's not about to let you down. Hang in there .....
God's got it covered!
Lord, I lift up all those who are fighting discouragement,
doubt, weariness and feelings of inadequacy. Lord, wrap them in Your Presence and cause Faith and Hope to rise in their
hearts. May Your Peace surround them and may they take comfort in Your assurance that no matter what things look like
now..... You will work it out for their good because they love You and are called according to Your purpose. If we're
going the wrong way Lord and getting involved in things that just aren't any of our business or calling.... then give us insight so
we can get back on track. If we're hitting a "wall" because the enemy is trying to stop us from doing what You have
called us to do...then Lord help us to stand firm and just watch You punch a hole for us to step through. In Your timing
Lord and in Your Anointing and for Your Glory Lord! Hallelujah!