Get Up!
Micah 7:8 (NLT)
Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall,
I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD Himself will be my light.
We all "fall" sometimes. It may be in what may seem
a small thing (like that second piece of cake when we're on a diet or that cigarette when we've determined to quit smoking)
or in a much more obvious destructive manner ( you know the kind....drugs, adultery, drunkenness -- what we see as the "big"
ones). Whatever stage of sin or perfection you are in .... let me give you a tip; don't plan on staying "fallen"
; don't plan on staying sitting in the darkness. Please, please don't give up on yourself....God hasn't.
So the enemy came and seduced you into buying some swamp land ..... don't go and build the house there! Can't you just
SEE the demons gloating and laughing when they get you to fall for something? Wanna hear the laughter stop?
Cry "God help!" and whisper the Name "Jesus". Let that Name make your enemy snap to attention. Then keep saying that
Name .... snuggle into the Arms of your Savior and if you'd care to watch .... you'd see the demons start to slither away
.... cringing .... muttering......but still retreating. Don't bother watching them though....just keep looking into
the Eyes of Jesus .... and let His Love for you pick you up, dust you off ..... and light a better way for you!
Lord, for all those who feel like they've failed in any
way... I ask that You draw their attention to You. Lord, help us to recognize quickly when we are at the point of
"setting in the darkness". May we have the confidence in Your Love and in Your good plans for us that we cry out quickly
for You to be our Light! Thank You LORD for never giving up on us....help us to never give up on others. For Your
glory! Amen.
Hungry and Thirsty
John 6:35 (NLT)
Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life. No one who
comes to me will ever be hungry again. Those who believe in me will never thirst."
Let me give you a couple Webster Dictionary definitions:
Hunger = to have an eager desire ; craving. Thirst = An ardent desire; craving , longing. There are a lot of seriously
hungry and thirsty people in the world and at different times in our walk with the Lord, even "Christians" become hungry and
thirsty. People crave acceptance; they long to be loved and feel needed; they long to feel important and of value; they
crave feeling secure and safe; they long for excitement so they can feel "alive". It's a natural feeling .... "mankind"
had this when he walked in the garden with God .........."mankind" wants it again. Satan comes in and perverts those
Godly longings and "mankind" seeks some of the weirdest and most self-destructive ways to try to get those desires fulfilled.
But there is truly only one way to feel fulfilled, safe, loved, accepted, of value and full of life .... and that's to walk
with God again and continually. The good news is....Jesus made the way! Yahu!!! Talk to Him like you would
a close, much beloved friend; look to Him to fill those empty places and satisfy those cravings. Jesus encouraged the
Body of Christ to lift each other up...to reach out and encourage one another in Christ... He knows the hunger and thirst
we have in us. But when nobody is doing that for you....Jesus still will. He is there...He is reaching out...He
is accepting... He is loving... He is encouraging. Eat and drink of all He offers .... and pass it on to others.
Lord, for all those areas in our lives where there is a craving;
a longing .... come fill those places. Lord, help us to offer Your bread and Your water to others who are hungry and
thirsty. Help us to always reach for the Holy "food" and the Holy "water" rather than something offered by the world
that falls far short of what we are really yearning for. Help us to keep coming to You...to keep believing
in You ... so we hunger and thirst no more...because we are satisfied!
Praise The LORD
Psalm 150 (NLT)
Praise the LORD! Praise God in His heavenly dwelling;
praise Him in His mighty heaven! Praise Him for His mighty works; praise His unequaled greatness! Praise Him with
a blast of the trumpet; praise Him with the lyre and harp! Praise Him with the tambourine and dancing; praise Him with
stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with a clash of cymbals; praise Him with loud clanging cymbals. Let
everything that lives sing praises to the LORD! Praise the LORD!
Let's review *smile*; Praise (Webster's Dictionary) = To
prize; to express a favorable judgment; to glorify, esp. by ascription of perfections; commendation. With all that you
have and in all you do ... prize him and tell yourself and others about how perfectly wonderful He is! The inspiration
for every instrument on earth was given so there would be one more wonderful sound with which to praise the Lord.
Every gift...every talent ... was given to mankind to have another way to praise the Lord. The ability to dance, to
clap, to shout, to yell, to sing, to leap, to wave ... all these were given to mankind as another way to praise the Lord!
And when we do that....something wonderful happens in heaven and in us; powers are released; healings are released; emotions
are elevated to Joy; Peace settles in; Unity occurs ..........for God's glory and our benefit! In your home... prize
and commend Him; in your job ... prize and commend Him; In your coming in and going out ... prize and commend Him!
It will change you....it will change the atmosphere of every situation you are experiencing .... it will change those around
you. Praise ..... and watch all heaven respond!
Lord, You are worth praising --- may we just have a "run
away" with this! Holy Spirit fill our spirits, hearts and minds with praise ... with awareness of how wonderful and
magnificent and worthy the LORD is! When that awareness fills us.....how can we not praise??? Lord, give every
person reading this a renewed and even greater than before revelation of praise! May praise replace complacency, grumbling,
weariness, anxiety, hopelessness, anger, bitterness, loneliness ... and every emotion and attitude that is not of You.
May praise increase hope, joy, love, commitment, stability, faithfulness, well-being ... and may You be glorified!
Power in You
Romans 8:11 (NLT)
The Spirit of God, Who raised Jesus from the dead, lives
in you. And just as He raised Christ from the dead, He will give life to your mortal body by this same Spirit living
within you.
Really stop and think about this for awhile; when you've
received Jesus as your Savior.....and when you've received the Holy Spirit .... The Spirit and His Power actually
lives in you! So why don't we see that Power manifesting more often? I sorta feel like a little kid here....shrugging
my shoulders and saying "I dunno". Is it lack of knowledge? Lack of faith? Insecurity? Compromise? I can't
answer that for you...that's between you and God. I can barely answer it for me. But one thing I know.... I'm
going to be seeking God and asking Him to show me how to let that Power have it's perfect way in my body and in my life.
I want that Power to "give life" to my aching joints .... and every other part of my body that needs it. I also
want that Power to give Life to the part of the Body of Christ where I reside. I want to see that Life manifested
in myself, my family, my church, my community, my job. So I think I'm going to just spend more time thinking about His
Spirit...His Power living in me........... and see what He does with that!
Lord, first of all, thank You for making me righteous through
Your Blood so I can have the Spirit of God living in me. Now Lord, for our good and for Your Glory.... help us
each to be very, very aware of Who lives in us .... and the Power that He possesses. Help us each come to that place
in You .... that place of faith and obedience ... where that Power can manifest as each situation warrants. Lord show
us what is blocking this from being a regular part of our lives.... and help us to set aside anything that is not of You.
Lord, give us an excitement and expectation of what You want to do through us .... and give us the assurance that this really
is for us. It's not us ... it's You! Thank You Lord!
Starve Them
Psalm 59:14,15 (NLT)
My enemies come out at night, snarling like vicious dogs
as they prowl the streets. They scavenge for food but go to sleep unsatisfied.
You know what? They're gonna come. There are
just those people in your lives that for either one reason or another are going to look for a way to devour you. They
don't usually come right out and confront you either .... they'll take someone aside (either at the coffee shop, your place
of employment or even at your church) and start planting "weed seeds"; they'll mail an anonymous letter or just give that
bit of a cold shoulder when they visit with you. Usually it comes from people who are very unhappy with themselves and their
lives ..... they just feel better bringing you down too. What a waste of time and energy! The thing is....don't
give them "food". Food to them is when you respond in like manner. Food to them is when you loose your peace.
Food to them is when you stop being kind or doing that little extra at work because of what you know they'll say about you.
Food to them is doing or saying anything that gets your focus off God and what He is calling you to do. Verse 16 goes
on to say ".... I will sing about Your power and I will shout with Joy..." Give the enemy an "empty plate" .... you just keep
on loving God and proclaiming His goodness and His good plans for you. You just keep on going about and doing good.
You just keep allowing God to do a good work in you and for you. Pray for mercy for your enemies ... and let God
deal with them.
Lord, we do; we lift up all those in our lives who have caused
us trouble in any way and we release them to You. Lord, have mercy upon them and deliver them from the bondages that
are causing them so much misery. Lord, thank You that You work on our behalf and vindicate us. Lord help us to
change any area in our lives that need changing...help us to ask forgiveness for anything we need forgiveness for and help
us to receive and walk in all You have for us. Lord, because of You we can walk that "Walk of Honor". For Your
glory Lord!
Among Us
Numbers 35:34 (NLT)
You must not defile the land where you are going to live,
for I live there myself. I am the LORD, Who lives among the people of Israel.
This is one of those scriptures that as you read it you need
to remember that if you have received Jesus as your Lord, then you are "spiritual Israel". The "land" is
not only the physical land where we live (we definitely are commissioned to be good stewards of the earth), but it is also
whatever occupation, church, family, community, thoughts and attitudes we "dwell" in. If we could just grasp, and really
understand, the concept that wherever we are.... God Himself is also right there .... how would we act and what would we try
to think if we could actually see Him walking through the day with us? Would we be as anxious? Would we repeat
that juicy bit of gossip? Would we watch that movie; you know..the one with all the "f" words (but Marla, it has a good
story) or the one that promotes other gods (but Marla, it's just a kids story and teaches good family values) or has near
nudity (but Marla...even the grade school kids dress like that...don't be a prude!)? Well, whatever it is you face everyday
..... would you do it differently .... if you could see God standing there with you?
Lord give us a clear understanding that wherever we
are,... You really are right here with us. May that be what we remember as we speak and interact with our family,
friends, co-workers, and any others we come into contact with throughout the day. Help us to speak
as if we see You standing there...help us to act as if we see You standing there. Lord help us to not
defile this "land" You have given us. May You be glorified!
Black To White
Colossians 3:9,10 (NLT)
Don't lie to each other, for you have stripped off your old
evil nature and all its wicked deeds. In its place you have clothed yourselves with a brand-new nature that is continually
being renewed as you learn more and more about Christ, Who Created this new nature within you.
When anyone quotes the scripture about Jesus returning as
the Mighty King and Warrior in full power on a white horse, I always comment that I believe with all my heart the horse he
will be riding on will be a Lipizzan stallion. You look at the history of the horse and somehow it just seems to be
fitting that this is the horse Jesus will make His glorious return upon. The Lippizaner's "moves" actually made
the horse a weapon. The horses were owned exclusively by royalty in ages past (now, who's more Royal than Jesus?) and
it was only through divine intervention that the breed was rescued during more than one war. But there is something
else about the breed that makes me think it was designed especially for Jesus to ride. Most Lippizan horses or born
black (occasionally one will be born all white but that is rare) but keeps turning color over a period of four to six years
until it is pure white. Boy, is that symbolic of us or what???? We are born into sin but through the Blood of
Christ and receiving Him as Savior, we put on "robes of Righteousness" and the blackness of our sins is made white
as snow. Remember now...we are three parts; we are a spirit; we have a soul (mind, thoughts, emotions) and we
live in a body. The minute we ask Jesus for forgiveness, our spirit is made pure and holy. But having our mind
and body line up with what has already taken place in our spirit...is an on-going process. The more we ask God to help
and the more we submit and obey His guidance ... the faster that process happens. The more you learn about Christ ...
the more you get to know Him ... the more you come to trust Him and love Him and allow the Holy Spirit to do the good
work in you that is needed. I've said it before...I'll say it again and again; you are a work in progress. Don't
be discouraged and don't give up on yourself...Jesus hasn't. But do get to know Him more and more and more! It's
an awesome experience!
Lord, help us to first see our need to change and to know
You more. Lord, we don't want to stay in the darkness...we don't want the "dirt" in our spirit, soul or body.
Cleanse us and wrap us in the Light of Your Salvation. Renew us daily and change us! Thank You Lord for doing
a good work in each of us. For Your Glory Lord! Amen
Colossians 2:6,7 (NLT)
And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord,
you must continue to live in obedience to Him. Let your roots grow down into Him and draw up nourishment from Him, so
you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving
for all He has done.
Do you know how you accepted Jesus as your Lord? You
recognized a need; asked for the answer and trusted that He gave it to you. That's how you grow roots in Him too.
I don't care how bad you were or how much you've grown in the Lord; you will always need Him. Part of growing secure
and steadfast is just continuing to recognize that fact. Don't make this hard; it's all pretty simple stuff. An
Oak tree can live through some tremendous droughts. On the surface the soil can be dry and cracked .... but that tree
has roots that go down to a place where it can get water and nourishment. What we see of that tree on the surface
is pretty indicative of what is going on underground. So how do we grow those deep, healthy roots?
Besides acknowledging our need for Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I think one of the most powerful "root nourishers" is being
thankful .... "thanksgiving". I don't care how you feel or what you are facing, if you will just take a few seconds
to say the Name "Jesus" and then start giving Him thanks; thanks for working in your situation despite what things may look
like; thanks for giving you Life; thanks for loving you; thanks for helping you love others; thanks for helping you to grow
and be faithful; thanks for giving you a sound mind; thanks for the healing through His Stripes; thanks for making you righteous
.............. you will literally feel the strength and vigor of His Power start to flow through you. Your "roots"
will grow deeper and healthier and continue to help you grow and be stabilized against the storms and times of draught.
"Thanksgiving" to Jesus will never fail you .... because He will never fail you.
Lord, help us all to grow strong, healthy roots in You.
You are a "life changing" God ... and we all (whether things are good with us or bad right now) need to continue to be changed
into Your image. Lord, You are our nourishment ... You are our refreshing ... You are our "strength giver" and You are
our answer! Thank You Lord for giving us spiritual, mental and physical health and stability in our lives! Amen
(make it so).
Strong Tower
Judges 9:50,51 (NLT)
Then Abimelech attacked the city of Thebez and captured it.
But there was a strong tower inside the city, and the entire population fled to it.
The people under attack ended up safe and sound, but this
story doesn't end well for Abimelech; a woman dropped a millstone down on his head. Verse 56 indicated it ended with
death for Abimelech because God judged him for the evil he had done against his family. The thing to remember though
is that when your "city" is attacked by evil .. there is a "strong tower" to run to and stay secure in. Proverbs
18:10 says that the Name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous (we're made righteous by Jesus) run into it and stay
safe. The cool thing about it too ... is that this tower is big enough for "the entire population"!
There is always room for you!! So when it feels like you've been captured and the pressure is on and
things aren't looking too promising, how do you get into this "strong tower"? First, you call on Jesus; you acknowledge
your need to be helped (saved). Then you start proclaiming to the enemy and to your heart and to your mind and
to your spirit ..... what the Bible says about God. He is good; He is able to save you from this or to strengthen
you as you go through it. He won't let you out of His hand; He will turn what the evil one means for your destruction
and use it for your good (if you love Jesus). He has defeated the enemy and has given you authority.
Starting to get the idea? Focus on Him .... not on the problem; not on the devil and his demons. Want to add a
little extra weight to the "millstone" being thrown down on your enemy? Pray for others going through the same
situation you are facing. That's the kind of "revenge" the Lord loves us to take.
Lord, help us to always remember that You are our refuge
and our strong tower. When the enemy comes in and yells at us "Be afraid!" .....Lord, help us to drop a "millstone"
to shut him up. The "Millstone" is the Blood of Jesus, our faith in Christ and word of our testimony (speaking
what the Bible says about every situation). Lord, help each person reading this to come to have assurance that You
are not a weak tower...You are not a crumbling tower .. You are a STRONG tower! Lord, help us to get "in"
You and stay there! Lord, give us Your Compassion too so we help others who are vulnerable to come in with
us. For Your glory Lord!
No Truer Statement
Job 34:12-15 (NLT)
There is no truer statement than this: God will not do wrong.
the Almighty cannot twist justice. Who put the world in His care? Who has set the whole world in place?
If God were to take back His Spirit and withdraw His breath, all life would cease, and humanity would turn again to dust.
Whatever else Job's friends said (while they were trying
to convince Job that he had sinned), THIS was a true statement. Sometimes it seems like we are either giving the devil
too much credit....or not blaming him enough (we do go from ditch to ditch don't we). We see awful things happen in
the world and say "God's teaching them a lesson.", or we recognize the evil one's work in some situation and get all scared
because "The devil is attacking!". Let's keep things in perspective though: 1) The devil and all his demons are not
greater or more powerful than God...... and they never will be. 2) WE are not greater than God --- our very next breath
really does depend on His Mercy and Grace. 3) If we have confessed our sins and received Jesus as our Savior
.... there is no force in heaven or hell that will keep God from working on our behalf. Soooooooooooo --- what "road
bump" is getting in your way? Is it something relatively simple like getting along with co-workers? Or is it something
like facing a terrible, painful destructive disease? Is it facing the loss of your youth? Or facing the loss of
someone you loved so very dear? Is it not having enough money to replace that old Junker car? Or is it facing
loosing everything you own? Whatever it is, take a few moments (and may those "moments" turn into a continuous walk
with your hand in His) and think about The Power...The Might ... The Awesomeness .. The Total Authority ... of The One Who
made you and loves you so much! Just "look" at Him and say "God is going to take care of this." Keep saying it
until you believe it .... KEEP saying it..... KEEP saying it.... KEEP saying it! Something will rise up in your spirit
..... then it will rise up in your heart...then it will rise up in your mind .... until your whole being "shouts" God
is GOOOOOOOODDDDD and He's taking care of this!!! Yahu!!!
Lord, help us to look at everything in our lives in relationship
to You. Help us to see how small problems are to You. Help us also to trust You that You will work everything
out that we give to You. Lord, help us to realize that if we are setting on Your Lap in the Throneroom....our problem
has to face You down to overcome us..................and there just isn't a problem with that much power!!! You are
awesome!!! Thank You Lord for building faith within us!
Walk of Honor
Proverbs 11:11 (NLT)
Upright citizens bless a city and make it prosper, but the
talk of the wicked tears it apart.
You'll often hear me talk about the "Walk of Honor"; it's
something that is very important to me and I believe it's something the Holy Spirit is really calling God's people to do daily.
Walking in honor affects (positively) every area of our lives...our family, our job, our church, our community and every place
where we interact. Like the work the Lord is doing in us, it's an ongoing process too. To me, this is something
to really pray for, not only in our own lives, but for everyone in our communities. It's easy to set up at the coffee
shop (one of my favorite places..ha) and gritch and complain about what's going on in our town. It takes more effort
to track down the truth of the rumors you hear and either refute them or offer help. For those of you who find out the
store-keeper gave you back too much change and go back to make it right ... I ask God to Bless you. For those who don't
cheat on their taxes ... I ask God to Bless you. For those who volunteer for community events and governing bodies...I
ask the Lord to Bless you (and lead you). For those who wait patiently in long lines and don't throw fits; for those
who are considerate of hardworking waiters/waitresses; for those who pick up their own litter.... I ask the Lord to Bless
you. For all of you who do what is right even when nobody will notice ..... I ask the Lord to Bless you. You make
our cities prosper! You .... walk in honor.
Lord, for those who go that extra step to Bless wherever
they are and to make things a little bit better in this world ... I ask that You Bless them abundantly and honor them.
Lord give them strength and encouragement to just "keep on keeping on". Lord, touch the hearts of all others so they
are convicted and convinced to do what is right. May Your people Lord be a Light wherever they are .... and may they
see Your wonderful Blessings because of their Walk of Honor.
Good and only Good
Psalm 119:68 (NLT)
You are good and do only good; teach me Your principles.
My, oh my.... wouldn't it be nice if people could say
that about us; that we are good and do only good? Not there yet? Me neither. But hey, we're a work in progress;
the clay on The Holy Potter's wheel; a Masterpiece being painted. "Principles" in this case, refer to God's Code of
Conduct. It's something to be learned...and something that only He can do in us. I think that is one of the reasons
the disciples thought it so important to ask people who had received Jesus as their Savior if they had received the Holy Spirit.
He's the One Who gives the scriptures Life to our minds and gives us Understanding and Council. Scriptures encourage
us to ask the Holy Spirit to fill us daily. I don't think that just means to ask to receive Him daily .... I think it
means to ask Him to fill us with all we need from Him for each day. Feeling lonely and rejected? We need to receive
His Love and be able to pour it out to others. Feeling anxious and at the end of your rope? We need to be filled
with His Peace and Assurance. Find yourself being angry and hostile? We need His deliverance and to be filled
with His Kindness and Gentleness. Feel like "blowing your stack" a lot at the kids or your boss? We need to be
filled with His Patience. Find yourself overeating or struggling to quit smoking? We need the fruit of self control.
If we are FILLED with the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:5), that pushes out the things that aren't of God...the things
that hurt us and others. Acknowledge sin .... ask forgiveness ... proclaim Jesus as your Lord ... ask the Holy Spirit
to fill you... then ask Him daily to fill you with all you need for that day. He is NOT there making you beg or demanding
that you be perfect before He gives Himself to you. He desires to help you...to free you... to give you LIFE
!! The salvation of our soul is instant (the minute we ask forgiveness and receive Jesus as our Savior); maturing and
growing in the Lord .... is an on-going process. He is FOR you though ... and He has good plans. Trust Him ...
trust His Love for you.
Lord, You do.... You have everything we need for each day
and You are so willing to give those to us. Lord help us to rest in You and have confidence in Your Love for us.
First that You really do love us...and second that You will not withhold anything we need for Victory and Success! Thank
You Lord for the gift of the Holy Spirit and thank You Lord for the Fruit of the Holy Spirit being ripened within us.
You are so Kind...so Wonderful... so Compassionate; thank You Lord!
Run, Don't Walk
Amos 5:14 (NLT)
Do what is good and run
from evil -- that you may live! Then the LORD God Almighty will truly be your helper, just as you have claimed He is.
Remember when you were
a little kid....and your mom told you to stay clean (this was usually when you were dressed in your new clothes and headed
to church or some special event) and you said "I will." (rather indignantly). Then you just seemed to keep being drawn
to that little mud puddle .... or remembered that sucker that you had stashed away someplace? A lot of "dirt" gets on
us despite good intentions. You know...we really don't "run from evil" enough; we tend to push the boundaries way too
often. Ever see these scenarios? 1) "I don't drink the hard stuff....just beer." (then wonder why their liver is shot)
2) "Ya, I smoke, but I don't inhale." (then wonder why they still got mouth cancer) 3) "Hey, there's nothing wrong with taking
my secretary out after work....we've put in a long day." (and wonder why they are now paying child support). 4)
"Hey, so I buy a Lottery ticket once in awhile and go to the Casino with friends once in awhile." (and wonder why the bills
aren't getting paid) 5) "My personal life really doesn't have a thing to do with my professional life." (let's see now...
we've heard that one from politicians, preachers, teachers ...... ) Bad news is that if you stand close enough
to a hog wallow long enough .... you're going to come into the house ... and somebody is going to wrinkle up their nose at
the way you smell. Good news is....if we just get honest with ourselves .... our motives, our weaknesses .... God will
help us be what we proclaim we are or want to be. Want His help "Big Time"? Don't say "Lord help me!", then
insist on hanging around the hog pen!
Lord show me the areas
in my life where I'm playing with fire. Lord give me the insight and the strength to run from evil. Lord, I don't
want to linger by it.... I don't want to stroll casually away....I want to recognize how it's trying to destroy me and
RUN from it....right into Your loving Arms! Open the Eyes of our Understanding so we see ahead of time the consequences
our choices are causing every day. Help us to make good choices...knowing that we aren't giving up fun or anything
remotely like that..............we are running from evil and gaining wonderful...joyous....LIFE! Lord help us to never
miss any opportunity to receive Your help! Thank You Lord!
Dangerous Place To Be
Proverbs 24:21,22 (NLT)
My child, fear the LORD and the King and don't associate
with rebels. For you will go down with them to sudden disaster. Who knows where the punishment from the LORD and
the King will end?
There are many reasons for "running" with the rebellious.
Prob'ly in some cases they just don't know any better. Some cases it may be out of fear ..... afraid of being alone
or feeling weak and helpless. Some have been so emotionally wounded that they just "hook up" with anyone who will
accept them ....... not realizing they've hooked up with someone who's main intent isn't to nurture them.....but to control
them. For others it's because of the simple root fact that ....they don't want to bow to any authority...... there's
something they want to do that they know doesn't line up with God's Word. Essentially....they want to be their own god...make
up their own rules. Whether it's from wounds, distrust, arrogance, pride ....... whatever it is .... it's a very dangerous
place to be. The fact is...no matter what you decide the truth is ... no matter what you declare it to
be...... you, I, nobody, will change what The Truth really is. The odds of one person fulfilling
every prophecy in the Bible to be called The Messiah, is astronomical. But Jesus fulfilled EVERY one. He is
Who He said He is. Whether you accept that or not isn't going to change Who He is.............but it will change
your outcome. The good news is that He doesn't give up on us (or those we love) easily .... so don't quit hoping and
thanking God for freedom of those in captivity to deception. If you find some area in your life though where you are
in rebellion.............all I can say is.............why waste your energy and time? Hey.... if you want to keep driving
a car at 110mph toward the edge of the Grand Canyon and shout at the top of your lungs that there really isn't any hole there...............you
can do it................but.................you're going to have a horrendous wreck ............and a long time to think
about it on the way to the bottom.
Lord, help us each and those we care about...to choose Life.
Lord open the Eyes of our Understanding so we see clearly Who You are and where we stand in relationship to You. Lord,
thank You for not giving up on us or those we care about. Lord, only You can open eyes....only You can reach hard hearts
and change them. We look to You to do that .........and by faith.......we thank You for what You are doing in our lives
and in the lives of those we care about. Thank You Lord!
Plant Anyway
Psalm 126:5,6 (NLT)
Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts
of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.
There is just something about going forth and
praising anyway .... no matter what you see...no matter what you feel...........that makes the Father's heart swell with pride.
Can't you almost see Him turn to the angels and say "That's my child! Look how they are trusting me!" Jesus faced
every temptation and much worse hardships than we ever have .... don't try and tell me that He doesn't understand how hard
it is sometimes. He knows the faith it takes to just keep going when everything shouts "Give up!" He knows the
fatigue and the weariness that struggling can bring on. Does the "ground" around you look dry and hopeless for growing
anything? Plant anyway. Does the sky look like no rain in sight? Plant anyway. Go ahead...do a kindness
for someone; proclaim God's goodness over you; proclaim to all how God is going to help in whatever situation you face; sing
praises when your heart is breaking; tell the hard ground that God is going to grow an abundant harvest! Cry....but
plant anyway; God is looking forward to the singing as you bring in the harvest!
Lord, thank You for giving strength and faith
to just keep on going in the right direction. Lord, thank You for Your Compassion; we are so grateful that You will
take what we offer with a sincere heart and turn it into wonderful victories! Help us to be "planters" who sew good
seed in all conditions. Thank You Lord for the harvest!
God Our Helper
Psalm 54:6,7 (NLT)
But God is my helper. The Lord is the One Who keeps
me alive! May my enemies' plans for evil be turned against them. Do as You promised and put an end to them.
We need to remember Who our helper is if we love the
LORD. There is no force that can stand against Him. The more we press in to Him, the more alive we become; not
only in spirit .... but in body and soul (thoughts; emotions). Our enemies can make all the plans they want .... but
if we keep close to our Savior....those plans just aren't going to work out the way the enemy wants them to. We've all
got things in our lives that are trying to keep us from meeting our full potential in Christ. Sometimes it's circumstances
beyond our control (but not beyond God's) and sometimes it's things (eating, smoking, drinking, gossiping, over spending ...)
that we can control but find it's just a real struggle to take that "victory walk". But whatever...whichever.... God
is still there saying "Let Me be your helper. Let Me deal with your enemies. You just keep focused on Me."
So..... the next time something raises it's ugly head in front of you ..... start thinking about your Helper. Think
about His Ability, His Love, His Answers to your enemy. Praise and pray in the Spirit ... a LOT ! And pray for
others going through the same attacks and temptations. Besides the fact that praying for others releases power for them
and for you, it also reminds the enemy that you are a very dangerous person to attack. God WILL do as He
promised ... and put an end to your enemies.
Lord, thank You for being my Helper. Lord, You know
the temptations and conflicts each of us are facing and YOU have the answer and the willingness to help us. Lord, thank
You that You continue to bring us each to that place that You designed for us. Thank You for helping us to come to our
full potential in You. Lord we don't look at our enemies....we don't look at the temptation...we don't look at the circumstances
and we don't listen to the lies of the enemy................we look at You...and we listen to You ....... and
we are made ALIVE! Thank You Lord!
Psalm 33:18,19 (NLT)
But the LORD watches over those who fear Him, those who rely
on His unfailing love. He rescues them from death and keeps them alive in times of famine.
Three words I want you to notice in this scripture: 1) LORD
- translated from the Hebrew Elohim and always refers the plurality of God (God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy
Spirit). 2) fear - in this case means an awesome respect; profound reverence and awe. & 3) famine - starvation; a time
of lack. Folks, we have to believe this for ourselves and others in the Body of Christ. Famine, in a Christians
life can mean the literal time of starvation, or it can mean times where we don't "feel" God's Presence ... times when we
don't see things happening ... times when it just appears that the enemy's attacks are crushing in on us and feelings of near
hopelessness descends like a straight-jacket upon us. I believe though, with all my heart ,that these are times of a
"birthing" in our lives; a time of God moving us into a new level or a new phase. The enemy thinks he's bringing the
power of discouragement against us.....but God sees what is coming. God is whispering to our hearts "Trust Me .... trust
Me .... I will keep you "alive"; I will nourish you and sustain you for what is coming ..... VICTORY!" We
need to pray for one another though ... pray for Peace and Endurance ... pray for Strength and Discernment ... pray for His
Holy Anchor to keep them (and us) from being pulled off course.
Lord, we do .... we pray for all those going through any
type of growth or attack. We pray that Your Word will rise in their hearts and encourage their minds. We pray
that they will "know" that You are Faithful and True even when they don't feel or see the answer coming their way. Lord,
may Your strength rise up within their spirit's so they remain "settled" in faith. Lord, send Your ministering angels
to support them and prepare the path for them. Thank You Lord that You use everything for their good because they love
You ..... may THAT love give them vision and hope. Wrap them in Your Arms Lord; and may they see Your Protection....Your
Favor ... Your Power, working on their behalf. May they continue to plant seed even when it looks to them like the land
is in drought. May they continue to proclaim the rain even as they see no clouds in the sky. May they speak Your
Word and never be silenced ...... knowing You are already working their rescue.
Love Expressing Faith
Galatians 5:6 (NLT)
For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, it makes no
difference to God whether we are circumcised or not circumcised. What is important is faith expressing itself in love.
To put it in cowboy terms ..... "Son, it don't matter if
you're a registered Thoroughbred or a raw-boned plug; it just matters Who owns ya and how ya respond to the rein."
Rituals and traditions can be wonderful ...... IF.... we remember what they represent and let the Holy Spirit reveal
The True Living God through them. They should never be a "dead burden" just to be carried out (or around) though.
What we do in our lives should be done out of love for the One Who made us; not as a means of trying to get favor with Him.
It's done as a way of honoring Him and just being a part of what He does and Who He is. All the love flowing through
us to others is just an extension of His love flowing through us. Our expression of love represents our relationship
with Him..... our understanding of Him.
Lord, help me to do a "love check" in my life. Reveal
areas in my life where I'm not allowing Your Love to flow into me....and therefore can't allow it to flow through me.
Lord, for those areas where there isn't trust; where there isn't faith..... help me to get to know You more. Lord, take
the stony places in my life; remove them and replace them with Rivers of faith and love. For Your glory! Amen
Broken Pots
Psalm 31:12 (NLT)
I have been ignored as if I were dead, as if I were a broken
In this Psalm, it seemed to me that David barely mentioned
how his enemies felt about him. What bothered him most was how his neighbors and friends were avoiding him. Who
knows; some may have believed the slander and rumors against him ..... but most .... prob'ly just didn't know what to say
or do. Some may not have wanted people to start talking about them because of their friendship with someone else being
talked about. We live in a society now days where it's real easy to avoid people. Sometimes it's just getting
so busy that we've lost time for our neighbors and friends. Sometimes it's focusing so much on our own problems that
we just feel a bit overwhelmed if we have to deal with someone else's. Sometimes it's done maliciously.....but not often.
Whatever the reason .... there are people in your neighborhood....your church...your family .... who just feel like "broken
pots". They are feeling like they are no longer useful ..... just feeling worthless and forgotten. People ....
it's time to look around. Time to reach out. But if you are one of those people feeling abandoned, take heart;
God has never once forgotten you. No matter how you feel or what you see (or don't see) happening in your life, God
is still doing a good work & His timing is perfect. Our hope and security have to be in Him ..... He
is the only "fulfillment" there is .... and NOBODY else will fill those empty places in your life. Those places were
meant for Him. Plant some seeds of encouragement in someone else's life..........then watch the Lord grow them in yours!
Lord, help me to be aware of those around me who feel ignored
and broken. Help me to always remember my friends and family...no matter who else new is brought into my life.
Lord help me to not let relationships dry up because I'm busy watering and nurturing "young sprouts". Help me
to add to relationships rather than isolating them. Only through You Lord! Amen.
Don't Pay Attention
Proverbs 17:4 (NLT)
Wrongdoers listen to wicked talk; liars pay attention to
destructive words.
There are just some places that can be "feeding grounds"......
bars, the workplace, beauty shops, coffee shops (yes Rem...even truck stops) .... and unfortunately some church groups
... just to name a few. Don't you even try to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about! Don't you just hate
yourself when you've find yourself getting pulled in to a juicy old "flesh ripping" gossip session? Even if you've come
a long way and aren't the instigator of one of those sessions...and even try to avoid them; admit it..... for the
average person, there is a "pull"...a "drawing"...that just tempts you to stay and listen a little bit.
It can be pretty subtle too. I've been in more than one prayer group (throughout our many moves) where the "prayer requests"
just left you with a bad taste in your mouth (or maybe I should say "ear"). But God is good...and He's always working
on us to perfect us and bring us more Life! Yahu! You'll never get away from gossip....but we can ask the Holy Spirit
to alert us (the gift of discernment). Remember your parents and all those teachers telling you to "Pay attention!"?
Well........now I'm telling you "DON'T pay attention!" ........ "DON'T keep listening!" After all.... you
wouldn't intentionally put goopy cow manure in your ears would you? Why do it spiritually?
Lord, help me to not listen or pay attention to destructive words
or wicked talk. Lord, I want a heart and ears that long to linger over hearing what YOU are doing. Help me to
bring Life into every conversation .......... and help me to live Your Golden Rule. Lord, search me and change me where
needed. Cleanse me and bring me on to continuing higher levels......always closer to You! Thank You Lord
that You are the Repairer of lives!
Psalm 16:3 (NLT)
The godly people in the land are my true heroes! I
take pleasure in them!
You don't have to watch tv or movies very much to notice
that the "heroes" often draw their powers from the dark-side (even if they are using those powers for "good"); dress
provocatively and like suggestive and vulgar language (just to make sure you know they are tough). My mom used
to tell me that people swore "because they are too unintelligent to think of different words". I always figured
people who put on a "big show" were insecure and those who acted "tough" were afraid. I'm glad, and thank God that we
have some obvious, genuine hero's in our land ..... 9/11 showed that .... but there are some other heroes I see
every day. They are men and women who try to honor God in the best way they know how. They go to church; they
get up and get to work on time; they give an honest day's work; they show up at their kids school events; they help out a
neighbor in need; they pay their taxes .... and all that other mundane stuff.....just because it's the right thing to do.
This is a "walk of honor" ............ and it takes a "real" man or woman to do it. So for all you "heroes" out
there .... keep up the good work.
Lord, I do...I ask that you Bless and encourage every person
out there trying to be a godly person in a world where godliness is mocked or in the very least...unappreciated. Lord,
may they sense how You take pleasure in them. May they be revealed for what they are .... true heroes. May
their love for You continue to draw them close and help them to remain steadfast. Lord Bless all Your heroes!
The Warrior Beside Us
Jeremiah 20:11 (NLT)
But the LORD stands beside me like a great warrior.
Before Him they will stumble. They cannot defeat me. They will be shamed and thoroughly humiliated. Their
dishonor will never be forgotten.
God had given Jeremiah several orders to follow and in carrying
them out, Jeremiah found himself being mocked and pretty well abused. Pretty easy to be frustrated and discouraged in
a situation like that. He had a choice though; he could look at what people said about him ...... or he could look at
Who was standing beside him. When I was in highschool, I stayed in town with my brother and his family. My little
niece and nephew were in kindergarten and first grade at the time and would head to school shortly before I did. Pride
in getting to walk on their own soon turned into dread and tears though, and questioning by their mom revealed that they were
being attacked by a little dog every morning as they walked by one house. Their mom called the owner and requested they
keep the dog in the house while kids were headed for school; but for whatever reason, the owner wasn't willing to cooperate
with that idea. Sooooooooooooooooo Aunt Marla walked to school with them one morning. Passing the house,
I could see the owner standing in the doorway and not offering any restraint or reprimand to the white poodle that came at
us in full "yap and bite" mode. Now understand .... I like animals. I liked them back then ............but 1)
I was not a Spirit-filled Christian back then and 2) this was my little niece and nephew being harassed. Poodle charged
.... I looked at owner ......and drop-kicked that dog a good quarter block. The owner quickly gathered up the whimpering
(no real damage) dog and put it in the house. I understand that from that time on the dog still came out to harass people.............but
when my niece or nephew came into sight (even when I wasn't with them), that dog ran to the steps and would not move off until
the 2 little kids were far passed. Now God is a whole lot wiser and powerful than I ever was or will be (and boy aren't
we glad about that!). ALL our enemies are not even as much trouble to handle as that little dog
was to me. DON"T BE AFRAID! If God calls you to do something; just go about doing it. Enemy tormenting you?
Just look at the One Who walks beside you!
Lord, thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us.
Lord, thank You for Your instruction, guidance and protection! Help us to always remember that people are not
our enemies ......... we lift them up to You for mercy and deliverance from destruction. But the enemy of our soul is
Yours to handle ............ and You have already "drop-kicked" him; we will NOT be afraid of his yapping. Thank
You Lord!
Worthy of our Call
2 Thessalonians 1:11 (Amp)
With this in view we constantly pray for you, that our God
may deem and count you worthy of [your] calling and [His] every gracious purpose of goodness, and with power may complete
in [your] every particular work of faith (faith which is that leaning of the whole human personality on God in absolute trust
and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness).
Worthy of the life we've been called to ......... sounds
like a pretty heavy responsibility doesn't it. This isn't something though that someone has dumped on us and said "Now
figure out how to do this." Scripture after scripture says that God knows just how weak and frail we are. Bottom
line? He's always made a way for us to get back to our designed place with Him; and Praise God, He hasn't changed His
mind about that! We don't always see it; we sure don't always "feel" it .... but we still have a call upon our lives
that is only ours. Jesus is saying, "I've made a way for this to be fulfilled." The Holy Spirit is saying,
"I've empowered you and I'll help guide you into this."; and the Father is saying, "This has always been my intent for you
..... I'm not trying to keep you from it.". Don't give up on yourself now..... God hasn't.
Lord, help us to rest in the assurance that our failures
have not limited You. We can't change what is past, but we can take Your Hand now and continue on a path that You always
offer us (but never demand). Lord, we want to be worthy of the call You have upon our lives ..... and only You
can do that in us. Lord, help each person reading this to come to that complete assurance that there is no reluctance
upon Your part ..... only a Joy in seeing us come into Victory! Thank You Lord for continuing a good work in each of
us. For Your glory Lord! Amen.
It's Him!
Psalm 109:26 (NLT)
Help me, O LORD my God! Save me because of Your unfailing
Not because of my ability. Not because of my
achievements. Not because of how wonderful I am. Not because of who my parents were.
Not because of what church I go to. AND!!!!!! It won't be withheld because I'm not perfect or had to repent
two times today (or twenty) or because of who my relatives are (or friends, neighbors or boss). What a relief that I
can just rest in the fact that it's because of HIS unfailing love!! His perfect love. His
unconditional love. It's just the way He is!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Does that mean I don't
try to achieve good things for His Kingdom; I don't try to live honorably; I stop going to church; I don't enjoy the gifts
and abilities He gave me and use them? Of course not. If we love Him, we'll just automatically do all that stuff.
But my failings don't lessen Him.........and my achievements don't make Him greater. Is He awesome or what !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lord, thank You for loving us so much. Thank You for
helping us when we cry to You. Thank You for Your Comfort...Your Hope... Your Peace... Your Joy... Your Victory!
There is not one second of one day where You aren't offering Your Love and Your Presence, Holy Spirit, help us to receive
all You offer and in turn offer it to others. For Your glory Lord! Amen!
Don't Panic!
Psalm 40:1 (NLT)
I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and He turned
to me and heard my cry.
Several years ago when we lived on the Brick farm
(that was the owners name..not the description.ha) up by Aberdeen, I happened to look out the south window early one morning
and noticed our bay gelding, Little Al, standing by himself near the creek. Didn't think too much about it until a few
minutes later when I noticed he was still standing in the same spot. Investigation revealed that he had gotten
tangled in some wire. A lot of horses would have panicked and fought the situation .... and ended up at the very
least with some severe cuts, or at the worst, breaking a leg. But Al was patiently waiting for us to come rescue him,
and because he did, we were able to get him untangled with very little damage done. Hey.... you
cry out to the LORD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit); He's going to rescue you. That is just a plain fact.
So don't panic and do something stupid to hurt yourself. *smile* Let Him do the untangling .... just follow His lead
(do what He tells you to do) and keep praising and proclaiming His goodness in whatever situation you are in. Kicking
and throwing a fit ..... will only make things worse. Help is on the way!
Lord, help me to be patient. Help me to stand still
and wait for Your guidance and instruction..........then help me to obey Your leading. Help me to not look at the problem
and panic...........but help me to look for The Deliverer .... with Peace and Hope and Expectation. Lord, use us to
help others out of entanglements and to help them to wait patiently with reassurance that You will never ignore their cries
to You! For Your glory Lord...Amen!
Box of Rocks?
Psalm 107:10,11 (NLT)
Some sat in darkness and deepest gloom, miserable prisoners
in chains. They rebelled against the words of God, scorning the counsel of the Most High.
Why do we do that? Why can we hear from God and still
insist on setting in darkness and gloom? We want our own way? We got our own way......and another chain wrapped
around us. And there we set.........thinking about how miserable we are .... might as well go eat worms. Boy what
a beautiful sight!!! Why do we make things so hard? Sometimes we really don't make the devil work very hard at
all.....we are just way too willing to cooperate with him; "Oh...another chain you want to put on us???? Here...let me do
that for you!! Sure...no problem...I'll just wrap it right around my neck!" It's sorta like stubbing our toe on
a big ol' rock because we weren't paying attention to where we were walking...............then getting mad at the rock and
kicking it with our other foot. If we are even half way intelligent we will then at least look a little
embarrassed at ourselves. So.......... what if you find yourself setting there in chains now? Stay in the
darkness and gloom (eating worms)? Nawwww................just give your forehead a Holy Ghost slap.... say "Lord, forgive
me."; reach up and take the Hand God is offering; lift your arms in obedience and let God dust ya off. You aren't so
far gone that He can't put a good shine on you! Come on...this is simple....two choices: 1) gloom and chains 2)
Glory and crowns!
Lord, You are so kind to keep reaching out to us. Open
the eyes of our hearts Lord so we can see any areas in our lives where we have let chains be put on us. Lord.... You
have the bolt cutter and we're choosing right now to stand still and let You cut us free and lift us from any areas (big
or small) of captivity! Lord.............HELP!! We're tired of being as dumb as a box of rocks! May we all
soon be looking back and saying "I can't believe I chose to stay there as long as I did ... thank You Lord for getting me
untangled!" Thank You Lord!
Rebuilding Among Decay
Psalm 42:11 (NLT)
Why am I discouraged? Why so sad? I will put my hope
in God! I will praise Him again -- my Savior and my God.
Rem and I enjoy taking the back roads when we are on a trip;
we love seeing the small towns -- there is just always some special treasure to find in them. While on a recent trip,
Rem wanted to see Okaton, SD. He said he remembered hearing ads on the radio for the Okaton Bank when he was a kid.
He knew the town was pretty well "dead" now, but wanted to drive through there .... so we headed that way. Okaton is
just west of Murdo and from Interstate 90 it looks pretty much like a bunch of abandoned buildings on a hillside. Driving
through, there is some very interesting old homes and businesses...but all pretty much in decay with only a very few homes
looking occupied. But if you drive to the south end of town....up on the ridge..... something awesome and spectacular
happens! You top the ridge ..... after being in the death and decay of the old ghost town.........and there is
this view!!!!! It is literally breathtaking as the ridge drops away into a panoramic display of rugged land.
It is sooooooooooo worth the trip ...... and you would never believe it was there if you had stayed on the Interstate
(that's another whole message!). After catching your breath, if you look to the east and west along the ridge, you'll
see they have been restoring some buildings and making a "Ghost Town" tourist spot with some pretty cool western style shops.
Seeing that awesome view though was one of the highlights of our trip. During Praise and Worship at our church when
we got home, the Holy Spirit brought that little ghost-town back to my mind and started speaking to me. He said "Even
amongst the decay and destruction, I am rebuilding and restoring. Don't be discouraged or focus on what you see going
on around you .... focus on what I am doing. Amongst the decay and destruction, people will find those who I have restored;
people will come to see out of curiosity ...... out of a need to hope..... and in doing so they will see something even more
grand than they could ever imagine. They will see Me.....and they will never be the same."
Lord, for those who have so much decay and destruction, either
around them or in their own lives.... may they see areas of beauty and restoration. Help us to focus on what You are
doing in us and desire to do through us .... and not be discouraged or overwhelmed by any situation or condition that seems
like a lost cause. Lord, You are clearing away the debris ..... You are rebuilding the foundations and frames ....
You are giving us character and beauty that will draw others to Life. Help us to KNOW that it isn't the amount of decay
or destruction around us .... the amount of sorrow or hopelessness....the amount of lost vision or dreams; or the apparent
enormousness of the task before us. None of this compares to Your ability .... Your awesomeness ... Your
Love. Yahu!!! Lord You are able .............and YOU are doing this thing! Help our focus to be on that
and nothing else! Thank You Lord!
Still The Same
Psalm 93:5 (NLT)
Your royal decrees cannot be changed. The nature of
your reign, O LORD, is holiness forever.
People change....cultures change ..attitudes change
... customs change; God doesn't. For some that is bad news, because it means He still hates drunkenness, gluttony,
laziness, premarital s-x (I wrote it that way so those who have filters can still get this devotional..ha), homosexuality,
adultery, swearing ..... and all that stuff the Bible said is sin. There's a reason though... He knows how much all
that stuff weakens us and hurts us. He created us for better things ... He created us for Kingdom living! The
good news though, is ---- God hasn't changed ! He is still a loving, awesome, powerful, omnipotent, omnipresent, merciful
God. He still has good plans for us. He still knows we are weak and needy. He still knows how easily deceived
we can be. He still knows that deep within us, even on our worst days... there is "something" yearning for Him!
Want to live an unholy life? That's your choice .... but you won't change His mind. Find yourself falling into
traps and doing the very things you don't really want to do? He offers His hand; His power; His deliverance; His mercy;
His forgiveness; His redemption. Who really wants to drink gunky, polluted water when fresh, sweet water is offered?
Lord, give me a drink of Your Living Water! Fill me
with Your Holy Spirit daily and give me discernment...understanding and awareness. Help me to recognize the choices
before me and open the eyes of my heart so I can count the cost of those choices. Lord, take the blinders off my eyes
so I don't deceive myself by accepting the lie that "things are different now". Help me to walk a path of Honor and
choose "Kingdom living". For Your Glory and my good Lord! Amen!
Familiar Scriptures
Psalm 106:1
Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! His faithful
love endures forever.
Sometimes we read or hear a scripture so often that it just
doesn't seem to have the impact upon us as it did the first time we heard it. Or maybe we've heard it since
we were small children and now it just seems like "part of the furniture". I challenge you to take some of those
scriptures that you have heard so often though, and really meditate upon them. Think about Ps 106:1.... boy, for one
thing, we really had better give thanks because God is good! We'd be in a serious world of hurt if He wasn't!
Some people act though, like God is doing all the bad stuff that is happening in their lives! Let's face it....if we
get really honest with ourselves....most of the bad stuff comes from choices we have made. And the things that
aren't our fault.... well God didn't do that to us. There really is an evil one and all his demons.....and they really
do hate you. But God is good !!! And He is faithful in His love and that will NEVER change! Hallelujah!
He's not like our family or friends or co-workers or our Pastor or fellow Christians, who can love us or be kind one
minute and then not act so loving toward us the next. Give them a break though... after all.. they are only human and
being perfected just like you. But God loves you... He loves you.. He loves you, and that is never going to change.
Thank You Lord!!!
Lord, we do...we give thanks because You are always good!
Thank You for loving us and never giving up on us. Thank You that Your love never waivers or lessens. Lord, we
know that we can't love as perfectly as You...but help us to head in that direction. Lord help us to let Your love flow
through us .... changing us...and benefiting others. Lord, Thank you! Thank You, thank You, thank You!
Tend The Fire
Leviticus 24:1-4 (NLT)
The LORD said to Moses. "Command the people of Israel to
provide you with pure olive oil for the lampstand, so it can be kept burning continually. Aaron will set it up outside
the inner curtain of the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle and must arrange to have the lamps tended continually, from evening
until morning, before the LORD. This is a permanent law for you, and it must be kept by all future generations.
The lamps on the pure gold lampstand must be tended continually in the LORD's presence."
There is so much in these verses, I suspect we could do a
whole seminar.....but we'll refrain tonight..ha. We are called to be the light of the world though and scriptures talk
about us burning with a Holy fire ... a zeal for the Lord. This isn't something that just happens though...it's something
that we have to "tend". We can't just go to church once in awhile (or even 3 times weekly) and be a lampstand for the
Lord. One of the things we need so very, very much to be able to stay "on fire" is the Anointing. Throughout
the Bible, the Oil represents the Anointing ... which lifts burdens, destroys yokes (burdens and shackles that keep
us in bondage) and sets us free. The "pure olive oil" represents untainted Anointing....untainted by selfish motives;
untainted by false beliefs. We "tend" that Anointing in the "presence of the LORD". So .... we tend the
Light God has put in us ... by watching lots of soap opera's, whining about our jobs, spending our money on lottery tickets,
listening to off-colored jokes and complaining about other Christians ... right? Ok...so let's all say it together ...
one...two...three.... "I don't think so Tim!" No, we pour the pure olive oil in by just setting in His Presence ...
loving Him. We pray in the Spirit (especially tongues) a lot (because it edifies...builds us up) and we just go about
loving others and doing good. We can do that can't we? Sure we can....because the Holy Spirit will help us.
Lord, forgive me for areas where I have let impurities taint
Your "Oil" in my lampstand. Help me to be alert and guard against anything that would try to diminish Your Light
in me in any way. Lord, I love You... show me how to set in Your Presence and walk with You throughout my day.
Lord, I realize someone needs to see Your Light within me.... cause me to shine Lord. Cause me to lead others into Your
Light and be free! For Your Glory Lord!
Believer Response
Acts 11:27-30 (NLT)
During this time, some prophets traveled from Jerusalem to
Antioch. One of them named Agabus stood up in one of the meetings to predict by the Spirit that a great famine was coming
upon the entire Roman world. (This was fulfilled during the reign of Claudius.) So the believers in Antioch decided
to send relief to the believers in Judea, everyone giving as much as they could. This they did, entrusting their gifts
to Barnabas and Saul to take to the elders of the church in Jerusalem.
I love the believers response! They did not
start rejoicing that suffering was about to come to people who had been persecuting them (remember, the Roman's had been killing
them by bunches). They did not start going around proclaiming that God was getting even and going to teach Rome
a lesson. They did not say "Oh, that's awful ... our brothers and sisters there must not have been praying enough
to keep this calamity from befalling them!" No ... they said "Our brothers and sisters will need help and we have something
to help them with.", and then followed through and made arrangements to send what they could. God never gives prophecy
of destruction so we can gloat or just take care of ourselves. He gives warnings so we can prepare and also make a difference
for someone else.
Lord, forgive me if I've ever responded wrongly to someone
else's suffering. Cause my heart to line up with Your Word and help me to be led by Your Spirit and compassion.
Lord give me Wisdom and insight to know when and how to reach out to others .... especially my brothers and sisters in the
Lord. Help me to not horde what You have given me....but to use it all for Your Glory.... knowing that in doing so ....
I will never lack. Put me in a position to be able to help Lord .... and guide me in doing so. Thank You Lord!