Steadfast Cheerleading
Hebrews 10:23-25 (NLT)
"Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say
we have, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and
good deeds. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially
now that the day of His coming back again is drawing near."
Sometimes we in the Body of Christ can get pretty lazy and
self-absorbed or build "protective" walls around ourselves. We can read something like that and think "Ya!!! When
was the last time someone in our church encouraged me????" We can start looking around and thinking "You know....I always
call them...but do they ever call me or others?" ( I wonder, does the Holy Spirit ever roll His eyes at us? - ha )
In a perfect world, we would all be encouraging each other -- exhorting each other -- doing good things for each other;
but let's face it, how often do we see that happening? So? Who's going to change that? We are not responsible
for anyone else's attitudes or actions ... be we are for ours. Maybe --- if we keep encouraging and loving and
meeting together --- others will get the vision and do so too. But one thing is for sure, GOD is faithful and steadfast
.... HE is not going to change. But He in us will bring about good things for His people!
Lord, help me to be steadfast and unwavering in following
the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. Show me ways to encourage others and show me good deeds that can be done. Lord
help us all to not be discouraged or luke warm in our love for You or for each other. Each day we are one day closer
to Your return .... help us not to waste our opportunities to let You shine through us. For Your glory Lord!
Crushing Wheel
Proverbs 20:26,27 (NLT)
"A wise king finds the wicked, lays them out like wheat,
then runs the crushing wheel over them. The LORD's searchlight penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive."
An enemy that can heal --- can attack again. When we
become saved [delivered from spiritual death and made righteous because of the Blood of Christ], that doesn't mean the attacks
end. If anything...they increase because there is an "enemy of our soul" out there whose goal is to kill, steal and
destroy (John 10:10) and he doesn't want us to walk in all God has for us. So God in His goodness and kindness just
keeps working with us. He'll have the Holy Spirit keep bringing something to the surface until we recognize that we
need deliverance (freedom). Then He helps us deal with it and overcome it. Whew...what a relief !!! But
then "Hey! Ouch! That hurts! What's going on here????" That thing in our life that wasn't from
God (jealousy, bitterness, envy, greed, anger, self-centeredness, fear, anxiety, etc, etc, etc) has been "mowed down" and
that is good. But --- now comes the "crushing wheel". God isn't doing this to make our lives miserable .... He's
doing this so that thing that has been mowed down....but still breathing the very least bit ... can't get back up and take
over again. Don't be afraid of God turning His search light on those deep places. It may not be comfortable...but
the end result will sure be worth it!
Lord, we do ask that You mow down areas in our lives that
aren't of You. Then Lord search those darkest corners...those deepest places and run the crushing wheel over our enemies!
Lord, help us to run TO You .... not from You .... as You do a good work in us. Help us to snuggle closer and closer
and closer .... to take comfort in Your good plans for us as You change us. Thank You Lord for Your Love and thank You
for helping us to be totally free!
Keep The Kingdom
1 Chronicles 10:13,14 (NLT)
"So Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD.
He failed to obey the LORD's command, and he even consulted a medium instead of asking the LORD for guidance. So
the LORD killed him and turned his kingdom over to David son of Jesse."
King Saul pretty well had it all going for him ... he was
wealthy; handsome; had authority, faithful troops, family and friends. He was appointed and Anointed by God to be king.
So why would God suddenly turn on him and murder him? First of all....God doesn't murder anyone; the Bible clearly says
His plans for us are for good and not evil and there is no evil found in Him. God never does harm to His people ......
the thing is..... Saul was no longer one of "His people". It wasn't a one time decision either; God had given him plenty
of instruction; plenty of warnings; plenty of chances. But for some reason, Saul just kept choosing his own way ....
his own desires. It doesn't say God took pleasure in killing Saul ..... but He knew Saul wasn't repenting
(changing direction) and if left to continue on the path he was taking ... a lot of other people's lives were going to
end in destruction. A destiny had to be fulfilled and Saul wasn't going to do it. We should read that scripture
with absolute ALARMS going off within us ...... counting the cost of any disobedience in our lives. God has "kingdoms"
for us ---- may He never have to turn them over to someone else.
Lord, search ME ... show me areas in my life where I am ignoring
Your guidance, Your warnings. Help me Holy Spirit to see the bigger picture and not allow myself to focus in on self-centered
plans. Lord, change MY heart .... MY attitudes ... MY willingness; help me to never be a barrier between You and the
destiny You have for me and others my life affects. Lord, I know You will give me a willing heart if I desire it ...
and Lord... I desire it ! Thank You LORD for Your Love, Your guidance and Your victory! Be glorified in me Lord!
Jesus Is Christ
Colossians 1:15-17 (NLT)
"Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.
He existed before God made anything at all and is supreme over all creation. Christ is the one through whom God created
everything in heaven and earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can't see -- Kings, Kingdoms, rulers
and authorities. Everything has been created through him and for him. He existed before everything else began,
and he holds all creation together."
Several religions proclaim that Jesus is god ... but not
with a capitol "G". They teach that he was a man who became god-like. I'm not even going to start getting into
that argument here .. accept to say... this scripture is very clear; Jesus is God ... capitol G ... always was....is now..and
always will be. End of that discussion. I read this scripture though and was once again almost overcome with the
realization that THIS is Who came as the sacrificial Lamb .... to restore me. He came and endured all He did ... to
offer me restoration; Me ... who He had created in the first place. The Creator of the Universe ... took a huge
step down.... to provide me a way to take a huge step up! Amazing...absolutely amazing. Let that kind of love
comfort you ... restore you...and lead you. This man they called Jesus ... is the Christ!
Lord, You did that .. all of that ... knowing we whom
You created and love so much...would nail You to the cross. You came despite our blindness, our stubbornness, our arrogance,
our delusion of self-sufficiency. My Lord Jesus ... I can not say "Thank You" loud enough, often enough or in enough
ways. Lord, here we are; we present to You everything that You have a right to ... but never demand; us.
Here we are Lord; it's so good to be home in Your Arms. Thank You Lord!
"Ephesians" Employee's
Ephesians 6:5-8 (NLT)
"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and
fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. Work hard, but not just to please your masters when they
are watching. As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart. Work with enthusiasm as though you
were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we
do, whether we are slaves or free."
You can substitute the word "employee" there for slave ...
and hopefully you won't go "ouch!". I have worked as a ranch hand, a waitress, a nurses aide, a nurse, office worker
.... and a few other occupations. I wish I could say I've always been a good worker; I can't. Unfair practices
by employers and co-workers would easily get me in "revenge" or "Do only what you have to" mode. Employers should be
happy that Christ and the Holy Spirit have changed me a lot! ha Do you know why operating as an "Ephesians" employee
makes you stand out? Because it seems there are so few who consistently do quality work with quality attitude.
It's especially sad and disgusting when Christian's are the ones who come in late, steal from the employers (pens, stamps,
computer time, long distance phone time, etc, etc, etc) and not only respond to office gossip....but instigate it. Want
to stand out in this world? Do your work as if it was for the Lord Himself. A walk of quality and honor ... a
great light for the Lord in a world of so much "grayness" and darkness.
Lord, help me to always do my job for You ... no matter who
is looking or how I am being treated. Lord, You will reward me...You will promote me; You (not my job) are
my source! Lord, have mercy upon those in the workplace who don't treat us fairly or with respect. Lord, open
the eyes of their hearts .... and may they never be able to truthfully complain about us. Lord, show us any areas in
attitude and action that we need to change. May we glorify You in our work place .... and may Godly people step up to
be Blessings to their employers. For Your Glory Lord!
Deceiving Looks
2 Corinthians 5:16,17 (NLT)
"So we have stopped evaluating others by what the world thinks
about them. Once I mistakenly thought of Christ that way, as though He were merely a human being. How differently
I think about Him now! What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the
same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!"
When we first laid eyes on Rem's good Appaloosa mare's colt,
Little Al .... well let's just say we had to fight a bit of disappointment. Besides the fact that he had no Appaloosa
coloring (he was a bay), he was raw boned, big headed and just plain homely! He was a sweet little thing though and
seemed to like people ... never had a colt that was easier to halter break. He grew out of a lot of his homeliness; and
though he never took on any Appaloosa coloring, he was a deep rich bay. He was a good, solid cowhorse, and
anyone could ride him .... he was a prize. Even though he was fairly tall, he always kept a bit of "pony" look ....
I think because of the length and thickness of his mane and tail. If we were riding with friends, and especially if
they had a sleek "running" horse with impressive registration papers ... they became fair game. It was no challenge
to egg them into a race; after all, it sure didn't look like Little Al was a "runner". Sometimes we'd race 3 or 4 times
before they would finally admit they'd gotten beat .... and usually by quite a distance. I LOVED it ! ha
Lord, help me to never judge anyone by their looks, or their
past, or by how much they own (or don't own), or by how much influence they have (or don't seem to have). Lord, help
me to see You in them and to allow them to operate and flow in the Gifts and Callings You have given them. Lord help
us each to know that You in us is an awesome Power .... help us each to manifest that "new person" ... that "new creation"
You have made us! For Your glory Lord!
Moments of Weakness
Psalm 18: 17,18 (NLT)
"He delivered me from my powerful enemies, from those who
hated me and were too strong for me. They attacked me at a moment when I was weakest, but the LORD upheld me."
Why does the enemy seem so powerful? Because he knows
your weaknesses. He knows exactly which tender spots to aim at and what trips your trigger. You can be going along
so well; strong and faithful ..... and "OUCH!" Sometimes we get pretty good about building walls around ourselves ...
walls of not becoming to close to others; walls of presenting an attitude of indifference; walls of anger ... all kinds of
walls. But the enemy waits; because he knows that tender spot is still there and someday it will be exposed. Sound
familiar? Find yourself running around the same mountain again and again? Don't be surprised, and don't
be discouraged. The enemy is trying to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10) but God is just fine tuning you. He
knows the things in our lives that we need to be delivered from or have the victory over .... so there is more room for Joy,
Peace and all those other wonderful things the Lord has for us. Finding yourself attacked in a weak moment?
Take a deep breath .... look into the Eyes of Jesus and proclaim "The LORD will deliver me and uphold me!" Let the things
that need to be changed ... change. The LORD will not let you down!
Lord, You know me far better than all my enemies do!
You know every vulnerable area in my life. Help me LORD to turn these all over to You for Your deliverance and Your
protection. Lord, thank You for upholding me and keeping me. Thank You for bringing me across the finish line
in fine style! I look at my enemies...and I look at my LORD ... and I am comforted; because You are so great Lord!
Thank You for keeping me in the weakest moments ... thank You for upholding me!
Good Judgment and Knowledge
Psalm 119:66-68 (NLT)
"I believe in Your commands; now teach me good judgment and
knowledge. I used to wander off until You disciplined me; but now I closely follow Your Word. You are good and
do only good; teach me Your principles."
Ever known someone who had a lot of "book learning" ... but
socially and "in the field" didn't have a clue how to put it to effective or good use? That's sort of the difference
between just believing in God, and believing in Him in such a way that you have a strong desire to submit every part of your
life to Him. Ok...even if you don't have kids....at some time in your life... you WERE a kid (duh). Ever look
back upon an experience of youth when your folks (or a teacher or some other caring adult) tried to tell you to
straighten up (get your act together)? And now with wisdom (from experience) and hindsight ... you can see where they had
your very best interest at heart? And .... come on....admit it; if you'd listened to them... things would have
went a whole lot better (ya...look sheepish!). But hey...we're wiser now right? (hey...I was NOT rolling my eyes there!..ha)
Seriously...what a wonderful thing to ask the Lord....to give you "good judgment and knowledge". It will save
you a world of "hurt". And we don't need to fear obeying and submitting to Him...because He "is good and does only
Lord, truly ... we ask that You give us good judgment and
knowledge and teach us Your principles. Help us not to "kick at the traces" and hurt ourselves; but rather, may we be
ever ready to respond quickly to Your guidance in every area of our lives. And Lord, help each one reading this to come
to a complete assurance in their inner most being that You are good and do only good! Lord, we love You .. and
we are so very thankful that You love us !!!
Victorious Circles
Isaiah 55:10,11 (NLT)
"The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on
the ground to water the earth. They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry.
It is the same with My Word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want
it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it."
God has planted many seeds in our hearts and in our lives.
There are desires, longings, urges .. that we recognize as beyond "us" .... and there is a "knowing" ... a realization
that this is something God has put in us. It's His Word though, spoken over us by Him, that has planted this in us;
and it's His Word spoken by us that waters and nourishes these Holy seeds. Why do you think the enemy is always
yapping at our minds with thoughts of doubt and insecurity and any other negative thing? He (Satan) knows that what
we think upon ... ponder upon ... contemplate ... will eventually come out of our mouths in spoken words. There
is a tremendous power in the words we speak; our spirit, soul, and even our physical body responds to them. Doctor's
and scientist's are proving more and more that what we speak (and the attitude with which it's spoken) ...
releases chemicals and hormones in our bodies with a destructive or a healing effect. So what would happen if we let
faith rise up within us and started (and kept up) speaking God's Word over our lives? You've heard of "vicious circles"?
There are "victorious circles" too ... God's Word spoken ... releasing faith .... speaking more of God's Word ...
releasing more faith; a cycle producing His Power in our lives! God sends it to us; we speak it ... it accomplishes
the good things He wants it to do.
Lord, we can't even begin to habitually speak Your Words
over our lives without You empowering us to do so. Lord, help us! Help us to be sensitive to Your Spirit speaking
Your Words in our soul ... and may our voice echo the Holy Spirit. Lord, help us to set up a "victorious circle" within
our lives and may You be glorified!
Praise Is Strength
Psalm 8:2 (NLT)
"You have taught children and nursing infants
to give You praise. They silence Your enemies who were seeking revenge."
The words in red are highlighted because there
are two different translations for this scripture. This is the translation from the Greek, but in Hebrew it is
translated "to show strength". I've talked often about how "Praise" is a tool of war and one of our most powerful weapons
... so it doesn't surprise me at all that the word "praise" and "strength" are used interchangeably here. When
we praise, we are strengthened ... and the power of the enemy is truly "silenced" ! This scripture also
emphasizes that it isn't how physically powerful WE are .... even the praise of the most helpless baby defeats the enemy
! You don't think babies praise??? Man, come and watch our 6 month old grand-daughter grin and "bounce" when Praise
and Worship starts! The spirit world ... the "real" world ... responds to praise; no matter who or where it comes from.
Angels are released ... demons are bound .... faith arises ... and I believe all heaven and earth resounds with the
laughter of God's Joy! Need strength? Praise. Need answers? Praise. Need Hope? Praise.
Need your enemies silenced? Praise ! Praise like a baby ..... not worrying "how" to do it...... just respond
to the Holy Spirit and "let it rip!"
Lord, thank You for the strength of Praise!
We look at the stars and marvel at Your works ... and we are comforted that there is nothing greater than You! We look
at the mountains and are in awe of Your Power! We look at all You have created and say "This was done for us!" and we
are encouraged that You will not let us down. You are all Powerful ... You are Magnificent ... and You are so Glorious
and Holy! Thank You Lord that we don't have to cower, because our rejoicing and praising You is so very, very effective!
Lord .... teach us to Praise as a nursing infant .... just responding to You!
War Horses
Proverbs 21:30,31 (NLT)
"Human plans, no matter how wise or well advised, cannot
stand against the LORD. The horses are prepared for battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD."
In this day and time... it is very comforting to know that
there is a good plan that will succeed and nothing can stop it ! We can stop God's plan for us though ....
because we have free will. But nothing will stop what He has proclaimed will happen! Two things came to mind as
I read "The horses are prepared..": 1) the preparation of the enemy & 2) the preparation that God's people are to do.
Sometimes it looks like the enemy is holding all the cards and sure has the upper hand ... but the enemy can plan and prepare
all he wants ... he will NEVER defeat The One True Living God ! So don't be afraid by what you may see in the situations
throughout the world...or any situation in your life. Victory IS the LORD's ! Does that mean we just set back
and do nothing because "What will be will be"? No, not at all. There are "horses" we are preparing for
battle too ... and we need them ready and able. I've said it before...one of the most powerful war-horses we have is
praise. It keeps our focus on Truth and our faith at the front of the line. Another war-horse is our spoken word
..... The Word of God coming out of our hearts and out of our mouths. Faith and His Word...... war-horses prepared
for battle ..... a battle that we know is won by the LORD!
Lord, show us areas in our life which are not prepared
for this battle. Help us to give it all to You and put it under Your authority. Lord, help us to be "well mounted"
for each battle we face ... and help us to have a great Peace and Joy knowing You will work this all out for our good.
Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord!
Among The Baggage
1 Samuel 10:21-23 (NLT)
Then he brought each family of the tribe of Benjamin before
the LORD, and the family of the Matrites was chosen. And finally Saul son of Kish was chosen from among them.
But when they looked for him he had disappeared! So they asked the LORD, "Where is he?" And the LORD replied,
"He is hiding among the baggage. So they found him and brought him out, and he stood head and shoulders above anyone
Saul had been Anointed and Prophesied over; prophecies about
him had come about and before and during all of this.... his heart had been changed. God had a call upon his life
and the people were looking to him to rule. So where was he? Oh ya...there's the mighty king....hiding among the
baggage; just where you'd expect a king to be right? NOT ! Are we so different though? How many of us are
called to greatness (remember, greatness is just obeying God) but we're hiding among our own baggage? Maybe you're behind
that big bag with the tag that says "insecurity"; or maybe it's the bag tagged "religious tradition"; or maybe it's that small
one over there tagged "I don't have the time (or money...or schooling..etc, etc, etc). Maybe you're hiding behind the
one tagged "fear of people" .... or that other one "Pride". There's all kinds of baggage that we bring with us,
but that baggage isn't hiding us from the LORD ... He knows exactly where you are! And .... He's calling you
out of it. It's time to "check your bags at the door" and walk out of there. God has a destiny for you..and
He will equip you for it .......... not only does He not want you to "unpack" that baggage.... He's saying "Leave it
and stand up .... for I have made you head and shoulders above the world! They need to see you in my image. Come
Lord help us to stand up and leave all our baggage behind.
Help us to walk out of that area once and for all and accept what You have for us. Lord, help each of us to realize
it really doesn't matter at all who we were .... it's Who You are and who we are in You. Lord, Your plans
for us are for good and You have Anointed us to lift burdens, destroy unholy yokes and to set captives free. Help
us to stand to our full height in You! For Your Glory Lord!
Psalm 31:22 (NLT)
In sudden fear I had cried out, "I have been cut off from
the LORD!" But You heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for help.
When I was in highschool, I had bought a little black and
white Shetland pony for my niece and nephews. Her name was Dusty and she was as stubborn as she was cute. We had
several other horses at that time also but Dusty was the only "little" one. Amongst her other short-comings...was her
ability to get lost. She just didn't always pay attention while she was grazing, so didn't notice when the other horses
went to the other side of the little knoll she was on. When she did finally look up and around....it was pure panic
time as she realized she was all alone. We'd hear her frightened whinny for help ... and often could even see her from
the farmhouse porch. We could usually see the herd just over the knoll.....totally ignoring her calls for help.....except
for Shorty, our 16 hand (tall) 1250lb bay American Saddlebred gelding. While the other horses continued their grazing,
Shorty would head for the rescue...whinnying a soft reassurance to Dusty that he was on his way. They were a sight;
Dusty so short she could walk under Shorty's belly. Shorty would gather up the panicked Shetland .... and lead her back to
the herd. The world .... your family.... your friends.... your church; non of them may hear or seem concerned over
your distress. But the LORD.... the LORD....hears and responds. His intent is to draw you in and comfort you....
to set your life aright... and to cause you to dwell in safety and peace. Nothing and no one .... but you ...can
cut you off from Him; and even you ... can't do it easily. Away from the LORD? Panic!! Big time!!!
And let Him find you (believe me...He knows where you are) .... and make sure you respond to Him!
Lord, may we always keep our eyes and hearts on You, so we
notice if You are moving to another area....or if we are moving away from You. Thank You for Your mercy Lord .... help
us to show mercy. May the whole world panic at the thought of being cut off from You !
Psalm 64:1 (NLT)
"O God, listen to my complaint. Do not let my enemies'
threats overwhelm me."
Let me draw your attention to two words in that scripture;
"complaint' and "threats". One of the definitions of "complaint" is: The expression of grief or pain. Another
definition is: The expression of resentment. The Israelites did a lot of complaining ..... they were brought out of
captivity and when things got a bit tough, they expressed resentment. The result? They spent a lot of time out
in the wilderness. There is a far different response though when we present our grief and pain to the Lord and call
upon His help. His Presence comes.... all that is at His disposal is presented upon our behalf. He brings us into
that place of rest and peace .... no matter what the situation continues to look like. Never be hesitant to present
your grief and fear to Him. The word "threat" means: An expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage."
Years ago, after I had prayed for a speaker at a retreat, the enemy was so furious with me I "heard" him say (in an almost
audible voice) "I am going to kill you!". My reply was "Go ahead and try.... only God can take my life." On my way to
work the next morning as I got ready to cross a busy street, I felt a push on my back. If I had continued the way the
push propelled me, I would have been thrown in front of an on-coming car. But almost instantly, after feeling the push
on my back.... I felt "something" like a gentle barrier, hold me in place (at a rather peculiar angle until the danger
passed). I thanked God; continued on to work and said to the enemy "See, I told you .... you can't kill
me." The enemy can tell you all kinds of things .... but don't be overwhelmed; let the LORD deal with the "intent"......
you just snuggle close to "Dad".
Lord, help us to see and know Your greatness so all things
are put into proper perspective. Lord if there is ANYTHING standing between me and You ..... reveal it to me so I can
repent (change direction) and get rid of it. Let us each be overwhelmed by Your Love .... and never by threats.
Thank You Lord for Your protection! The Lord be magnified!
Under The Knife
Hebrews 4:12
"For the Word of God is full of living power.
It is sharper than the sharpest knife ( two edged sword), cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes
us for what we really are."
I suspect when most of us read that last sentence
.... we tend to take a bit of a big gulp. So let's deal with that first. Yes, it does expose the hidden thoughts
and desires in us....and if we're honest...it often isn't purdy. Hang in there with me now, because there is good
news coming. All that "stuff" that we aren't proud of, isn't who we really are ...... that's just layers that need to
be cut away and disposed of. The Word does that; it reveals the things in our lives that are holding us back; stealing
from us; hurting us. If we let it do it's job, it will help us "cut through" all that stuff....and reveal who we really
are! We "are" all the things God put in us and we were never designed to be hurt, discouraged, envious, jealous, angry,
self-centered, poor, fearful, anxious or covered in filth. We "are" children of the Most High God, empowered, joyful,
peaceful, kind, gentle, faithful, self-controlled in the Holy Spirit, and the Righteous in Christ ! THAT is what the
Sword (Word of God) is exposing in us! It's not always comfortable....but let Him do the carving!
Lord, help us to see the bigger picture; to not
be discouraged by all we see being placed before the Sword. Lord where we see our failures .... You see victory!
Help us to see ourselves and each other with Your Eyes! Lord, here I am.....cut away!
Roman's 8:38,39 (NLT)
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from
His love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our
worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away. Whether we are high above the sky or
in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ
Jesus our Lord."
Sometimes we think we have gone too far .... blown it too
big...for God to really accept us again. Or maybe things at work are going bad and our friends don't encourage us; it
just seems like we are "out there" somewhere....... all alone. God hasn't given up on us though, and we need to know
that more than ever before. If you've "blown it".... don't keep blowing it by failing to run back into God's
Arms. If there is no one to support you and encourage you ... don't give up; God is still there (God and
all He is and all He has). Be comforted knowing NOTHING and NOBODY can keep Him away or diminish His Love for you.
World gottcha down??? Snuggle in closer to Him (no matter how you feel about yourself) because you are very...very...very
welcome there. Let Him help set you right...and set the situations in your life right.
Lord, help us each to come to know more and more and more....the
Love You are pouring out upon us and for us. Whatever we are facing in our lives, help us to know You are right there
with us. Thank You for Your great Anointing that is lifting our burdens, destroying all unholy yokes placed upon us,...and
setting us completely free! For those who need so much right now to feel Your Love wrapping around them....Lord
open the "eyes of their heart" to see and experience Your Love. Lord, just knowing that You love us....makes a world
of difference. Thank You Lord!
Their Good Intentions
Mark 3:20,21 (NLT)
"When Jesus returned to the house where he was staying, the
crowds began to gather again, and soon he and his disciples couldn't even find time to eat. When his family heard what
was happening, they tried to take him home with them. "He's out of his mind," they said.
If your family and friends don't understand the Call and
Vision God has on your life... you are in good company.....even Jesus had that problem. It doesn't indicate that they
were jealous of him or resented him.... it sounds like they cared about him and thought they were trying to take care of him.
They'd known him since he was little.... prob'ly heard and maybe even believed he had a great destiny ahead of him.... but
they obviously didn't fully understand what was going on. Sometimes, with the very best intentions, people will try
to "corral" you. Don't resent them; don't attack their character or intelligence ...... but don't stop what God is doing.
That doesn't mean that you don't take council or correction....but when you "know that you know that you know" you are doing
God's will.....don't let anyone or any situation interfere. It isn't always easy to go the direction God is leading....but
it will end up a whole lot worse if you don't. The world may not know it....but they need us to "Listen and Obey".
Lord, we ask for Wisdom to know when You are guiding,
and when we are trying to take our own path. We ask for Courage and Peace to carry out Your instructions. Lord
we trust You to speak to us and correct us if we are getting off course. Lord, we ask that You give us discernment
to not interfere with what You are doing in someone else's life. Help us to "Listen and Obey" and be consistent
and steadfast. For Your Glory Lord!
No Other
Isaiah 43:10-13 (NLT)
"But you are my witnesses, O Israel!" says the LORD.
"And you are my servant. You have been chosen to know Me, believe in Me, and understand that I alone am God. There is
no other God; there never has been and never will be. I am the LORD, and there is no other Savior. First I predicted
your deliverance; I declared what I would do, and then I did it -- I saved you. No foreign god has ever done this before.
You are witnesses that I am the only God." says the LORD, "From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can oppose what
I do. No one can reverse my actions."
I have two posters on my kitchen cupboards; one is a picture
of several cartoon guys laughing hysterically and rolling on the ground ... the caption reads "God can't do what???"
The other is just a proclamation and is taken from Psalm 66:9, Psalm 145:17 & Revelation 1:18...and it says: "No
doubt about it, God rules..Always has...Always will..End of discussion." You know what? People can argue all they
want....it won't change the Truth. Now...whatcha gonna do with that Truth?
Lord, by Your Holy Spirit .... help us to know Truth.
We ask for discernment, and Wisdom, and that the eyes of our Understanding be opened more and more. Lord, help us to
reject and shake off anything that is not You. As for me and my house.... no turning back. May the LORD be Glorified!
Hopes of The Godly
Proverbs 10:24 (NLT)
"The fears of the wicked will all come true; so will the
hopes of the Godly."
The "wicked" have a lot to fear ... If they were to
become aware of just how much ....they would prob'ly turn from the path they are on (the path that leads to destruction).
That's not my concern tonight though, except to say "Lord have mercy and open their eyes." The part I don't want you
to miss though, is the last half of that scripture. People who love the Lord seem to be living in as much fear
as those who don't....and in some cases...maybe even more fear. That was never God's plan for us. Scripture after
scripture encourages us to "Hope in The Lord", to trust Him and to know that His plans for us are for good.
When we are focusing on the bad things around us though and the bad things that "might" happen...we dam up the flow
of Blessings the Lord wants to pour out upon us. But when we look at all that is going on around us and proclaim (consistently)
that we don't care what it looks like; we don't care what the enemy says....we KNOW God is doing a good work on our behalf....then
all heaven is loosed to do God's plan for our lives.
Lord, I ask for every person reading this that they have
renewed vision ... renewed Hope in You and Your plans for us. Help us Lord to come to know You more and to know Your
Word (Your will) for our lives. May each person dare to dream and proclaim Your goodness and Your good intent .............and
may we see those hopes manifest in our lives. For Your Glory Lord!
Don't Cause Sin
Romans 14:14-16 (NLT)
"I know and am perfectly sure on the authority of the Lord
Jesus that no food, in and of itself, is wrong to eat. But if someone believes it is wrong, then for that person it
is wrong. And if another Christian is distressed by what you eat, you are not acting in love if you eat it. Don't
let your eating ruin someone for whom Christ died. Then you will not be condemned for doing something you know is all
There's an old saying, "Don't sweat the small stuff."
In verse one of this chapter, Paul encourages to accept Christians who are "weak in faith" and not to argue with them about
what "they" think is right or wrong. He's not talking here about accepting false religions or denying Christ.
But if we convince someone to do something they believe is wrong....we've caused them to sin (Rom 14:23). Remember when
you were a little kid and you got into a foot race with some highschool or college kid ...... and you ALMOST beat them?
Looking back, you realize they could have just out distanced you so easy and laughed their heads off at your best effort.
But they didn't. They could have humiliated you, but they just wanted to encourage you so you'd keep making the effort
... and so you'd feel good about yourself. They helped you to become something better than you were.
Lord, help me to know when to keep silent. Help me
to be someone who helps others gain confidence. Give me Your Wisdom to not be a stumbling block and help me to "choose
my battles". Help me to always remember how it felt to be trying my best and have someone undermined my confidence .....
so I never do that to anyone else. Lord, You have been so very patient with me; help me to be patient with others.
Be Glorified Lord!
Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT)
Jesus came and told His disciples, "I have been given complete
authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the Name of
the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.
And be sure of this, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Baptism; a sacrament symbolizing spiritual rebirth, sanctification
and naming. The Father ... The Son... The Holy Spirit....all say "Do you want what We have to offer? Do you want
a new start? Do you want to become part of Our Family? Do you want a new Name?" It's a new life, a new hope,
a new start . It's all given immediately ..........but it's an on-going discovery as we learn to walk in this
Freedom and Authority. It's not being dedicated as a baby; it's being changed as we make the choice to follow The True
Living God. It's changing our name from "sinner; lost; hopeless; unsure; arrogant; deceived; worthless; useless" to
"Child of God; Redeemed; Restored; Beloved; Accepted; Friend of God". It's becoming a part of something more Grand than
we can even begin to imagine! And it is never, ever again being alone and helpless................because The Great
"I Am" is with us!
LORD, I ask that You Anoint every person reading this to
come to understand more fully and accurately what You are offering us. Help each of us to come to walk confidently
and humbly in Your Presence. Lord You are reclaiming what is rightfully Yours; Anoint us to "Go and make disciples"
as we go about our daily lives. Help each of us to come to a new realization that You are truly "with us" and therefore
all Your Power ... all Your Love ... all Your Authority .... all that You are and have .... is with us. May You be Glorified
as we listen and obey ..... and "go".
Deal With Our Enemies
Psalm 6:9,10 (NLT)
"The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD will answer my prayer.
May all my enemies be disgraced and terrified. May they suddenly turn back in shame."
One thing the psalmist did not request was that God show
him how to disgrace his enemies or help him to terrify them or put them to shame. He left it to the LORD
(Father, Son and Holy Spirit) to deal with his enemies. For one thing, the Bible says that people aren't the real
force behind our problems, but it's the evil spirits influencing them (Eph 6:12). If we can remember that, we'll
look at trouble makers in our lives with a new "Eye" and realize, that if they really had a clue about who was urging them
on, they wouldn't be acting like they do. When we let our hearts and minds become bitter and vengeful though .... we
become very susceptible to the influences of the very spirits trying to destroy and steal from us. Does that mean we
never fight? Never stand up for ourselves or our beliefs? No, not at all....but it does mean that we seek God's
guidance and His timing. Let Him prepare the battle ground with your Praise and Confidence in Him that He will
vindicate you ..... and know that HE will deal with your enemies.
Lord, for all those causing trouble for us, we ask Your Mercy.
Lord if there is any way that they will turn from this wicked path and renounce these evil plans....Lord, help them and deliver
them. Lord show Your Love and Power on our behalf. Help us to have a right heart and right attitude so we don't
interfere with Your good plans for our lives. Lord, your Word says that those who set traps will fall into their own
trap (Prov 26:27); we ask that You give our enemies understanding so they stop digging their own pits. Lord, You deal
with our enemies .... while we just love You!
The Road We Travel
Proverbs 20:24 (NLT)
"How can we understand the road we travel? It is the
LORD who directs our steps."
We worked for a ranch up in North Dakota once and lived on
the edge of the Badlands along the Little Missouri River. It was a great and fun place to be. Since the river
was designated as a "scenic river", they couldn't build roads or bridges across it in our area. Part of the year the
crossing was only a few inches deep, so it was no problem to cross. Winter wasn't a problem either since the ice was
thick enough to drive on safely. In the spring it was a raging torrent so you drove 35 miles north to the main bridge
crossing. The rest of the time though..... was a bit of a challenge. It had a pretty good rock bed but it kept
changing so if you insisted on driving through the same way every time .... well, the river would eventually "get ya" as the
locals said. You watched closely to see if and where animals were crossing it and at what angle....and you drove in
cautiously. In our journey with the Lord in this world, we need to always realize that things change .... just
like the subtleties of that river. But God knows every nuance of every situation we face .... so we can trust Him to
lead us. He calls us....He directs us... we just need to be willing to listen & obey.
Lord, thank You that You direct our paths. Help us Lord to
be very "tuned in" to You and give willingly to the rein. Lord if we've made mistakes and gotten off track...thank You
for Your forgiveness, mercy and correction. Lead on Lord!
Keep Running
Proverbs 4:11-13 (NLT)
"I will teach you wisdom's ways and lead you in straight
paths. If you live a life guided by wisdom, you won't limp or stumble as you run. Carry out my instructions; don't
forsake them. Guard them, for they will lead you to a fulfilled life."
God has put a vision in your heart and life; it may be something
that seems too grand to ever have a hope of happening...or it may be something simple like walking in kindness with your neighbor.
Or maybe you know there is some plan, but you really don't have a clue what it is. With each call though, there
are steps to be taken...and the Lord orders those steps. Of course, the enemy comes in and tries to mess things up but
don't be taken by surprise or thrown off course. Just keep on "keeping on" as the old saying goes. The Lord knows
the beginning, the middle and the end of our destination in every circumstance. We may be almost "there" or we may have
a long ways to go.....but if we quit, the result is the same. When you hear a direction [instruction] from the Holy
Spirit; start walking in that direction and never ... never...never stop. If you find you've already stopped and maybe
even lost ground; cry out to God for Wisdom. Listen and obey ..... for the fulfillment will be worth it.
Lord, I ask in the Name of Jesus that You renew dreams and
visions for all reading this. Lord bring to their remembrance the promises and goals You have set in their heart....then
give them the reassurance that the path is still there and it's not too late. Lord, Your Wisdom is there .... help us
to recognize and guard Your instructions! Any way but Your desired path for us is unacceptable ... so help us to "run"
in Joy and confidence in You! Thank You Lord!
The Golden Rule
Matthew 7:12 (NLT)
"Do for others what you would like them to do for you.
This is a summary of all that is taught in the law and the prophets."
Ok.... let's go through a few versions of how our flesh
sometimes likes to translate that scripture: 1) Do unto others as they do unto you. 2) Do unto others as you would like
them to do unto you until they mess up. 3) Do unto others as you would have someone do unto you, so they will treat
you well. 4) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you as long as it doesn't take much effort. 5) Do unto
others as you would have them do unto you (which usually means "Leave me alone!"). 6) Do unto others before they
do it to you (and you KNOW I don't mean that in a positive way!) Don't you even TRY to make me believe I'm the only
one who's tried twisting that scripture into something else! ha Prob'ly one of the most well intentioned falsehoods
that we are taught in Sunday school though, is that if we treat people the way we would like to be treated.....they will treat
us well too. Sometimes it works that way; let's face it... people are a lot more likely to treat you well if you aren't
being nasty to them, but not always. It's in those times that we are called to do the "God thing" anyway.
It's those times, when we do what we know to be right (especially if we know the other person won't respond in a "God way")
that God just "busts buttons" over you and says "That's my kid !!" God will deal with the other person; that's not our
concern (accept to pray for mercy for them). You may not see the rewards of living The Golden Rule until you get to
heaven......but live it anyway. It's the "Walk of Honor" and in the end... you will never regret it.
Lord, we know we can't do this unless You help us.
Lord help us to see the bigger picture in every situation. Holy Spirit, fill us and develop Your Fruit within us.
Lord, help us to treat others as You would have us treat them...so we do not become stumbling blocks or excuses for them.
Lord, as we deal with all the people in our lives, help us to see them with You standing beside them....with Your Arm on their
shoulder....looking at us. Lord, no matter what our flesh wants, help us to respond in a manner that will light Your
Eyes up with pleasure. Lord, help us to remember that we don't have to fix (in any sense of the word) anyone else; we
just need to be open to You and walk through every situation with our hand in Yours. Be glorified Lord!
Devastating Cheer
Proverbs 25:20 (NLT)
"Singing cheerful songs to a person whose heart is heavy is as bad as stealing
someone's jacket in cold weather or rubbing salt in a wound."
Does that mean we never tell someone the good news and encouraging Words God has
for them? No, of course not.... but it does mean to have some compassion. When someone has just miscarried
a baby, that isn't the time to say "oh well, must have been something wrong with it. Praise God though, you're young
and can have more." Those words might be true, but they would be like a slap in the face. Sometimes when a person
is hurting, the best healing thing you can do is cry with them for a bit. The time will come for the healing words of
cheer and the "buck up" words; but let the Holy Spirit pick those times. When someone is ill (and especially if they
have been battling for some time), you'll get a much better response with "I just hate to see you hurting, may I pray with
you?" rather than "I had that same thing and I just spoke God's Word over it and it had to leave!" There may come a
point in ministry where the Holy Spirit will have you give what I call a "Holy Ghost slap", but that usually comes after a
repetitive, destructive behavior cycle (boy doesn't that sound like a therapist's term..ha). Bottom line though is.....
have compassion and be led by the Spirit of God.
Lord, we need so much to have You lead us when confronted by someone else's pain
and wounds. Lord, give us Your compassion to feel their hurts and Your Wisdom to know how to respond. Lord help
us to recognize the times to reach out loving arms verses those times to just drag someone out of self-pity and
despair. Lord, help us to remember how we felt when things seemed so devastating ... and help us remember times when
words of truth and cheer that seemed to put even more of a burden upon us. Lord, help us to know when to shout and rejoice
with someone, and when to weep with them. Help us to bring Your healing kindness to the wounded so they draw close to
You. May You be glorified!
Filled With Light
Luke 11:36 (NLT)
"If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life
will be radiant,
as though a floodlight is shining on you."
The Bible talks a lot about being "filled",
and always by good things like laughter and joy and comfort and knowledge of Him. Ever notice how one negative person
can dishearten a group? Because we no longer (since sin came into the world) live in a perfect world, darkness has a
way of expanding and engulfing. A few swear words were allowed on TV....then a few more; then we are suppose to
believe that is the common way of talking. A virus gets in our body and if our immune system isn't strong .... it starts
multiplying until it is doing serious harm. Darkness is a type of virus....but there is great news!!! The Light
came into the darkness and has overcome it! Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the greatest "Immune System" we have!
We all have some dark corners in our lives, but God is there to help. If we can trust Him and not try to hide the dark
corners (even the little specks) from Him.... He will inoculate us with the Light of His very Being. No darkness can
remain in His Presence.... it has to flee and let the Light in! That is what He is doing with us...He's just Lighting
us up ! Yahu!
Lord, we don't want any darkness at all in our lives.
Help us Lord to trust You enough to allow you to reveal all areas of darkness within us and just turn them over to You.
Fill us with Your Light and radiate through us. Lord, we are Yours and darkness has no authority over us or in us.
Thank You Lord that You will continue to work in us until every corner is Highly lit ! Shine through us Lord!
Proverbs 17:12 (NLT)
"It is safer to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than to confront
a fool caught in folly."
Ever notice that convicted people can get really mean???
One of the tests I do on myself is a heart check when I'm corrected or if someone doesn't agree with me. Let's
face it, we'd like to be right all the time and never be challenged... but .... life happens. If I find that I really
feel I have to strongly defend my actions, and especially if I have an urge to find some flaw in the attacker.... well ....maybe
I need to take a step back and ask myself what is really going on. I've got a note in my Bible that says "If you're
right, you can afford to keep quiet. If you're wrong, you can't afford NOT to keep quiet." Wish I could give credit
to whomever came up with that one, but I have no idea where I heard it. Now that doesn't mean that Christians
should always keep quiet and never confront lies or evil things in this world. But we do need to pick our battles and
let the Holy Spirit lead us. If you find yourself arguing with a fool .... don't bother.... they won't listen or change
anyway and all you will do is end up looking foolish yourself. And if someone lashes out at you, just know...
you may have just touched an old wound. We've all confronted a fool at some time or other....and we've prob'ly all been
a fool at some time or other. *sigh* Let the Lord lead you with Wisdom and compassion.
Lord, help me to have discernment in people's reactions...and
in my own reactions. Thank You Lord that You are helping us to become mature spiritually; thank You that You didn't
leave us as we were...and You won't leave us as we are. Lord, help us to speak as You lead....not just as a reaction.
Help us to know when to take a stand and when to be quiet. And Lord....help us to not be fools...but to Glorify You!
Keep Doing Good
Galatians 6:9,10 (NLT)
"So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get
discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. Whenever we have the opportunity,
we should do good to everyone, especially to our Christian brothers and sisters."
It's very tempting when we are trying to do our best and
there just doesn't seem to be any benefit, to become discouraged or get into a serious self-pity mode. You're trying
to be a professional at work and the immature Office Gossip gets the same pay raise you do or more acclaim than you do; you
sacrifice your time to teach Sunday School and the children are always late or don't show up at all; you reach out to help
someone and they don't even bother to tell you thank-you. We could all give many examples of "doing good" and not seeing
any benefit. But the LORD watches each good deed and the heart-attitude with which it is done. Right from the
start, the LORD has been a partner with us in that good deed. He rejoices with you when you feel that deep down satisfaction
of just doing "good" and if you listen closely, you'll hear Him encouraging you to "keep on!". We may not know, until
we are in heaven, all the destruction that was stopped because we just kept looking for opportunities to do good. If
the Holy Spirit tells you to quit doing something, that is one thing.....but unless you clearly hear Him say "Stop", don't
quit....don't quit....don't quit ..... because God will be using your good deeds in ways you can't even imagine!
Lord, thank You for giving us opportunities to "do good".
Help us to be watchful for each opportunity and just go about doing good like our Savior did. Lord, search our hearts
and reveal and deliver us from self-focused motives ..... give us a new awareness of Who we are serving .... and help us to
do each good thing out of Love and respect for You. Lord, help us to never take others for granted but to be encouragers
... especially of our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Our benefits come from You Lord ..... and just at the right
time and in the right way. Thank You Lord for allowing us to be a part of Your Love and work here on earth. May
You be glorified!
Get Your Feet Wet
Joshua 2:22-24 (NLT)
"The spies went up into the hill country and stayed there
three days. The men who were chasing them had searched everywhere along the road, but they finally returned to the city
without success. Then the two spies came down from the hill country, crossed the Jordan River, and reported to Joshua
all that had happened to them. "The LORD will certainly give us the whole land," they said, "for all the people in the
land are terrified of us."
Let's see... these guys had been hid out in the city and
then while still being chased, hid out in the hills for three days ..... and came back to camp bragging that the enemy was
terrified of them! Now you have to admit, that tends to make you raise an eyebrow! You might have
been tempted to tell those guys to go soak their heads! But Joshua told the priests to take the Ark Of The Covenant
and go soak their feet! Hey, it's a great story!!!! And the "them" wasn't just the three spies .... it was all
of Israel and the God they served!They took the Ark, stepped into the Jordan river; the river banked up on one side while
the rest drained into the Dead Sea; the Israelites crossed and then it was "The Battle of Jericho"! Okkkkkkkkk....so
what has that got to do with us today? Let me tell you; the enemy knows the Promises God has given you and he knows
what will happen if you step out in faith (put your feet in the water!). So though it may look like an all out effort
to stop you (and it is); don't be discouraged. Instead get fired us (with Passion for the LORD) and proclaim the Truth....that
God has given you the land. Then listen and obey and watch how He does it!
Lord, help us to have the discernment and faith to get our
feet wet ! When the enemy comes may we take it as confirmation that they are afraid of us because You are doing wonderful
things in and through us! Lord help us to take the "whole" land and not dishonor You by settling for just a portion
of what You have promised us. Lord You are able (Yahu) and may an expectancy rise up within us as we look forward to
the Victory You are giving us. We are not alone in this fight.... and the enemy has good reason to be terrified! Hallelujah!