No Bit Needed
Psalm 32:8,9 (NLT)
The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for
your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and
bridle to keep it under control."
Little Al was one of those horses that you just wish
you could clone. He had a willing spirit right from birth and you could do anything on him, from bringing in a cow to
putting a little tyke on him and letting him "baby-sit". When our son, Justin was in grade school, he was forever going
out into the pasture and climbing up on Little Al with no bridle or even halter and riding him around. He swears to
this day that all he had to do when he wanted to go a certain direction .... was point .... and Al would go that way.
Justin even rounded up our other horses that way with Al, and brought them into the corral or barn. We've rode other
horses that were so "hard-mouthed" that without using a very severe bit (and maybe even a wire across their nose), they would
run away with you. As you can imagine .... it was much more enjoyable riding Little Al than it was
some stubborn horse that you had to keep fighting for control. We (yes, I'm including you here) always respond
quickly to God's slightest guidance thought don't we......Ya, right! Deep down though.... don't we really want to?
Sure we do...and we're not really happy and content unless we're dong that. Soooooooooooo ..... becoming sensitive and
responsive to God's guidance, is just something in our lives that may need some work. He'll keep working with you
too..............don't make Him use a harsh bit. Amen? Amen!
Lord, forgive me for thinking I need control in any area
or in any way. You have the very best possible intentions for me and You know EVERYTHING about the path I am traveling.
Help me Lord to watch You ... to listen for You .. to wait for Your guidance. Help us to realize that.... really....
Father does know best! Yahu!
Act Like It
Luke 3:7,8 (NLT)
Here is a sample of John's preaching to the crowds that came
for baptism: "You brood of snakes! Who warned you to flee God's coming judgment? Prove by the way you live that
you have really turned from your sins and turned to God. Don't just say 'We're safe--we're the descendants of Abraham.'
That proves nothing. God can change these stones here into children of Abraham.
OOOOOOOOOO-----KKKKKKKKK ...... so John wasn't into the "make
'em feel good and don't offend anyone" type of preaching! This was the leaders of the church he smacking with a Holy
Ghost 2 by 4 too! This was people who not only thought they were "ok" .....but they KNEW they were better than others
and were sure they had an inside track! In modern day terms we could say "You say you're Christians?????? Then act
like it!!!" Sure, the Bible says those in authority will be judged more harshly ..... where the responsibility
is great so is the rewards...and so is the accountability. It's not just for our leaders though ... it's for us
all. How many people in America (or *gulp* in our homes or wearing our clothes) if asked, say "I'm a Christian." but
............ there's pretty little evidence to prove that? If I were to tell you that Rem is my husband, but then you
never saw me with him ..... you only saw me with other men and not acting married ............. would you think I really had
a close, committed marriage? I don't think so Tim! So... heart check time; who are you acting "married" to?
Any evidence that you are a Christian (committed to Christ)? A good "act" may get you to Broadway.....it won't get you
to heaven.
Lord, search my heart and help me to never deceive myself.
Show me areas that need cleaning...then Lord...clean them and help me to stay faithful. Lord, in areas where I have
been strong and committed to You...help me to not compromise or dishonor You in anyway. Lord help me to live a life
that lines up with what I profess to be ... a follower of the Most High God. Open the eyes of our hearts Lord so we
see understand and can choose to walk in Your Freedom! Only You can do this in us Lord! Have Your way!
2 Corinthians 7:8,9
I [Paul] am no longer sorry that I sent that letter to you
, though I was sorry for a time, for I know that it was painful to you for a little while. Now I am glad I sent it,
not because it hurt you, but because the pain caused you to have remorse and change your ways. it was the kind of sorrow
God wants His people to have, so you were not harmed by us in any way.
There is a big difference when you correct someone in your
"flesh" and when the Holy Spirit guides the correcting ........ I know....because I've done it both ways..ha.
When I've lashed out at someone in my own self, it's been pretty destructive and the person doesn't get over that destruction
very easy. But when the Lord has done it through me, He has already prepared the heart of the other person to receive
it. They may have felt pretty devastated...but there was a difference that led to healing. When we
are convicted, we usually have a few different ways to respond. We will either get mean and nasty and strike back .....
or we beat ourselves up, pull into some shell and hide .... or we say "Ouch!", take an honest look at ourselves and say "Lord!!!!
Help me to change!!!" I like myself a lot better when I do it the third way. I'm a lot more pleasant to be around
too when I choose that way! *smile* We need those "hard" things thrown in our face sometimes .... and let's face
it... usually it gets "thrown" because we haven't listened the 100 plus times the Lord tried gently to call us to
change. If you've been wounded emotionally, it's pretty hard to take correction without feeling destroyed or rejected.
But be assured...the Lord is not rejecting you. He is saying to you "I think enough of you to not leave you in the condition
you are in. I trust that you love me enough to want to change things that need to be changed. And I am here to
help you...to love you.... to get you through this." He's a good God .. and He has good plans for you.
Lord, reveal to me the things in my life that need to be
changed so they aren't hindering my walk with You or the power that You want to flow through me. Help me Lord to recognize
harmful attitudes and habits ... and release them to You. Lord, help me to snuggle close to You when I am corrected
and help me to change. Lord, if correction comes my way with a wrong attitude...help me to not be wounded ...but help
me to take the truth in it and have true remorse and change. Give me Your Love in my heart for those You would
have me give a word of correction to.... may they never feel judged and condemned ... but may they feel Your Presence and
Your encouragement to come to a higher place. For Your Glory Lord!
Same Attitude
Philippians 2:5,6 (NLT)
Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had.
Though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God.
Jesus, Who was there in the beginning; laid down all His
rights as God and came to earth as man to redeem His creation. He played by the same rules that man faced ...... and
He won! He could, at any time though, have taken back all the rights He'd laid down ... and given up on us ... just
said we weren't worth it. He knew we didn't have a chance without His redeeming us though; and He loved us soooooo much
that He endured everything so that we could still be in His greater plan. If we have received His salvation
though by asking forgiveness and acknowledging Him as our Lord; then we are restored to The Kingdom and fellowship with The
Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. That is an amazing place of honor! But it was never given to us so we can
look down at others or demand special privileges from others. While we are on earth, there is an on-going restoration.....
a "growing up" and preparation in body and soul (emotions and thoughts) to match what has happened already in our spirits.
There is a great power released in us and through us when we put the needs of someone else above our own desires. Awesome
and wonderful things happen in the heavenly realm and overflows into this physical realm. When we have the "right" to
feel resentment or anger, but instead, choose to act in a "Jesus Way" .... we gain freedom ................... and we help
set others free. When we choose to act as a servant ..... we gain a kingly crown. God walked the earth as
a man .... He understands everything we face ..... and He has provided a way for us to Overcome. Lay down your rights
.... and He will make sure everything is made "Right".
Lord, help me to not hang on to anything that would hurt
or hinder someone else. Help me to put it all in Your Hands, knowing that You will take care of my very best interests.
Lord, help me to understand what You gave up when You came to earth as a man to help me. Help me to understand that
anything I set aside (that is rightfully mine) for someone else's benefit, will be restored to me in a way greater than
I can ever imagine. Help me to hang on to things that are important to You Lord ... and let go of things important only
to my "flesh". Lord, thank You for continuing to do a good work in me .... and Holy Sprit help me to never be a hindrance
to someone else's walk with You! For Your glory Lord! Amen.
Increase The Power
Psalm 75:10 (NLT)
For God says, "I will cut off the strength of the wicked,
but I will increase the power of the godly."
Jesus had risen from the grave and appeared to Mary Magdalene;
telling her not to cling to Him because He had not yet ascended to the Father (John 20:17). Then on that "same
first day (John 20:19), He appeared to the disciples who were hiding "behind closed doors for fear of the Jews" and breathed
on them and said "Receive (admit) the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22). Just before He was taken up into heaven, Jesus told
them to remain in Jerusalem until they were clothed with "power from on high" (Luke 24:49) or as it says in Acts 1:8 "...when
the Holy Spirit has come upon you...,.". If they had already received the Holy Spirit, then didn't they
already have His Power? Well, if the Holy Spirit was there... then all of His Power was there..... but.... there was
a time for releasing it fully in their lives. Maybe it had something to do with Jesus taking His rightful place in the
throneroom; maybe it was just the fact that Jesus wanted His people to see that even if He was not present with them in a
physical body, that His Power was still there. Whatever the case was... there is something about receiving (admitting)
the Holy Spirit into our lives and acknowledging Him .. that increases the power in our lives. The Blood of Jesus has
cut off the strength of the enemy ... we are no longer subject to it (although we will always have the free will to bow to
it). By allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us and grow His good fruits in us ..... we continue to grow in Power.
Don't worry about the apparent strength of your enemies .... but rather, rejoice in the Power of the True Living God working
effectively in and through you! God said it ... that makes it a done deal! Yahu!
Lord, without You we are helpless against the strength of
our enemies. But because of You we are restored to the Kingdom! Because of You making a way for the Holy Spirit to fill
us daily ... we can begin to operate NOW in the Power of that Kingdom ! Help us Lord to not bow to anything that would
give our enemy strength .... but Lord through praise and thanksgiving, may we allow You to increase Your Power flow in us!
Lord Jesus, forgive me... cleanse me from all sin. Holy Spirit fill me and perfect me and use me! For Your
glory Lord!
Equiped and Pleasing
Hebrews 13:20,21 (NLT)
"And now, may the God of peace, Who brought again from the
dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing His will. May He produce in you, through the power of Jesus
Christ, all that is pleasing to Him. Jesus is the great Shepherd of the sheep by an everlasting covenant, signed with
His blood. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen."
I love praying the scriptures and this is one that I pray
for people regularly. It's good to ask the Holy Spirit to open peoples eyes and hearts to their need for Salvation,
but I don't spend a great deal of time focusing on their weaknesses. God has a great purpose for each of us, and knowing
that helps me to "pray them into their destiny" more than dwelling on their present limitations. This attitude is a
change in me over the years that I really like....and am determined to keep cultivating. And it really has been only
God Who has brought this change about in me! Ain't nothin' I did hoss! Equipped and pleasing to God!! That
is what the Great Shepherd and the Holy Spirit is able to work in us! Yahu!!! God is able!!! Don't give up on
yourself .... give yourself up....to the One Who is able and so very, very willing to bring this about in you!
Lord, in our doubt and insecurity ... help us to focus on
Your ability. You Who made all the universe ... You Who was able to endure faithfully. Lord help each one reading
this to come to the confident assurance that You not only are able...but You desire to do this in us if we will only
let You! Lord .... help us to let go of anything holding us back...and just let You do this good work in us! Nothing
else will ever satisfy us. Lord, thank You for equipping us to do Your will and be pleasing to You! For Your glory
Completely Destroy
Psalm 18:37,38 (NLT)
I chased my enemies and caught them; I did not stop until
they were conquered. I struck them down so they could not get up; they fell beneath my feet.
Most of the time, don't we feel our enemies are chasing us
more than we are chasing them? They like to attack when we are fatigued or not feeling well or just plain not paying
attention. Remember now, I'm not talking about people. I'm talking about those things of the spirit realm that
try to get us to take any path but the one the Lord has for us. Thoughts of doubt, discouragement, selfishness,,
inadequacy, lust, manipulation, gossip, jealousy, gluttony ..... well, you get the picture. All of us have things in
our "flesh" ... our thought life, that we wish we could just be free of. Things that we know the Holy Spirit has been
working in us to get it out of our lives so we can go on to better things. It's time to go on the offensive, and the
way we do that is with the Word of God and the Blood of the Lamb. "Pleading the Blood" is declaring (out loud, if you
are in a place where you can) what the Blood of Jesus has done for you. He has set you free .... restored you to the Kingdom
and equipped you with all the weapons of His Kingdom. The Word of God has a power that we haven't even begun to understand.
When we speak God's Word over our lives ... over our situation ... we set Power and angels into motion. We KNOW how
to focus.....just think how long you have focused on a problem or emotion sometime. But now it's taking our thoughts
captive .... taking control of them.... and seriously interrupting that thought process. The more you practice.. the
more natural and easy it becomes. Then chase it down and destroy it... keep at it...KEEP speaking God's Word over your
life. Don't just react to defeating thoughts...... initiate God's thoughts. Speak His Word ... speak His Word
... speak His Word .... until that thing is totally destroyed and can never rise up again!
Lord, help us to become aggressive warriors against anything
in our lives that is not of You. Holy Spirit, You are our Counselor and Our instructor.... help us to take up what
You offer us ... and go forth into a battle the Lord has already won for us. We rejoice Lord ... we Praise you ... we
proclaim the wonders You are doing! We laugh and love ... and in doing so we destroy our enemies. Thank You Lord
for making us "overcomers"! Thank You Lord!
How Long?
Psalm 13:1,2 (NLT)
O LORD, how long will You forget me? Forever? How long
will You look the other way? How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day?
How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
Rem was after a cow one time and it took a short-cut across
the cement pad that the big water tank was set on in the pasture. Rem was on a borrowed horse and it turned out
not quite as sure-footed as the horses he was used to .... so when he followed the cow across the wet cement .... it was "wreck
time". He and the horse both ended up in a pile with his leg caught under the horses belly and him setting between 4
flaying legs. The "good cowboy" he was though, he never lost hold of the reins during the whole wreck so was able to
keep the horses head down and prevent her from trying to get up and really stomping him in the process. But there he
was; unable to get his leg out...unable to let the horse up .... stuck... with nobody else in sight to offer help. He
asked God to send the angels to help him. Almost immediately, here came Little Al (our bay gelding) out of the corral
where he had been tied. Al was not the kind of horse who ever untied himself and Rem (ex-navy man) had tied the lead
rope himself so it wasn't likely it had just been loose and came undone. Rem knew God had sent the horse and figured
maybe he was to grab Al's lead rope and the horse would help pull him out of his predicament. But nooooooooooo ----
Little Al looked at him ---- and continued on his way over the hill down to the creek. What kind of help was this?????????
But our son Justin was down by that creek too ..... setting, watching the rest of the herd (which was making too much noise
for him to hear his dad's call's for help). Justin couldn't believe Little Al had done such a deed (untying himself)
and grumbling, he caught the horse up and headed back to the corral with him. Well, he obviously had to go right by
his dad ... and of course helped him out of the wreck with neither Rem or the horse seriously hurt. Sometimes we really
need to see an answer to our problems .... and sometimes it seems like it's coming....then it just doesn't happen. But
God hasn't forgotten; He has it all worked out .... and in a better way than we can envision. Don't give up .... He
has heard you .... and the angels have been dispatched. Just rest and praise ... for The Lord is good...and so
are His plans for you!
Lord, thank You that You haven't forgotten me. Thank You
that You are working in my life and every situation I am facing. Thank You Lord that because of Your blood and the Holy
Spirit in my life.... my enemies do not have the upper hand. Thank You Lord for doing a good work in me! Help
me Lord to stand in faith and see Your wonderful plans manifest! Praise be to God!!!
Peace Dwellers
Psalm 85:8 (NLT)
"I listen carefully to what God the LORD is saying, for He
speaks peace to His people, His faithful ones. But let them not return to their foolish ways."
Three things stood out to me in that scripture. 1) It's important
that we listen to the LORD; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Each One is in agreement with the other
... but I really believe that each One has something personal to speak to us. The Father speaks of Love and protection
and correction ... all the things a father is. The Son speaks of restoration and hope and redemption ... becoming part
of the Family again. The Holy Spirit speaks of guidance and Wisdom ... daily, practical living for eternal destinies.
2) Even people who have been foolish can become "faithful ones" and recieve His peace. "Faithful ones" can become foolish;
be corrected and receive His peace. 3) Once we find we've blown it --- been foolish; we need to turn from that path back to
Him and His plan ...... we need to be careful not to fall back into those old traps. Let's face it, if you offered someone
a nice comfortable recliner to set in .... in a beautiful room and offered them a refreshing glass of ice-tea ------ you'd
think they were an idiot if they went out and chose, instead, to set in a hog-waller. And if you got them convinced
to come in and get cleaned up and set in that comfy recliner for awhile .... and they did, but then kept getting up to go
back and set in that stinky ol' hog-waller ...... you'd think they were nuts! Ok....so.... do you have a few "foolish
ways" in your life? God wants to help you stay out of them. He can do it too...but we have to cooperate.
Lord, show me any "foolish ways" in my life. Help me
to walk away from them and cut all chains of bondage to them. Lord, help me to listen carefully to You and dwell in
Your peace. Lord, give me a sense of how absolutely stupid it is to go back to things that aren't from You. Help
me to be a "Peace Dweller" .... for Your Glory Lord!
God or god?
John 10:34-38 (NLT)
Jesus replied "It is written in your own law that God said
to certain leaders of the people, 'I say, you are gods! (Ps 82:6,7) and you know that the Scriptures cannot be altered.
So if those people, who received God's message, were called 'gods,' why do you call it blasphemy when the Holy One who was
sent into the world by the Father says 'I am the Son of God'? Don't believe me unless I carry out my Father's work.
But if I do His work, believe in what I have done, even if you don't believe Me. Then you will realize that the Father
is in Me, and I am in the Father."
One of the defininitions of 'god' (small g) in the Webster's
Dictionary is: One controlling a particular aspect or part of reality. The Jews, on Solomon's porch, listening
to Jesus teach, had a lot of mixed feelings about WHO they were listening to. Some received Him for Who He was;
The Son of God; The Messiah. Others said he was affiliated with demons all because of Who He said He was. They
were with him pretty well up to that point ... but then He went over the line and indicated that He was not just a
representative of God (as the people referred to as 'gods' were) ... this man had the gall to say He WAS God .... Capital
G.... part of Elohim (plural God's in one Being). Can't you just see them thinking "Who does He think He is??!!!!"
--- and then meeting His eyes --- and seeing the answer there, even if they didn't want to admit it? He got to the heart
of their soul's though .... those soul's (thoughts, emotions) ready to accept gods (small g); whom they could find some loop-hole
to ignore ---- but not ready to accept God; to bow completely in His Authority. He challenged them though to check Him
out for the Truth .......... but then when they recognized it .... oh my.... what were they going to do with it? Truth
is Truth is Truth ... whatcha gonna do with it, huh?
Lord, help us to listen and look for Your Truth in our lives
and the situations we face. Lord help us to recognize rebellion in any area of our lives ... and recognize how it is
holding us back from something great! Help us to submit rightly to those in our lives whom You have put in authority
over us ..... and help us to walk in complete freedom by overcoming rebellion ... reluctance... and stepping into full submission
to You. Help us to recognize that ONLY by giving full respect and submission to You.... will we walk in Power and Victory
fully. Help us not to look with man's eyes at the things or attitudes we are asked to give up.....but to look
at them through the Eye's of The True Living God ... and SEE the opportunities You have placed before us! In Your Freedom
Lord! Thank You!
Crushed Spirit's
Proverbs 18:14 (NLT)
"The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear
it if the spirit is crushed?"
One of the definitions of "endure" (Webster's Dictionary) is:
" to suffer hardships without giving in". We've all heard (and many have experienced it) stories of tremendous
physical suffering, where the person's spirit just never gave up... never quit....and the result was something so beautiful
that even the telling of it became a Holy moment. But in my spirit tonight I feel a crying from the Holy Spirit for
those (particularly in the Body of Christ) who's spirits are close to being "crushed". Whether it's from enduring physical
pain so long .... or from emotional wounds and rejection... or from dreams that seem to be beyond being fulfilled; there is
someone reading this right now who has been almost overwhelmed with the temptation to just give up. They've felt like
a exhausted swimmer in the middle of an ocean ... and have become so tired that it would be just so easy....just so easy...to
just let the water flow in over their head. But I say to you tonight .... the Lord has seen your struggle and He's saying
"Crawl up on my lap and let Me hold you. Let Me cuddle you as a small child and comfort you. I will sing you a
song of hope and restoration. I will hold you until My strength is in you.... then together we will continue.
My victory is STILL yours ... I am still here."
Lord, tonight I lift up those who have been fatigued in spirit
or soul or body. I lift up those who feel they have been left behind and failed. I lift up those who have lost
their vision and discouragement has nearly overcome them. Lord for those... I ask that You put to their lips the cup
of Living Water and help them to drink deeply. Lord renew their hope; renew their vision .... give them a great Peace
to surround them ... and may they feel Your Presence in a way they never have before. Lord where they are at the end
of their rope .... help them to let You take over completely. RESTORATION ... RESTORATION... RESTORATION; THE CRUSHING
WHEEL HAS STOPPED! Thank You Lord for what You are doing in our lives!
Grass-Eating Ox
Psalm 106:19,20 (NLT)
"The people made a calf at Mount Sinai; they bowed before
an image made of gold. They traded their glorious God for a statue of a grass-eating ox!"
Can't you just about see the author of this shaking his head
and asking "How dumb can you be and still breath?"? Sometimes, because we don't see (or maybe don't even look) for the
bigger picture, we not only settle for something of lesser value, a "quick fix"; but from the perspective of the angels .....
we must absolutely look like we've gone brain dead! For the biggest thing, recognizing the True Living God and
Jesus as my Lord and Savior,I stay pretty solid. But I can tell you for a fact (as much as I hate to admit it), there
are a lot of times I choose a self-made choice over a God-choice. Whether it's choosing to "pig out" rather than have
that food that will help me get to a good place of health; or staying even one minute in a pity-party rather than quickly
praising God and proclaiming His Word over whatever comes to my mind .... I have, in a sense, "bowed" to a "grass-eating
ox"! Ok... think I've had a revelation tonight ... well duh!
Lord, help me to recognize when I am being tempted to settle
for something less than Your wonderful plans for me. Lord, thank You for the strength to wait for, and choose, the very
best thing and time. Lord, open the eyes of my heart so I understand the cost of lesser choices .... and the
value of the ones You call me to. Lord, help us to overcome poor choices from our past ... and help us to start
new right now .... choosing the things of our Glorious God! Thank You Lord!
Leave and Gain
Genesis 12:1 (NLT)
"Then the LORD told Abram, "Leave your country, your relatives,
and your father's house, and go to the land that I will show you"
There comes a time in our walk with the LORD (Father,
SON and Holy SPIRIT) that we hear Him say "Will you put everything down for me?" There's all kinds of responses to that.
We can say "No, Lord, You're asking too much." and quit right there. We can take a big gulp and say "Lord, with Your
help I want to and I will." Or we can foolishly (without counting the cost) say "Sure Lord!" and then find out later
we aren't really ready to let go of all control so find ourselves discouraged and feeling like failures when our "flesh" rises
up and we find it's a struggle to keep that promise. To me, sometimes "leaving your country, your relatives" means letting
go of old responses; old wounds; old rejections; old expectations (from others and yourself); unfulfilled dreams; security;
or old fears. It's taking responsibility for your choices and leaving old "security blankets" behind. It's saying
"This is between you and me Lord ... and I know You are so much greater... You are worthy and I trust You to take care of
me, whom You created." By the way ... Abram became "Abraham", the father of a great nation and through him all the families
of the earth can take the opportunity to be Blessed yet to this day...... because of Jesus.
Lord, do a great work in our hearts, minds and spirit so
that we come to know You to the point of KNOWING that Your plans for us are for good and not for evil. Lord, help each
of us to know that in "leaving country and relatives" we will gain more than the Universe..... and become more useful
to our country and relatives. Lord, help us to break old bondages in our lives that are controlling us or holding
us back in any way. You created us for a purpose ... Holy Spirit help us to fulfill that purpose. Lord, help us
to come to "know that we know that we know" that there is NOTHING we own or have experienced that is worth hanging on to .....
that would cause us to miss ONE thing You have for us. Lord, here is my hand ... here is my heart... here is my will
.... here is my hope and my trust .... I will go where You say to go....and I will receive what You have for me.
Thank You Lord!
Let The Past Pass
Philippians 3:13 (NLT)
"No, dear friends, I am still not all I should be, but I
am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach
the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven."
Some people look back at things in their past and either
think how wonderful it was back then and how lousy it is now ---- or they get tied up with how rotten they were treated "back
then" and how they didn't really have a chance to succeed. Both of those attitudes can be strongholds and traps.....
or like the cowboy says "Son, you're looking at the wrong end of the horse." There are things in our past that we can
give thanks for ... and things we just need to look at and determine that it was a waste of time and why in the world do we
want to let our foolishness....or someone else's.... KEEP wasting our time? But whatever happened "back there" .....
glory, or rejection and destruction ....it is the chance God gives us for THIS time and the time ahead that counts.
New starts... new chances...new ideas .. new relationships (with different people or the same people) ... chances to be free
... chances to have burdens lifted .. chances to have unholy yokes upon our lives, ground into dust so they can never be put
back on us. God isn't offering us a "booby" prize; this is something grand and precious (of great value).
But if you keep looking over your shoulder .... you're not only slowed down... you're prob'ly going to trip and fall flat
on your face. Fell already? Don't stay there ... let the LORD help you up and run with HIm. This race isn't
against other people ... to beat THEM ... this race is to receive what God has for you .... that prize that He designed just
for you! This prize isn't one He's trying to keep from you... He gave the greatest sacrifice ever, just so He could
hand you this prize. Yahu!
Lord, help us to shake off anything from our past [good or
bad] that may be hindering us in any way. Help us to not judge our future with You by triggers from our past.
Lord, help us to look at how you want us to be (our destiny with You) and just put on the proper clothing for that future.
What we were will not stop You; if, we don't stop ourselves. Help us to accept the grandness of Your plans for
our lives ..... it isn't about us....it's all about You! Help us to not settle for less than all You have for
us. Thank You Lord for our future with You!
Get It Straight
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)
"Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter
what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
I remember in grade school how our teacher made a big deal
about how we put a sentence together. "The woman loved the big house on the hill." meant something different than "The
woman on the hill loved the big house." That is very important to remember for this scripture. "God's will" relates
to "be thankful" ---- NOT to "what happens" The scripture does NOT say "Be thankful, for no matter what happens, it
is God's will for you who are in Christ Jesus." There seems to be a lot of things attacking my body right now; from
Osteoarthritis to Belle's Palsy, along with numerous other annoying ailments. You know what? I'm not thankful
for any of them...and I know this was not God's will for me. He is the God Full of Mercy --- not the God Full of Misery!
But in all of this I know I am to (and can be) thankful. Thankful for His love despite my weaknesses; thankful for His
healing; thankful for His promises and thankful that I know His plans for me are for good and not for evil. I've got
His personal promise (spoken to my heart) that He will "Renew my youth as a young Eagle" and I "...will dance" ..... and I
don't believe when He spoke that to me that He meant I will have to wait until I get to heaven. Through this He's showed
me a lot --- mainly compassion. I'm more likely now, when someone says they have arthritis, to ask if I can pray for
them rather than start telling them my aches and pains. I'm more likely now, when someone says some smell triggers
an asthma attack in them, to tell them I'm sorry and offer to pray rather than respond with "Boy, that doesn't bother me...
I don't notice any smell at all." I'm thankful God has worked compassion in me .... but I don't believe for a minute
God put all this infirmity on me to teach me a lesson. Life happens --- let God help you mine it for gold -- and be
thankful that He's going to see you through whatever happens. Don't get that scripture mixed up .... keep it in right
order: 1) Be joyful 2) Keep on praying 3) Always be thankful.
Lord, You are so good .... help us to know THAT is what we
can be joyful and thankful over. We can keep praying because we know You are the Answer and our Strength in whatever
is happening in our lives! Lord thank You, thank You, thank You! Yahu! You ARE able --- and You ARE willing!
Never Give Up
Luke 18:1 (NLT)
"One day Jesus told His disciples a story to illustrate their
need for constant prayer and to show them that they must never give up."
Jesus went on to tell them about a widow lady who kept hounding
a godless, arrogant judge until he gave in and made sure she got justice. Then He compared the reaction God's people
will get from Him when they continue to lift their requests up to Him. In "cowboy language" you could put it:
"Man, if you can get those results riding a bad horse....think what you could do riding a good one!" Jesus wasn't saying
here that we have to keep nagging God to get something accomplished. This widow though, had a certain type of faith
that this ornery ol' judge would help her. How much more faith can we have that our wonderful, merciful "Daddy"
will help us! Don't give up if it seems to be taking awhile for the answer to come ..... God knows something about all
of this that we don't. Just ask Him for your needs and dreams, then keep thanking Him for the answer........because
it's there.....and it's manifesting. His perfect time; His perfect way.....just for the most beneficial results for
us! He's awesome!
Lord, help me to always remember Your Love for me and to
have confidence that You are working in every situation I face as I call upon You .... and that You have good plans
for me. Lord, help us to not give up and turn away before we see the wonderful answers You have for our prayers.
Thank You Lord for what You are doing in our lives .... what You are doing on our behalf. We rejoice that we will see
Your goodness in this land of the living! Thank You Lord!
No Meetings
Nehemiah 6:1-3 (NLT)
When Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab, and the rest of
our enemies found out that I had finished rebuilding the wall and that no gaps remained-- though we had not yet hung the doors
in the gates -- Sanballet and Geshem sent me a message asking me to meet them at one of the villages in the plain of Ono.
But I realized they were plotting to harm me, so I replied by sending this message to them: "I am doing a great work!
I cannot stop to come and meet with you."
One of the definitions of a wall is "something that acts
as a barrier or defense". Seems pretty obvious why the enemy would want to stop you from completing such a work.
Our mind -- our thought process, and the words we speak as a result -- is usually where the battle is won or lost.
So here we are ... building a wall of defense against thoughts of defeat, discouragement, anger, jealousy, bitterness, or
whatever the enemy is whispering to our soul --- and low and behold, here comes a message from the enemy. It usually
says something like "Now what's the use of speaking all that 'God stuff' all the time?" or "You really don't have to go around
praising all the time; come, worry about this." The enemy wants us to come "meet" with him ... to stop and think about
whatever situation we are facing ... and listen to his ideas about it all. I love Nehemiah's answer to the enemies
invitation though "I am doing a great work! I cannot stop to come and meet with you."
Don't give the enemy any time .... continue with the "great
work" the Lord has given you!
Lord, help us to recognize the treachery of the enemy and
not allow him within our walls or go out to meet him. Holy Spirit help us to build walls of faith in our lives with
Your Words and praises to the True Living God. Help us to refuse (immediately) the invitations of the enemy to
come "meet" with him .... to contemplate anything that would allow him time to come in and cause destruction. Lord,
You have given us the "building material" .... help us to continue this great work in our lives. Help us to never leave Your
Presence (leave Your work) -- to "go out" to meet the enemy of our soul. For Your Glory Lord!
Don't Get Sidetracked
Proverbs 4;25-27 (NLT)
"Look straight ahead and fix your eyes on what lies before
you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; then stick to the path and stay safe. Don't get sidetracked; keep
your feet from following evil."
Relic was a tall, athletic cream-palomino registered Quarter
Horse (mostly Thoroughbred) who was at times almost too smart for everyone's good. When you showed him what cow you
wanted brought in though, except for holding him back a little (so you didn't all come in at a dead run), you pretty much
let him do his thing. I let another girl ride him once just to let her try him out (ok...so I was showing him off..ha).
When she came back from penning up the cow she'd brought out of the herd, her awed comment was "I thought I'd ridden cowhorses
before...but I realize now I've never really been on a "real" one." She said she'd lost sight of the cow she was bringing
in (one out of a herd of 600) and figured it was a lost cause so might as well rein Relic out of the herd and come on back
to us. The thing was... this girl may have lost sight of that cow...but Relic never did. He "insisted" on keeping
on the trail so the girl let him have his head and just hung on. The cow he brought out of the herd had the ear-tag
number she'd first picked out. We should all be that kind of "cowhorse" Christians ! God will give a promise or
direction, then people and circumstances will be right there to try to "rein" you in another direction or get you to give
up. Anything that pulls you away from God's plan for you --- is evil. Don't let it happen...... you may loose
sight of the goal once in awhile....but the Holy Spirit knows exactly where it is and how to get there. Trust
Lord, help me to first hear You clearly; and then, Holy Spirit,
thank You for giving me all I need to complete the journey You have set before me. Lord it is soooooooo good knowing
that You're plans for me are for good and not for evil. Help me to stay on course and not be discouraged or slowed
down (and especially not stopped) by what I see or hear from any source that is not You. Thank You Lord for renewing
our vision!
Psalm 24:8 (NLT)
"A person who plans evil will get a reputation as a troublemaker."
Ok...so my first reaction when I read this was "Well duh!".
Now why do we think we can do stupid things and think we'll get by unscathed? hummm? And don't give me that innocent
look like you've never done something like that..ha. When Rem (my husband) was growing up (especially those wonderful
teen and post navy years) on the ranch .... there was more than one occasion when a "not so bright" action ended up with him
being chased by a cow. When (by God's mercy) he reached a safe haven and the crises passed ..... his dad (who had witnessed
the whole incident from the safety of a tractor seat or horseback) would just look at him a bit and then in that matter-of-fact
voice ask, "Well ---- did you learn anything?". I think the recognition of his own foolish actions....being confirmed
by his dad...... went a long way in making him the very wise man he is today. The good news is .... if we already have
a bad reputation, God can help us to overcome it. It may take awhile though .... but you know what? Just start
planning good things --- and keep it up. The very best way is to make Jesus you Lord and Savior ... and plan to follow
His directing. Find yourself being "stupid" in some area? Give that area over to the Holy Spirit .... it's the
best break you'll ever get!
Lord, we've all made some very foolish choices in some area
of our lives ... forgive us Lord and help us to overcome any bad reputations we have. Lord, by following You and listening
to You and obeying You --- may we come to be known as people of Wisdom, compassion and children of the True Living God.
Lord, help us to recognize when we are about to make a foolish choice and help us to have the commitment and spiritual strength
to make the best possible decision. Thank You Lord for loving us and helping us to grow and walk in all the goodness
You have planned for us!
Have Some Compassion
Philippians 2:3,4 (NLT)
"Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on
others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be
interested in others, too, and what they are doing."
First, let me tell you what this scripture is not
saying. It's not saying that you shouldn't value yourself or think you are worthless; that is a totally false
humility and a lie from the devil. It's not saying that you shouldn't care what your daily walk says to others.
It's not saying you shouldn't be a good steward of your own affairs and "take care of business". It's not
saying you should meddle in others affairs and be nosey or use "sharing" time or prayer request for others as an excuse to
gossip. We're clear on that now, right? *smile* We do need to be aware though of what others are going through
and seek the Lord for ways to be encouraging and helpful. We can get so busy with everyday life and focused on what
our problems are that even when we love others (especially our brothers and sisters in the Lord) we can get to the point of
not even thinking to stop and give a phone call or drop a line to tell someone we are thinking of them and praying for them.
Seriously, how much time would it really take out of our lives to do that? And when someone did it for you.... how much
did it mean to you?
Lord, forgive me if I have been self-centered. Lord,
show me those who need a word of encouragement .... who may need to know someone is pulling for them. Lord, give me
simple and unique ways to Bless others and Holy Spirit, when I'm thinking and praying for others.... remind me to let them
know. Lord, for all those who have encouraged me ... I ask a special Blessing upon them for their kindness.
Lord send a spirit of compassion amongst Your people ... and start with me. Thank You Lord!
No Challenge
Psalm 20:7,8 (NLT)
"Some nations boast of their armies and weapons, but we boast
in the LORD our God. Those nations will fall down and collapse, but we will rise up and stand firm."
We were at a tractor pulling contest a few years ago; it
was a lot of good, clean, noisy fun. They had a big 4-wheel drive John Deere tractor just pulling EVERYTHING around.
It clearly won it's division and was a crowd pleaser. Then at the end of the show, they brought out a "non-competition"
challenger just for the fun of it...... and antique steam engine (might have even been an old Minneapolis Moline, but
I can't remember for sure). With all it's modern power, that John Deere was no match or even a hint of a challenge for
the big steam engine. Old timers hooted and hollered, proud that a part of their history had stood the test. In
these times, it is good to know ---- our God will stand the test! The enemy can scream his threats and puff fire
and smoke ...... but like that impressive John Deere tractor against the steam engine.....he is weak in comparison to the
True Living God. Let people boast of their power .... let the enemy show his weapons; it doesn't matter to God ....
He isn't worried. The God Who created all the universe ...... wins.
Lord, we do; we boast in You! You are the greatest
"Dad" and when our eyes are upon You --- we are not afraid. Cause us to "stand firm" Lord ... and may all the
world see and proclaim Your Might and Your Goodness! There is no other like You!
The Pits
Psalm 40:1,2 (Amp)
"I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He
inclined to me and heard my cry. he drew me up out of a horrible pit [a pit of tumult and of destruction], out of the
miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings."
I've heard this scripture used a lot and it was interpreted
as our condition before being saved. In a way it does describe the "pit" we were in; but let's face it --- most unsaved
(people who are still spiritually dead).... aren't "waiting patiently and expectantly for the Lord". Even as Christians
we can sometimes find ourselves in situations that seem like they are dragging us down. We can't seem to get our
feet solidly under us and no matter how much we scramble --- we seem to slip and slide rather than make progress. If
you find yourself in a time like that --- be assured; if you keep looking to the Lord -- expectantly (versus struggling against
Him) -- He WILL set your feet on a rock. He WILL steady your steps. He WILL establish you (put you in a favorable
position) in your daily life. In a pit? Don't keep thrashing around and making it even messier --- wait patiently
--- expectantly, and allow God to bring you out.
Lord, help us to recognize when we are in danger of falling
into or digging a pit. Help us to immediately stand still and wait expectantly for Your deliverance. Thank You
Lord for the Rock You have made available for us to stand on. Thank You Lord for establishing our "goings" and putting
us in a place where we won't slip or fall in the muck. Lord You are our hope --- You are our answer. Thank You
Lord for providing solid footing in this world of pits and traps. Thank You Lord!