Mudball Prophecy
(Prophecy To Yourself and To Each Other)
Galatians 1:16a
(NLT) -Then He revealed His Son to me (also translated
"in me") so that I could proclaim the Good News about Jesus to the Gentiles.
(Amp) - To reveal (unveil, disclose) His Son within
me so that I might proclaim Him among the Gentiles (the non-Jewish world) as the glad tidings (Gospel).
I was out walking with the pup about a month ago
when the Lord dropped a vision into my heart. I saw what first appeared to be a pile of debris; mud and twigs and other
such things all wrapped together in an odd shaped ball. The Lord led me to look closer though and I could see that whatever
was in the center of this garbage was alive. He had me very gently start washing the debris away ----
not gingerly like I had to be fearful of what lay beneath, .... but just oh so gently ..... like I was holding a precious
I say "washing" because that was the word that came
to mind, but it wasn't with a soap solution or even water. Instead I was speaking scriptures to whatever was covered
by the mud and debris. I spoke things like "The Lord loves you and has called you."; "Whom the Lord sets free is free
indeed"; "you are made in the image of God". With each spoken Word, a bit more of the mud and junk broke off this creature
until I could see that this was a great eagle. As the debris came off though, it revealed that the eagle was wrapped
up in some kind of line .... something like a fishing line. But as I continued to speak scriptures ("you will run and
not grow weary, you will walk and you will not faint, you will mount up with wings as and eagle); the line began to unwind.
Soon the eagle was clean and stood in the bright sunlight and looked so glorious. Then the Lord handed my a jar of oil
and had me start applying it to the great birds feathers --- rubbing it in --- massaging it in with a loving and gentle touch.
When every feather glistened with the Oil, the great bird rose up a great height and I stood in awe as it soared in the morning
I asked the Lord the meaning of what I was seeing
and He spoke to my heart and said, " I created my people with great love and purpose. I made them beautiful, strong,
healthy and full of vitality. But many have set too long in the lower places of the world and the enemy has bound them
up and hidden their true selves from them. They were meant to fly but they stood on the ground and seldom looked up
and they became easy prey and too wrapped up in the things of the world. But I am cleansing my creation --- cleansing
my own ----- and revealing to them and to others how glorious I made them. As my people speak my Words of Truth to themselves
and to others ---- as they take control of their thoughts ----- as they speak MY Word ----- the bondages that have held them
down will fall away. I will cleanse them and I will pour Oil over their feathers ---- Oil that will lift their burdens,
destroy the yokes upon them and set them free. Oil that will protect them from the elements they live in. The
true nature of my people has been hidden too long ---- but My Spirit is working in their hearts and their mouths to restore
them to My nature; to reveal my Son in them ----- and to others who need to see this."
We are in an awesome time ---- a time of Revelation.
Holy Spirit we give our thoughts and our tongues to You --- help us to speak Your Truth over ourselves and each other.
Help us to be aware when we are about to speak destruction and help us to take those thoughts and words captive and refuse
them ! Help us to think "Life", speak "Life" and act "Life". Lord, help us to see that we are either in
agreement with God when we speak ---- or we are in agreement with the devil; give us Discernment and Awareness. May
we glorify You Lord and in doing so, allow You to reveal Jesus in us so others come for Your Salvation and Cleansing.
Are You Ready For The Glory?
(I'm not sure of the date of this one -- but was most likely 1998 or 1999)
While singing "Let The Glory Come Down" during Praise
and Worship, the Holy Spirit asked "Are you prepared for His Glory to fall?"
We've been in God's Presence so much this last few
months. When His Presence comes, there's a "drawing" to Him -- a hunger, a thirst, a wanting to linger with Him.
When His Glory comes though, there is a "revealing"! We've had glimpses, but that is all -- not the fullness of what
is to come.
When His Glory comes, it is absolutely Him -- unveiled
--- and in that Light, we are unveiled. Nothing in us will be hidden. We'll see His Goodness; His fruits; His
Gifts in us; but the dark spots will be revealed too. We won't be able to look at anyone else to see what is hidden
in them -- we'll be in too much shock and awe at what we see in ourselves.
Are we prepared to see those dark areas and cry out
to God for change --- to let His Blood do It's perfect work in us? Or will we draw back and try to cover it; make excuses
or deny it? When His Glory comes, there will be no denying --- just revealing.
When His Glory comes, it is designed to reveal the
"Van Goughs" painted over on the walls. The compassion (an intense desire to see people free from their oppressions)
that has been painted over with self-centeredness; selfishness. The Joy and Faith painted over by doubt and fear.
The Gentleness, Meekness, Kindness painted over by pride, snobbery or pain. His great Peace painted over by anxiety,
self sufficiency, doubt, jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness.
If we are prepared for His Glory though, we will be
prepared to let Him do His perfect work in us and when this great Glory comes, it will reveal Him in us to the world!
This Glory will hit us like a great bright beacon
and Peace will reflect to a world tormented. Joy will reflect to the downtrodden, the hurting. Strength will reach
out !and lift the weak. Faith will proclaim the goodness of God like a life preserver thrown to the drowning.
His Healing Power will pour into the crippled, the diseased, the dying. deliverance will reflect back like a grenade
exploding an egg. Darkness will be destroyed with in and without. The Bride will be clothed in her proper gown.
But the question now is: AM I READY FOR HIS
GLORY? Get ready! Get ready! Get ready! Get ready
Prophecy Song 1/98
Now is the time - Now is the place
To walk with God - To walk in His Grace
Knowing that you are the favored of God.
Knowing that He Loves you!
Knowing that in every situation
He will empower you - He will empower you
Now is the time -- Now is the hour
For the Body of Christ -- To operate in Power
To show the great Mercy of God
To take His healing and Love to the world
The blind will see; the dumb will talk
The deaf will hear and the lame will walk
Because of His Mercy -- Because of His Mercy
Now is the time -- For the Body of Christ
To do His will -- So He is glorified
And many will come because of what God has done
And walk into eternity because of what they see
And many will come because of what God has done
And walk into eternity because of what they see
What they see in you and me -- What they see in you
and me
Now is the time.
Prophecy Song 1/97
They came to take His life - They came to take His
They came to take His Faith - But they sure failed
He knew the Mighty God - He knew the Holy God
He knew the awesome Power of His Father
No circumstances could bring Him down
He knew one day He would be wearing the Crown!
They'll come to take your life - They'll come to take
your Joy
They'll come to take your Faith - But they will fail
Because of our Mighty God - Because of our Holy God
Because of the awesome Power of our Father
We have been purchased with the Blood of the Christ
Victory is ours now, because He paid the price!
And He is Mighty - He is Holy
He is Awesome in His Power
We are Mighty - We are Holy
We are awesome in His Power!