That because I listen to Your sayings and keep studying them and keep them in my
heart – they are life and health to my flesh. (Prov 4:20-22)
That when I cry unto You Lord in my trouble, You save me from my distresses –
that You have sent Your Word and healed me and You deliver me from destructions. (Psalm 107:19,20)
That Jesus bore my sins and by His wounds (stripes) I have been healed. (1 Peter
That You have come to give me Life – Life that is abundant.. (John 10:10)
That You have fulfilled what was spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah and You, Yourself
have taken our weaknesses and infirmities and bore away our diseases. (Matthew 8:17; Isiah 53:4)
Because I am asking in prayer and believing (even if the faith is only as small as
a mustard seed)– it is granted to me and I get it! (Mark 11:24 & Luke 17:6)
That You have delivered and drawn me to Yourself out of the control and the dominion
of darkness and You have transferred me into the Kingdom. (Colossians 1:13)
That because I am submitted to You and I resist the devil, he will flee. (James 4:7)
That the weapons You have given me are mighty for the overthrow and destruction of
strongholds in my life. (II Corinthians 11: 4)
That because I turn from jealousy, and wrath and receive a calm and undisturbed mind
and heart from you – that it is life and health to my body. (Proverbs 14:30)
That because the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in me, then that
Spirit will also restore life to my mortal body because that Spirit dwells in me. (Romans 8:11)
That because I choose to speak pleasant words – those words are as a honeycomb,
sweet to my mind and healing to my body. (Proverbs 16:24)
as I give You my broken spirit and receive a happy heart and cheerful mind in return....
it is good medicine and works healing within me. (Proverbs 17:22)
Because I don't speak rashly, but speak with Your Wisdom, it brings healing. (Proverb
That I shall not die but live, and I shall declare the works and recount the illustrious
acts of You Lord. (Psalm 118:17)
That You forgive every one of all my iniquities and You heal each one of all my diseases.
(Psalm 103:3)
That You satisfy my mouth with good so that my youth is renewed like the eagle [strong,
overcoming, soaring]! Psalm 103:5
That because I have made You my dwelling place, (Ps 91:1) there shall no evil befall
me, nor any plague or calamity come near my tent (Ps 91:10)
That because I have made You my dwelling place I don't have to be afraid of the pestilence
that stalks in darkness nor of destruction - that 1000 may fall at my side and 10,000 may fall at my right hand but it shall
not come near me; I'll only be a spectator because I have made the Lord my refuge. (Psalm 91: 5-9)
That the Lord is my Strength and my impenetrable Shield – I trust You Lord
and rely on You and confidently lean on You --- and I am helped! (Psalm 28:7)