Be Patient
I Thess 5:14 (NLT)
"Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are
lazy. Encourage those who are timid. take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone."
It's really easy to get judgmental; it take spiritual and
emotional maturity to be able to warn or correct someone and honestly do it out of love and concern and do it in a manner
that isn't destructive. If you get to the point though where you can warn someone (correct them) while imagining Jesus
standing beside them with His arm around them....looking at you; well then you still have to deal with their reaction.
The key is to ask yourself..."Does Jesus love them?" and then choose to be patient. Patience comes only from the Holy
Spirit ...........and the revelation that the Lord has been patient with you many, many times.
Lord, only You can work this good thing in me. Lord
I ask that You put Your Love for people in my heart. Help me not to speak unless I hear Your Voice. Lord reveal
the hidden things from my heart so I can give them to You and they don't become a destructive force in my life or against
someone else. Be Glorified Lord and help me to walk in Your Wisdom and discernment.
Made Wise; Not Rejected
Prov 8: 33-36 (NLT)
"Listen to my [wisdom's] counsel and be wise. Don't
ignore it. Happy are those who listen to me, watching for me daily at my gates, waiting for me outside my home!
For whoever finds me finds life and wins approval from the LORD. But those who miss me have injured themselves.
All who hate me love death."
You know if someone asked us if wisdom was a good thing to
follow.... we'd prob'ly look at them with the expression of "Duh !" on our face and say "Sure." But one thing I have
noticed in my life and in many others is...... when wisdom comes; especially in the form of correction..... we really tense
up. I think one of the reasons is that because of old wounds or maybe sometimes just the lack of teaching......we have
come to associate "correction" with "rejection". Instead of taking it as wise counsel; something given to help us get
a little more victory in our lives, we experience the conviction of the Lord and let the enemy take us right into the ditch
of feeling condemned. If we can take that moment to sort of "step back" though and say "Hey wait a minute! God
doesn't want to destroy me... He has good plans for me !" , then we can let Wisdom take root and walk into a bit more freedom
and acceptance. Wisdom will say to us "Take correction, no matter what form it seems to be given in, and let me guide
you into advancement !" There is not one thing that we are smarter in than the Lord is ..........so.................Wisdom
would prob'ly say "Take God's advice."
Lord, we need wisdom; we need discernment, help us Lord to
seek Your Wisdom in all situations. Lord may we feel Your Arm around us as we receive correction. Help us Lord
to choose the better thing...the better way and to trust that You are not rejecting us but are elevating us. Lord, in
conviction give us Wisdom; in encouragement give us Wisdom; in every relationship give us Wisdom; in every decision give us
Wisdom. Help us not to miss it and injure ourselves. Thank You Lord for Wisdom !
Ps 107: 29,30 (NLT)
"He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.
What a blessing was that stillness as He brought them safely into harbor !"
Among the Websters Dictionary definitions for "harbor"
are 1) A place of security and comfort; refuge 2) To be the home or habitat of; contain. 3) to rest
or hide away esp, habitually. If you have been in a storm because the Lord is calling you to a closer walk with
Him; a greater understanding of His Love and purpose for your life or because you are starting to fulfill that purpose.....be
encouraged...........the Lord will bring you safely into that harbor........that place of shelter. Our home even though
very old, must be built pretty solid, because there have been times I didn't even notice it was storming outside until I went
to let the dog out. My goal...my desire...is to get so close to God..so trusting in Him.... that when the storms break
loose against me... I don't even really notice because I am looking at Him. Or if I do hear the storm, it is as
a whisper because I am walking in faith...in assurance...that He is handling the storm and He will not fail ! He is
the only true Harbor .... boy, I want to dwell there!
Lord, give each person reading this the confidence that You
see the storms in their lives. May they hear Your Voice calling them to come close to You. May Your Word rise
up within them and speak Peace to the storms. Help each of us to always run into the shelter You have provided... that
place of security and comfort. Help us to not stand out in the storm when Your shelter is so close and the door open
to enter ! May we each speak to the storm...and to our hearts and say "God will take care of me !" Thank You Lord
Gaurd The Wall
Nehemiah 7:1 (NLT)
"After the wall was finished and I had hung the doors in
the gates, the gatekeepers, singers, and Levites were appointed."
God has accomplished something in you; He's put something
in your heart, your life; He's helped you to accomplish some wonderful task! You didn't stop before it was finished
either, you hung the gate ..... and something grand has been built (even if it only looks like a small change in your life
or someone else who you were ministering to). Now it's time to reinforce; protect and guard that which the LORD
has done in or through you; time for the gatekeepers, singers and Levites! To me the gatekeepers symbolize prayer and
the Word of God; proclaiming God's promises, loosing the mighty force of His Word against all intruders (remember we're not
talking about people here) who would try to sneak in and destroy. Singers represent praise .... a powerful, powerful
weapon (check the website for the prophecy/teaching "I've Anointed Your Praise"). The Levites represent the priests
which to me also represents the Anointing. The Anointing of God lifts burdens, destroys yokes and sets captives free
...... it empowers you for whatever God has called you to do .... it works in your heart and the hearts of those for who you
are interceding.
Lord, help us each to guard what You have accomplished in
and through us. Help us Lord to rejoice in the victories You have given us. Help us Lord to not go back or let
destruction in. Lord we praise and thank You that You will complete the good work You have started in each of us !
May You be glorified!
Ephesians 5: 16-18 (NLT)
"Make the most of every opportunity for doing good
in these evil days. Don't act thoughtlessly, but try to understand what the Lord wants you to do. Don't be drunk
with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, let the Holy Spirit fill and control you."
You don't have to look around very far these days
to see things that cause destruction in peoples lives. Maybe sometimes you look with your physical eyes and it almost
seems overwhelming......just too big to overcome....and you sorta wish you could just barricade yourself into some safe little
place and shut everything out. But the LORD is saying "Now is the time to shine !" Folks this world has a lot
of darkness in it...but God says you are the Light of the world because Jesus is in you. People need to see that Light
! God has specific things for you to do; He's preparing times, places, anointings. Ask Him to open the Eyes
of your heart....that "inner man"....the spirit that God breathed into you. Let Him open those spiritual eyes
and ears so you can see and hear Him leading you into places of opportunities to just SHINE ! People get drunk in the
natural because they are craving the "real" thing.... that Holy Ghost "high" that comes from just turning Him loose in your
life. Satan imitates every real thing God has for you.... being drunk or high on drugs is a cheap imitation of the real
HIGH ! The worlds "drunk" destroys .... the Holy Spirit "drunk" refreshes, rebuilds, strengthens and brings about wonderful
changes in your life...............and it's all so you can shine in the darkness and bring somebody else to His Light....His
Life !
Lord, fill us with Your Holy Spirit daily...........open
the Eyes of our hearts so we can see the opportunities to do good. Help us to hear and understand Your directions.
Prepare the hearts to receive Your Love. Lord.....shine through us !
Ever Failed?
Prov 24:10 (NLT)
"If you fail under pressure, your strength is not very great."
Oh my, doesn't that seem like an encouraging word????
Actually, you know what... it is. If you've had pressure coming against you and you failed you are in a very frustrating
place...........and at the same time a very good place. Because you have become aware of how weak and helpless you are
on your own. But there is good news.... you can look to the Throne Room and cry "Daddy !!!!!!! Help Daddy
!!!" If you've received Jesus and you've asked the Holy Spirit to fill you; you have a power within you that you
don't even have a real clue about how awesome it is ! Time to release the River of Life flowing through you !!
So you failed..... or maybe just weren't flowing in power....so what.....He's not there waiting to finish you off !!
He's there waiting for you to call on Him and turn Him loose with Your faith to bring something good from what the enemy meant
for destruction !
Lord we speak to every pressure in our lives and we say "Our
God is greater!" Lord we ask that You intervene in every situation the enemy is bringing against us. And Lord
while You're at it..... show us how to let Your River flow in our lives...... show us how to let your Anointing flow in us
and through us to lift burdens, destroy unholy yokes and set captives free! Strengthen us to stand against all
pressures ! We are weak Lord...but there is absolutely nothing weak about the One Who dwells within us! You
are awesome LORD !!
Do The Work
I Chronicles 28:20 (NLT)
"Then David continued, "Be strong and courageous, and do
the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged by the size of the task, for the LORD God, my God, is with you.
He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the LORD is finished correctly."
God just puts such a wonderful vision or goal in our hearts
sometimes that if we look at the whole thing we can just get discouraged. We can look at our inabilities and
our inadequacies and others in our lives who may not be as excited about the dream as we are..... and start
thinking "How Lord? How could I ever become this?" Or "How could I ever do this Lord?" When they looked at the
job of rebuilding the temple from that pile of rubble and not even Bob Vila to help them ............. man, how
daunting that must have appeared ! We are the temple of God though and He so desires to build our lives .... physically,
mentally and spiritually into something glorious ! He has a call on your life.....a vision for your life....a glorious
task for your life.............and all He is saying is "Trust Me. I will do this in you. Follow as I draw
you; I will go before you. It's My ability; My power."
Lord, help each of us to have the confidence to walk in what
You are calling us to do. Lord help us to not look at the task but at You. Help us to put aside hindering things
in our lives and just be free to cooperate with You as You do a great work ! In our lives Lord....be Glorified
Don't Be Surprised By The Attacks
Nehemiah 4:6-9
"At last the wall was completed to half its original height
around the entire city, for the people had worked very hard. But when Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabs, Ammonites
and Ashdodites heard that the work was going ahead and that the gaps in the wall were being repaired, they became furious.
They all made plans to come and fight against Jerusalem and to bring about confusion there. But we prayed to our God
and guarded the city day and night to protect ourselves."
Just like the walls of Jerusalem, the Lord is working in
our lives to rebuild us. He is calling us to be restored to the purpose and destiny for which we were intended.
You've received forgiveness; you've asked the Holy Spirit to dwell in you and fill you daily ............. you and others
around you are starting to see some real changes in your life ........... changes that just get you excited !
But there is an enemy out there who sees your life "coming together" and sees the Light you are starting to show others and
knows the Power you are obtaining as your "walls" are being completed ...........and he is terrified and furious
! He gathers everything that has worked in the past to discourage you or side track you and suddenly you feel like you're
bombarded on all sides. Don't stop building though!! Pray to God !!! Guard the city !!! Know that the enemy
is trying to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10) but GOD ..........GOD..........has the victory for you and He will reinforce
the good things He has already built in you. When the enemy comes in with confusion.... speak the Word of the Almighty
King .....that Truth giving; enemy stomping; Joy evoking Word.........and keep building! The enemies attacks are temporary..........God's
plan is for eternity!
Lord, help us to protect the good work You have begun in
us. Cause faith to rise up within us when we feel attacked or confusion tries to come in. We speak to the attacks
in our lives....the discouraging circumstances...the oppressive situations...and we declare "GOD WINS !!" and Lord, You just
keep "building our city"...doing Your good work in our lives! These walls will NOT be torn down again! Thank You
Jesus !
Don't Suffer Longer Than Necessary
2 Kings 7:12 (NLT)
"The king got out of bed in the middle of the night and told
his officers, 'I know what has happened. The Arameans know we are starving, so they have left their camp and have hidden
in the fields, They are expecting us to leave the city, and then they will take us alive and capture the city.' "
In these verses, the Lord had caused the army of Aram to
hear the sounds of a great army coming toward them and had fled in terror. Some lepers, desperate for food had
came into the camp and found it abandoned and went back to share the good news that the enemy wasn't there and there were
much need supplies left behind. Let's just say the king wasn't convinced. Was it because the king just "knew"
things like that didn't happen? Was it because of who brought the good news? For whatever reason, the king kept
himself and his subjects in "prison" in their own camp ..... suffering a lot longer than they had to. So ok......how
long do we stay "confined" longer than we have to because we either don't know the Word of God or can't quite believe it's
really for us or just can't believe it is really that simple? Whatever you are facing now....look to Him.... proclaim
to yourself and the problem that "God is taking care of this situation! Praise God !" Step out of the "prison"
that has unlocked doors.........and claim the spoils of God's battle on your behalf !
Lord help us overcome doubt, lack of knowledge, and what
we see with our physical eyes. Open the Eyes of our heart Lord and proclaim "My enemies are defeated ! Lord You
are taking what the enemy means for destruction in my life and are bringing something good!" Help each person reading
this walk into the enemies camp and find out the battle has already been won!
Arise & Shine
Isaiah 60:1 (Amp)
"Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances
have kept you -- rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the
glory of the Lord has risen upon you!"
Whether it's from something totally beyond your control....
or whether it's the result of poor choices in your life.... the Lord doesn't want us to stay burdened down; feeling like we've
blown it and can never regain walk in what we could have had through Him; feeling like His Spirit has passed us by;
feeling like there is no way out and this is "...just the way it's going to be." He is the God Who Restores !
He is the God Who makes a way where there seems to be no way ! He is the God Who says "Receive my Holy Spirit and rise
up on wings as eagles !" We can't do it in our own strength... we can't do it in our own wisdom... we can't be in control...........we'll
fail. But because of Jesus we can stand before the Throne..... in that place we were always meant to be.... and let
His Glory and His Light shine in and through us ! Take hope...the Lord has seen your afflictions and will defeat them
as you draw closer to Him and allow His Spirit to do a good work in and for you !
Lord, here I am; take this weak vessel and pour Your strength
through it. Holy Spirit fill me daily and help me to exchange my wisdom for Your Wisdom; help me to exchange my inadequacy
for Your Ability; help me to exchange my failure for Your Victory; help me to exchange my limited ability to understand ....
for Your greater vision ! Lord wrap me in Your Presence...open the eyes of my heart so I can let go of everything
in my life that was never meant to be mine.....and be filled with all that You have for me....all You desire me to walk in
! Help each person reading this to hear Your voice say "ARISE !" ......... help each of us reach out in Trust...........knowing
You have something greater for us now than what we have been walking in ! Thank You Lord !! Thank You, thank You,
thank You !
Keep Going
Ps 37:34 (NLT)
"Don't be impatient for the LORD to act! Travel
steadily along His path. He will honor you, giving you the land. You will see the wicked destroyed."
Sometimes it seems like we have been in a "holding pattern"
... you want something to happen... you feel you NEED something to happen....but you just don't see it happening. Please
don't give up! Sometime or other....we come to that place where we just plain decide "I'm going with the Lord; no matter
what things look like or how I feel." Our feelings will lie to us; people will try to sidetrack us; even what we see
with our own eyes doesn't hold the whole Truth. But God said He would make a way when there seems to be no way.
His Word says He can not lie. So we make the choice to keep walking His path..........knowing He knows something about
all this that we don't. Don't miss your Blessing....don't miss your victory... don't miss the wonder....because you
chose to throw up your hands and say "What's the use!" Keep going....what is behind you...the side roads..........none
of it is worth loosing what is ahead with Him ! He's got good plans for you ! Keep going !!!!!
Lord, I want to be steady; I want to be steadfast;
help me to keep going ! Lord if there are things that appear to be delays...it's because You have a good reason and
You are doing something in all this ! Help me not to be impatient and miss a good thing ! I choose not to look
at my surroundings...not to look at my situation....but to look at You ....and I say "There is no turning back!" Thank
You Lord for continuing to prepare me for the Land You are moving me in to!
Confident That He Loves Us
I John 4:16,17 (NLT)
"We know how much God loves us, and we have put
our trust in Him. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. And as we live in
God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face Him with confidence
because we are like Christ here in this world."
I look back and I think I knew when I had finally started
coming to really believe that God loved me personally...not just people in general. It was the day someone did something
that normally would have made me feel like striking back ..... but instead, I found myself looking at them with a great
compassion ..... knowing that Christ had a great desire to see them free from what ever torment or blindness drove them
to act the way they did. I suddenly became aware that I had changed big time ! Some people come to Christ and
have such a miraculous personality change and deliverance. With me it took longer; the Lord had to almost lovingly hammer
it into my head that He loved me first. Then.... then..... I was free to start really loving. It's not just because
I had "finally matured !".... let's face it.... I know people in their 80's who still aren't mature and loving. No,
it was because I wanted Him to do a change in me.... even if I was half afraid to let that happen. Some days I sure
don't walk it perfectly.... but I am being perfected...and my love walk is being perfected and I "blow it" fewer and fewer
times. He is amazing !! Each step with Him proves He is worthy of being trusted. Be courageous...let Him
show you His Love for you !
Lord, thank You for loving me. Thank You for never
giving up on us. Thank You Lord for revealing Your good plans for us. Thank You Lord for healing old wounds that
caused us to put walls up. Thank You Lord for Loving us so much that when we give you even a little... Your Love starts
working a wonderful perfection in us ! Thank You Lord for helping us to receive Your Love so we can truly love.
The Path To
Prov 16:25 (NLT)
"There is a path before
each person that seems right, but it ends in death."
Webster's Dictionary
defines the word "seem" as 1) to give the impression of being: appear 2) to pretend to be:
feign 3) to appear to ones own mind or opinion. God gave us wonderful minds; but they were never intended
to operate alone. When we operate just in our 'reasoning' then we can find ourselves reasoned right into a big mess.
That doesn't mean you aren't supposed to use your mind......after all....why would God give us one if He didn't want us to
use it? But from the beginning we were designed to use that mind in conjunction with His Word (that same Word that formed
the worlds) and to be led by The Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit that led us to Christ in the first place and it
was Christ that gave the sacrifice that bought us back and makes us able to stand before the Holy Throne. It was also
Christ Who made a way for us to receive the Holy Spirit .... actually filling us rather than just being around us. Now,
doesn't it make sense (time to use that brilliant mind..haha) that if given the choice between listening just to our limited
knowledge..........and listening to the One Who knows absolutely everything.......that we shouldn't just trust in what things
appear to be....but should check it out with The Word of God and the Holy Spirit ? The Word says to be continually
filled with the Holy Spirit .... to me that means it's an on-going thing. Wisdom says "Be led by the Spirit of God."
He won't let you down.... He won't ... He won't... He won't ! Never leave Him out of the equation !
Lord, I want to be what
I was meant to be. I want to be led the way I was meant to be led. Holy Spirit fill me daily and teach me
how to hear Your Voice. Help me to trust that You know the very best way and will lead me in that way ! For all
those reading this that are afraid to give up control....Lord reveal Yourself and Your intent to them in an even greater way
! Help each of us to not be led into destruction....but help us be led into Your Glory !
Don't Be Afraid
Isaiah 41: 10,13
"Don't worry because I am with you. Don't be afraid because
I am your God. I will make you strong and will help you; I will support you with my right hand that saves you......I
am the Lord your God Who holds your right hand, and I tell you "Don't be afraid. I will help you."
It doesn't matter what the news reports say; it doesn't matter
what you look around and see; it doesn't matter what your friends and co-workers tell you; it doesn't matter what the enemy
whispers in your ear.........if............you Look to the LORD Who made the universe and has all power and loves you!
His plans for you are for good and not evil....He will work it all out.
Bottom line..........GOD WINS !
Lord, we choose to believe Your Word. LORD, You are
our Peace, our Joy, our Hope. The problems, the attacks.....they are all temporary...........You LORD are permanent
though ! Overwhelm us with Your Awesomeness !
Trouble Won't Last
2 Cor 4: 17,18 (NLT)
"For our present troubles are quite small and won't last
very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! So we don't look at the
troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon
be over, but the joys to come will last forever."
Look back 5 years ago and remember some trial you were going
through. It seemed so horrendous at the time (and it may very well have been), but you are looking back on it now.
You made it through .... and I pray that you more than just survived it. If somewhere during that period you pressed
in closer to the Lord, then you are saying now "I am stronger now because of going through that." Does that mean the
Lord did some terrible thing to you to strengthen you? No way ! Troubles come..... we live in a world where the
enemy is still active. But if we can remember two things: 1) This trouble isn't permanent & 2) If we press in close
to the Lord then we will not only come through this time.....but we will come through it with something of even greater value
than we started out with. Whether the trouble we are facing is from our own rebellion....or if it's from some outside
force.........the answer is still the same........look to the LORD; He is your Light in this darkness.... He is the One saying
"Come on, I won't leave you alone in this. Come close and we will travel THROUGH this together and you WILL see my goodness
in this land of the living !"
Lord, help me to take my focus off all attacks against me.
Help me to look into Your beautiful Eyes and see the reflection of my victory ! Wrap each person reading this in Your
Peace and reassurance ... knowing You can handle anything they are going through. May they feel Your Presence and yield
to Your guiding hand upon them !
Words Of Healing
Prov 12:18 (NLT)
"Some people make cutting
remarks, but the words of the
wise bring healing."
When people have
a sharp tongue or saying hurtful things, I always have a tendency to wonder what they are trying to compensate
for. My Pastor said a long time ago "Wounded people tend to wound people....... liberated people liberate
people!" Boy that is sooooooo true! I'm finally coming to learn that when I am getting irritated with
people and wanting to say some snippy little thing....I need to look at myself and ask "Marla, what is REALLY
bugging you?" I do a little survey. Am I feeling tired; left out; unappreciated; jealous?
Even if it's nothing lacking in you, there is something awesome that happens when you give up your right
to strike back....and say "Lord, show me how to bring something good to this situation!" Remember...
God is always wanting to work a good thing in you.............and in others. Maybe....just maybe.... if you seek the
Holy Spirit for healing words......a nasty situation will be turned into a "God moment" and Life will flow into all involved!
Lord, help me to not just
respond according to 'the flesh'; but Lord I want...and need Your help to see the bigger picture and to bring Life into every
situation I am facing. Lord, search me and cleanse me....heal wounds and help me to be an overcomer ! Lord,
heal My heart so I can let You flow through me to heal others hearts ! Help me to be Wise Lord.... and glorify You !
Let Him Subdue Your Enemies!
Ps 81: 13,14 (NLT)
"But oh, that my people would listen to Me! Oh, that
Israel would follow Me, walking in My paths! How quickly I would then subdue their enemies! How soon My hands
would be upon their foes!"
How many times have we wished "Oh if my kids would just listen
to me; it would be so much easier for them!"? If you've had children or close friends struggling because of unwise choices....
you can relate to The Father's heart in these verses. God never forces us to do anything.......especially love Him and
listen to Him..........but oh how His heart desires good things and victory for us! How He longs to step in on our behalf.
He's not setting up on some far away throne and hoping we fail so we "learn a good lesson!" He knows the perfect
path for us... He speaks to our hearts all the time... calling us to a better way. That little warning voice deep within
us........ oh if we would only cultivate that. We would see how wonderful He is and just what awesome things He has
for us.........if we would only say "Lord, I'm going to trust You enough to listen." He wants to help.... He wants
to... He wants to... He wants to!
Lord, help me to take time to listen for Your advice.
Reveal to each person reading this just how very much You love them and desire to show them a way that will benefit them greatly.
Help us Lord to come to trust You so we do follow.....so You CAN be released to overcome our enemies! Lord may we shout
"Your will ! Your way ! Your victory!"
Do What You Should
Gal 6: 4,5 (NLT)
"Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the
personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are
each responsible for our own conduct."
If you are employed and work with people; especially if they
have really negative outlooks; it is so easy to fall in with their complaining and even get discouraged and start thinking
"Why should I try; nobody else does?" If you're secluded in your home day after day, it's easy to fall into the style
of thinking "Nobody will see my house, no need to keep things up." (Boy am I glad nobody reading this can see my house right
now! ha). But God never called us to walk according to someone else's attitudes, achievements, or lack of them.
He's set before each of us a path of honor ...... and then He say's "Let Me encourage you....let Me give you the energy ....
let Me reward your efforts!" Do what you know to be right....it will never go unnoticed by The One Who Loves you so
much..........and it just might......just might...... help someone else walk their path of honor !
Lord, help me to do my best in all things, even when others
don't. Help me to walk a path of honor when others are watching....and when they aren't. Holy Spirit guide me
and give me all I need in this quest. Lord, I know You speak to my heart in all situations; help me to have a willing
spirit so I can walk in Your Victory and glorify You!
A Safe Place
Ps 31: 7,8 (NLT)
"I am overcome with joy because of Your unfailing love, for
You have seen my troubles, and You care about the anguish of my soul. You have not handed me over to my enemy but have
set me in a safe place."
I don't care how strong you have been; I don't care how wise
you have been; I don't care how wealthy you have been or how you were raised..... sometime or other.... you will come to the
point (or maybe you have been dwelling there a long time already) when you realize how totally vulnerable you are. Your
enemies (fear, doubt, hopelessness, loneliness, poverty, self-destruction, self-pity, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, infirmity,
...... the enemies of your soul) rise up in expectation of the feast they will make of you. And a great feast you will
be.... unless....... you remember the One Who loves you so much....and you turn to Him for help.... you turn to Him to make
a way where there seems to be no way! Press in close to Him....that's the "safe place". Nothing... nobody..can
tear you from His arms. Make your enemy tremble and go hungry; stay in that safe place....looking into the eyes of the
Receiving Discipline
Prov 3: 11,12
"My child, don't ignore it when the LORD disciplines you,
and don't be discouraged when He corrects you. For the LORD corrects those He loves, just as a father corrects a child
in whom he delights."
Ever hear those words "This hurts me worse than it does you."?
or "If I didn't love you, I'd let you get by with that."? If you did... you prob'ly knew what was coming and wished
you had a pillow to stuff in your britches! Well the LORD (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) are united in a goal to get
you not only into Their Kingdom...but to perfect you. And it's not that They think you're this horrible failure....it's
because they see the potential in you... They know the Joy you can have....They know know the Delight you will have walking
with Them! God isn't a child abuser; His plans for you are for good and not for evil. There is one
out there who wants to keep you in failure though..... he wants you to feel dejected, rejected and he loves punishing you................but
that isn't Jesus...or The Father or the Holy Spirit. The enemy of your soul will never correct you. The
Lover of your soul....loves you so much.....He won't allow you to stay the way you are comfortably...........He has better
plans for you!! Plans that you will come to rejoice in!!
Lord, help me to hear Your voice in Loving Correction.
Help me to know that when I see the need to change ... that it is because you have a better way for me and will bring me more
Life !! And help me to know LORD that when You correct me.... You will help me to change...because You're on my side!
Thank You for loving me so very much LORD !!!
Is Your Anger Gaining Control?
Ps 4: 4,5 (NLT)
"Don't sin by letting anger gain control over you. Think about it overnight
and remain silent. Offer proper sacrifices, and trust in the LORD."
Anger will at some time rise up within you, and you know what? You may very
well have good reason to be angry. Maybe someone has cheated you; or betrayed your trust; or hurt someone you love .....
there will be many things that can trigger anger. The Bible even talks about a righteous anger. Being angry in
itself is not a sin. But when anger controls you it will seldom if ever lead you into good things.... or into righteousness....or
into Peace. Even if you don't act upon it but just hang on to it within you.... look out ! The medical side-effects
of anger are very destructive. So what do we do when anger comes up? We give "proper sacrifices"; we present
our anger to God and ask Him what we are to do about it. Then we follow His instructions. We don't just strike
out blindly or react instinctively....and we don't demand "our rights". The Lord may say to give it to Him and let it
go... or He may say "Go do this in love and peace", or He may say "Go make a whip." When anger controls us...we sin.
When we let the Lord have the anger and turn our hearts to praise and thanksgiving because we know He will vindicate us...
He will take care of this situation.... then we trade that anger (sacrifice) for something better !
Lord, You know the things, people and situations in my life that cause anger.
But Lord, I don't want to sin...and I don't want anger to control me. Lord, show me how to give this all to You... show
me how to release it completely. Lord help me to Hear Your instructions in this..... guide me in Peace and assurance
that You will take what the enemy means for destruction and use it for my good and Your Glory! Thank You Lord for helping
me to be an overcomer...and to act in Your Wisdom!
Loaded Down?
Ps 145: 12b & 13
"The LORD is faithful in all He says; He is gracious in all
He does. The LORD helps the fallen and lifts up those bent beneath their loads."
Just a note; in these devotionals when you see the word LORD
(all capital letters), that isn't because I am emphasizing that word. When you see it written this way in the Bible
it is usually translated from the Hebrew word Elohim which is a name of God and is a plural form speaking of God The Father,
God The Son & God The Holy Spirit --- the Three in One. Hence the plural form but spoken of as one.
When I read that scripture I get excited and encouraged... because it means The Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit are all
pulling for me !!! They are not spending time trying to convince each other that I need help .... they are in full agreement
!!! They want my burdens lifted... They WANT me to succeed and have full Life in Them !! They WANT good things
for me !! They WANT this for YOU !!! And if we will turn to Them in all things... trust Them in all things...
look forward to Their answers and ability in all things ....... we will feel those loads lifted and that Hand upon us
to keep from failing ! The Father is for you... Jesus is for you... the Holy Spirit is for you !!! Let Joy
arise !!
Lord, for those who feel trampled and loaded down, help us
to put our eyes, our hearts, our hope and our actions on You and with You ! Thank You LORD for Your faithfulness; Your
kindness: Your mercy and Your Victory!
Sacrifice For Something Better
Hebrews 13:15
"With Jesus' help, let us continually offer our sacrifice
of praise to God by proclaiming the glory of His Name."
Sacrifice = the act of offering something precious for the
sake of something else. Ok, so I'm combining a couple of the Webster's Dictionary meanings here but it is still the
truth. We often get a perverted view of the word "sacrifice" and start thinking that we are only giving up something
.... and to make it worse, we are to only give up the very best "something"! But that misses the meaning so badly!
We give our very best .... in exchange for something that will be of even greater value to us ! God calls us to
give up our "flesh reactions" (anger, bitterness, resentment, selfishness, loneliness, mistrust, rejection, self-indulgence,
revenge ..... and whatever else the Holy Spirit is prob'ly bringing to your mind right now..ha) in exchange for something
better. We give him our sin... He gives us forgiveness; we give him our pain, He gives us healing and wholeness; we
give him our right to 'get even' and He gives us a glimpse into restoration and miracles. The list goes on and
on and on. If we praise Him in all situations ...... what marvelous things He will bring into our lives in return!
Lord, right now I offer up to you everything that I have
been holding on to. Lord Jesus, help me to give a beautiful sacrifice of praise.... my very best..........to the One
Who deserves the very best. Help me Holy Spirit to bring Glory to the LORD. And Lord, reassure all reading this....
that sacrifice will bring something even greater into their lives!
Called To
Ps 89:15 (NLT) "Happy are
those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of Your presence, LORD."
Webster's Dictionary defines worship as extravagant reverence
. Ever seen a sunset or sunrise that almost took your breath away and left you in awe? That's God calling
you to worship. Looked at the baby in your arms and knew you'd give your life to protect it? That's God calling
you to worship. Felt such an overwhelming gratitude when the answer to your prayers manifested? That's God calling
you to worship. Sometimes His Presence is so strong and so obvious .. and the call is loud. But as you walk with Him... turn
to Him in all things and at all times.... let the Holy Spirit whisper in an ear that is listening ...... then when fear comes,
you hear the call to worship; when loneliness comes; you hear the call to worship; when doubt comes, you hear the call to
worship; when sickness comes, you hear the call to worship ..................and Joy takes a foothold.....because in hearing
the call...... you KNOW that the LORD is taking care of things.... and your focus turns to the throneroom ....and in His eyes
you see all you need !
Lord, help me to hear Your call to worship in all things
and at all times. Help me to flow in extravagant love and praise for You. Help me to always remember that Your plans
for me are for good ! In worshipping You Lord.... I say "Yes Lord! I trust You !" Yahu
! (Hebrew for 'God is Able')
Making The Most Of Our Time
Ps 90:12
"Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow
in wisdom."
Oh great! With all that is going on in our lives, here's
another one telling me to get organized and do more ! Well maybe... maybe not. It's good to take an honest look
at all our activities (or lack of them) sometimes. To stop and think "Ok.... if I were to die tonight; what would be
remembered of my life?" Or maybe not even that deep... just a looking at your life and asking yourself if it is productive.
But sometimes... "making the most of our time" is saying "You know, this isn't important and this thing isn't important and
someone else could do this part as well or better than me (especially since somewhere deep down I know I'm not the one suppose
to be doing this)..... and taking some time to just set and think about His Love. Take some quiet time to "crawl up
on dad's lap" and tell Him we love Him.... and let the Holy Spirit lead us. Sometimes "making the most of time" is getting
off our duff and doing something..........sometimes.... it's just being quiet.
Lord, help me to know what is important. Help me to
see and hear Your guidance. Help me to have Peace when You say to set....and give me the energy to go when You say to
No Empty Stables
Prov 14:4
"An empty stable stays clean, but no income comes from an
empty stable."
Ever thought of yourself as a stable? ha ! We
come to the Lord...get all cleaned up from His Blood; get spit and polished by His Word and the encouragement of our Pastor's
and fellow believers...and there you are....a stable with fresh straw; Living water and a warm safe haven ! Such a pretty
place .... then the Lord opens the barn door....and in comes the world ! It's easy being a Christian on Sunday
morning when we're with fellow believers and especially if we are listening to a Pastor who has The Shepherd's heart.
But most of our time isn't spent in church... it's spent were we are challenged to compromise; where we aren't always encouraged....
and let's face it.... where people just aren't always the sweetest. But God never meant His "stables" to be empty.
He meant us to be a place where the weary could come and find rest... where the dirty could come and get brushed down
and restored.... where the hungry could get fed....where births could take place..... where others could get shelter from
the storms.
Lord... am I a "stable" that is clean and ready? If
not Lord, show me how to let you clean up my life and spirit so I can be that place that is ready for whatever You want to
put in it. Lord, help me to not resent what You bring into my life...but to see things and events and people as You
see them. Help me to prepare Lord ...... make my life a welcoming shelter........for Your Glory Lord! For
my good !
Still Waiting There For You
Romans 11:29
"For God's gifts and His call can never be withdrawn."
The verses before and after this one are talking about how
even though the Jew's rebelled and for a time are enemies of Christ..... they are still God's chosen people... and someday
will partake of His Mercy. How many of us though have felt God's call; His promise; His direction .. and through
our rebellion or our lack of confidence or our lack of understanding of how much we have to gain by being obedient to Him........failed?
And now with regret or sadness think "I'll never be given a chance to reclaim that." You know what? That is how
we of the flesh act... we offer something good to others and often if they refuse our guidance or kindness... we say "Well..
they had their chance and they blew it." and never again put ourselves in positions of being rejected by them again.
But God isn't like that ! He has put gifts in you.... He has put a call on your life ......... and it is
still there ! He doesn't hold grudges; He just opens His arms and says "I'm still here. I still Love you.
I still have a good plan for you ! Come... travel this path with Me."
Lord, for those times in our lives when we have decided we
aren't good enough; for those times in our lives when we've acted in rebellion; for those times in our lives when we haven't
trusted You enough just to follow You're lead..........forgive us.....restore us! Lord I thank You for the Resurrection
of dreams... of vision. Right now I choose to take Your hand and let You show me Your Mercy; Your Love and Your good
plans for my life! Thank You Jesus for helping us to soar like the eagle!
Resurrection Day
Ps 107:1,2 (NLT)
"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! His faithful
love endures forever. Has the LORD redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others He has saved you from your
It's done; it's finished; the cross is empty; the tomb is
empty; He has risen and now He sets on the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us. Now what? Wait
for heaven? Endure? Yep... and so very much more!! Hallelujah there are enemies He has saved
you from.... death is one of them. But His desire is to save you from ALL your enemies..... enemies that would steal,
kill and destroy not only your body, but your dreams, your vision, your joy! Enemies called despair; hopelessness; anger;
jealousy; bitterness; stubbornness; resentment; selfishness; old wounds; new wounds; poverty ..................
and the list goes on and on. Think of all the things that loving Him has overcome in your life.... and tell people about
them... tell yourself about them! And let the Holy Spirit reveal those things to you that are now your enemy... and
let Him help you to be FREE !! He'll DO it!! He will.... He will.... He will !!!!
Lord!!! Thank You for what You have done and endured for
us!!! Thank You for what You are doing in us!!! Thank You for what You are doing through us!! Thank You
for this Glorious journey! You have set us free!! Help us to walk in that freedom daily ... and give us the Love and
boldness to offer it to others as You lead! God Bless you all.... and HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY !!
Restored To Friendship
Prov 18:19 (NLT)
"It's harder to make amends with an offended friend than
to capture a fortified city. Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with iron bars."
There was a friend Who gave comfort, healing, direction and
was rewarded by being spit upon; mocked; terribly beaten; tortured. Yet He held no offense against us.
*sigh*.... sometimes it seems like we have such a long way to go to be like Him..... and you know what.... we do. Thank
God in His Resurrection He provided a way to be forgiven...and to forgive. He provided a way to be perfected; to grow;
to change; to let go and to receive.
Lord, thank You so much... for what You did for us.
Thank You Lord that we can have that Resurrection Power working effectively in our lives! Lord we know this isn't something
we can do....but it's something we can just let You do in us! Here we are Lord... Restored to You; now restore us in
every area of our life... and to each other. For Your Glory Lord!
Wonderful Expectation !
I Peter 1:3 (NLT)
"All honor to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
for it is by His boundless mercy that God has given us the privilege of being born again. Now we live with a wonderful
expectation because Jesus Christ rose again from the dead."
"Some day" when we get to heaven, things will be perfect
and it will be glorious ! But this scripture means more than just that "some day". Because He rose again; because
He was Who He said He was; because He could do what He said He could do ..... it means He can do what He says He can do in
us and for us and through us ! The Fruits of the Holy Spirit growing within us .... perfecting us; growing us; delivering
us; comforting us; changing us; revealing Him in us! We can let ourselves get excited not only about what is to come
for us.... but what is happening now! We can enjoy the journey!
Lord, help us to live in that "wonderful expectation".
Help us to think on the possibilities and the wonderful promises You put in our hearts. Help us Lord to contemplate
on You.. on Your goodness.. on Your ability and upon Your desires to see good things come about in our lives. Help us
Lord to speak in agreement with You and to let Your Joy bubble up in us ... expecting the Truth to happen in our lives and
through us! Yahu !!!!!!! (Hebrew for "God is Able")
Don't Be Overwhelmed
Ps 64:1(NLT)
"O God, listen to my complaint. Do not let my enemies'
threats overwhelm me."
There is one out there who whispers to your mind and brings
discouragement, loneliness, hopelessness, doubt, fear, bitterness, anger, jealousy, resentment, suspicion and all those other
enemies of our mind and victory.
But there is One Who is there all the time to help us walk
into the victory He has set before us. He's sent the Holy Spirit to encourage us in our battles ........... and
that battle is won by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony! Why agree with what the enemy whispers
in our ear when we can agree with what the Lover of our Soul says about us? If you've received Jesus...received the
Holy Spirit... there is One Who is telling you the Truth about the threats you hear in your head......... believe Him!
Lord, we chose to believe You ! You've proven Your
Love for us; wrap all who read this in Your Loving Arms of Encouragement. Help them to not be overwhelmed .... but Lord
let Your Living Water gush up in them.... refreshing! In The Name of Jesus! It's all You Lord!
Like The Eagle
Ps 103:5 (NLT)
"He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed
like the eagle's!"
I can't do it.... you can't do it..... our boss can't do
it for us.... our spouse can't... our Pastor can't.... our children can't...... not even Publishers Clearing House can do
it. We can try everything else... we can look to everyone else; but there is a place within us.........that only
the One Who made us can fill. And He does want to fill all the empty places in our lives, our hearts and in all
that we are. When the eagles get ill...they fly up to the very highest place... spread their wings and let the
sun bake it out of them. Getting close to Jesus (The Son) will change us...cleanse us... recharge us...fix us.
When an eagle gets old it's beak will start getting "welded" shut. It goes to a rocky place (Whose our Rock?) and beats
that beak off and lives on water (Who gives us Living Water?) until a new beak grows back.
Lord, help us to draw closer
and closer and closer to You and be changed and set free! Help us Holy Spirit to "grow new beaks"...new ways of talking...speaking
Your Word over our lives... so that we can be renewed and strengthened.................and go out to strengthen others and
to help them fly! For Your Glory Lord!
Rescue Me From My Rebellion
Ps 39:7 & 8 (NLT)
And so, Lord, where do I put my hope?
My only hope is in You.
Rescue me from my rebellion,
for even fools mock me when I rebel.
How many times have we looked back over our past (and wouldn't
we like to say it was only in our youth! ha) and with a more mature outlook .... see those times of rebellion in our
lives and maybe even blushing a bit think "Boy how stupid did I look??"
Isn't it good to know the Lord never gives up on us !!
He is always working in our lives to "grow us up". Not because He thinks we are pathetic and have so far to go.... but
because He knows the Joy and the Power He desires us to walk in. There are always 2 paths we can take... one brings
Glory to Him and Victory for us. The other always costs us something ..... something we look back upon and grieve over.
But when we fail ..... He is still there....calling...encouraging....
lifting us up... and giving us still a choice of paths to take.
Lord, today... help me to walk the Honorable path .........and
enjoy Your company!