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NowAlive Ministries
Devotionals 240 to 251

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Marla and Apple
Marla on Apple

Don't break the barrier, but don't go to sleep
2 Timothy 2:21 (Amp) So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.
Jeremiah 8:6 (Amp) I have listened and heard, but they have not spoken aright; no man repents of his wickedness, saying "What have I done?  Everyone turns to his [individual] course, as the horse rushes like a torrent into battle.
Heard in prayer "The Army of the LORD is marching forward and the enemy is falling."
Seen in the Spirit: a great army mounted on war-horses.  Rows and rows of war-horses chomping at the bits, quivering with anticipation but being held in check by their riders.  The enemy on foot; marching closer, laughing and taunting at what they perceive as fear ............... oblivious to what is about to happen to them.
Last week, the Lord told me to start going over to our church every weekday at noon and do a "prayer walk" for an hour.  I felt sort of silly and conspicuous going there since we live less than a block away and I could easily pray here at home.  But the Holy Spirit said "It's been too long since you've prayed at the church."  I've found myself praying what I call "Prophesy prayers" ---- speaking to the "dry bones" (see Ezekiel chapter 37).  Don't get me wrong here ....  I'm not referring to the congregation when I say "dry bones".......  so don't call the Pastor and tell him I'm saying nasty things about his sheep..ha.  Among other things though I'm revering to opportunities that seem to have dried up & second chances for people.
Two of the "pictures" I got during prayer was a rope horse and a war horse, and I suddenly recognized how I believe many in the Body of Christ have been feeling and misinterpreting (or maybe y'all are a lot more savvy than me :).  The feeling is of a restlessness and maybe even feeling like you've missed something.  You feel like everyone else is being used and are hearing God ..... but the telephone lines been cut to your house.  If you've go to a rodeo though and watching the calf roping or bull-dogging, you'll notice a rope barrier tied across the roping box in front of the horse and rider.  The rider can not allow the horse to "break" that barrier before the calf or steer is fully out of the chute.  At the proper time, the rope is released, but if the horse runs into it too early, time is added to the total run ............which is not a good thing.
The thing is ---- a rope horse, barrel racing horse, dogger horse or any "gaming" horse, knows why it is there and what it is suppose to do and wants to get into action.  You'll see a good rope horse standing in the box ---- tensed up or trembling or even rearing up  ...... ready to leap after that calf or steer when it comes out of the chute.  The rider wants the horse alert and ready but waiting for the proper signal to move.  If the horse isn't paying attention, precious seconds are wasted getting him started.  If the horse is acting up and not responsive to the "hold" signal of it's rider --- it leaps forward a bit too soon and hits the barrier rope before it's released.
I believe we are in a great time and about to see some amazing Works of the Lord flowing in and through His people.  I believe the Holy Spirit has been preparing you for years for such a time as this.  I believe things are about in place and the time for some great events is about to occur.  Like the rope horse or the war horse, we feel the intent and urgency ---- and want to "leap forth".  We need to stand against frustration though and our own desires to do things our own way.  If we wait for just the right cues from the Holy Spirit .... and if we stay ready and don't get discouraged and quit ..... the barrier is about ready to come down.  I believe God's people will have those Rivers of Life flowing through them to bring refreshing and cleansing to the land.  I believe The Body of Christ (those who believe and obey) will walk forth in Love and Power. 
I believe one of the greatest keys to "being ready" and focused is to speak "right".  What are we saying to our own minds?  What are we saying to others?  Are we letting the Holy Spirit fine tune us?  Are we taking our thoughts captive and refusing to accept lies the enemy would try to get us to speak over our selves?   Are we remembering the Promises God has spoken to our hearts and telling ourselves that those Promises are still good?  Are we looking at God's acceptance ..... or mans approval?  Are we listening for that still, small voice deep within us or are we distracted by the clanging shout of the enemy of our soul?  Are we focused on the "chute door" or are we gazing at the audience?  Are we trusting our "rider", the Holy Spirit to cue us right?  Are we ready to wait a little bit longer .... for God's PERFECT time?  Are we determined that when we do feel that "cue" .. that we will respond to it?
Several years a go I remember the Lord speaking to my heart "Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready....".   This last week I heard the same voice again...........only this time He is saying "Be ready, be ready, be ready, be ready, be ready..........."
Lord help us all to "Be ready" and to hear You clearly.  Amen

Vision Made Possible
John 1:1-4 (Amp) In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.  He was present originally with God.  All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being.  In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of man.
"... and the Life was the Light of man." 
Light (Webster's Dictionary) - 1a something that makes vision possible.
I was 13 yrs old, the night was dark and I had about 2 miles to go yet to get home.  Molly, the dappled palomino mare I rode didn't have a saddle on (I didn't own one yet) and instead of a bridle, I rode her with just a halter and rope made into reins.  I never liked the dark and not being able to see where badger holes(or the badgers that dug them), downed barbed-wire or rocks were didn't leave me relaxed and enjoying the ride.  I'd spent the daylight hours visiting the neighbor kids on the next farm and had lost track of time.  I kept a tight hold of Molly's thick silver mane in the event that she side-stepped an obstacle or spooked at something.  Riding home after dark (and no moon-light) was bad enough.... I sure didn't want to WALK home.
I held on to the fact though; that despite Molly's sometimes cantankerous nature, she was a "savvy" horse and I knew if I could just stay on her back, we'd get home safe.  I had no doubt at all that she knew the way home and would get me there if I just let her choose the route.  One thing mom had always drilled into me was that when I was riding, to trust my horse ... they could see and sense dangers that I couldn't.  So I just let her "have her head", didn't interfere and she took me right to the barn door. 
The One Who made me; provided Salvation for me and has good plans for me ..... knows the trails a whole lot better than I do.  He knows the traps that have been set for me; He knows the safe places; He knows the very best way to get me to where I need to go.  There are many times when I feel like I'm riding through a dark night again ........... but as long as I "take my thoughts captive" (2 Corinthians 10:5) I won't interfere with that journey that will take me to the very best destination.  When I don't know what is going on --- the LORD does.  When I can't see the path I should take --- can't tell what decision would be the best, the LORD does.  When I can't recognize the need to go a different way, the LORD does.  When I don't know what is coming tomorrow or the next day or the next day or the next day --- the LORD does.  That ol' mare may have been pretty savvy, but she could never have matched the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  I may not feel comfortable sometimes along the journey, but if I will keep reminding myself to hang on to the LORD, it'll be ok.  Actually ---- it will be BETTER than "ok", it will be LIFE.  So precious ones...........take a mane hold, loose the reins ..... and have confidence in the Wisdom, Love and Ability of the One Who says "Fear not, for I am with you."
Lord, for each person reading this who feels they are in a dark place or feels unsure of where they are headed, I ask in the Name of Jesus that You touch their hearts and minds with a great reassurance that all is well as long as we keep close to You.  Thank You Lord for Your Grace, Mercy and Assurance that You have good plans for us and You are working effectively in our lives.  Lord, right now we give You full control and trust.  We ask for Discernment in every situation we face; may Your Word and Your Spirit guide us and bring us safely into "the Answer" for every situation we face.  Lead on LORD --- fill us daily with Your Holy Spirit.  You are our Light and our Vision.  Thank You LORD for all You are doing in our lives.......may You be Glorified !  Amen.

Am I Making A Difference?
1 Corinthians 10:24 - Don't think only of your own good.  Think of other Christians and what is best for them.
This last week saw the funeral of a local lady here in Highmore.  She had volunteered for many years on the Civic League and other community orientated service clubs.  She had been an active part of her church and a great supporter of school events.  She was a key part of her children's and grand children's lives. 
I had only known her 10 years but one of the things that struck me about her was even after her body was in great pain with degenerative arthritis and she was in a wheelchair because of strokes and on Oxygen because of Emphysema; when she met you.... she always asked how you were.  It wasn't the way a lot of people asked either... you know.. that way they ask when they aren't particularly interested but are doing so just so they can get past that and start telling you about their own problems.  This lady took time with people.  When she was healthier, if there was a need in the community that she could help with... she did.  When she could no longer do that.... she listened; she encouraged.
Her funeral had to be held in the auditorium because not even the big Catholic church here in town could hold all the people who attended.
It's seeing things like that which make (or should) a person do a "heart check" and review of their lives and ask "If I died tonight..... would the world notice very much?  Am I making a difference in people's lives --- or am I so self centered that I'm a 'world of one'?"
When people see us coming toward them, are they glad?  Or do they have to brace themselves a bit?
When people see our Christian bumper stickers and jewelry do they think we're what a Christian should be...... or do they think "What a hypocrite"?
Do I know what is going on in my community?  Am I looking for a way to contribute?
Do I know what is going on in my church?  Do people associate my church with me?  If they do.... is my church proud that they do?
Do I know what is going on with my friends?  I'm not talking about details that are none of my business ..... but do I reach out and show an interest in what is going on in their lives?  Do I know the "big" things that are going on in their lives?  Have I shown love enough that they reach out and share with me?
If we are employed... are we a good employee?  Would we be missed very much because of our smile and good attitude and work ethics .... or would our co-workers be a bit relieved and hope the next person hired would be nicer and a better worker?  Do we work in a way that makes our co-workers look good and our boss prosper?  Or do we stock our home with work supplies and look for ways to make our co-workers look bad so we look better?
If I died tonight ... would I have made a difference?  If the answer is no, then don't just get depressed, self-pitying and despondent ------  start a change in your life.  Someone sent me a little pun that said "Two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrights make an airplane"...ha.  When I read it though, it really quickened to my heart that keeping making bad choices will lead to no good.  BUT -- if we keep (the key word there is 'keep') making the right choices...... something productive will come from our lives.  We all mess up sometimes.  We all become self-centered sometimes.  But will we let Christ and the Holy Spirit make a difference in our lives?  We will let the LORD pull us out of ourselves (in a balanced way) and make a difference?  Will we let the LORD shine through us?
Lord, help me to take an honest look at my life.  For those areas in my life where I've done well and made a difference in peoples lives, I thank You ... because I know it's only been through You.  For those areas in my life where I need to "get over myself".... help me Lord.  Help me to look beyond me in a balanced way; knowing that You will take care of me;  You will meet my needs.  Help me to be open to Your leading to see areas where I can help others and where You draw me to help others.  Help me to be the kind of person who will be missed ..... if I should die tonight.  Lord, thank You for revealing Your Love to me in such a way that the empty places in my life are filled to overflowing .... so that I can let Your River of Life flow to others.  For Your Glory Lord. 

Subjected and Empowered
James 4:7 (Amp) - So be subject to God.  Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you.
A good definition of "subject" in this sentence is: (Webster's Dictionary) adj. owing obedience or allegiance to the power or dominion of another. 
Captain was a good dog.  He was half German Shepherd and some other type of shepherd dog that we got as a pup from the Humane Society when we were first married.  He was very intelligent, athletic, protective, but he also had to occasionally be reminded who the boss was.  We put a LOT of hours of training in on that dog, but the results were worth it.
I was very pleased one summer to discover that Captain was a great asset when I was by myself and had to work cattle for any reason.  I could run the headgate to catch the cow I needed to handle.... or I could run the cow up the chute to the headgate .... but I couldn't do both by myself.  All I had to do though was tell Captain to "Bring 'er up" and he'd reach through the narrow alley fence and nip at the cow just enough to get her moving forward.   Then if a cow didn't want to leave the chute after I'd opened the gate, I'd tell him "Get 'er out" and Captain would reach through and nip just enough to convince the cow that it was better to leave.
It was a great working relationship until the day I told Captain to get a big bull to leave the chute.  As Captain reached through and nipped, the bull kicked and caught the dog in such a way that he was thrown back a good 3 feet.  Most dogs would have went away whimpering, but not Captain ..... Captain was M-A-D !!  He came up out of the dirt and with a deep throated growl he made his charge.  Before the bull got a lengths distance out of the chute, he had 3 gashes, each a good 2 feet in length in his side.  I had a terrible time calling that dog "off" the bull.  After that, while Captain was good for many other things, he wasn't much good for working cattle as he was just too rough with them.  We tried to work it out of him, but never did succeed; in that one area, he never would obey me so we had to stop using him.  It was really too bad, because before that he had been a real "Top Hand" as a cattle dog.
Now God doesn't treat us like dogs that need to be trained, but let's face it, we've all been in some kind of "training camp" at one time or another.  Becoming "subject" to God may be easy for some of you, but for the rest of us it can be a frustrating and often confusing journey.  We want to do what's right; we want to be useful to our King; we don't mean to make mistakes, but sometimes we're like Captain and need a lot of loving and patient training.  Ultimately though it's our "choice" of how subject we will be.
As a Christian Body, we've sometimes went from ditch to ditch  (but hey that means we were actually on the road at least "part" of the time :).  If you've been a Christian very long you prob'ly remember the trend where you were told to submit to authority even in such ways as the wife couldn't go up the stairs to the pulpit ahead of her husband or if you felt a strong urge to Prophecy you had to go tell an elder and get his permission before saying the Prophecy.  Then we went into the other ditch of "being led by the Spirit" (you had to say that in a slow, Holy sounding tone) and doing or saying whatever you "felt" no matter what others asked. 
God is so kind though and He knows our hearts.  He knows what wounds are being triggered in us or if we're just being spoilt brats or if we just haven't been taught and he'll meet us right where we are.  Some things in church are easy; I mean I wouldn't go to a Joyce Meyer meeting and give a Prophecy without permission or get up and join her Praise and Worship team without permission.  Now at the local church here I'll Prophecy or share a testimony pretty freely because our Pastor has encouraged people to do that.  There was a time though when I wouldn't because of fear and I'd learned I didn't always have the best timing..ha.  Even at our local church though I wouldn't get up now and tell the Pastor that I was going to preach the message instead of him (no brainer right?) or get up and sing with the Praise and Worship team without being invited.
The thing is .... when we receive and welcome Jesus and the Holy Spirit into our lives, there is still a growing time.  There may be a few people that are instantly "mature in the Lord"..... but I haven't met them yet.... and I'm surely not one of them.   There's times I'm insecure and uncertain and times when I do the right thing at the wrong time.  But it doesn't shake God up one bit.   Do you love Him?  He's not going to give up on you or beat the snot out of you if you mess up.  But He WILL pick you up..... dust you off .... help you get securely on your feet .... give you a hug...... and say "Come child, let Me show you how to do this."
Another great thing when that happens?  You become a "subject" (noun)  and according to Webster's you are "placed under authority and control" ---- of the Most High God .... Who has GOOD plans for you.. plans "to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11).
So.... keep growing .... and if you find yourself headed for the ditch, let Him get you back on track.  You can trust the One Who Loves you.
Lord, help me to be subject to You and to trust You to lead me and keep me on Your Path.  Help me to hear You more clearly and to respond to Your slightest whisper and to know that  when I fail .... You don't.... and You never will.  Thank You for loving me LORD.

What the world sees vs what God sees
Joshua 1:9 (Amp) - "Have not I commanded you?  Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous.  Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
The world saw a young girl who was pregnant and didn't have a husband yet. 
God saw a woman who was favored and He saw the Hope of the world preparing to be birthed. (Luke 1:28-33)
The world saw a baby in a smelly ol' stable and some smelly ol' sheepherders telling some wild story about angels.
God saw in that manger... all Power and Authority and the giver of Eternal Life. (check out John 17:1,2)
The world saw just another first born boy being taken to the temple to be dedicated... just as the law required.
God saw Salvation which was Ordained and Prepared; a Light for the revalation to the gentiles; and one who would bring praise and honor and glory to Israel.  (Luke 2:22-33)
The world saw just another boy getting taller and learning his dad's trade.
God saw a Child growing and becoming strong in spirit; filled with Wisdom and with the Grace of God upon him. (Luke 2:40)
The world saw a 12 yr. old boy who was a disciplinary problem and causing his folks unecessary worry.
God saw Truth being taught to those in authority and the religious leaders.  God saw a child who was willing to learn respect and consideration ..... a child who continued to grow in stature and Wisdom and in the favor of God and man. (Luke 2:42-52)
The world saw a young guy coming to be baptized by a wild, weird guy named John.
God saw His Beloved Son; the Lamb of God Who had come to take away the sins of the world.  (John 1:28-34)
The world saw a young man (who really should have been married himself quite some time ago) at a wedding party where there was a whole lot of drinking going on.
God saw a miracle about ready to be performed ..... because of compassion and not wanting to see others dishonored. (John 2:1-11)
The world saw a failure being humiliated on the cross.
God saw Righteousness and the only sacrifice that was absolutely perfect.  God saw death being defeated and His precious ones being offered freedom.
The world saw a body in the grave .... shut in and decaying.
God saw the King of Kings about to rise and set on the throne at the Right Hand of God The Father!
From conception to the grave, people looked at Jesus a lot of different ways.  He was called a teacher; a prophet, a trouble maker.  Some saw him as a threat to their position and others saw him as a way to promote their own politcal agenda.   But SOME got a glimpse of what God saw:
    the sick saw a Healer
    the tormented saw a Deliverer
    the poor saw Provision
    the hopeless saw Hope
    the rejected saw Acceptance
    the grieving saw Life renewed.
Don't go by how the world looks at you, see  yourself as God sees you.  Don't look at others as the world does. See them as God sees them, Loved and created by Him with great care and for a purpose.  Grow as Jesus did and help others to do so too.
    Be nurtured as a "baby"
    Grow as a "child"
    Learn obedience and gain Wisdom
    Be filled with the Holy Spirit
    Don't be swayed (good or bad) by who others think you are or by what they think you should or shouldn't do...... keep following as the Holy Spirit leads you.
    Always be prepared to "rise again".
When you feel like you're being beaten up and hung on a cross -- know it's not the end.  Look to Jesus and KNOW .... VICTORY IS HERE!
So who will you choose to believe?  The world?  Or God?  Go with God... He's a sure thing! :) 

Psalm 36:5,6
(Amplified Bible) Your Mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, extend to the skies, and Your faithfulness to the clouds.  Your righteousness is like the mountains of God.  Your judgments are like the great deep.  O Lord, You preserve man and beast.
(The Message Bible) God's love is meteoric, His loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic, His verdicts oceanic.  Yet in His largeness nothing gets lost; not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks.
Preserve: (Webster's Dictionary) 1) to keep safe from injury, harm, or destruction 2) to keep alive, intact or free from decay 3) to keep up and reserve for personal or special use.
Ever feel like you've gotten lost in the crowd?  Feel unseen?  Feel unneeded?  Feel unnoticed?    Have you ever suddenly realized you'd been taking someone you love or respect very much for granted?  Forgotten to mention to them how important they are to you?  Forgotten to include them in some function or just in your life?   Isn't it good that God isn't like us?  Oh Ya !!
If neither of these are you, then Yahu!!!  Keep up the Faith and good works!
If you're the one who realizes you haven't shown people the appreciation you know they deserve..........well......if possible... just do it.  God loves offering second chances ... and you'll be amazed how people respond.  If it's too late (say a parent who has died) ... then tell God.   He can heal those hurts and turn the rot of guilt into something sweet to pass on to someone else.
If you're the one who is feeling forgotten and "put on a shelf"....take heart ........  God says He hasn't overlooked you one bit. If you add Psalm 36:5 & 6 to Webster's Dictionary and personalize it ......... the TRUTH says: "I am keeping you safe from injury, harm and destruction.  I am keeping you not only alive --- but I've made you whole!  I'm not letting you rot ---- I've kept you and have reserved you for special use.  My love for you reaches all the universe; My loyalty to My Word over you is also that great.  My purpose is like the Titanium put in steel ---  I will build your life into something stronger than it could ever be without Me.  My decision about you can not be undercut ..........  you are mine ........  I created you with great Love ..........and I haven't forgotten you."
Ahhhhh You're Sweet Love LORD !!  Wrap each person reading this in that wonderful, wonderful Peace and Love.  May they feel their Father hugging them and encouraging them .......... and may we each pass that love on.  Thank You LORD for never, never forgetting us.  Thank You LORD for loving us and keeping us and training us for Your personal and special use.  For Your Glory Lord, Amen!

Love And Speak Up
Proverbs 31:8 (The Message Bible) - "Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of all the down-and outers.  Speak up for the poor and destitute!"
"Destitute" (Webster's Dictionary) - 1) lacking something needed or desirable. 2) lacking possessions and resources; esp." suffering extreme want; extreme poverty.
The elderly with confused minds who are being targeted by con men/women.
The child who is being beaten by their parent.
The teenager being molested by a close relative; friend, person in authority.
The child being lured by an internet predator.
The unborn child.
People living under dictatorships (political or religious).
The person who has been told over and over and over that they are worthless ------ and have become so insecure that they don't feel they have a voice.
The young woman (or young man) who has been sold as sex slaves.
The Schizophrenic living on the street.
The Veteran whose wounded mind is more tormented than his wounded body.
The invalid who can not speak up and tell they are being abused.
The child being bullied on the playground.
The child that cries himself/herself to sleep because they are hungry.
The baby that is born addicted to heroin (or other drugs).
Those who have been taught that there is no God.
For these cases and many more --- Lord we lift them up to You and ask that through You, we are given a voice to speak up for Righteousness ... and the courage to do so.  Lord You are listening .... and You will move in Your great Compassion .......and Hope will be there.  Give us hearts Lord that are filled with Compassion (that sympathetic consciousness of other's distress, together with a desire to alleviate it.).  And Lord, for any who are reading this and feel they have no voice, or feel destitute ---------- Lord give them a great revelation of Your Love.  May they feel Your Presence wrapping them in Your Arms ---- comforting them... protecting them..........encouraging them............and changing circumstances in their lives.  For Your Glory Lord.. Amen.

Go ahead and Take It
Hebrews 4:15,16 (The Message Bible)
Now that we know what we have -- Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God -- let's not let it slip through our fingers.  We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality.  He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all -- all but the sin.  So let's walk right up to Him and get what He is so ready to give. Take the Mercy, accept the help.
Jesus understands:
unclear thinking
drug use
sexual perversions
every temptation that any person has been faced with -----------------
He did NOT participate in their plans for him (note - I did not capitalize 'him' as Jesus faced each temptation not as God but as a man.)
Best yet, He's made a way for us to overcome them!  Yahu!
Lord, it's such a relief and comfort to know that You understand what I face every day, no matter what is thrown at me.  Through Your Blood Lord, I have the freedom not to participate in any temptation.  Through the daily filling of the Holy Spirit I have the Victory over each temptation.  Lord, You are my Savior; forgive my sins.  Come Holy Spirit and fill me!  Fill me with all I need for this day............. that the LORD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) may be glorified.  Lord, You've offered Freedom, Victory and all that goes with it.  I think I'll just walk right up to You today and take it and walk in it.   You offer and I accept.  Thank You LORD ... thank You LORD!  I walk with the ONE Who understands and who can help me stay on a stable, good path.  You are awesome Lord and I love You.  Amen (so be it).

Hidden In Plain Sight
Ephesians 6:11 (Amp) "Put on God's whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil."
Ephesians 6:11-18 (The Message) "Be prepared.  You're up against far more than you can handle on your own.  Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet.  Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words.  Learn how to apply them.  You'll need them throughout your life.  God's Word is an indispensable weapon.  In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare.  Pray hard and long.  Pray for your brothers and sisters.  keep your eyes open.  Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out."
When I got to the ER at the hospital in Aberdeen, SD, Rem was dressed in the usual hospital telemetry gown and had wires strapped to his chest, a blood pressure cuff on his arm and didn't look at all like his usual active self.  Even though whatever "attack" was upon him seemed to have passed, the Dr.'s decided to keep him overnight and run more tests to rule out any heart problems.  Long story short : his heart is fine; he needs to be more diligent about eating right and exercising but most likely the "attack" was an asthma type thing.  By late the next afternoon, he was chomping at the bit to get out of the hospital and go home.  While the RN went to get his final orders for release, I brought him his "street" clothes which of course included his Wrangle jeans, boots and cowboy hat. 
By the time the nurse came back in the room, Rem was fully dressed and setting in the chair "waiting for the gate to open".  I noticed when the nurse came in, he looked around a bit and had a quizzical look on his face (the same thing happened a little later when the nurses aide came in to take her "charge" downstairs).  It finally dawned on me that although Rem was setting there in plain sight, the nurse didn't recognize him.  The staff on that floor had never seen Rem dressed in his regular clothes, looking healthy and vital -- they had only seen him in his "sick" clothes and looking somewhat pale.
You know what?  When we aren't "dressed" in the full armor of God -- we sure do look sickly and vulnerable.  Thank GOD He gives us the covering and protection we need as we go through this journey!  We have to "put it on" though and not leave it setting in our closet somewhere.  Some of the Armor is just being aware of what The Blood of Jesus purchased for us; being aware that He made us Righteous and Accepted.  Being aware that He bore our sickness and sin ... they aren't ours any more.  The other part of the Armor is something that we practice and in doing so we become strong in those areas...we make that "Armor" a natural part of our soul...our emotions and thought life.  We practice bringing Peace to situations (and don't mistake "bringing Peace" with compromising or "looking away").  We practice being faithful by choosing to do the right things.   We practice looking for ways to shine Jesus.  We practice obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit.  We practice caring about others, thinking of others so we can encourage them and help protect them while they are putting on God's Armor
We practice these things and we believe what the Word says --- until God's Armor is such a part of us that when the enemy looks at us ---- he doesn't see a weak, vulnerable sick person.  He sees Jesus standing before him .... and he trembles.  Then once we get to that position?  We keep practicing ... we keep believing so that the Armor doesn't get rusty, dull and loosened upon us.
Lord, thank You for providing these indispensable weapons and helping us to be prepared.  Lord, help us to not just admire Your Armor...but to "put it on" and make it a part of us.  For Your Glory!  amen!

Act On The Warnings
1 Corinthians 4:14 (Amp)
"I do not write this to shame you, but to warn and counsel you as my beloved children."
Not long ago, Rem was hospitalized with what appeared to be a heart attack.  The emergency room Dr's and the specialist all did tests expecting to have that diagnosis confirmed.  All initial tests proved negative though and even the treadmill stress test showed only  "high end" mild problems.  We are pretty sure the "attack" was not really heart related at all; but rather a combination of allergies; sinus infection and reactive airway due to being out in the damp, cool weather.  We thank God that he is well now and has had no further problems.
We are also grateful for the "warning".  If this incident hadn't happened he may not have been determined to change some things in his life to stay healthy.  Am I saying God caused the attack?  Nope, not at all.  Rem has known for years that there is a history of heart problems in his family.  We've also talked about his need to watch the foods he eats and to get the right kind of exercise --- which being a trucker isn't easy to do.  He'd already made some healthy changes but he will admit he wasn't "totally" serious about it all.  If he had followed what he knew to be right, would he have been in the hospital anyway?  I don't know, but I am suspicious --- maybe not.  We are positive though that God didn't make him ill or allow it to teach him a lesson.  Rem will tell you the warnings were there and he ignored them.  He's taking those warnings very seriously now and besides trusting God to keep him healthy; he is using the Wisdom God has given him and Dr's to aid in that goal.
How many times though does God warn us about something in our life; either spiritual, mental or physical -- and we shrug it off or rationalize it away?  I think we all have things we can look back on and say "You know, I knew at the time this isn't the way I was suppose to do it.  I wish I had listened."  Don't let the enemy of your soul beat you over the head with it because God sure isn't going to.  But be encouraged that God Who created you has good plans for you and He's always trying to get us to take the "Good Path" because He wants the very best for you.  He doesn't warn you to shame you -- but because He doesn't want to see destruction or lack in your life. 
Lord,  help me to become sensitive to Your guidance and instruction.  Lord help me to be "tuned in" to Your warnings and Lord develop a willing heart within me.  Forgive me for ignoring those times when You have tried to head me the right way and I balked.  Lord thank You for Your Mercy and giving me another chance.  Help me to hear Your slightest whisper of warning as a loud alarm.  Thank You Lord that You have never given up on me --- and You never will.  I love You Lord; keep me as the apple of Your eye. 

Don't Lose Your Cow
1 Peter 4: 10,11 (NLT)
God has given gifts to each of you from His great variety of spiritual gifts.  Manage them well so that God's generosity can flow through you.  Are you called to be a speaker?  Then speak as though God Himself were speaking through you.  Are called to help others?  Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies.  Then god will be given glory in everything through Jesus Christ.  All glory and power belong to Him forever and ever.  Amen
In my eyes there just isn't much that is more fun than riding a good cowhorse.  Two of them that the Lord has been reminding me of lately are Relic and Apple.  Relic was the tall, athletic light palomino who loved keeping you on your toes.  One day when things were a bit slow and we only had a few cows to bring in, I offered to let a highschool girl who was working with us that summer switch horses with me and bring a cow in on Relic.  She'd ridden all her life and she and her family owned several horses they felt were good with cows.  Turning the reins over to her, I gave her final instructions to just pick out her cow, let Relic do the work --- and "enjoy the ride".  When she came out of the 600 head herd with her cow and got it lined up with the others, she rode back to us.  Her eyes were wide and sparkling and her face a bit flushed.  I asked how she liked riding Relic and her response was "I've thought I've ridden some good cowhorses; but after riding this guy --- I realize I've NEVER been on a REAL cowhorse before!!"  It was the best compliment she could have given.  She said that after picking out her cow, she even lost track of it but she said "Relic NEVER lost track of that cow!"  She tried to pull him off and give up, but he wasn't about to not bring that cow in.  When she checked the tag number of the cow he brought out of the herd --- it matched the number she had picked out at the beginning of the ride.
The other horse was Rem's good Leopard Appaloosa mare, Apple.  We were working on a ranch north of Aberdeen SD when our son Justin was about 6 yrs old.  Justin was out helping us one day and he was having trouble getting his little POA mare to cooperate with him.  So Rem said "Let's switch horses."  Rem got on little Skeeter to give her an attitude adjustment and Justin took Apple.  Rem told Justin the ear tag number of the cow he wanted brought in and they went off to look for her.  Now Justin swears to this day that Apple can read numbers and picked out the cow before he even saw it --- I can't prove that wrong...ha.  Apple was a great "babysitter"; when a little kid was on her, she didn't go quite as fast or turn quite as sharp and was very careful of the child in her care.  But this day ---- the cow they picked out turned out to be big, wily and fast --- and very uncooperative.  I guess Apple decided two things that day: 1) It was time this kid learned how to ride & 2) She was NOT going to let that cow get away.  When that cow and Apple came into the corral ---- the reins were flying loose and Justin had his face and hands buried in her thick mane and he was screaming at the top of his lungs (I'm sure Apple thought he was encouraging her on).  It wasn't a purdy ride --- but he stayed with her and they brought that cow in.
Every good cowhorse we owned had one thing in common;  they kept their focus on the cow they were to bring in.  Every once in awhile we'd take other peoples horses to use to "put some cow" on them.  Some were good and some got rejected.  The ones that got rejected also had one thing in common --- they were too interested in what the other horses were doing and they would lose their cow.  I have all kinds of people in my life who with good intentions and absolutely no malice --- tell me what I should be doing.  "You need to go get certified to be a full time Chaplin."; "You need to make a music CD."; "You need to get your RN degree.".  The list goes on, but you get the jest of it.  I listen to each one closely and ask God if He's trying to tell me something --- but usually I "know that I know that I know" what I've been called to do and my response is to thank them for their confidence in me but tell them....."That ain't my cow." 
God has given each of us gifts and instruction on how to use them.  He's put dreams and visions in our hearts and as we come to know Him more and get tuned into His Voice more --- we become aware of when, it's Him guiding us, --- or just our "flesh" wanting something.  It's our job to stay focused on our "cow". It is NOT our job to focus on someone else's cow or make judgment about how they are bringing their cow in.  We can help them bring their cow in if they ask for help.  We pray for each other --- we encourage each other --- we give affirmation to each other --- we give counsel (as we feel the doors are open to do so and as the Lord has instructed us to do so);  but ultimately it is between you and God (them and God) on what "cow" we are to bring in --- and how to do it.  So --- go and bring in that cow !
Lord, thank You for the gifts You have put in me and thank You for the calling and vision You have given me.  Lord, help me to hear you clearly and be submitted quickly to Your guidance.  Lord, help me not to be side-tracked or discouraged, but to stay Your course and accomplish that which You have called me to do.  May it be for Your glory Lord!  Amen!

Heart Revelation
1 Peter 1:13 (AMP)
So brace up your minds; be sober [circumspect, morally alert]; set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace [Devine favor] that is coming to you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed.
While on Chaplain duty at the hospital last evening, I got a call from the Ward Clerk to come to room 292.  When I got there, I was told a man was dying and they would like prayer for him.  Stepping into the room I saw several nursing staff standing around the bedside of a very frail gentleman.  It was hard to tell his age; he looked elderly although his hair had no noticeable gray in it.  He was very thin as if the battle with whatever disease or condition had been a long and hard one.  No family was present and I was told there were none living in the area and the one closest to him would be unable to get there in time.  It was easy to see the nurses were sad and knowing them as I do I'm pretty sure it bothered them that this man was alone in his final hours.
I didn't know why this man was dying and I didn't know what his beliefs were or if he was a part of any organized religion or even if he had any beliefs.  All I know was that his time left here on earth was very limited.  If he noticed as I took his hand, there was no way of knowing and his eyes never opened.  I stroked his hair, told him who I was and told him God loved him.  I prayed and asked Jesus to reveal Himself to this man.  I asked Jesus to reveal His Love and Acceptance to him and asked once more to "... just show Yourself to Him Lord."  I hardly finished the prayer --- and the man was gone.  Peace seemed to fill the room and a precious Joy hit my heart.  I have no doubt that the spirit within this man suddenly found himself looking into the most Loving Eyes he'd ever seen --- and ran into the arms of his Savior.
This last couple of weeks especially, I have found myself asking God to reveal Himself to me.  To give me a "heart revelation" of His Love for me and my True relationship with Him as a Believer.  I know that 1 Peter 1:13 is talking about when Jesus returns, but I also believe that He wants to reveal Himself to us in a very personal way right now.  You see --- I don't think we have a clue --- anyway, I don't.  We were meant to walk in the Garden with God just like Adam and Eve did before "the fall".  Most of us know we sinned and need the Salvation that only Christ can give.  We know to say "the sinners prayer" and do our best to not go on sinning.  But I don't think we really have the revelation that our relationship with God has been restored to the "walking in the Garden" with Him"  ----- and all that means.  And it isn't us trying to get the revelation and living up to some unobtainable goal --- it's HIM saying "Let Me reveal this to your heart.  Come --- let Me reveal to you what you really are in Me."
Lord, we do --- we ask in the Name of Jesus and because of the Blood of Jesus -- that You reveal to our hearts and minds this wonderful --- personal --- awesome relationship we have with You.  Lord, help us to put aside anything anyone else has said about us --- and receive the Revelation of how You see us.  Reveal to us just how personal this walk with You is.  Reveal Yourself to us Lord -- and reveal "us" to us.  For Your Glory Lord !  Amen.

Whiter than white
Psalm 51:7
Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
We've all seen some snow banks that didn't look very white.   But when it's new snow and the sun is shining .. there just isn't anything so clearly white; it will nearly blind you with it's brilliance!  It's awesome to think that THIS is how white our record has been cleansed!  No matter what dark thing we've done, spoken or thought, once we've 'put it under the Blood' --- it's absolutely been wiped away!  I'm clean! I'm clean!  I'm clean!  In Jesus I am clean!  God is GOOD !!!!
When I read that psalm though and came down to earth enough after just being swept away with gratitude for what He has done, I read it again and that word 'white' seemed to leap out at me.  So I got out good old Webster's dictionary and looked up to see what the color 'white' actually was.  The definition said:
The achromatic (refracting light without dispersing it into its constituent colors) object color of greatest lightness characteristically perceived to belong to objects that reflect diffusely nearly all incident energy throughout the visible spectrum.
After reading that definition I thought  "Huh?????"  I usually understand words pretty well..but that totally went over my head -- didn't even stop to say "hi".  So I went to my husband who has a degree in chemistry and asked "What meaneth this?"  He explained that most people think that white is the lack of color.  Actually black is the lack of color (just like evil is the lack of God), but white is the fullness of color.  When white light goes through a prism, it is broken down and displayed as the colors that are actually in it (the ones that we can see that is).  White light can go through and object (like a window or our eyeglasses) without being changed or "broken down".  It stays pure and intact.  He explained it better and in more detail than I am here, but after listening to him I shouted "YES!!!!  That's IT !!!!" 
God created us and He put (with planned intent) so much 'color' in us.  He put gifts, abilities, callings and Anointing in and upon our lives.  He had a GOOD plan for us.  But living in the world and it's influences has made so many of us blind to all these good things God has put in us.  Too many people feel like failures or inadequate.  Let's face it --- if we compared our lives to snow, we'd too often see a lot of "yellow spots" (and you KNOW what I'm talkin' about).  But when we turn our lives over to Christ and put our sins 'under the Blood' and allow the Blood and the Holy Spirit to do their thing ---- something wonderful happens!  We once again look like that fresh snowfall.  Only it's even Whiter than that because God is in us!!!!  We're cleaned up; we're polished up and all that 'color' is in us to be that light to the world.  All the gifts, talent, Anointings are there --- just as He designed them to be there, and it's His good pleasure to activate them and to flow through us. 
I don't care what has been going on in your lives, it's not too late.  God STILL has a GOOD plan for you.  He STILL has a call upon your life and he STILL loves you and will never, never, never fail you!
Lord, In the Name of Jesus I lift everyone reading this up to You.  Lord put a new awareness in their lives that even though THEY may not see all the 'color' You have put in their lives ---- YOU do and YOU will cause the world to see that light in them to reveal glorious things.  Lord we lay our lives -- our spirit, mind, emotions and body-- out before You.  Lord Jesus cleanse us; make us whiter than snow ---- and Lord shine Your Light through us.  For Your glory Lord, Amen!



Psalm 92:12 (Amp)
The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible].
Isn't this something we'd all like to be described as; healthy, stately, upright, useful, fruitful, majestic, stable, durable and incorruptible?  Seems almost unbelievable good news that THIS has been -- and always will be -- God's desire for us.  THIS is how He created us to live and thrive.  When I read that scripture, the phrase that seemed to leap out at me was "cedar in Lebanon".  The Word of God doesn't just pick descriptions (or any phrase) just randomly so I looked up some things about the Cedars of Lebanon.
1) They aren't like our little cedar trees here in South Dakota; these are tall, sometimes reaching heights of 100 ft.  We were never created to not be seen.  We take scriptures and pervert them or take them out of context.  Yes, we aren't to offend -- but that doesn't mean we are to have no say in our community and country.  If it's something that won't bring destruction to others, then we are to "let it go" --- we don't have to have our way.  But if it's things that will harm others (i.e.: allowing them to take "God" out of all decisions in our country) -- we need to speak up.  We pray for God to intervene and then we act on what He is leading us to do.  We seek always to glorify God.
2) They also grow higher up in the mountains.  We should always be living as close to God as we can; His Spirit calls us to "keep coming higher".
3). It's wood was used to build the King's Palace and even the Temple of Jerusalem.  II Corinthians 6:16 says we are the Temple of the Living God.  You know folks...it's not cathedrals or ornate stained windows or grand designs (those are all wonderful and we should always thank God for the gifts and talents He gave people to build such structures) --- it's Jesus!  It's God dwelling IN US !!  It's allowing Him to make us into that Grand Temple!
4) When the wood is set on fire, it burns fast and very hot due to the resins in the wood.  A resin is "a fusible, flammable organic substance" (Webster's Dictionary) that is used in paints, varnishes, printing inks, plastics and even in some medicines.  The word I want you to grab there is "fusible".   We are to become "blended" into this society.  I don't mean that we take on ungodly characteristics --- but wherever we are --- work, community functions, home, recreation --- WE should let God become part of that place in such a way that it will never be the same.  We need that Holy Fire of God burning within us.  We need to let Him use us to "paint & varnish"; give a lovely, protecting covering to others.  We need to let Him make us "printers ink" that informs and leaves a message of Hope.  We need to let Him make us "plastics" that have taken the elements around us and changed them to something new and useful.  We need to let Him make us into "medicines" to bring His healing to the world.  He IS the "fusible substance" in our lives.
5) These cedars used to be found in abundance, but now are extremely rare to find.  No comment needed.
and last (and in my opinion one of the most significant attributes)
6) Parasites can not live in Cedar.   The 'life' within it is so strong and robust that it kills parasites.   Now we're back to sheep (God's loving nickname for us).  Sheep are VERY susceptible to parasites.  You can put  sheep in the most lush green pastures with the purist water --- and if you don't worm them regularly.... you'll have dead sheep.  Parasite control in sheep has to be "active" too rather than "reactive"; if you wait for a sheep to look sick ---- well let's just say prevention is a lot easier than the "fix".  The scripture says though that we "will grow like a cedar of Lebanon".  It's a process and an ongoing one ..............but it's a promise.  Enjoy where you are --- and keep looking forward to that day when you are declared "a Cedar of Lebanon".
Lord, help us to fulfill this scripture.  May we become so "healthy and robust" in You that no spiritual parasites can live in us.  May we allow the Fruits of Your Spirit to mature and ripen in us so that Love destroys hatred, bitterness and resentment; Peace destroys anxiety and fear; Joy destroys anger and infirmity.  May the Fruit of Patience destroy the parasites of "flying off the handle" and inconsideration.  May the Fruit of kindness and goodness destroy meanness and self-importance; may faithfulness destroy fickleness and ingratitude.  May gentleness reconstruct the stony hearts and give new commands to hands and hearts that were cruel.  May temperance (self-control) destroy addictions and thoughtless speech.  Lord, help us to just see You --- to know You better each day --- and to love You a little more each day; and we will flourish and grow.  For Your Glory Lord, Amen.